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1、学习必备欢迎下载外研版(三起点)六年级下学期期末复习重点第一模块一、重点单词:hamburger 汉堡cola 可乐dollar 美元cent 美分enjoy 享用二、重点短语:a hot dog 一个热狗how much 多少(钱)here you are 给你enjoy your meal 用餐愉快2.00=two dollars 3.75=three dollars and seventy-five cents 三、重点句型 :1. A:What do you want?你想要什么?B: I want a hot dog,please.我想要一个热狗。情景连线2.A: How much

2、is it? 多少钱?B:It s thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents. 十三美元二十五美分。(情景连线)3. A:What do you want to eatdrink? 你想要 吃点 喝点 什么?(to 后面要加动词原形)B:I want a hamburger. 我想要一个汉堡。 (情景连线 ) 4. A: Is it really a dog?它真是一只狗吗?B:No, thats a hot dog.不,那是一个热狗。(情景连线 )5. A: Can I help me? 您想要点什么?B:I want a hot dog,please.请

3、给我一个热狗。(情景连线 )6. It look s good! 看起来不错。(第三人称单数)7. A hamburger for me. 请给我一个汉堡。(for 为,给 . )第二模块一、重点单词:duck 鸭子noisy 吵闹的二、重点短语:have a picnic 野餐in the park 在公园里walk around the lake 沿湖散步under the tree 在树下play football 踢足球 go to bed 睡觉 play chess 下棋三、天气符号 :(be)hot (be)sunny (be)windy (be)cold rain snow (b

4、e)warm 炎热的晴朗的有风的寒冷的下雨下雪温暖的三、重点句型 :1. We are going to have a picnic in the park. 我们打算去公园野餐。2.The duck s are very noisy. 鸭子们非常吵。3. Its going to rain soon. 天要下雨了。4. A: When are we going to eat?我们什么时候吃饭?B: At half past twelve .十二点半( 情景连线 )5. A: What are we going to do ?我们要干什么?B: We are going to walk aro

5、und the lake.我们打算沿湖散步。(情景连线)6. A:What time is it?几点了?(注意 when 是提问时间, what time 是提问点钟)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 5 页学习必备欢迎下载B: Its twelve. 十二点了。(情景连线 )7. When are we going to go to the park?我们什么时候去公园?8.Its going to snow in Harbin. 哈尔滨会下雪。9.Where I am? 我在哪里?Youre in Haebin. 你

6、在哈尔滨。(情景连线 )第三模块一、重点单词:shine 照耀everyone 每个人out of 往外.wrong 错误的二、重点短语及知识点:on Saturday 在周六 have a picnic 野餐in the park 在公园里in China 在中国in the trees 在树上(外来物)look at 看,看一看under the tree 在树下in the water 在水里look ou of 看向. 外面on the train 再回车上go up a hill 上山go down a hill 下山 come to the station到站 have(过去式 )

7、had send(现在分词 )sending (现在分词一般规律是指在动词的后面+ing) shine( 现在分词 )shining photo(复数) photos 三、重点句型 :1.The sun is shining .阳光明媚。现在进行时 amisare+doing (doing 是指在动词后面 +ing 形式 ) 2.I had a very funny day on Saturday. 我周六玩得很愉快。3.We had a picnic in the park.我们在公园里野餐。4. The bird s are singing in the trees. 鸟儿在树上歌唱。5.

