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1、dear mark: your sincerely li ming篇二: 9a u1 作文推荐信推荐信题型说明同学们都知道, 书信是人们日常生活中不可缺少的一种通讯方式,是人们进行思想交流,信息传递的重要手段。英文书信按照其正规性可分为私人信件和正式信函。在中学英语学习中,我们主要学习的是邀请信、推荐信等私人信件的写作。今天我们就来谈谈如何写推荐信。一、信件的格式英语信件通常可分为以下几个部分: 1信头 (heading) 即写信人的地址和写信日期。 2称呼 (salutation) 即对收信人的称呼。 3正文 (body) 正文的开头通常会用这样的句子: thank you for your

2、 last letter. im writing to. i was happy to receive your letter of december 10th.等。在私人信件中我们可以用下面这些句子作为结束语: send all good wishes to you and your family. please write to me soon. im looking forward to hearing from you soon. best wishes.等。 5.写信人的谦称和签名(signature) 写信人的谦称通常有:yours sincerely, yours faithfu

3、lly或简单的写yours 。在谦称后面分别是写信人的亲笔签名和打印的姓名。此外,还有附言(postscript)、附件 (enclosure)等一些其他的附加项目。在写英文的推荐信时,正文部分通常写被推荐人的基本特长和个人能力等,正文的开头可以先说明你要推荐的人选。如:结束语通常用这样的句子: i / we hope you agree with me / us. 推荐信的各部分的具体书写格式 1写信人的地址和日期的书写通常是地址在上,日期在下。 写地址时要按从小到大的顺序。在写月份时可采用缩写形式。如: 25 fujian road nanjing, chian oct.20th,2004

4、 2称呼的写法因人而异,给非常亲密的朋友写信可以直呼其名,给长辈或和自己不熟悉的人写信时,可加入称呼词dear mr / mrs / miss / ms。 3正文部分应主要表达其特长以及与你所推荐的职位相吻合的能力即可。 4结束语的写法也是有变化的,对长辈可用yours faithfully / sincerely,对亲近熟悉的人则可用yours 。 5一封完整的推荐信格式如下:名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - c

5、lass one, grade nine no. 2 middle school jan. 1st, 2006 dear _ _ i am _ i hope that you can agree with me. yours sincerely x x x 例题与范文试题快到春节了,你们班要选出几位学习成绩好、品德优、家庭条件比较好的学生接待来自美国的中学生到家里过节。请给班主任刘老师写一封推荐信,推荐自己接待其中的一位。分析 1从题目的要求来看,这是一篇推荐信,而且是一篇自我推荐信。所以,首先要确定好信件题材。 3根据题目要求,信件的主体部分要包括以下两个方面的内容: 1)自己品学兼优。 2

6、)简要介绍自己的家庭条件,也就是能够提供何种便利,便于美国的中学生居住。注意在表达这些个人的能力或者个性的时候要注意用具体事例,这样就会更优说服力了。如: i m good at all my lessons and i can speak very good english. i m very helpful. i often help my classmates with their lessons.等。通常举一到两个事例即可。 4文章的最后,可以再次表达个人的愿望。可以用这样的句型:i hope you can agree with me. 5 最后,别忘了写上谦称和署名。范文 dear

7、 mr liu, im good at all my lessons. i usually get full marks in chinese, maths and english. and i can speak very good english. so i can talk with the guest easily. i m also very helpful. i often help my classmates with their lessons. i clean the rooms for the granny near our school with my classmate

8、s every week. sometimes i carry the schoolbag for the handicapped student in class one. there are three people in my family. we live in a big house near our school. there re two floors in the house. we have four bedrooms on the second floor. so we have a spare room for the guest. on each floor there

9、s a bath room. im sure the american guest will like to stay with us and will have a very good time here. i hope you can agree with me. yours sincerely wang wei 应用举例1 假如你是南京市育英中学的一名学生tom。请你给林老师写一封信推荐自己当班长。信中简要介绍你的个人情况、能力、特长等等。 你的地址是: 南京市福建路25 号,写信日期是:名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10、 - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - 2006 年 9 月 12 日。 25 fujian road nanjing, china sept. 12th, 2006 dear mr lin, i am very helpful. i often help bob with his lessons. when i was in grade 7, i helped many students with their subjects. they are better than before at all the subje

