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1、读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思祈使句疑问句记忆顺口溜1、祈使句记忆顺口溜祈使句无主语,主语you 常省去。动词原形谓语当,句首Dont变否定。朗读应当用降调,句末常标感叹号。2、疑问句顺口溜反义疑问真好变,前后肯否相反地。有情要用情加主,有be 要用 be 加主。若是无情又无be,要用 do 主来代替。Lets go特殊记, Shall we 提前要牢记。肯定英汉翻译同,否定英汉翻译异。(第五题答错了)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 12 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思3、辨别 What 和 How感叹

2、句的有效方法先说说两个感叹句的句型吧!What+n/n 短语 +主+谓How+adj/adv+ 主+谓先划掉感叹句后面主谓的,剩下的是名词就what, 如果剩下的是形容词或者副词就用how。当然名词还需辨别可数不可数来确定是否有冠词a/an 。例如: 1)._ delicious food it is! 2)._ delicious the food is!第一句划掉主谓后剩下 food 这个名词,显然用What;第二句划掉主谓之后剩下的是delicious形容词,显然就用How 。时间名词前所用的介词年月周前要用in ,日子前面却不行。遇到几号要用on,上午下午又是in 。要说某日上下午,用

3、on 换 in 才能行。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 12 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思午夜黄昏须用at ,黎明用它也不错。at 也用在明分前,说“差”可要用上to ,说“过”只可使用past ,多说多练牢牢记,莫让岁月空蹉跎。小学英语形容词比较级顺口溜比较级是形容词,一好一坏要记牢,good 更好是 better, bad更坏是 worse 结尾有 e 只加 r,nice 变成 nicer ;双写目前有三个,bigger, fatter 和 hotter 其余全部加er。2、be 的用法口诀我用 am ,

4、你用 are ,is 连着他,她,它;单数名词用is ,复数名词全用are 。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。变否定,更容易,be 后 not 莫忘记。疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。3、时间名词前所用介词的速记歌年月周前要用in ,日子前面却不行。遇到几号要用on,上午下午又是in 。要说某日上下午,用on 换 in 才能行。午夜黄昏须用at ,黎明用它也不错。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 12 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思 at也用在明分前,说“差”可要用上to ,说“过”只可使用past ,多说多练牢

5、牢记,莫让岁月空蹉跎。4、记住 f(e) 结尾的名词复数妻子持刀去宰狼,小偷吓得发了慌;躲在架后保己命,半片树叶遮目光。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 12 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思5、巧记 48 个国际音标单元音共十二,四二六前中后。双元音也好背,合口集中八个整。辅音共计二十八,八对一清又七浊,四个连对也包括。有气无声清辅音,有声无气浊辅音,发音特点应掌握。6、非谓语动词的一些特殊用法后只接不定式作宾语的一些常用特殊谓语动词动词后,不定式, want,hope ,wish ,agree,decide,m

6、ean,manage,promise, expect,pretend,且说两位算在此,要记牢,要记住,掌握它们自己。后接动词不定式做宾语补足语省略不定式符号“to ”的一些常用特殊动词一些动词要掌握,have,let和 make, 此三动词是使役,“注意”“观察”“听到”see,还有 feel和 watch,使用它们要仔细,后接“宾补”略去“ to ”,此点千万要牢记除此之外,还可以掌握“八字言”,一感 feel,二听 hear,listento,三让 have,let,make,四看see,lookat,observe,watch 后只接动名词做宾语的一些常用特殊动词特殊动词接“动名”,使用

7、它们要记清,“放弃”“享受”可“后悔”,精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 12 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思“坚持”“练习”必“完成”,“延期”“避免”非“介意”掌握它们今必行7、动名词在句中的功能及其它“动名”语法其功能,名词特征有动、 形,主宾表定都可作,“动名”、 “现分”要认清“现分”不作“宾”和“主”,动名作“状”可不行。二词皆可作定语,混为一谈不允许,主谓关系视分词,“动名”一词无此义。 8 、 现在分词形式及在句子中的作用(包括过去分词的作用):现在分词真好记,动词后面ING。它的作用真不小,可以

8、充当定状表。还有宾语补足语,忘记此项不可以。分词做定语的位置及其它“定分”位置有二条,词前词后定分晓。单个分词在词前,有时此规有颠倒。分词短语在词后,“定从”和它互对照。“现分”动作进行时,“过分”动作完成了。(注:“定分”: 做定语的分词;“定从”:定语从句;“现分”:现在分词;“过分”:过去分词。)分词做状语在句子中所表示的意义分词做状语,概有七意义。“时间”和“原因”,“结果”与“目的”。“方式”加“伴随”,“条件”常出席。且谈其主语,谓语头前的* 。欲要记住它,必须常练习。(* 指句子的主语)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第