8、 We are look ing at some ducks.我们正在看一些鸭子。6. The duck s are eating our picnic.鸭子正在吃我们的野餐。7.The ducks are swimming in the water. 鸭子正在水里游泳。8. I am look ing out of the window.我正看向窗外。第四模块一、重点单词:card 卡片,贺卡careful 小心的balloon 气球fly away 飘走stairs 楼梯(常复) mess 混乱,脏乱二、重点短语及知识点:fall down 跌落what a mess! 真脏! pick

9、up 捡起get on the bus上车 be careful小心 get off the bus 下车at the supermarket在超市fly away 飞走;飘走make( 现在分词 )making fly(现在分词 )flying fall(现在分词 )falling sit(现在分词 )sitting write( 现在分词 )writing 三、重点句型 :1. Im mak ing Damings birthday card.我正在给大明做生日贺卡。2. She s buying things for your birthday.她正在为你的生日买东西。3. A:Am I

10、 going to have a birthday party?我要举行生日派对吗?B:Yes,you are .是的。 (情景连线 )4. The balloons are flying away. 气球飞走了。5. The apples are falling down the stairs.苹果从楼梯上滚下去了。6. A:Where is your mum? 你妈妈去哪里了?B: She is at the supermarket. 她在超市。(情连)7. A:Who can help me? 谁能帮助我?B: Sorry,I cant.对不起,我不能 I can help you. 我

11、能帮你。 (情景连线 )精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 5 页学习必备欢迎下载第五模块一、重点单词:trumpet 小号ring 响doorbell 门铃loudly 大声的二、重点短语及知识点:a birthday party 一个生日聚会play the trumpet吹小号come in 进来eat dinner 吃晚餐talk to friend 和朋友聊天ride a bike 骑自行车watch TV 看电视 listen to music 听音乐wake up 醒来 read a book 读书go to

12、bed 上床睡觉fly a kite 放风筝play football 踢足球go swimming 去游泳play basketball打篮球have( 现在分词 )having ring(现在分词 )ringing say(第三人称单数 )says stop(第三人称单数) stops come(现在分词) coming ride(现在分词 )riding 三、重点句型 :1. Daming is having a birthday party.大明正在举行生日派对。2.Daming is playing the trumpet,but the phone is ringing. 大明正在

13、吹小号,但是电话响了。3.Hes riding his bike, but it s starting to rain. 他正在骑自行车,但是开始下雨了。4. P19 页第三题重点复习。第六模块一、重点单词:baseball 棒球team 队,组spaceship 宇宙飞船space 太空二、重点知识点:buy(过去式) bought look(第三人称单数 )looks give(过去式) gave ride(过去式 )rode eat(过去式 )ate is(过去式 )was drink(过去式 )drank see(过去式 )saw go(过去式) went win(过去式 )won w

14、atch( 过去式 )watched take(过去式) took send( 过去式 )sent 三、重点句型 :1. Daming is back in China with his family. 大明和他的家人回到了中国。2. I bought you this book about America. 我给你买了这本关于美国的书。3. A:Who gave it to you? 谁给你的?B:Simons family gave it to me.西蒙的家人给我的。(情景连线)4. This America spaceship took a man into space. 这艘美国宇宙

15、飞船把一个人带上了太空。5. Russia sent the first animal into space.俄罗斯第一次把动物送入太空。6.China sent a man into space in this spaceship. 中国在这艘飞船中把一个人送入了太空。7.A: What s this?这是什么?B:It s for playing baseball. 这是为棒球比赛用的。(情景连线 )8.A:Whats it about?它是关于什么的?B:It s about animal. 它是关于动物的。(情景连线 )第七模块一、重点单词:pilot 飞行员hour 小时son 儿子

16、proud 自豪的 ,骄傲的二、重点短语及知识点:fly into 飞进;飞入in space 在太空中make a video 制作视频lots of 许多be pround of 为感到自豪on TV 在电视上come back 回到 go home 回家精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 5 页学习必备欢迎下载in the restaurant 在饭店on Saturday 在周六in October 在十月 fly(过去式 )flew see( 过 去式 )sawbecome( 过 去 式 )became spend

17、( 过 去 式)spent make( 过 去式)made go (过去式)went come (过去式)came are(过去式 )were do(过去式)did 三、重点句型 :1.Shenzhou V flew into space with Yang Liwei. 神舟五号带着杨利伟飞进太空。2.Lang Liwei(He) spent about twenty-one hours in space. 杨利伟 (他)在太空中呆了 21 个小时。3. He made a video about his space travel.他做了一个他太空旅行的视频。4.He was Chinas

