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1、学习必备欢迎下载Lesson61-62 知识点与习题词汇 1.nest 窝,巢 a birds nest 鸟窝 2.light a.点火,点燃 light a fire 点火 b.轻的 反义词: heavy C.灯光 3.ladder梯子 hold(握住,抓住) the ladder 扶梯子区分: stairs 4. dear 亲爱的 dear mom 亲爱的妈妈 5.well 叹词:哎呀,好啦;副词:身体好 6.chimney 烟囱 7.mement 瞬息,片刻 wait for a moment 等一会 In a mement 过一会儿 8. 数字( 889-904)句型 1.Come h

2、ere a moment 来一会儿,来一下 2.What s the matter =Whats wrong 怎么了3.show sth to sb = show sb sth (give,pass,bring用法一样 ) 祈使句语音 | s | |z | 61-62 试题一. 写出下列数字的正确读法。 889 _ 900_ 902_ 40_ 14 _ 二. 汉译英窝,巢 _ 点火,点燃 _ 火_ 梯子 _ 亲爱的 _ 烟囱_ 瞬息,片刻 _ 叉_ 盘子_ 三. 按要求写出正确的词形。 dress(复数)_ up( 反义词 )_knife( 复数)_ we( 宾格)_ plate(复数)_it

3、 (所有格 )_ blouse( 复数)_ clean( 反义词 )_ 四. 选择 ( ) 1.Look _this birds nest . A. on B.of C. at ( ) 2.Give _to Sandys and me . A. they B. he C. them ( ) 3.I cant _this fire . A. holds B. light C. on ( ) 4.Theres a birds nest in _chimney . 五. 补全对话。 1. -_the matter ? - I cant light this fire . 2.-What _you s

4、ee ? -Theres _bird . 3.-There _three pretty eggs in it .-Look out , Mr May ! 4.-Show it _Sandy and Sue. -O.k. Mum . 5.-Come here _moment .-Yes, Dad. Lesson63-64 课知识点及习题精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载词汇 1. paper 纸 ,不可数名词 a piece of paper 一张纸 2. boat 小船,尤指划桨的小船还可作动词 e

5、.g.: go boating 去划船 3.fillwith 用把注满 e.g. fill the cup with tea 4. wash-basin 洗脸盆 (合成词) 5.water 水 tap水龙头 6. make 做,制造 fold 折叠 7.turn 转动,旋转 e.g: Turn your face this way turn on打开 turn off关上8.radio 无线电 turn off the radio 数字: 983-1000 音标: |s| 重要句型 : 单句变复句,复句变单句1. Take a piece of paper and fold it like t

6、his . 2.Turn the tap off at once 3.Show me ,Sandy Lesson63-64 课习题一汉译英 . 旋转_ 脸盆_ 用. 把. 装满_ 打开 _关上 _ 做_ 一张纸 _ 水_ 船_ 龙头_ 二用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. Show me your _new socks .(反义词 ) 2.Pass _(I) that fork .(宾格) 3.Open the_(box) .(复数) 4.They are old _(man). (复数) 5.Whose _(boat) are those ? (复数) 三选择 ( ) 1.That _a nic

7、e boat . A.are B.is C.of ( ) 2.Lets fill the wash-basin _water . A.In B.to C.with ( )3.Turn _the tap . A.of B.in C.on ( )4.Can I make a boat _that ? A.off B.like C.and ( )5.Take a piece _paper . A.of B.for C.with 四阅读对话,判断正误。 Sandy : Look at this paper boat ,Sue. Sue : Thats a nice boat ,Sandy . Sand

8、y:Lets fill the wash-basin with water . Sue:Turn on the tap . 1.The boat is made of chocolate .( ) 2.That boat is Sues .( ) 3.There is a paper boat .( ) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载Lesson 65-66 知识点与习题词汇 1. upside “上边,上面” 反义词: downside Upside-down 颠倒的 (合成词) 2.easy

9、 容易的反义词: hard different 3. of course 当然同义词: certainly 4.watch 观察, 经常用于对运动着的东西的观看,或是仔细的观察如:watch TV 观察 watch a football match 看足球赛同义词: see look 5. ride 骑 ride a bicycle 骑自行车6.horse 马区分: house房子 ride a horse 骑马7. off 离开副词,常和动词连用,表示从某一位置离开。Jump off 跳下来 jump off the wall 从墙上跳下来8. basket-ball 篮球 play bas

10、ket-ball打篮球 play football踢足球9.can 能,能够短语 like this 就像这样 let me try 让我试试of course 当然 be full of 充满, 装满 stand on ones head 倒立that s easy 那很容易 I can do it 我会做 watch me =look at me 句子 1. 肯定句: Sandy can ride a horse 否定句: Sandy cant ride a horse 2. Can you stand on your head ?你会头着地倒立吗? 3. Billys pockets a

11、re full of sweets ! 比利的口袋里装满了糖果Lesson65-66 课习题一汉译英。在上面 _ 篮球 _ 能 _ 观察_ 当然 _ 容易的 _ 离开_ 袜子_ 灯_ 裤子_ 无线电 _ 二句型转换。1.There are two birds .(对划线部分提问 ) _ _birds are there ? 2.I can stand on my head .(变一般疑问句 ) _ stand on_head ? 3.Watch me ! (变否定句 ) _ _watch me ! 4.Sue can make a paper hat .(变否定句 ) Sue _ _a pap

12、er hat . 5 Sandy can ride a bicycle .(对划线部分提问 ) _ _ride a bicycle ? 三选择( )1.Can you stand _your head ? Aon . B.for C.to 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载( )2. Let _try . A.I B.our C.me ( )3. I can _it . A. do B.to C.easy ( )4. _course , I can ! A.Of B.On C.In ( )5.Bil

13、lys pockets_full of sweets . A.is B.are C.in 四情景对话 1. -_ you stand on your head ? -Thats easy. I can do it . 2. -_are my glasses ? -Theyre beside the box. 3. -_they over there ? -Yes, they are. 4 .-Are they_pencils on the table ? -No,there are some pens . 5. -How _chocolates are there ? -There are f

14、our . Lesson67-68 课知识点与习题生词puncture 刺孔,刺痕pump 用气筒打气; 打气筒tube 内胎,也可以指管子。 Tyre 轮胎,车胎flat 瘪的basin 盆 wash-basin 洗脸盆bubble 气泡mummy “妈妈” ,儿语。爸爸为“ daddy”短语: pump up 给(轮胎等)充气It s very flat=a flat tyre 轮胎没气了 Take off 脱下(衣服,鞋子,帽子等) put on 穿上 Take sth off sth 把某物从某处拿下 put .in.“把。 。 。放入。 。 。中重要句型解析 1.What are y

15、ou doing , Sandy ? Im pumping up this tyre . 这是现在进行时态,谓语的结构形式是:be+v.+ing , be随着主语人称的变动而变化。 2.Whew ! Im tired . 我累了 3.Its still flat . 轮胎还是瘪的。“Still”是“还”的意思,通常紧跟在 be 动词后。 4.look at those bubbles 看那些气泡 5. there be 句型: There is a puncture in this tube 内胎上有个刺孔。数字( 11 至 22 )Lesson67-68 课习题一汉译英 . 瘪的_脱下_ 气

16、泡_ 盆_ 穿上_ 把放入 _ 内胎_ 充气_ 二按要求写出正确词形。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载 1. give (现在分词 ) _ 5.put(现在分词 )_ 2. turn on(反义词组 )_ 6.Policeman(复数)_ 3.take off ( 反义词组 )_ 7.fat(反义词 )_ 4.listening(现在分词 )_ 8.young(反义词 )_ 三选择 ( )1.Pump _ this tyre ,Sandy, Its very flat . A.up B.at C.

17、under ( )2.-What are you _ ? -Im pumping up this tyre . A.do B.does C.doing ( )3.Lets take the tyre _the wheel . A.of B.off C.up ( )4.There is a picture _this tube . A.on B.at C.in 四补全对话。 1.-What _you doing ? Im pumping up this tyre. 2.-What _ Billy doing ? -He is giving daddy his newspaper . 3.-Put

18、 the tube _this basin . -O.K. 4.-What is she doing ? -She _washing _hands. 5._ your hands clean ? -Yes ,my hands _ clean Lesson69-70 课知识点及习题生词及短语 1.game 游戏,运动,玩耍 play a game 做游戏 2.hopscotch 跳房子游戏 play hopscotch 玩跳房子游戏A game of hopscotch 跳房子3.throw 投 ,掷,扔,抛 4.stone 石头 5.window 窗 open the window shut

19、the window 6.stand in a line 排队句子解析 1. Hellohullo , Liz . Hello 与 hello 意思相同,用来打招呼,也可用来引起注意,表示惊讶。 2.We are playing hopscotch . 本句是现在进行时。 3. All right “好的”在对别人的请求或建议表示同意时,可用此句来回答。 4.Its my turn .轮到我了。 Its your turn . 轮到你了 5.Throw your stone ,Billy . 扔石子,比利。此句是祈使句,用来表示要求别人做某事。 6.Hes playing hopscotch

20、with girls ! 他和女孩子们一起玩跳房子游戏 Do sth . with sb. 与某人一起做某事 e.g.: He is watching TV with his brother . 7.Hopscotch is a girls game . 跳房子是女孩子玩的游戏,girls :以 s 结尾的复数名词其所有格形式要在s 后加 ,表示的精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载 8. Come and play football with us. 球类词前不加 the , 乐器前加 the Le

21、sson69-70 课知识点与习题一翻译句子 . 1. 你们正在干什么?_ 2. 比利,扔石头 _ 3. 我们正在玩跳房子游戏_ 4. 来和我们一起踢足球吧_ 5. 轮到我了_ 二选择()1.Were _hopscotch. A. play B.plays C.playing ( )2.Can I _a hat ? A.make B.makes C.making ( )3. Throw _stone . A.you B.your C.I ( )4.Hes playing hopscotch _the girls . A and B to C with ( )5.Hopsecotch _ a g

22、irls game. A are B be C is 三 用所给词的正确形式填空。 1 What are you _(do)? 2 Im _ (ride) a horse. 3 We re _(play) hopseotch. 4 We re _(shut) the window. 5 He is _(eat) his breakfast. 四 根据情境补全对话,使语意完整。 1- What _ you doing? -Were _(stand) in a line. 2- _I play, too? -_right. 3-_is the lady? -_is under the tree.