11、cts now. i am happy because i can help them. i am very confident and many classmates think i am never afraid of speaking in public. when i was in primary school, i often gave a talk to all the students in the school assembly hall. i like sports very much. and i can play basketball very well. i can o

12、rganize different matches for my classmates. im active in many activities. for example, i often take part in school sports meeting and can get good results. im a libra. my friends all know im a fair person and dont like to argue with others. i think all the classmates like me and i will be ready to

13、do many things for them. im sure i will be a good monitor of our class. i hope you can agree with me. yours sincerely tom 应用举例2 今天是 2006 年的 10 月 11 日。请你给吴校长写一封推荐信,推荐 david 作学校时装秀的主持人。注意要用正式语体。 11th october dear mr wu, david is a very confident person and he thinks he can do anything well if he tries

14、 his best. he is never afraid of speaking in assembly. this is very important because he will have to speak in front of the whole school. we also think he is a hard-working student. he always does extra work in class. since he is so hard-working, he would not mind doing extra work for school. david

15、is also a clever person. he always learns things well and he is interested in designing clothes. his mother is a designer and i think she can be a great help. we think that david has all the qualities a good host should have. we hope that you agree with us. yours sincerely tom 应用举例3 今天是 2006 年 5 月 2

16、9 日。请根据以下信息写一封推荐信,推荐sam为新的电脑俱乐部的主席,可适当增加些内容,不得少于10 句话。 1他是九年级一班的学生。 2他喜欢电脑、足球和篮球。 3他很聪明,经常在考试中取得好成绩。 4他很热心,总是帮助需要帮助的人。 5他很随和,很容易交朋友。 29th may, 2006 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - dear sir, i think he is very smart. he often

17、 gets high marks in the tests. he is a top student in our class. he is so excellent that everyone in our class wants to be his friend. he is also very warm-hearted in our class. he always helps other students when they need help. he is so helpful that everyone likes him very much and is thankful to

18、him for his help. he is also easy-going and active in all the school activities. i think sam has all the qualities to be a good chairperson. we hope that you agree with us. yours sincerely tom 特别提示通过以上的分析和练习,同学们应该能够了解推荐信的大体格式。在信件的写作中,通常会在段首空两格,或者在段首不空格,而在段落之间空一行,这样便于读者看信。现在我们用的比较多的是电子邮件,在写电子邮件时,很多人不

19、拘泥于信件的格式,往往写信的日期等会被省略,信件中也不会有太多的谦词。语言是随着时间不断变化的,同学们一定要在平时的学习和生活中学会捕捉一些有用的信息,多注意积累并加强写作的技巧训练,相信大家一定会写得更好的。篇三:给老师的小学生特长推荐信给老师的小学生特长推荐信你们好,新年快乐!关于你们在孩子的寒假特色作业中提及的,就孩子的特长给老师写一封推荐信的事情,我认为这个作法很好,这对于家园共建,共同引导孩子茁壮成长是很有意义的。李 xx 小朋友是一个性格开朗、自尊心很强的孩子,在日常生活中,xx 小朋友很能和小朋友们处得来,尤其是刚刚置身于一个陌生的环境中的时候,他表现的非常大方,言谈举止很懂礼貌

20、,身边的亲朋好友常常夸他,春节期间和身边的其他小朋友们在一起相处得很愉快。提到自尊心我想多说一些,xx 小朋友不是那种特想凡事争第一的孩子,是否取得好名次或者表现最优异他不是很介意;但是他对自己用心做出来的成果(实物或者某件事情等等)特别希望老师和家长的肯定,他特别介意别人误解他的作法或者想法,所以这一点希望老师们多理解他、包容他,给他更多的自由的空间去发挥他自己的潜力,希望能经常在课堂上给他回答问题的机会,让他的自信心不断地增强。在日常的学习中,据我们的观察,xx 小朋友在思维方式上,逻辑性比较强,学习和接受新事物的能力很强;他喜欢安静,喜欢读书,尤其是百科知识类的读物他是很喜欢的,妈妈给他