18、first man in space. 它是中国飞空第一人。5.Yang Liweis son was eight years old. 杨利伟的儿子九岁。6.A:Did you go to a zoo. 你去动物园了吗?B:Yes,No, I didnt.是的,我去了。不,我没有。(情景连线 )第八模块一、重点单词:born 生于child 孩子(单数) as 在. 的时候later 后来letter 字母drew(draw 的过去式 )画 herself 她自己all over 到处world 世界model 模范二、重点短语及知识点:in America 在美国in 1880 在 188

19、0 年all over the world全世界a model for . 的楷模talk about 谈论;讨论at school 在学校live to be活到.(年)have( 过去式 )had draw(过去式) drew write(过去式 )wrote go(过去式)went live(过去式 )lived 三、重点句型 :1.Helen Keller was born in America in 1880. 1880 年海伦凯勒生于美国。2. She couldnt see and she couldnt hear.她看不见也听不见。(couldn t后面用动词原形)3.She

20、wrote a book about herself. 她写了一本自传。4. Helen Keller became blind and deaf.海伦凯勒变得既盲又聋。5.A: Is it Yang Liwei? 是杨利伟吗?No,it isnt. 是的,是杨利伟。不,不是。(情连)6.特殊疑问词: what 提问“ 什么“ 东西;when 提问什么时候; where 提问地点;why 提问为什么 ;how 提问交通工具;how much提问多少钱和不可数名词“ 多少” ;how many提问可数名词 “ 多少” ;how old提问多少岁第九模块一、重点单词:laugh 笑cup 杯子un

21、derstand 理解,明白mistake 错误二、重点短语及知识点:play baseball 打棒球make mistakes 犯错误lots of 许多go swimming 去游泳bring(过去式 )brought say(过去式 )said did(否定形式 )didn trun(现在分词 )running want to be 想成为 .三、重点句型 :1.What the matter?怎么了?2. Why are you laughing ?你为什么笑啊?3.Were going to hav e a baseball team.我们打算组建一支棒球队。精选学习资料 - -

22、- - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 5 页学习必备欢迎下载4.Why have you got cups on your heads?你们为什么把杯子戴着头上呢?5. I wanted you to bring the baseball caps.我想让你把棒球帽带来。6.Its easy to make mistakes with English. 用英语容易犯错误。7. I make lots of mistakes with Chinese.我用汉语犯了许多错误。8.A:Why are you wearing a raincoat?你问什么

23、穿着雨衣啊?B: Because its going to rain. 因为天要下雨了。(情景连线)第十模块一、重点单词:middle school 中学study 学习practice 练习worry 担心二、重点短语及知识点:speak Chinese说汉语middle school中学in England 在英国 by bus乘公交车dont worry 不要担心lots of许多;大量go to school去上学walk to school 步行去上学ride a bike骑自行车be(am,is are ) going to do 打算干 事Physics 物理Chemistry化

24、学History 历史Geography 地理Science 科学French 法语Chinese 汉语(学科第一字母要大些)三、重点句型 :1.We are going to speak Chinese.我们将要说汉语。2.Are you going to go to middle school this September? 这个九月你要去中学了吗?3.A:What are you going to study ?你打算学什么?B:I m going to study Physics 我打算学习物理 (情景连线)4.Were also going to start a new school

25、 in England.我们也打算在英国去一所新学校上学。5. Lots of children are learning Chinese in England.在英国许多孩子学习汉语。6.How am I going to practise my English now?我现在怎么练习我的英语呢?7.We can write lots of emails.我们可以写许多邮件。8.A: Where are you going to go this summer?这个夏天你打算干什么?B: I m going to go Hainan .我打算去海南。(情景连线)9.A:What are you going to do?你打算干什么?B: I m going to play football .我打算踢足球。(情景连线)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 5 页



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