23、4-_ nationality are they?-Paul and George_French. 5-_ are you doing?-_ are watching Billy. Lesson71-72 课知识点及习题词汇1.telescope 望远镜2.through 贯穿,通过。这是个介词,后面跟名词。Look through this telescope 通过望远镜看 3.lake 湖泊 river 小河精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载 4.pick “挖,凿,摘,采(花,果实等) 。如:

24、 摘花 pick flowers 摘水果 pick fruit 5.put up 拾起,捡起 put up a stone 捡起一块石头 stick 枝条,棍棒,手杖 pick up a stick 捡起一根树枝 6. happen 发生 What s happening now ? “现在发生了什么” 7.into 到里面 go into the room(进屋) 8.swim go swimming 去游泳 9.across“ 横过,渡过” 如:swim across the river 游过河 Walk across the street 走过街 10.teeth 牙齿单数:tooth

25、相关词: toothbrush 牙膏 toothpaste牙膏类似词: tooth 复数 teeth goose 复数 geese 11. out of “在。 。 。外,离开” come out of school 从学校里出来 Come out of the classroom 从班级里出来 12.run 跑,奔“现在分词 running ”如:Sue is running down the hill 苏正往山下跑 13. hill “小山” mountain大山 14. fight 打架 they are fighting 他们在打架 15. skip 跳,跳绳 skip-skippin

26、g 如:The children are skipping 16. read 阅读,朗读 read a book读一本书 e.g. :The children are reading . 17. write-writing e.g.: The children are writing . 短语:look through sth 通过某物看 beside 在。 。 。旁边 pick up 捡起 Throwinto 把扔入句子解析 1. What can you see ? 你看见了什么? 2. What are they doing ? They are standing beside a la

27、ke . 3. Whats the man doing now ? Hes picking a stick . 4. Now the dogs holding the stick between its teeth . 现在狗用牙齿咬住棍子 Hold 指用手拿着,握住 between 在。 。 。之间 5. Its swimming back to the man. 狗向那个人游去“ back” 是副词,修饰 swim , 表示 “游回” ; to 表示一种方向, “朝着”重点句型现在进行时态There+be 句型 以及一般疑问句,否定句的变换Lesson 71-72 一汉译英发生_ 跑_ 在

28、外,离开_ 望远镜 _ 牙齿 (复数) _ 打架_ 贯穿,通过 _ 捡起_ 二 用所给词的正确形式填空。 1 _(look) through this telescope,Sandy. 2 What can you _(see)? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载 3 What are they _(do)? 4 Theyre _(stand) beside a lake. 5 He _(be) picking up a stick. 三 根据语境选择最佳选项。( )1 What can you

29、_? A to see B see C sees ( )2 What are they _? A doing B do C does ( )3 Hes picking _ a stick. A up B down C on ( )4 _ through this telescope. Sandy. A See B Seeing C Look ( )5 Whats _? A happen B happened C happening 四 根据情境补全对话,使语意完整正确。 1-What can you see?-I can _ a man. 2-What are they_?-Theyre st

30、anding beside a lake. 3-_ the man doing?-Hes picking up a stick. 4-Look _ this telescope, Sandy. What can you see?-I can see a dog. 5-Whats happening now?-Now the mans_ the stick into the water. 五翻译句子 1. 你看见了什么? _ 2. 现在那个男人正在干什么呢?_ 3. 现在发生什么事了? _ 4. 现在狗在渡河_ 5. 狗向那个男人游去_ Lesson73-74 课知识点及习题词汇 1. birt

31、hday “生日” 这个单词由 birth 和 day 两部分组成, birth 是“出生”的意思, day 是“日子”的意思。 happy birthday 生日快乐 2. year 年类似词语有: month 月 week 星期 day 日,天 3. nine years old 九岁 How old are you ? 你多大了? 4.Happy 高兴的,愉快的 Happy new year 新年快乐Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐 5.present 礼物近义词: gift 6. for “给”同音词: four e.g.: Here is a present for you

32、. 这是给你的礼物 7. Its made of chocolate . 它是巧克力做的 8. fly 飞 fly a kite 放风筝 9. from 介词,表示“脱离,离开,从”精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载短 语happy birthday be made of thank you Jack-in-the-box in front of under the tree in the classroom 句子解析Sandy and Sue are going to Billys house.

33、此句是现在进行时Billys nine years old. Billys=Billy is 比利今年九岁了“Happy birthday , Billy,” Sandy says . 注:Sandy says 是一般现在时,(常用来表示经常反复的动作,及客观真理等)一般现在时的动词变化规则是: 当主语是第三人称单数的时候, 动词用单三形式。句型操练 : 1. Is there a duster on the shelf ? Yes,theres a duster on the shelf . 2. Are there any sweets in the jar ? Yes,there are

34、 . 3.Where s the aeroplane flying ? Over there . Lesson 73-74 习题一汉译英生日快乐 _ 九岁_ 礼物_ 由制成 _for( 同音词 )_ 二根据语境选择最佳选项。( ) 1 Sandy and Sue are _ to Billys house. A go B to goes C going ( ) 2 Its _ birthday. A Billys B Billy C Billys ( ) 3 Billys nine _old. A year B year C years ( ) 4 Here is a present _you

35、. A at B on C for ( ) 5 And its _ chocolate! A make B make of C made of 三 根据要求进行句型转换。 1 Billys nine years old. (对划线部分进行提问 ) is Billy? 2 Tom is running.(同上) _ _ Tom _? 3 Is it a Jack-in-the-box?(否定回答 ) _, _ _. 四 阅读短文,判断正( T)误( F) 。 Its Billys birthday. Billys nine years old today. Now he is opening h

36、is present. Its a car. And its made of chocolate. 1 Its Sandys biethday.( ) 2 Billys ten years old today.( ) 3 Now he is jumping into the water.( ) 4 The present is a car. ( ) 5 The present is made of water.( ) 五翻译句子 1.这是给你的礼物。 _ 2. 比利正打开他的礼物 _ 3.祝你生日快乐精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第

37、9 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载 _ Lesson75-76 课知识点及习题词汇cheer 作名词,是“欢呼,喝彩”的意思enjoy “享受,欣赏,喜爱”作及物动词,后面直接跟名词,enjoy sth或动名词, enjoy doing sth意为“享受某物”或享受做某事party 一般指那些轻松愉快的聚会 birthday party 生日聚会wear “穿,戴”指状态如:He wears a pair of glasses. 区分 put on 指“穿上”(以前没穿)cake 蛋糕 birthday cake 生日蛋糕drink 喝 drinks 饮料lemonade 柠檬水 lemon

38、 柠檬8.blow 吹 e.g. : The wind is blowing .(正在刮风 ) Blow out 吹灭Hip !Hip !Hurray ! 好哇 ,表示满意,赞同的欢呼声。句子解析1. They re wearing funny hats . “funny ” 译为 “有趣的,好笑的”做形容词 2.They re laughing and playing games. “laugh ” 是大笑。“smile ”是 微笑 Play games 做游戏3. blow out the candles = blow the candles out 吹灭蜡烛4.Three cheers

39、for Billy . 为比利欢呼三声Lesson75-76 习题一按要求写出正确词形。be(单数第三人称 )_ cake( 复数)_ play( 现在分词 )_ sandwich( 复数)_write( 现在分词 )_put( 现在分词 )_ 二选择( )1.Hes _a book . A.reading B.read C.reads ( )2.Can you blow_the candles ? A.on B.at C.out ( )3.Theyre looking _some pictures. A.at B.to C.off ( )4.Theyre playing _. A.the f

40、ootball B.a football C.football ( )5.Theyre _to the radio . A.listening B.listen C.listening 三翻译句子。 1.孩子们在高兴的参加比利的生日庆祝会。_ 2. 他们戴着有趣的帽子。 _ 3. 现在他们在吃三明治,蛋糕和饼干。 _ 4. 蛋糕上有九根蜡烛。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载_ 5. 我当然行_ 四情景对话1.-_you blow out the candles ? -Of course I ca

41、n . 2.-What_you doing ? -Im reading a book. 3.-What _he reading ? -A book. 4.-Here is a present for you . -_ _. 5.-_it a Jack-in-the-box ? -Yes , it is. Lesson77-78 课知识点与习题词汇 1. sh “嘘” , 感叹词 2.store-room 储藏室 ,这是合成词由 store(储藏) 和 room(房间)构成。 3.torch “手电筒”,还可以是“火炬”的意思。 4.only 是副词, “仅仅,只是”。短语let s=let u

42、s wheres =where is here it is 在这儿 all right 好吧 Youre right 你是对的 turn on turn off 句子1. Let s go into the store-room ,Sandy . 让我们进入储藏室吧2. I can see a man standing beside that box . See sb . doing sth. “看到某人正在做某事”e.g : I can see a bird flying in the sky . 3. Turn on your torch . 打开手电筒 4.There s a man s

43、tanding beside that box . 有个人站在箱子旁边。 5. Sh ! Be quiet ! 嘘,别出声。这是个祈使句 6 Come with me 跟我来“With” 和一起 . 跟着 7. Look! Its only an old hat and an old coat . 重点:带 can 的否定句和肯定句和there be 句型的否定句,疑问句。Lesson77-78 课习题一选择 ( )1. Lets _into the store-room . A.to go B.go C.going ( )2. Turn _your torch . A.on B.at C.w

44、ith ( )3.Its only _old hat . A.a B.an C.the ( )4.There _some children . A.is B.are C.am ( )5.Theyre fighting _the playground. A.in B. to C.off 二用所给词的正确形式填空。 1.There _(be)a policeman. 2.Its _(swim)across the lake. 3.There are some _(man). 4._(give) me that cup , please. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总

45、结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载 5.I can see a man _(stand) beside that box。三句型转换。 1. I can see a bird flying in the sky .(变成一般疑问句 ) _? 2.Is Sandy drinking tea ?(做否定回答)_ 3. Look! Its only an old hat and an old coat . (翻译) 四阅读 Sue:Let s go into the store-room , Sandy . Sandy: All right , Sue. Sue