21、的买的奇思妙想的全套书籍,他非常喜欢的,大约从3 岁起,基本上每天晚上睡前都要听我们给他讲故事或者一些小知识。我想可能是这种从小书籍接触过多的缘故使得他在性格上形成了细心、敏感的特点。近两年来与小朋友们交往的时候,大家一起表演节目,许多孩子都表演了唱歌或跳舞等项目,他基本上每次都是认真而完整地讲一个故事。所以有些时候他在加入一些孩子们的集体活动的时候会有些不适应,这时候他最常的表现就是会发呆,希望老师们这时候能多引导他、鼓励他大胆地、积极地、认真地去和小朋友们一起活动。在体育锻炼这方面,xx 小朋友参加的竞技类的体育活动较少,他不是很喜欢过于激烈的运动项目。近两年来,我们给他参加了轮滑、儿童橄

22、榄球、跆拳道、游泳等运动项目,他的表现都是很好的,这个寒假他参加了十次游泳班的学习,现在已经完全学会了蛙泳,他自己很开心的。但是在同龄的小朋友中,他还是运动量稍显不足,身体的协调性还有待提高,请体育老师多多体谅并严格要求。在文艺类的兴趣爱好的培养方面,我们很尊重xx 自己的选择,他选择了钢琴,坚持学习了一年了,成效挺不错的,大大超乎了我们的想像,我们会让他一名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - 直坚持下去的,听说上个学

23、期他还做了音乐课代表,他很用心的。孩子的成长离不开老师们的用心教导,我们真诚地感谢你们对孩子的教育和关爱,在未来的岁月中,我们会与各位老师积极沟通,家庭和校园共同用心,担当起教育孩子茁壮成长的大任。 (99 作文网整理 ) 祝各位老师身体健康,工作顺利!篇四:考研小作文, 推荐信【含模板, 常用词汇例句,经典范文等】 j 推荐信一推荐信常用词汇: upright character 品行端正 amiable temper 态度和蔼 distinguish v区别,使杰出 proficiency n熟练,精通二常用句式:非常高兴能向您推荐? 2. i am confident that with

24、 his intelligence, diligence and extensive knowledge and experience, he has great potential for developing into a very fine scholar. 他聪明,勤奋,知识面宽,经验丰富,有成为顶尖学者的巨大潜力,对此我很有信心。我毫无保留地向您强烈推荐他。 4. i am writing on behalf of., an applicant for the position as. 我写此信的目的是代表?(某人),他她申请 ?职位。 5. she is highly motiva

25、ted, energetic, reliable and cheerful, and above all she has strong inter-personal skills. 她动力十足,精力旺盛,为人可靠,天性乐观,最重要的是她有很强的人际交往能力。总之,我相信 ?(某人)十分胜任?工作。根据贵方的要求,我愿意毫无保留地推荐?为最佳人选。 8. he has a stable personality and high sense of responsibility. 他个性稳重,具有高度责任感。我十分高兴地把刘先生推荐给您,他希望能去贵校进行研究生深造。他积极主动、独立,并有良好的交流

26、技能。 11 he is willing to work under pressure with leadership quality他愿意在压力下工作,并具备领导素质。 12 he is a highly motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality他上进心强、可靠,而且身体健康、性格开朗。 13 she s got enough attributes to make herself popular in any group她的品质足以让她在任何团队里都大受欢迎。 14 everyon

27、e who has worked with her knows what a good personality she has每个和她一起工作的人都了解她的性格有多好。 15 hes got enough attributes to make him a successful. 他具有成为成功的?的足够品质。 16 her diligence and intelligence made her the ideal candidate for. 她勤奋、智慧,是?的最佳人选。 17 his capability and keen sense of leadership made him the

28、ideal candidate for that position他的能力及敏锐的领导力使他成为那一职位的最佳人选。 18 he never thought of himself as one who would influence so many peoples thinking and behaviors名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - 他从来也没想过自己能够影响那么多人的想法及行为。三推荐信的内容:推荐信是向收信人推荐某人做某事的信件。推荐信格式比较正规,用语正式, 语气中肯。四推荐信的写作结构: 1)介绍自己,说明与被推荐人的关系。 2)说明推荐人的情况,推荐原因,客观介绍被推荐人的能力,人品,性格等。 3)总结性指出所推荐的人能够胜任某项工作或学习,并表示期待和感谢。五写作要点: 1)内容要符合事实,不要夸大其词、过分夸奖。 2)说明推荐原因时,要突出相关性。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - -



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