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1、问题与选项暗示问题与选项暗示专项练习专项练习 K细节题技巧细节题技巧n n“没辙了” (不适于文盲)n n倾向于 (命题思维+题目规律)n n不发散 (国人思维,两个警察)技巧使用前提技巧使用前提n n1. 总观点!n n2. 写字速度细节就是观点具体化细节就是观点具体化n n听不懂 位置-音 1. 位置不对 - 排除 2. 位置沾边 - 留着n n3. 问题的暗示 (长句子问题) 正确选项必须在不发散前提下和问题所问有关系。n n4. 选项的暗示 (短句子问题 ) 1) 1:3 2:2 2) 两选项内容相反,则其一 3) A是B成立的前提 ,则A好。(A包B)细节题技巧细节题技巧n n“没辙

2、了” (不适于文盲)n n倾向于 (命题思维+题目规律)n n不发散 (国人思维,两个警察)选项直接沾边选项直接沾边与与发散后沾边发散后沾边的区别的区别 According to the author, what may chiefly be According to the author, what may chiefly be responsible for the moral decline of Japanese responsible for the moral decline of Japanese society?society?n nA AWomens participatio

3、n in social activities is Womens participation in social activities is limited.limited.n nB BMore workers are dissatisfied with their More workers are dissatisfied with their jobs.jobs.n nC CExcessive emphasis has been placed on Excessive emphasis has been placed on the basics.the basics.n nD DThe l

4、ifestyle has been influenced by The lifestyle has been influenced by Western values.Western values. When you have carefully prepared a blueprint of your abilities and desires, you have something _.n n(A) definite to offer n n(B) imaginary to providen n(C) practical to supply n n(D) desirable to pres

5、ent主题相关性主题相关性The best title for this passage might be_n n(A) Inventive Mind n n(B) Effective Schoolingn n(B) Ways of Thinking n n(D) Outpouring of Inventions讲座一切内容围绕主题讲座一切内容围绕主题n nAccording to the author, the great outburst of major inventions in early America was in a large part due to_n n(A) eleme

6、ntary schools n n(B) enthusiastic workersn n(C) the attractive premium system n n(D) a special way of thinking A technologist can be compared to an artist because _n n(A) they are both winners of awardsn n(B) they are both experts in spatial thinkingn n(C) they both abandon verbal descriptionn n(D)

7、they both use various instruments注意选项暗示注意选项暗示 When Lloyd Nickson dies, he will _.n nA) face his death with calm characteristic of euthanasian nB) experience the suffering of a lung cancer patientn nC) have an intense fear of terrible sufferingn nD) undergo a cooling off period of seven days问题中能获得什么暗

8、示问题中能获得什么暗示n nBesides reducing human labor, robots can also_先排除哪个选项先排除哪个选项 In face of the recent attacks on the company, the chairman _.n nA) stuck to a strong stand to defend freedom of expressionn nB) softened his tone and adopted some new policyn nC) changed his attitude and yielded to objectionn

9、 nD) received more support from the 15 member board综合性难题综合性难题 Families in frontier settlements used to entertain strangers _.n nA) to improve their hard lifen nB) in view of their long distance traveln nC) to add some flavor to their own daily lifen nD) out of a charitable impulse提示 : 1:3 and A包B哪个选

10、项直接和问题所问沾边哪个选项直接和问题所问沾边 The U The US Sachieved its predominance after achieved its predominance after World War World War because becausen nA. it had made painstaking efforts towards this A. it had made painstaking efforts towards this goalgoaln nB. its domestic market was eight times larger B. its

11、domestic market was eight times larger than beforethan beforen nC. he war had destroyed the economies of most C. he war had destroyed the economies of most potential competitorspotential competitorsn nD. the unparalleled size of its workforce had D. the unparalleled size of its workforce had given a

12、n impetus to its economygiven an impetus to its economy哪两个选项和问题所问不沾边哪两个选项和问题所问不沾边 The author argues that our bodies have stopped The author argues that our bodies have stopped evolving becauseevolving becausen n(A) life has been improved by technological (A) life has been improved by technological a