46、:I can see a man standing beside that box ! Turn on your torch ,Sandy . Sandy: Youre right ,Sue ! Look ,Its only an old hat and an old coat . ( )1. Sue and Sandy go into the _. A.store-room B.classroom C.bedroom ( )2. Sue can see a _standing beside that _! A.women, box B.man,box C.man , room ( )3.It

47、s only an old _and an old _. A.hat, coat B.hat , ball C.hat, box Lesson79-80 课知识点及习题词汇1. ough “呸,啊 ” 表示厌恶,恐怖时发出的声音2. suger 食糖“sweets” “candy” 是糖果3. taste “放在嘴里尝,辨味” smell : 闻 sound : 听 look:看4. coffee 咖啡 tea茶5. milk 牛奶 lemonade 柠檬水6. pot 罐,锅,壶,常用于构成复合名词,如:teapot( 茶壶) coffeepot(咖啡壶 ) 7.bowl 碗 a bowl

48、of soup 一碗汤 8.kitchen 厨房 in the kitchen 9.jug 大壶,罐,指有嘴,盛液体用的大壶,大罐A milk jug 牛奶罐 a water jug 水罐 10.glass 玻璃杯 a beer glass 一只啤酒杯 a glass of water 一杯水短语a cup/glass of in the kitchen a bowl of 重要句子1. Is there any auger in my tea ? 2. This isnt tea, its coffee! 3. Sandy, what are you drinking ? 4. give m

49、e that cup,please . give sb. Sth . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载 5.Its not very nice. 6. There isnt any milk or suger in it. 7. Is it a hill ? No,it isnt . 8. Is it coffee ? Yes,it is . Lesson79-80 课习题一. 汉译英茶_ 咖啡_ 牛奶_ 食糖_ 碗_ 盘子_ 厨房_ 玻璃杯 _ 一杯咖啡 _ 二选择( )1. I s ther

50、e _suger in my tea ? A.some B.any C.it ( )2.Its not very _. A.nice B.nicely C.nicly ( )3.What are you _?. A.drinking B.drink C.drinks ( )4._me that cup, please . A.Giving B.Give C.Gives ( )5.There _any milk . A.is B.isnt C. are 三句型转换 1.There is some suger in my tea.(变成一般疑问句 ) _. 2. Im reading a book

51、 .(对划线部分提问 ) _are you _? 3.Give me that cup, please .(变否定句 ) _. 4.There isnt any milk or suger in it. (变成肯定句 ) _ 5.It s not very nice .(翻译)_ 6. I can fly .(变成一般疑问句 ) _ 四阅读,判断正误。 Sandy : What are you doing ? Sue: I m drinking dads coffee . Sandy: Is there any suger in your coffee? Sue: No,there isnt

52、. Sandy: Ugh! Its not very nice . This isnt coffee, its tea . 1.Sue is reading a book. ( ) 2. There is some suger in Sues coffee.( ) 3.Sandy is drinking dads coffee ( ) 4. This isnt coffee. ( ) 5.It isnt tea .( ) Lesson81-82 课知识点及习题精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载词汇

53、1. help 帮助 e.g : Let me help you . 让我帮助你把。 Can I help you ? 我能帮助你吗?2.cut 切割 e.g : Cut the bread into two .把面包一切二3.bread ea发音|e| break ea发音|ei| bread-knife切面包的刀4.slice 一片 a slice of bread 一片面包5.nearly 差不多,几乎。这是个副词 near 附近6.tea-pot 合成词“茶壶”7. coffe-pot咖啡壶 flowerpot 花盆句子解析1.现在进行时: What are you doing, Mu

54、m ? I m making some sandwiches for tea. Make some sandwiches 做三明治 make a cake做蛋糕2.Let me help you 我来帮助你吧 let sb do sth .让某人做某事3.All right 好吧 Thats all right 没关系4.thick 厚的反义词: thin 5.bring me some jam . 给我拿些果酱来6.The jars nearly empty . 罐子差不多已经空了语法:现在进行时的用法Lesson81-82 试题一汉译英茶 壶 _面 包 _一 片 _ 咖啡壶 _ 差不多 _

55、 切割 _ 厚的_ 好吧_ 二选择 ( ) 1. Let me help_! A. they B. their C. them ( ) 2.Those slices _very thick. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 3. Sandys_ the jam ! A. eats B. eating C. eat ( ) 4.Im making some bread _tea . A. for B. of C. at ( ) 5.Give_the bread-knife please . A.I B. my C. me ( ) 6.What_you doing ? A. am B

56、. are C. is ( ) 7.I can _the bread. A. cut B. cuts C. cutting ( ) 8. Bring me _ jam. A. a B. some C. an ( ) 9. There _some coffee. A. is B. are C. be ( ) 10. There_ a glass. A. is B. are C. am 三句型转换1. Sandy s eating the jam !(对划线部分提问 ) _is Sandy_?2.He can cut the cake .(变一般疑问句 ) _he cut the cake ? 精

57、选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载3. They are standing beside that box.(变否定句 ) They _ _standing beside that box. 4.There is some suger.(变一般疑问句 ) _ there_ sugar? 5.Let me help you .(同义句 ) Let me _you_ _. 四. 情景对话 Mother: What are you _, Sandy? Sandy: Im _to the radio. Mo

58、ther: Are you hungry ? Sandy: Yes, I am. Mother: Let me _some sandwiches for you. Sandy: I can _the bread. Mother: All right. Oh, those_ are very thick. Give me the bread-knife please. Sandy: Ok,mum. Lesson83-84 知识点及习题词汇1.draw 画,绘制 draw a picture 画一幅画2.chalk 粉笔 不可数名词 a piece of chalk 一只粉笔3.tin 听,罐头盒

59、 a tin of biscuits 一听饼干4. ink 墨水5. 数字 13-24 的序数词:thirteenth,fourteenth ,fifteenth ,sixteenth ,seventeenth,eighteenth,nineteenth,twentieth, twenty-first, twenty-second,twenty-third,twenty-fourth 句子1. Pass me some white chalk. “pass me是祈使句”。2. draw sb. 给某人画像3. pass me some blue chalk and some red chal

60、k. “some 修饰可数名词或不可数名词”4. Is that me? 那是我么? E.g: Is that Mr.Smith ?这是在问电话那头是不是史密斯先生。打电话自报姓名时用this. E.g.:This is Sandy. 5. It s all right 没关系6. But my nose isnt red .但我的鼻子不是红色的句型变换 1. 肯定句: There are some . 一般疑问句: Are there any.? 否定句: There aren t any 2. 肯定句: There is some 一般疑问句: Is there any .? 精选学习资料

61、 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载否定句: There isn t any Lesson83-84 课习题一. 英汉互译粉笔_ 眼睛 _ nose _ 画_ 听头,罐头 _ ink_ 鸡蛋(复数) _ jam_ 糖_water _咖啡_ 三明治(复数) _ 牛奶_ 盘子_ 二选择 ( ) 1. Pass me _white chalk. A .of B. some C. an ( ) 2. My eyes _ blue . A. are B. is C. am ( ) 3. Is that _, Billy

62、? A. I B. me C. my ( ) 4. Its _ right . A. all B. for C. of ( ) 5. There_ some candles . A. is B. are C. be ( ) 6. Pass me some blue chalk _some red chalk. A. to B. and C. for ( ) 7. My _isnt red . A. nose B. noses C. noses ( ) 8.There isnt _milk. A. some B. any C. a ( ) 9. Im _cakes. A. eat B .eats

63、 C. eating ( ) 10. Is there _eggs ? A. an B a C. some 三句型转换 1. There are some biscuits.(变为否定句 ) There _ _ biscuits. 2. Thats all right.(变为同义句 ) Thats _. 3.Is Sandy drinking lemonade ? (作肯定回答 ) Yes, he _. 4.Its nice picture.(变一般疑问句 ) _ _ a _picture ? 5.Pass me some blue chalk.(同义句 ) Pass _blue _ _me

64、. 四情景对话。 Billy : _ are you doing , Sue ? Sue : I m_ a picture. Pass me some blue _and some red chalk. Billy: Is that Mr Williams ? Sue : No, Thats you. Billy:Its all _. Its _ nice picture . Sue: Thank you . Lesson85-86 课知识点及习题词汇:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载1. ma

65、tch 比赛a football match 足球比赛 a basketball match 篮球比赛2.bar 条,棒 a bar of chocolate 一块条形巧克力 a bar of soap 一块肥皂3.left 左边的反:right left hand左手 right hand 右手4.pair 双,对 a pair of trousers a pair of shoes 短语: take out 拿出 a piece of paper 一张纸 a piece of cake 一块蛋糕 draw s.b 给某人画像 birthday party 生日聚会数字:2031 的序数词句

66、子1. What are you drawing ? 2. Whats father doing ? Hes writing a letter 3. Who s this ? 4. Hes holding a bar of chocolate in his right hand. 5. Look at the 14th picture . There is a piece of paper on the desk . 6. Please give me some paper. 7. Ther are . 8. There is Lesson85-86 课试题一. 汉译英比赛_ 左面的 _ 一条

67、巧克力 _ 一瓶墨水 _ 一张纸 _ 一双鞋 _ 一片面包 _ 一杯水 _ 二按要求写出正确词形 1. right(反义词 )_ 2. hold(动名词 )_ 3. a glass of water(用 two 变成复数 )_ 4. match( 复数)_ 5. can(否定) _ 6. a bar of chocolate _(翻译) 三选择 ( ) 1. Take out a piece _ paper. A. at B. of C. on ( ) 2. Theres a bottle of lemonade _his left hand . A. in B. on C. to ( )3.

68、 Theres a jug of water_ the desk . A. on B. for C. of ( )4. You can _ a picture . A. drawing B. draw C. draws ( )5. I have two_ of suger . A. bowl B. bowls C. bowls ( ) 6. A bar of chocolate _ on the table. A. is B. are C. be 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载 ( )7. -

69、_this ? -Its Billy. A. Who B. Whos C. Whats ( )8 .Pass me _ trousers. A. a jar of B. a slice of C. a pair of ( ) 9. Today is _ birthday . A. Billy B. Billys C. Billys ( ) 10. Take _a tin of biscuits . A. out B. for C. to 四阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F) Tom : What are you drawing , Liz ? Liz : I m drawing my room.

