广东省中考英语 重点难点梳理 八上 Unit 78课件

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《广东省中考英语 重点难点梳理 八上 Unit 78课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省中考英语 重点难点梳理 八上 Unit 78课件(35页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 教材重点难点梳理教材重点难点梳理 八年级八年级(上上) Unit 7Unit 8 广州中考高分突破广州中考高分突破cornerloseimprovementionmethodspellingmindmemorysillymileletterworthspellunlesstroubleliststepcyclesimilarnotewalletbasketmanagernoticecompetitiontreasuretextchanceconfidentlyspeechtopicwinneradviseseveralopinionwholesuggestioncommunicatewhen

2、everpoorrichhideattackshyelsechoosehave trouble doing somethingwater cycletake outmake a funny noiseimprove ones memorypour out of the machineat the beginningin the middleexercise ones braina balanced dietslow downtreasure huntstay relaxedin publiclive a healthy lifeput onin my opinionbe worth doing

3、above allthe richlook outthe poorgo to English Cornermost importantlybelong to somebodyhit somebody in the headpull out a swordset a trap for somebody如:If you work hard,you will pass the exam.如果你努力,会通过考试的。2. You will forget something very quickly unless you understand it well.除非弄懂了你才不会很快地忘记。句型: unle

4、ss从句。unless意为“除非,如果不”,引导一个否定意义的真实条件句。3. 1)You should communicate in English with your friends whenever you can.在任何可以的时候,你应该与你的朋友们用英语交流。2)Most importantly,you should. 最重要的是,你应该3)You ought to read more English books.你应该多读英语书。4)Youd better be on time for your lessons.你最好上课准时到。句型: You should do .(你应该做);

5、You ought to do.(你应该做);Youd better do(你最好做).,这几个句型都用于表示对别人的劝告、建议或表示一种愿望。用适当形式填空:You had better (not hurry).There is still enough time to go.翻译:Its raining hard.You (最好别等)for him. ought not to waitnot hurry4. Here come two men! 来了两个人。 句型: Here/There+谓语+主语。Here/There 位于句首,构成倒装句,用以引起注意或加强语气。谓语动词的形式要视后面

6、的主语而定。翻译:这是你的新书。 .Here is your new book巩固练习一、语法选择 EverydaywhenIentertheclassroom,Iwilltakealookatthewallbesidemyseat.Youwillfind1aboutthisoldwallifyoujustlookatit.But2thestudentsinmyclass,itisaspecialwall.Takeagoodlookatit,andyou3toknowtherealfeelingsandthoughtsofus,the9thgraders.Inthemiddleof4wall,



9、thethingsthat14intheclassroom.Idontknowhowitwillbenextyear,twoyearsfromnow,oreventenyearsfromnow.ButIhopemoresmilingfaceswill15onit.( ) 1. A. nothing special B. anything special C. special nothing D. special anything( ) 2. A. ofB. forC. in D. at( ) 3. A. getB. gotC. gets D. will get( ) 4.A.aB. an C.

10、 the D. /( ) 5.A. in B. atC. byD. for( ) 6.A. may B. can C. will D. must( ) 7.A. A few B. A little C. Little D. Few( ) 8. A. is readB. is reading C. readD. reads( ) 9. A. at B. by C. on D. in ABCDADBDA( )10.A.How B. How a C. What D. What a( )11.A. care B. careful C. carefullyD. careless( )12.A.likeB

11、. as C. seem D. such as( )13. A. whoB. what C. whomD. that( )14.A. has happened B. had happened C. have happened D. was happened( )15.A. drew B. be drawn C. draw D. drawsDCACDB二、完形填空 IntheUSA,childrenstartschoolwhentheyarefiveyearsold.Insomestatestheymuststayinschool1theyaresixteen.Butmoststudentsar


13、omeparents6likeprivateschoolsthoughtheyaremuchmoreexpensive.CABBDACCDA三、阅读理解 Parentsandteachersworryaboutgameshavingabadeffecton(对有坏的影响)students,andagreatdealofreportshavebeenwrittenaboutgamesleadingtoaddiction(上瘾)andviolentbehavior.Onewhoisaddictedto(对上瘾)gamesofviolencemightthinkfightingevenkilling




17、rnhowtogetonwithothers.Duringthisprocess(过程),youcanlearnhowtosolveproblemsandrespectothers.Askforhelp.5.Youcanturntoyourteacherswhenthereisaquestionabouthomework,projectsorrelationshipswithyourfamilymembers.Theyaretheretohelpsolveproblemsandlistentoyou.ABA. Youre never too old to ask for help. B. Jo

18、in all kinds of clubs or sports. C. Put your notebooks in different folders according to the subject. D. By using a chart, you learn how to plan for your studies.E. This helps you remember things you need to do. ompetitionhancedvisedhoosemproveorthnlessroubleonfidentlyommunicate六、完成句子 1. 当心!炉子烧起来了!

19、!The oven is on fire! 2. 当众嘲笑别人是不礼貌的。Its not polite to others . 3. 除非你赶快,否则一定会错过那趟火车的。 ,you will surely miss the train. 4. 太晚了,你最好不要出去。Its getting too late.You go outside. Look outlaugh atin publicUnless you hurry uphad better not5. 为了提高我的英语水平,我经常去英语角操练英语。 my Englsih,I often go to the English corner

20、 to practise it. 6. 老师给了我一个重新朗读的机会。The teacher gave me again. 7. 除非不下雨,否则我们不会去爬白云山。 ,we wont climb the Baiyun Hills.8. 如果我们加热(heat)冰块,会怎样呢? we ice,what ?To improvea chance to readUnless it doesnt rainIfheathappens9. 通过十几天的努力,他们决定在明天将他们的戏剧表演出来。After ten days hard work,they have decided to their play tomorrow. 10. 最重要的是,你应该学会记忆这个单词的方法。 ,you learn the way of remembering the word. put onMost importantlyought to



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