13、dvanceadvancen n(B) the number of female babies has been (B) the number of female babies has been decliningdecliningn n(C) our species has reached the highest stage (C) our species has reached the highest stage of evolutionof evolutionn n(D) the difference between wealth and poverty is (D) the diffe

14、rence between wealth and poverty is disappearingdisappearing选项有什么暗示选项有什么暗示n nIn the Westerners eyes, the postwar Japan wasn nAunder aimless developmentn nBa positive examplen nCa rival to the Westn nDon the decline综合性难题综合性难题n nThe best title for the text may be .n nA Use Humor Effectively.n nB Vario

15、us Kinds of Humor.n nC Add Humor to Speech.n nD Different Humor Strategies.提示: 1:3 , A包B只选一个的话只选一个的话n nIt can be inferred from the text that public services .n nA have benefited many people.n nB are the focus of public attention.n nC are an inappropriate subject for humor.n nD have often been the la

16、ughing stock.先去掉哪两个选项先去掉哪两个选项 Misled people tend to think that using an animal in research isn nA. cruel but natural.n nB. inhuman and unacceptable.n nC. inevitable but vicious.n nD. pointless and wasteful.先去掉哪两个选项先去掉哪两个选项 According to those who support mergers railway monopoly is unlikely becausen

17、nA. cost reduction is based on competition.n nB. services call for cross-trade coordination.n nC. outside competitors will continue to exist.n nD. shippers will have the railway by the throat.选项暗示是什么?选项暗示是什么? The smart buildings discussed in the passage _.n nA) would cause serious financial problems

18、n nB) would be worthwhile though costlyn nC) would increase the complexity of architectural designn nD) can reduce the ground vibrations caused by earthquakes从选项中获得什么暗示从选项中获得什么暗示 According to the passage, if a person never forgot ,_.n n(A) he would survive bestn n(B) his ability to learn would be en

19、hancedn n(C) he would have a lot of trouble n n(D) the evolution of memory would stop哪些选项和问题所问沾边哪些选项和问题所问沾边 Why does the author say that nothing was Why does the author say that nothing was wasted before the invention of fridges?wasted before the invention of fridges?n nA) People would not buy more

20、food than was A) People would not buy more food than was necessary.necessary.n nB) Food was delivered to people two or three B) Food was delivered to people two or three times a week.times a week.n nC)Food was sold fresh and did not get rotten C)Food was sold fresh and did not get rotten easily.easi

21、ly.n nD)People had effective ways to preserve their D)People had effective ways to preserve their food.food.先去掉哪个选项先去掉哪个选项n nWhat does the writer think about machines with What does the writer think about machines with human-like ability?human-like ability?n nA) He believes they will be useful to hu

22、man A) He believes they will be useful to human beings.beings.n nB) He believes that they will control us in the B) He believes that they will control us in the future.future.n nC) He is not quite sure in what way they may C) He is not quite sure in what way they may influence us.influence us.n nD)

23、He doesnt consider the construction of such D) He doesnt consider the construction of such machines possible.machines possible.选哪个选哪个 A robot can be used to expand our frontiers when _.n nA) its intelligence and cost are beyond questionn nB) it is able to bear the rough environmentn nC) it is made a

24、s complex as the human brainn nD) its architecture is different from that of the present ones选哪个选哪个 One reason why the loss of lives in the Los One reason why the loss of lives in the Los Angeles earthquake was comparatively low is Angeles earthquake was comparatively low is that _?that _?n nA) new

25、computers had been installed in the A) new computers had been installed in the buildings.buildings.n nB) it occurred in the residential areas rather than B) it occurred in the residential areas rather than on the highways.on the highways.n nC) large numbers of Los Angeles residents had C) large numb

26、ers of Los Angeles residents had gone for a holidaygone for a holidayn nD) improvements had been made in the D) improvements had been made in the construction of buildings and highwaysconstruction of buildings and highways选哪个?选哪个?In order to apply pesticide spraying precisely, we can use infrared scanning to_.n nA) estimate the damage to the cropsn nB) measure the size of the affected arean nC) draw a color-coded mapn nD) locate the problem area



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