70、Look ! Theres a bottle of ink and a piece of paper on the desk. Theres a pair of trousers on the chair . Theres a box of chocolates and a jar of jams on the table . Tom: Its a nice picture . Liz: Thank you . ( )1. Liz is drawing her room. ( )2.Theres a pair of trousers on the bed. ( )3.Theres a box

71、of chocolates on the table . ( )4.Lizs picture is nice. ( )5.Tom is Lizs twin sister . Lesson87-88 课知识点及习题词汇1. shopping 买东西 go shopping 出去买东西2. list 表,一览表,目录,名单3.shopping-list 购物单4.to make a list 列表,造表 make a shopping-list 列购物单make sandwiches 做三明治 make coffee煮咖啡5.cupboard 碗碟橱,食橱6.honey 蜂蜜蜜蜂: bee 数字:

72、 12 31的序数词句子1. What are you doing , mum ? 2. I m making a shopping-list. 3. Let me help you. 4. All right 好吧5. Open that cupboard. 把那个碗柜打开6. Is there any jam or honey in the cup-board?7. There isn t much jam , but theres a lot of honey. “much精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 47 页

73、学习必备欢迎下载许多,后面只能跟不可数名词, 如:much water ,much paper , much milk 8. Are there any apples and oranges in that bowl ? any 用于否定句和疑问句中,肯定句用some 9. There aren t many oranges,but there are a lot of apples . Many 表示许多,后只能跟可数名词, a lot of 也是许多,既可以与可数名词连用,也可以与不可数名词连用。Lesson87-88 课试题一. 汉译英买东西 _ 蜂蜜,蜜_ 列表,造表_ 购物单 _ 碗

74、碟厨,食厨_ 许多_ 报纸 (复数) _ 柠檬汁 _ 自行车 (复数)_ 面包_ 蛋糕_ 鞋_ 二选择( )1. There_ much jam. A. arent B. isnt C. are ( ) 2. I have _apples. A. a lot B. lots of C. a lot of ( )3.Bananas_Sandy. A. for B. of C. at ( )4.Is there any jam_ honey in the cupboard ? A. to B. or C. with ( )5. I m making_ shopping list . A. a B.

75、an C. some ( ) 6. _ that cupboard. A. Open B. Open C. Opens ( ) 7. There are some oranges_ the bowl. A. in B. to C. for ( )8. Let me help _ . A. he B. his C. him ( )9. There _ an apple and two pears on the table . A. is B .are C. be ( )10. I want_make a shoppinglist . A. for B. to C.or 三句型转换 1. Open

76、 that cupboard.(变否定句 ) _ _ that cupboard. 2. Theres a lot of money .(变同义句 ) Theres _money . 3. Is there any honey in the cupboard ? (作肯定回答 ) Yes, there _. 4. There is some lemonade in the bottle.( 变一般疑问句 ) Is there _ lemonade in the bottle ? 四情景对话 Jane : What are you doing, Laura ? Laura: Im _ a sho

77、pping-list _my mother. Jane: Let me _ you . Laura: All right . Open that _. Is there any bread _ _ in it ? Jane: There isn t much jam. But there are three _ of bread 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载and some honey Laura: Are there _oranges and pears ? Jane: There_ ma

78、ny oranges, but there are a lot _pears. Lesson89-90 课知识点及习题词汇1. flour 面粉,不可数名词2. floor 地板;楼层注意与 flour的读音不同3. butter 黄油,不可数名词, much butter 许多黄油4. tomato 西红柿复数: tomatoes potato 复数: potatoes 5. mind 介意,反对常用于疑问句,否定条件句中6. Rice 米饭,不可数名词7. Lemon 柠檬 lemonade 柠檬汁8. Meat 肉 e.g: much meat little meat very litt

79、le meat 9. Fruit 水果10.Pear 梨 可数名词复数: pears , peach 复数: peaches 11.Cheese 不可数名词 a piece of cheese 一块奶酪12.Bean 豆,蚕豆“beancurd” 豆腐13.Tooth-paste 牙膏 a tube of tooth-paste 一管牙膏14.Soap 肥皂 a bar of soap 一块肥皂没关系的几种表达 : Never mind . It doesnt matter. Thats all right. 句型1. Is there any butter in the refrigerat

80、or ? 否定句2. There is very little, mum 非常少了,妈妈“little”表示“没有多少”,后面只能跟不可数名词,如: little milk, little butter. 3. There are very few, mum. 没几只了“few 表示没有多少,后跟可数名词,如: few boys ,few tomatoes”“very few ” 非常少4. Yes, there s a lot . 5. Be careful 小心,这是祈使句“careful ”是形容词,译为:仔细的,小心的重点: 1. few, a few, little ,a littl

81、e 区别与用法2. 可数名词与不可数名词3. 祈使句4.There be 句型的肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句的转换Lesson89-90 课习题一. 汉译英面粉_ 黄油_ 番茄_ 介意,反对_ 没关系 _ 地板_ 桃子_ 生梨_ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载米饭_ 马铃薯 _ 胡萝卜 _ 豆,蚕豆 _ 奶酪_ 水果_ 牙膏_ 二选择 ( ) 1. Mother is still_ her shopping-list. A. make B. makes C. making ( ) 2. Is t

82、here _butter in the refrigerator ? A. any B. some C. a ( ) 3.There_ much flour in the tin now. A. isnt B. are C. arent ( )4._ careful ! A. be B. Be C. Are ( ) 5. Theres very_, mum. A. little B. a little C. a lot of ( ) 6. Theres much flour_ the floor. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 7. Sues still helping _. A

83、. she B. shes C. her ( ) 8.Never _,Sue. A. mind B. think C.see ( ) 9. Theres a little _ in the tin . A. butters B. butter C. butters ( ) 10. There are some _. A. potato B. potatos C. potatoes 三句型转换 1. Mothers making her shopping-list. (对划线部分提问 ) _is mother _ ? 2. Is there much flour on the floor ? (

84、作否定回答 ) _, there _. 3. Be careful ! (变成否定句 ) _ be careful ! 4. Are there any lemons on the table ? (作肯定回答 ) _, there _. 5. There is much butter . (变为同义句 ) There is _ _ _ butter. 四补全对话。 M: What are you doing , mum ? W: Im making _ shopping-list . M: Let me help _. W: OK. Is there any butter_ the refr

85、igerator ? M: Yes, theres very _. W: Are there any apples ? M: Yes, there are a _. Lesson91-92 的知识点与习题词汇1. Like a. 喜欢 “喜欢某样东西”是like sth . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载 b. 像 e.g: Now put the egg in the egg-cup like this. 2. want 想要“want sth ”想要某种东西;“want to do sth

86、” 想要做某事 3. do not = dont 4.or 或者;否则,要不然 5. a lot of 许多 6.meat “肉” , 是不可数名词句子1. Do you like jam ? Yes, I do. No, I dont . 2. Do you like jam and honey ? I like jam , but I don t like honey. 3. I want some jam, but I dont want any honey . 4. Do you want an orange ? Yes, I want one , please . 5.I don t

87、 like beans. 否定句6.I want a lot of ice-cream ,too. “too ,表示也,注意前面要加上一个逗号。7.Hurry ,or you will be late. 8.Do you want any ? 9.Yes, please. 10.I like I want someLesson91-92 课试题一. 汉译英喜欢_ 要_ 冰激淋 _ 第十二 _ 第十三 _ 第十四 _ 第十五 _ 第二十五 _ 第三十 _ 第三十一 _ 第二十 _ 第二十八 _ 第二十九 _ 二. 选择 ( ) 1. I _ potatoes. A. like B. likes

88、C. liking ( ) 2. Theres _ ice-cream in the refrigerator. A. any B. some C. few ( ) 3. There are very few _. A. butter B. eggs C. milk ( ) 4. I _ some meat and beans . A. want B. wants C. wanting ( ) 5. _you want any beans now ? A. do B. few C. Do ( ) 6. He wants _ eggs. A .lot of B. much C. a lot of

89、 ( ) 7. Some biscuits , sweets and lemonade _ Ann. A. in B. for C. at ( ) 8. I _ tomatoes . A. like not B. not like C. dont like ( ) 9. I want some pears . And I want some oranges ,_ ! A. to B. too C. two ( )10. Come _ me ! A. with B. and C. in 三句型转换 1. I want some beans. (变为一般疑问句 ) _ _ want any bea

90、ns ? 2. I like ice-cream.( 变为否定句 ) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载 I _ _ice-cream. 3. Do you want any beans now ? (作否定回答 ) _ , I _. 4. I cant give you any ice-cream. (变为肯定句 ) I _ give you _ ice-cream. 5. Do you want any meat ? (作肯定回答 ) _, _ _ . 四阅读对话,判断对 (T) 错(F) F

91、ather : Some eggs, tomatoes and milk for you , Tom. Tom : I dont like tomatoes, dad . I dont want any. Father: Do you want any lemonade ? Tom: Yes, please. Father: Then eat some tomatoes or I cant give any lemonade . Tom: I want a lot of tomatoes. And I want a lot of lemonade , too . ( ) 1. Tom want

92、s some eggs and meat. ( )2.Tom likes tomatoes. ( )3. Tom doesnt like lemonade . He doesnt want any. ( )4. Tom wants a lot of lemonade. ( )5. Tom doesnt want a lot of lemonade. Lesson93-94 课知识点及习题词汇1. Foget 忘记,忘掉 e.g : Dont forget your umbrella . 2. Change 零钱“钱”是 money . 3. Buy 买反义词: sell 4. Large 大的

93、,巨大的(指体积 . 数量. 空间. 规模等)5. Lump 一小块 a lump of suger 一块糖短语go and buy 去买 a tube of tooth-paste 一管牙膏 a bar of soap 一块肥皂 much money 许多钱序数词: 10-100 句子1. I like ,but I dont like2. I want some But I dont want 3. A large tube or a small one , Sue ? 选择问句4. She wants a large one ,please . “one” 用来代替 tube 5. Ye

94、s, Mr Green ? 格林先生,什么事?6. Don t forget your change . 别忘了你的找头Lesson93-94 课试题一. 汉译英精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 23 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载找头,零钱 _ 买_ 大的_ 忘记_ 一管牙膏 _ 一片面包 _ 别忘了你的找头 _ 苏,去买一大管牙膏和一小块肥皂_ 二用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. Mother_(want) a tube of tooth-paste. 2.Don t _(forget) your change ! 3. Sand

95、y is _(buy) a jar of jam . 4.I _ (want) a small bar of soap. 5.The cake is _(make) of chocolates. 三选择 ( ) 1. Give me a _ of tooth-paste. A. bar B. tube C. piece ( ) 2. Here you _. A. is B. am C. are ( )3. She wants a bar_ chocolate. A. of B. in C. on ( ) 4. Dont _your change . A. forget B. forgets C

96、. forgetting ( ) 5. Go _buy a bottle of ink. A. or B. to C. with ( ) 7. My pockets are full _ sweets . A. of B. off C. on ( ) 8. There isnt _meat . Pass me a piece of meat. A. some B. few C. any ( ) 9. Sandy_ a bar of chocolate. A. want B. wants C.wanting ( ) 10. Lets fill the wash-basin _ water. A.