9、6 页,共 12 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思9、独立主格结构独立结构要认清:名、代之后副或形。或是分词或“介短”,with 结构不可轻,名代二词是其“主”,句子结构必分明。独立结构好掌握句中作用只一个:千变万化皆做“状”,其中意义也不多。“时间”“条件”和“原因”,“方式”“伴随”没别的。“状从”和其前三个,可以互变不难学。10、英语分数巧记英语分数不费事,“母序子基”四个字。分子若是大于一,分母还须加-s 。There be句型用法口诀There be 句型有特点,主语放在be 后边。主语单三用is ,复数主语要用are 。变否定,很简单,be 后要把 not 添。变问句也不难

10、,把be 提到 there 前。肯定句中用some ,否定疑问any 换。动词 do 用法口诀实动表示“做、干”,现在时态看“单三”。简略答语可用do,代替“上述”免重复。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 12 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思Don t do sth.构否定,Do sb. do疑问型。助动词用法口诀新添助动词很重要,时态人称一肩挑,句型转换打头阵,谓语还原要记牢。have/has用法口诀动词 have 表示“有”,位置就在主语后。“三单”主语用has,其他人称have 留。一般问句两法变:一是把它

11、提向前,或者句首do 来添。否定句子也一样,就看not 怎么放。小学 PEP英语句型汇总1、May I have a look? Sure. Here you are. 2、My friend is strong. 3、He has short hair and big eyes. I like music. He like sports. 4、Is she in the living room? No, she isnt 。 Yes she is. 5、Where are the keys? Where is your book? 6、What would you like? I d lik

12、e some rice and soup.7、What would you like for dinner? 8、What s your father? My father is a doctor. 9、What do you do? Im a policeman. 10、What do you do on the weekend? I often go hiking. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 12 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思11、Whats your favourite season? Sprin

13、g. 12、Whats your favourite fruit? I like apples. I dont like grapes. 13、Who are they? Who s this man?He s my uncle.14、When do you get up? I usually get up at 6:00. 15、Sometimes I visit my grandparents. 16、Why do you like spring? Because I can plant trees. 17、Which season do you like best? I like win

14、ter best. 18、When is your birthday? My birthday is in July. Its July 4th. 19、When is Teachers Day? Its September 10th. 20、Who has a birthday in October? Me. 21、Is her birthday in June? Yes. 22、Whats the date? June 9th. 23、What are you doing? Im drawing pictures. 24、What is your father doing? Hes wri

15、ting an e-mail. 25、What do you see? I see two elephants. 26、What are they doing? They are drinking water. 27、What is Mike doing? Hes watching insects. 28、 Where are they? They are in the woods. 29、Are they catching butterflies? No, they arent. 30、They are picking up leaves. Yes, they are. 精选学习资料 - -

16、 - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 12 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思31、Where is Zhang Peng? Hes in the woods. 32、Is he taking pictures? Yes, he is. No, he isnt. Hes playing chess. 33、Whos your English teacher? Mr Carter. 34、Whats he like? Hes tall and strong. 35、Is he quiet? No, he isnt. Hes very acti

17、ve. 36、What day is it today? Its Wednesday. 37、What do you have on Thursdays? We have English, math and science on Thursdays. 38、What do you do on Saturdays? I watch TV on Saturdays. 39、What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have tomatoes, tofu and fish. 40、What can you do? I can sweep the floor.

18、 41、Can you make the bed? NO, I cant. Yes, I can . 42、There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. 43、There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet. 44、Is there a forest in the park? Yes, there is. No, there isnt. 45、Are there any pandas in the mountains? No, there arent. 46、Are ther

19、e any fish in the rivers? Yes, there are. 47、Where is the canteen? Its on the first floor. 48、What time is it? Its 5 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 12 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思oclock. Its 6:30. 49、Its time to go to school. Its time for English. 50、What colour is it? Its blue. 51、 W

20、hose is it? Its my T-shirt. 52、Whats the weather like in Beijing? Its rainy today. 53、Who s that woman?Shes my mother.54、Do you like peaches? Yes, I do. No, I dont.55、Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 56、I have a bear. May I have a look? Sure. Here you are. 57、Where is the cinema? It s next t

21、o the hospita l. 58、Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. Its on the left.59、What are you going to do on the weekend? I m going to visit my grandparents this weekend. 60、Where are you going this afternoon? I m going to the bookstore.61、What are you going to buy? I m going to buy a comic book.62

22、、What s your hobby? I like collecting stamps. 63、Does she teach English? No, she doesnt. Yes, she does. 64、What does your mother do? She is a TV reporter. 65、Where does she work? She works in a car company. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 12 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思66、What should you do then? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 12 页



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