97、 in B. and C. with 四. 阅读,判断正 (T) 误(F). Mother: Go and buy a small bottle of ink please , Amy. Heres some money. Amy: Thanks, mum. Amy: Good morning , Miss White. Miss White: Good morning, Amy. Can I help you ? Amy : My mother wants a bottle of ink , please. Miss White: A large bottle or a small one

98、, Amy ? Amy : She wants a small one, please. Miss White: Here you are, Amy. Amy: Thank you , Miss White. Goodbye. Miss White: Amy ! Dont forget your change ! ( ) 1. Mother gives Amy a shopping-list . ( ) 2. Mother wants a bar of soap. ( ) 3. Amy gives Mr White some money. ( ) 4. Miss White is Amys m

99、other. ( ) 5. Amy forgets her change. Lesson95-96 课知识点与习题精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 24 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载词汇: 1. Snow a. 动词,下雪 b. 名词,雪,雪花2. Button 纽扣 a lot of buttons 许多纽扣3.pipe 烟斗4.soup 汤 a bowl of soup 一碗汤5.vegetable 蔬菜6. 序数词: 10th, 20 th, 30 th, 40 th,50 th, 60 th, 70 th,80 th ,9

100、0 th, 100th, 101st, 102 nd 重点句型:1. 用 dodoes 回答一般疑问句2. 以 who开头的特殊疑问句3. I don the doesn t want any tea. 4. I don the doesn twant muchmany 5. But I dont want much flour. 6. How much ? 7. How many ? Lesson95-96 课试题一. 汉译英下雪_烟斗_ 纽扣_ 汤_ 蔬菜_ 50( 序数词 )_60(序数词 )_ 70(序数词) _ 80( 序 数 词 )_ 90 ( 序 数 词 ) _100( 序 数词

101、)_ 二选择 ( ) 1. _ on my side ! A. Come B. Comes C. Comes ( ) 2. Come_ the window! A. on B. in C. to ( ) 3. Its _. A. snow B. snows C. snowing ( ) 4. His eyes _black buttons. A. is B. am C. are ( ) 5. Were making_ snowman. A. a B. an C. 不填 ( ) 6.What are you_ ? A. do B. does C. doing ( )7. _ old pipe.

102、A. A B. An C. the ( ) 8.We want_ old hat. A. dad is B. dad C. dads ( ) 9. It_ some water. A. want B. wanting C. wants ( ) 10. I want a _ of ink. A. bottle B. lump C. bar 三. 句型转换 1. Do you want a lot of buttons ?(否定回答 ) _, I _. 2. I want many buttons . (改为同义句 ) I want a _ _buttons. 精选学习资料 - - - - - -

103、 - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 25 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载 3. His nose is a carrot. (对划线部分提问 ) _ _ his nose ? 4. She wants some soup . (改为一般疑问句 ) _ she want _ soup ? 5. We re making a snowman . (改为否定句 ) We _ _making a snowman. 四. 补全对话。 Hill : _ to the window quickly, Liz ! Its _( 下雪). Hill:Dad, we want _butto

104、ns please . Liz: And _ carrot. Dad: Do you want a _ of buttons, Hill ? Hill: No, I dont want very_. Liz: We want your old hat, _. Hill: And _old pipe. Hill: Look ! A beautiful snowman. His eyes _black buttons. Liz: And his nose_ a carrot. 五翻译句子 . 1. 桑迪,快到窗边来 . _. 2. 妈妈,我们要一些纽扣 . _ 3. 苏,你要很多纽扣吗?_ 4.

105、我们还要爸爸的旧帽子 _ 5. 我们在堆一个雪人,妈妈Lesson97-98 课知识点及习题词汇: 1. Sleepy困倦的,想睡的 e.g: Im sleepy. Sleepy 是形容词,它的动词形式是sleep 2. All right then. 那么好吧,表示同意。3. fast asleep 熟睡,这里的 fast是个副词,意思是 “酣畅的,完全的” , asleep是睡着的,它只能作表语,即只能跟在连系动词后面。4. bone 骨头,肉骨头,这里指小狗爱吃的肉骨头。重要短语Hurry up 快点 its time for sth 该是的时候了 go to bed去睡觉watch t

106、elevision看电视 in bed在床上 look at看 fast asleep 熟睡重点句型精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 26 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载1. Hurry up, children. 2. it s time for bed. 3. want to do sth 想要做某事4. I want to watch television, too. 5.They are both fast asleep他们俩都熟睡了, both 是两者都,三人以上都用 all 6.You can watch televis

107、ion for ten minutes. 介词 for 表示持续一段时间7. What do you want to do? Lesson97-98 课测试题一 汉译英想睡的 _ 熟睡_ 看_ 骨头_ 去睡觉 _ 看电视 _ 堆雪人 _ 读书_ 放风筝_ 快点_ 该睡觉了 _ 二. 用所给词的正确形式填空。1.I _not want to go to bed.(do) 2._you want any beans ?(do) 3.What _they want to do ? (do) 4.She_not want a large one. 5.There_not much flour in t

108、he tin now !(be) 三. 根据要求进行句型转换。 1. I dont want to go to bed.(改为肯定句 ) I _ _go to bed. 2. He wants to fly his kite.(改为否定句 ) He_ _to fly his kite. 3. Look at me !(改为否定祈使句 ) _ _at them! 4. The children are in bed. (改为一般疑问句 ) _ _children in bed ? 5. Can we watch television ?(肯定回答 ) _, you_. 四. 阅读短文,判断正(

109、T)误(F). Today we have two new students in our class. They are Japanese. They are twins. One is in Row Two, the other is in Row Three. They can speak English, but they cant speak Chinese. What are their names ? I dont know . Our teachers ask us to look after them. ( ) 1. The new students are American

110、. ( ) 2. They are in the same row. ( ) 3. They can speak English and Chinese. ( )4. I dont know their names. ( )5. We look after the twins. Lesson99-100 课知识点及习题词汇:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 27 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载 1. Paul 男孩名 2. world “世界”远在他乡,如果遇到同乡,就可以说:Oh, it s a small world.( 世界真

111、小 ) 3. map of the world “世界地图” a map of China 一张中国地图 4.country 国家如:There are many countries in the world. 世界上有许多国家 5.France 法国 French 法语,法国人,法国的 6. capital 首都如: Beijing is the capital of China. 中国的首都是北京 7.city 城市复数: cities 8.Paris 巴黎 。法国的首都,首字母P要大写。 9. live “居住,生活”如:Where do you live ? 10. speak “说话

112、,讲话” e.g: I can speak Chinese. 我会说中文短语:a map of China come from capital city live in wake up pay attention look at重要句型:1. 一般疑问句,用“isarecandoes” 回答如:Is Paul an English boy ? Yes, he is.No, he isnt. 2. 以 who 开头的特殊疑问句,用“isarecandoes” 回答如:Who is French ? Paul is. 3. 一般选择疑问句A:Is Paul English or French ?

113、B: He isn t English. He is French. 4. 以 “what where ” 开头的特殊疑问句如:A: What nationality is Paul ? B: He s French. 5. 互相以 “what where ”提问Lesson99-100 课测试题一汉译英。地图_首都_城市_说话, 讲话_语言_ 法国_ 世界地图 _ 国家_ 巴黎_ 生活,住 _ 美国_ 英国(地名) _ 二. 选择 ( ) 1.What _you want to do ? A. do B. does C. are ( ) 2. He_ to draw a picture. A

114、. want B. wants C. wanting ( ) 3. Look _ this boy. A. on B. in C. at ( ) 4. Now look at this map _ the world. A. at B. of C. in ( ) 5. I live _ London. A. in B. on C. of ( ) 6. Wake_, Billy ! A. on B. of C. up ( )7. _language do you speak? A. When B. Where C. What ( ) 8. The capital city_ France is

115、Paris. A. of B. on C. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 28 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载in ( ) 9. Hes a French_. A.不填 B. boy C. girl ( ) 10. Paul comes _France. A. of B. from C. in 三. 句型转换 1. Paul comes from France.(同义句) Paul is _. 2. Paul speaks French. (否定句 ) Paul_ _ French. 3. Does Paul live in P

116、aris ?(否定回答 ) _ , _ _. 4. I come from England.(对划线部分提问 ) _ _ you come from ? 5. The capital city of France is Paris.(对划线部分提问 ) _ _the capital of France ? 四. 补全对话 . Tom: Hello! My name is Tom. Paul: Hello! My name is Paul. Im a French boy. Tom: Now look _this map _the world. Paul: This is France . Th

117、is is _country, I come _France. Tom: Where is the capital city _France ? Paul: Paris. Tom: Do you live _ Paris? Paul: Yes,_ _. Tom: _language do you speak ? Paul: I_ French. 五. 翻译句子。1. 他是法国人。_. 2. 保罗说什么语言?_ 3. 你没注意听讲! _ 4. 现在请看这张世界地图。 _ 5. 你来自哪里? _ Lesson101-102 课知识点及习题词汇:1. never “从不,决不”如:H e is ne

118、ver at home on Sundays. 他星期日从不家2. careless 粗心的反义词: careful 注意: -less经常附在名词之后,表示“无” . “缺” “没有”如:homeless 无家可归的 endless无止境的精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 29 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载3. often “常常,经常”注意它的读音,字母t 不发音。4.mistake “错误,过失” make a mistake 犯错误5. laugh at 嘲笑6.sometimes 有时,类似的副词还有 always, o

119、ften , never. 7. work 工作,是不可数名词,如:I have much work to do. “Homework ” 家庭作业8.tidy 整齐的,有条不絮的如:a tidy room 一间整洁的房间9.naughty 顽皮的,不听话的10.always 总是11. early 早的反义词: late 12. behave 举动,举止表现 Behave yourself 安分点,规矩点!13. well behaved 表现良好的 . 举止得当的短语:laugh at 嘲笑 be careful 小心 behave yourself 安分点,规矩点! Well behav

120、ed 表现好 exercise-book 练习本 look at 看句子解析:1. Heres your exercise-book, Billy 2. Youre often careless 你常常很粗心,注意: often(sometimes)用于be动词和表语之间3. Don t laugh at Billy, Sandy. 4. Whose is this exercise-book ? 5. It s Sandys . 6. Billy ! You naughty boy ! 比利,你真淘气!常用于口语中,表示一种责备7. 一般疑问句8. 以 Who开头的特殊疑问句Lesson10

121、1-102 课测试题一. 汉译英。嘲笑_ 犯错误_ careful(反义词)_ 常常,经常 _ 从不,决不 _工作_顽皮的 _ Late( 反 义 词 )_ 举 动 , 举 止 表 现 _总 是 _表 现 良 好 的_二. 选择 ( )1. Youre often_(粗心的 ) A. care B. careful C. careless ( )2. Dont laugh _Billy, Sandy. A. to B. at C. on ( )3. Look at these_! A. mistake B. mistakes C. mistaking ( )4. -Whose is this

122、exercise-book ? - Its _, Miss Williams. A. Sandys B. Sandy C. Sandys ( ) 5. Put your name _the cover. A. to B. for C. on ( ) 6. Youre _careless, too! 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 30 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载 A. sometimes B. some time C. sometime ( ) 7. Simons _ behaved. A. do B. give C. wel

123、l ( ) 8. His work is _neat_ tidy. A. always , with B. and, or C. always, and ( ) 9. Look _Simons exercise-book. A. on B. at C. out ( ) 10. They come _America. A. from B. in C. on 三根据要求进行句型转换。 1. Youre paying attention. (变为否定句 ) You _ _ paying attention. 2. They want to buy some fruit.(对划线部分提问 ) _do

124、they want to_? 3.Paul comes from France.(对划线部分提问 ) _ _Paul come from ? 4. They want to go to bed.(变为否定句 ) They _ want to go to bed. 5. Its time for bed.(变为同义句 ) It s time_ _ _bed. 四. 阅读,判断正 (T) 误(F) Sam and Billy are in Class Five. They live in the same room. Sams often careless. Billys never carele

125、ss. His work is always neat and tidy. Sam s naughty. Billys friend is sometimes careless. Billy often helps his friend. ( ) 1. Billy often careless. ( ) 2. Sam and Billy are in Class Five. ( ) 3.Billys friend is never careless. ( ) 4. Billy likes to do some homework. ( ) 5. Sam and Billy live in the

126、 some room. Lesson103-104 课知识点与习题词汇:1. season 季节,时节如:a. the rainy season 雨季 b. There are four seasons in a year. 2. best “最好的,最好地”。goodwell的最高级,此处是副词 well 的最高级“最好地”3. weather 天气,气象4. warm “温暖的,暖和的” warm water 温水 hot water 热水5. Summer “夏天” summer vacation 暑假6. Autumn 秋天,美国英语中用fall 表示 “秋天”7. cool 凉爽的,

127、凉快的。它与cold 不同, cold 是 “寒冷的”精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 31 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载8. winter 冬天, winter vacation 寒假9. sunny 阳光充足的,和煦的。这个单词是由sun 变化而来的 , 又 如 : rain-rainy snow-snowy wind-windy 10.wet 潮湿的11.dry 干燥的,反义词: wet 12.freezing 冷冻的,极冷的, freezing 表示非常寒冷的,结冰的句型: 1. Whats the weather lik

128、e in? 表示“的天气如何” 2. Its often warm, Miss Williams. 经常是暖和的,威廉姆斯小姐,在英语中说到天气或温度时主语常用it. 3. Which season do you like best ? 你最喜欢哪个季节? 4.Thats the football season 那是踢足球的季节 5.Which season is often warm ? 6.以 which 开头的特殊疑问句习题精炼一. 汉译英找头,零钱 _ 买_ 大的_ 忘记_ 一管牙膏 _ 一片面包 _ 别忘了你的找头 _ 苏,去买一大管牙膏和一小块肥皂_ 二用所给词的正确形式填空。 1

129、. Mother_(want) a tube of tooth-paste. 2.Don t _(forget) your change ! 3. Sandy is _(buy) a jar of jam . 4.I _ (want) a small bar of soap. 5.The cake is _(make) of chocolates. 三选择 ( ) 1. Give me a _ of tooth-paste. A. bar B. tube C. piece ( ) 2. Here you _. A. is B. am C. are ( )3. She wants a bar_

130、chocolate. A. of B. in C. on ( ) 4. Dont _your change . A. forget B. forgets C. forgetting ( ) 5. Go _buy a bottle of ink. A. or B. to C. with ( ) 7. My pockets are full _ sweets . A. of B. off C. on ( ) 8. There isnt _meat . Pass me a piece of meat. A. some B. few C. any ( ) 9. Sandy_ a bar of choc

131、olate. A. want B. wants C.wanting 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 32 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载( ) 10. Lets fill the wash-basin _ water. A. in B. and C. with 四. 阅读,判断正 (T) 误(F). Mother: Go and buy a small bottle of ink please , Amy. Heres some money. Amy: Thanks, mum. Amy: Good morning , Miss W

132、hite. Miss White: Good morning, Amy. Can I help you ? Amy : My mother wants a bottle of ink , please. Miss White: A large bottle or a small one , Amy ? Amy : She wants a small one, please. Miss White: Here you are, Amy. Amy: Thank you , Miss White. Goodbye. Miss White: Amy ! Dont forget your change

133、! ( ) 1. Mother gives Amy a shopping-list . ( ) 2. Mother wants a bar of soap. ( ) 3. Amy gives Mr White some money. ( ) 4. Miss White is Amys mother. ( ) 5. Amy forgets her change. Lesson105-106课知识点与习题词汇:1. 月份词: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November,

134、 December 2. 序数词:first,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,nineth,tenth 短语:school year 学年 on holiday 在度假 go to the seaside去海边难句解析: 1. There be 句型e.g: There are four terms in the school year . 2.The first term is the Autumn Term. First是序数词。3. “在月”用介词 in e.g: The Autumn Term begins in Septe

135、mber and ends in December. 4. “ Like best ” 表示 “最喜欢”5. 一般疑问句6. 一般选择疑句问3L 105-106 课测试题一. 我是一个翻译家一月_ 二月_ 三月_ 四月_ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 33 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载五月_ 六月_ 七月_ 八月_ 九月_ 十月_ 十一月 _ 十二月 _ 学年_one(序数词 )_begin( 反义 词 )_two( 序 数 词 )_ 学 期 _ 在休假中 _ 月份_ 二. 选择 ( ) 1. There_ four term

136、s in the school year. A. is B. are C. ( ) 2. The Summer Term begins _July. A. on B. in C. at ( ) 3. The first term _the Autumn Term. A. of B. is C. are ( ) 4 .They always go_ the seaside. A. for B. of C. to ( ) 5.What s it like _March ? A. to B. at C. in ( ) 6. Its often _in June. A. sun B. sunny C.

137、 suns ( ) 7. The Winter Term _ in January. A. begin B. beginning C. begins ( ) 8. They are always_ holiday then . A. on B. of C. or ( ) 9. Its_ windy in October . A. some time B. sometime C. sometimes ( )10. Where do you come _? A. to B. for C. from 三. 用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. There are four_(term) in the sc

138、hool year. 2. The Summer Term_(begin) in July . 3. Its always _(cold的反义词 )in June. 4. Its always_(dry的反义词 )in July. 5. My hands_(be) clean. 四. 阅读短文,判断正 (T) 误(F) . There are four terms in the school year. The first term is the Autumn Term. The Autumn Term begins in September and ends in December. The

139、 second term is the Winter Term . The Winter Term begins in January. The third term is the Spring Term. The Spring Term begins in May and ends in July. The fourth term is the Summer Term. The Summer Term begins in July and ends in September. 1. There are four weeks in the school year. ( ) 2. The Aut

140、umn Term begins in December. ( ) 3. The Summer Term ends in September. ( ) 4. The Spring Term begins in May and ends in July. ( ) 5. The Winter Term begins in April and ends in January. ( ) 3L 107-108 课知识点及习题词汇:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 34 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载1. East 东方,东部 west 西方,西

141、部 south 南方,南部 north 北方,北部2. sun 太阳 ,由于太阳是唯一的,所以前面加“the ” 即 the sun ,地球“the earth”, 月球 “the moon” 3. rain a. 作动词“下雨 ” b. 作名词“雨,雨点”是不可数名词4. rise (太阳,月亮等)升起,是不及物动词,不跟宾语,还有“起床”的意思,如: I rise at six every day. 5.set (太阳, 月亮等) 落下, 是个不及物动词,不跟宾语, “日落” 是”sunset ” 6. day 白天,白昼反义词: night 夜晚,夜间 7. rarely: 很少,难得是

142、个频率副词短语: in the east westsouthnorth the west of China 中国西部This map of Britain 这幅英国地图 blow out 吹灭句型:1. This is the North east. 注意用定冠词 the 2. Is this a map of China? No, it isnt. Yes, it is. 3. Is this map of Britain or of France、4. When does it often snow in the North ? 5. -Whats the first month of t

143、he year ? - The first month of the year is January. 6. What s it like in ? 3L1 Lesson107-108 课测试题一英汉互译 . 很 少 , 难 得 _ south_( 反 义 词 )east_( 反 义 词 ) sun_(形容词) day_( 反义词 ) set_(反义词)下雨 _ 照耀,发光_long_(反义词)early_ 二. 选择题 ( ) 1. Look_ this map _Britain . A. at , at B. at, of C. on,of ( ) 2. It often _in the

144、North . A. snow B. snowy C. snows ( ) 3. The days _ long and the nights _ short. A. is , are B. are, is C. are, are ( ) 4. The wind often blows_ the East . A. on B. at C. in ( ) 5. Whats it like _ February? A. in B. on C. of ( ) 6. The sun always _early in August. A. rise B. rises C. rising ( ) 7. I

145、ts time _ bed. A. to B. for C. on ( ) 8. I dont want _ to bed . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 35 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载 A. go B. to go C. going ( ) 9. You can watch television for ten _. A. year B. day C. minutes ( ) 10. - Are the children_ bed ? -No, they are playing. A. in B. at C. of 三

146、. 根据要求进行句型转换。 1. This is the North. (变一般疑问句 ) _ _ the North ? 2. Look at the map of Britain. (变否定句 ) _ _look at the map of Britain . 3. The wind sometimes blows in May. (对划线部分提问 ) _ _ it like in May? 4. The sun always shines in July. (对划线部分提问 ) _ _ the sun always shine? 5. It never snows in March. (

147、用 often 改写) It _ _ _ March. 四补全对话。1. In summer, the sun always _early and always _ late. 2. In summer, the days are _and the nights are _. 3. Look _the map _Britain. 4. What s _like _January? 5. The wind rarely_ _ July. 3L 109-110 课知识点与习题词汇:1. the Clarks “克拉克一家”,在姓氏后加上 s , 并在前面加上定冠词the 表示“一家”,如: the

148、 Browns 布朗一家2. Sleep 睡觉, sleepy 困倦的 fast asleep 睡得很香3. every 每一的,每个的4. every day 每天 every week每周 every year 每年 every month每月5. usually 通常6. midday 中午,正午也可用 noon 表示7. Lunch 午饭 breakfast 早饭 supper晚饭8. housework 这 是 个 组 合 词 ( homework classroom blackboard housewife 等也是组合词)短语: go to bed 上床睡觉go to sleep入

149、睡Get up 起床 in the morning 在上午 go to work 去上班Go to school 去上学 go home 回家 stay at home 呆在家里 at moddayat noon 在正午in the afternoon 在下午 in the evening 在晚上 do ones homework 做家庭作业精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 36 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载 at night 在夜间 arrive home到家come home from school 从学校回家语音: oo 与

150、 o 的发音区别句型:1. What do they usually do everyday? They usuually get up everyday. 2. What is the time ? Its one o clock . 3. -Do you .? -Yes, I do. No, it isnt. 4. When do the Clarks get up ? 5. Who get up early ? 3L1 109-110 测试题一Try being a translator. (尝试做个翻译家 ) 入睡_ 起身_ 每天_ 去上班 _ 在上午 _ 去上学 _ 通常_ 停留_

151、在夜间 _ 在晚上 _ 到家_ 在下午 _ 留在家里 _ 看电视 _ 做家务 _ 二选择 ( ) 1. In the morning, father always _to work. A. go B. goes C. going ( ) 2. Sandy and Sue always _ to school . A. goes B. going C. go ( ) 3. Sandy and Sue always come home_ school. A. to B. in C. from ( ) 4. They usually arrive home_. A. early B. at earl

152、y C. in early ( ) 5. But they dont_ _sleep. A. goes, to B. goes, C. go to ( ) 6.They always_ their lunch_ school. A. eat , in B. have , on C. eat, at ( ) 7. Look at this map_ Britain . A. of B. behind C. ( )8.The sun often _ in the South. A.shine B. shines C. shore ( ) 9. The days are_(长的)and the ni

153、ghts are_(短的) 。 A. long, short B. short, long C. early , late ( )10. My father_ work at midday. A. stop B. stops C. stopping 三句型转换。 1. They always go to sleep. (变为否定句 ) They _ _ go to sleep. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 37 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载 2. The weather is always cold in Winter. (

154、对划线部分提问 ) _ _ weather _ in winter? 3. Is there any flour in that tin? (作肯定回答 ) _, there _. 4. We make a snowman. (改为现在进行时 ) We _ _a_. 四情景对话 Lucy: Look at this map _Britain. This is the _(北方) It_ snows in the _. Billy: This is _ _(南方) . The sun often_ . Lucy: In the east, the wind often_. And in the

155、west, it often rains . Billy: In winter, the sun always rises late and always sets _. The days are short and the nights are _. 3L Lesson111-112 知识点与习题词汇:1. this morning “今天上午”“在上午”是 in the morning 2. walk “步行,行走” walk to school 就是“走到学校”3. park 公园 in the park在公园里 4. tonight 今晚联想到: today 今天 tomorrow明天

156、 5. snake 蛇 Snakes and Ladders 蛇爬梯 (游戏)回想动物词:tiger, lion, elephant, sheep, hen, duck, cat, dog, mouse, cow等。 6. by train 火车“by”这里是介词,表示“通过,依靠. 用”, 类似的还有:by bike ( 骑车) ,by car (乘小汽车 ) by bus(乘公共汽车) on foot 步行重点句型:1. 询问时间: -Whats the time? / What time is it ? -Its. 2. It s a quarter to nine. 现在是八点三刻。这

157、是表示几点差几分的说法,例如:five to six 是 “五点五十五分”, “quarter ” 是 “四分之一”的意思。“a quarter ” 是“一刻钟”。3. Sandy and Sue usually go to school in the morning, but this morning they are walking to the park. 注意这里前半句用的是一般现在时,后半句表示“正在进行的动作”,用的是现在进行时。 表示时间的状语也分别为 in the morning 和 this morning. 4. Sandy and Sue usually come hom

158、e from school in the afternoon, but this afternoon, but this afternoon they are playing in the park. “come ” 是“来” ,即“有远处到近处” ,but 表示转折“可是,但是”5. It is half past six. 现在是六点半。 Half 是“一半”的意思。句型操练 :a. -Who goes to work by train every day ? -Father does. b. -Who is going to work by bus today ? -Father is.

159、 c.-What does father usually do every day ? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 38 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载-He usually goes to work by train every day. d. -What is he doing today ? -He is going to work by bus today. e. Where and when3L Lesson111-112 课测试题一Try being a translator. (尝试做个翻译家 ) 公园_ 蛇_

160、今晚_ 今天上午 _ 步行, 行走_ 蛇爬梯(游戏) _ 一刻钟 _ 坐公共汽车 _ 坐火车 _ 九点差一刻 _ 四点一刻 _ 六点半 _ 二按要求写出正确词形。 1. long(反义词 )_ 2. tomato(复数形式 )_ 3.well(最高级 )_ 4.cool(反义词) _ 5.make( 现在分词 )_ 6.wind(形容词 )_ 三选择 ( ) 1. It is a quarter _nine. A. for B. to C. in ( ) 2. This morning they are _ _the park. A. walking, to B. walk, to C. wa

161、lking, with ( ) 3.Sandy and Sue usually go to bed_ _night. A. late, on B. early, in C. early, at ( ) 4. They are playing _and Ladders! A. snake B. muke C. Snakes ( ) 5. The dogs usually _a bone in the evening. A. eat B. eating C. eats ( ) 6. Mother and father usually _television at night. A. a B. th

162、e C. ( ) 7. Sue usually helps her mother in_ afternoon. A. a B. the C. ( ) 8. Today he is going _bus. A. ride B. C. by ( ) 9. He is _his bicycle. A. by B. riding C. ( ) 10. It is half_ six. A. past B. pass C. go 四阅读短文,判断正 (T) 误(F) 。 Liz is a student. She gets up early every day. Lizs father usually

163、goes to work by train everyday. Her mother is an actress. Liz often helps her mother do some housework. Liz s mother goes to work by car. Her mother and father usually watch television at night. But tonight they are listening to the radio. ( ) 1. Liz is an actress. ( ) 2. Lizs father usually goes to

164、 work by train. ( ) 3. Lizs mother and father usually listen to the radio at night. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 39 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载 ( ) 4. Billy is Lizs brother. ( )5. Liz often helps her mother do some housework. 3L lesson113-114课知识点及习题要点详解:a. 单词及短语1. a flat tyre 瘪了气的轮胎, flat 平的,

165、平坦的2. drive 驾驶,开车,如: Father drives me to school every morning. 3. drive her car to school 开小汽车去学校4. get out of 从中出来5. twenty 序数词形式是 twentieth. 6. get to school到达学校 get to 到达7. On time 准时,按时8. It doesn t matter 没关系9. behind 在后面反义词: in front of 在前面b. 句型解析 1. .Thats funny. “funny ”在这里是“奇怪的” 2. She gets

166、 out of her car. 她下了车 3.Its twenty to nine. 现在是八点四十分注意 to 表示不到 . 4. Whats the matter ? 发生了什么事? 5. come in my car 上我的车 6.- Is Miss Williams driving home ? -No, she isnt. 7. Whats the time ? Its习题精练一我是一个翻译家。突然地 _ 到达学校 _ 从中出来 _驾驶_ 开小汽车去学校 _ 准时_ 二十_ 不要紧,没关系 _ 瘪了气的轮胎 _ 一杯茶 _ 玩跳房子游戏 _ 看报纸 _ 一杯牛奶 _ 二. 选择 (

167、 ) 1.Miss Williams is_ her car_ school. A. driving, to B. driver, at C. driving, in ( )2.Suddenly, she stops. “Thats _, ” she says. A. fan B. funny C. funy ( ) 3. She gets_ of her car. A. in B. to C. out ( ) 4. I cant get_ school _time this morning. A. to, on B. in, out C. out, on ( ) 5. Miss Willia

168、ms usually drives_ school every day. A. on B. to C. at ( ) 6. Sue usually plays_every afternoon. A. hopscotch B. the hopscotch C. a hopscotch ( ) 7. Today she is_ _school . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 40 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载 A. walk to B. walking to C. walks at ( )8. Sandy and Sue usu

169、ally _their homework every evening. A. do B. does C. doing ( ) 9. Tonight they are _ _. A. reading newspapers B. read newspaper C. reading newspaper ( )10. Mother and father usually_ television every night. A. watch B. see C. look 三句型转换 1. They fly their kites. (变为现在进行时 ) They_ _their kites. 2. Sand

170、y and Sue are doing their homework. (变成一般现在时 ) Sandy and Sue _ _ _every evening. 3. Were sleepy. (变为否定句 ) We_ _sleepy. 4. Are there any tomatoes in the refrigerator? (作否定回答) _, _ _. 四. 阅读短文,判断正( T)误(F) 。 Lucys mother usually drives to school every day. But today she is walking to school. Her mother

171、is a teacher. Sandy is Lucy s brother. He usually drinks a glass of milk every morning. But this morning he is drinking a cup of tea. Sandy goes to school at 7: 15. Lucys father is a policeman. He likes reading newspapers. Lucy likes her family very much. ( ) 1. Lucys mother is a student. ( ) 2. San

172、dy is Lucys brother. ( ) 3.Lucys mother usually goes to school by bus. ( ) 4. There are four people in Lucys family. ( ) 5. Lucys father likes watching television. Lesson115-116 课知识点及习题要点详解词汇: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Week, family, spend, cinema, terrible,Week-

173、end 周末短语: one week 一周 two weeks 两周 In a hurry 匆匆忙忙地 on Sunday 在周日 Piano lesson 钢琴课 play the piano 弹钢琴 Have lessons 上课,听课 give lessons 讲课 Not at all 根本不,一点儿也不 spend the holiday 度假 At home 在家 at school在校 at work 在上班 Go to the cinema 去看电影句子解析: 1. Monday mornings are usually terrible. 星 期 一 早 晨 通 常 很 糟糕

174、 ,“mornings”表示很多早晨精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 41 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载 2. On Tuesday mother usually goes to the shops. “go to the shops” 可以用“ shopping ”代替,在某天用介词on. 3.She likes this lesson very much . “like ”的反义词是“dislike”4. Sandy doesn t like it at all. 注意这里的 at all加强了这个句子的否定语气。5. the

175、 best days of the week 一周中最好的日子 The best season of the year 一年中最好的季节6. He doesn t He does7. When does father slways get up late ? On Mondays . On Mondays = every monday 习题精练一. 我是一个翻译家。弹钢琴 _课_匆匆忙忙 _ 根本_ 周末_ 可怕的 _ 度过_ 家,家庭 _ 踢足球 _ 做游戏 _ 一周中最好的几天 _ 星期一 _ 星期二 _ 星期三 _ 星期三 _ 星期四 _ 星期五_ 星期六 _ 星期日 _ 二选择 ( )

176、 1. She likes this lesson very_. A. few B. much C. many ( ) 2. Father _washes his car. A. some B. sometime C. sometimes ( ) 3. Sandy doesnt like it_! A. at all B. all at C. not ( ) 4. He always _Sue her piano lesson . A. to B. give C. gives ( ) 5.The boys always _ football . A. plays B. play C. play

177、 to ( ) 6.Their family usually_ a quiet week-end at home ! A. spend to B. spending C. spend ( ) 7. _Tuesday mother usually goes to the shops. A. Of B. On C. Or ( ) 8. Father always gets _ late. A. up B. on C. to ( ) 9. The girl always_basket-ball. A. plays B. playing C. play ( ) 10. Father sometimes

178、 _ his car. A. washing B. washes C. wash 三. 句型转换 1. They are in our class. (改为一般疑问句 ) _ _in your class ? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 42 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载 2. I cant light this fire. (对划线部分提问 ) _ the _? 3. I cant give you any ice-cream. (改为肯定句 ) I_ give you_ ice cream. 4. Were playin

179、g hopscotch.( 对划线部分提问 ) _ are you _? 5. I want a lot of beans. (改为否定句 ) I _ _ a lot of beans. 四. 阅读,选择最佳选项 Bill lives and works in London. He works in a factory. His house is far away from his factory. He usually goes to work by train. Today, the train is late. So he drives to work. On Saturday and

180、Sundays he doesnt go to work. Sometimes he goes to see a film. Sometimes he goes to see his friends. Sometimes he stays at home and watches TV. ( ) 1. When does Bill live? A. He lives in China B. He lives in London C. He lives in New York ( ) 2. Where does he work ? A. He works in a factory B. In a

181、school C. In an office ( ) 3.His house is _ away from his factory. A. fair B. far C. near ( ) 4. He usually goes to work by_. A. train B. bike C. bus ( ) 5. _he stays at home and watches TV. A. Usually B. Always C.Sometimes 3L lesson117-118课知识点与习题要点详解:a. 词汇及短语 1. forecast 预测,预报“weather forecast” 是天气

182、预报 2. tomorrow 在明天,在明日 tomorrow morning 明天上午tomorrow afternoon 明天下午 tomorrow evening 明天晚上 3.by car 乘汽车类似还有: by bicycle, by train 等 4. turn on 打开 turn off关上b. 语音: 注意 eai: 与 ee 发音的不同 c. 课文解析: 1. Its Saturday tomorrow. 明天是星期六。注意it is的用法, it常用来说明天气,时间等,如:It s three oclock. 2. What are we going to do tom

183、orrow ? Be going to 表示“将要干什么”。 3. Lets ask mum. Let sb .do sth. 让某人做某事,注意动词do前面不加 to, 如:Let me help you. Lets do the homework. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 43 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载 4. listen to sth. 表示 “听” Listen to me 听我说 5.Never mind. 没关系 It doesnt matter没关系 6. We can go to the cinema

184、 instead. 我们可以去看电影go to the cinema去看电影 instead :代替d. 句型操练1. I do not I do 2. 一般现在时,现在进行时,一般将来时的表达3. 时间的表达 When ? 习题精练一. 我是一个翻译家。在明天 _ 天气预报 _ 让我们 _ 打开电视机 _ 乘汽车 _ 每天_今天_ 听录音机 _ 明晚_ 做他的家庭作业 _ 喝一些柠檬汁 _ 二 选择 ( )1. What are we_to do tomorrow ? A. go B. going C. goes ( )2. Were going to_the day at the seas

185、ide. A.spends B. spending C. spend ( )3. Here is the weather forecast_tomorrow. A. to B. on C. for ( )4. Its going to _in the south. A. rain B. rains C. raining ( )5. I am going_train. A. on B. by C. at ( )6.He is_some tea. A.drink B. drinks C. drinking ( )7. They are _to the cinema. A. go B.to go C

186、.going ( )8. We usually _our homework. A. do B. does C. doing ( )9. He usually _some milk. A. drink B. drinks C. drinking ( )10. She is going _stay_home. A. to, to B. to, at C. at, to 三用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. She usually_(walk) to school. 2. We are_(play) Snakes and Ladders. 3. What_(be) you going to do tom

187、orrow ? 4. Miss Jones always_(give) Sandy his piano lesson. 5. Father always_(get) up late. 四. 情景对话。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 44 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载1. -_ _you going to do tomorrow ? -Im going to help mother. 2. What is_going to do ? -She is going to stay_home. 3. -_ _they usually d

188、o ? -They usually do their homework in the evening. 4.-What s it_ _March ? -It slways snows in March. 5.-_do they live in France? -They_in Paris. 3L lesson119-120课知识点及习题要点详解:a. 词汇及短语:1. fix 修理如:fix the radio 修录音机 fix the watch 修手表2. clock 钟“手表”是 watch 3.work a. 动词: (机器,器官等)运转,活动 b. 名词:工作 4.do with 对

189、付,处置如:What are you going to do with the clock? 5.watch 表;看“看电视 watch TV 6.Watchmaker s 钟表店 watchmaker 钟表匠 7. next 下一个的 next week 下星期 8. piece 部件,部分 a piece of cake 一块蛋糕 9. travel 旅行 travel around the world 周游世界 traveler 旅客 10. clean a.动词:洗,清洗 clean your hands b. 形容词:干净的,整齐的 11. film 电影 go to the cin

190、ema 去看电影 go to see a filmmovie 12. funfair fair 集市,展览 fun 乐趣 13. mountain 山,指比较大的山,“小山”是 hill b. 课文解析:1. That clock doesnt work. 那只钟不走了 2.Don t take it to the watchmakers. Give it to me. 3.Is it nearly ready now? 差不多快修好了么? Be ready表示“准备好了” Nearly表示“几乎,差不多” 4.I cant put all these pieces together! Put

191、together 把组装起来5.I m going to take them to the watchmakers at once . Be going to 将要做某事 at once 立即c. 句型操练 1. When are you going to see him ? I am going to see him at half past six. 2. I usually I am going to 3. -Does he ? Yes, he does./ No, he doesnt. 习题精练精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第

192、 45 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载一我是一个翻译家。对付, 处置_ 修理_ 钟_ 部件,部分_ 下一个的 _ 钟表店 _ 表_ (机器,器官等)活动 _ 山_ 娱乐场 _ 电影_ 洗,清洗 _ 旅行_ 明 年_ 下 月 _ 每 年 _ 每周_ 生日聚会 _ 在海边_ 二选择 ( )1. That clock_work. A. dont B.doesnt C.not ( )2. What are you going to do _it ? A. and B. to C.with ( )3. Im going to_it to the watchmakers week. A. taking

193、B.take C. takes ( )4. -What are you doing? -Im_this clock. A.fix B. fixing C. to fix ( )5. _it nearly ready now ? A. Are B.Is C. Do ( )6. I cant _all thesse pieces together! A. putting B. puts C. put ( )7. Im going to take them_the watchmakers_once ! A. to, to B. to, in C.to, at ( )8. I usually _to

194、work by bus. A. go B. goes C. going ( )9.He is going to_dads car. A.washes B.washing C.wash ( )10.He usually _his bicycle. A.clean B.cleans C.cleaning 三根据要求进行句型转换。1.They are going to spend their holiday in the mountains.(对划线部分提问 ) _ _they going to spend their holiday? 2.I m going to take it to the w

195、atchmakers next week.(对划线部分提问)_ _you going to take it to the watchmakers? 3.i m fixing this clock(对划线部分提问) . _ _you doing? 4.it is nearly ready now.(变一般疑问句) _ _nearly ready now? 5.they are going to go to the cinema.(变一般疑问句) _ _going to go to the cinema? 四、根据情景补全对话,使语意完整。1.- what _you going to do wit

196、h it? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 46 页,共 47 页学习必备欢迎下载 - I m_to take it to the watchmakers. 2.- _they listening to the radio? Yes ,they_. 3.- theres some ice-cream in the refrigerator.-_you want _? 4.- is there_ flour in that tin? yea, there _a lot. 5.-_ there _sugar in my tea? No,there isnt. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 47 页,共 47 页



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