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1、学习必备欢迎下载六年级英语 ( 下册 ) 教学计划一、教材分析本册教材是根据教育部颁布的全日制义务教育、普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿)规定的小学毕业应达到二级水平的要求。根据小学生的年龄、心理特点和生活实践, 教材的编写注重和激发培养学生学习语言的兴趣,通过形式多样的话题、丰富多彩的语境活动、 活泼有趣的二个和歌曲, 加上文中生动、幽默的卡通图画,让学生在听、说、读、写、演、玩、唱等过程中轻松的感知英语、学习英语,达到学习掌握英语、 运用英语的目的。 培养学生在与人交往过程中的自信心和英语交际能力, 即开发了智力, 又培养了他们的综合素质。 为中学英语的学习奠定了良好的基础。本册教材的特点

2、是:1强调语言运用。 2注重能力培养3突出兴趣激发 4重视双向交流5融合学科内容6重视灵活扩展 7实现整体设计二、教材重难点(一)教材重点1、能按三会、四会的要求掌握所学单词、掌握所学句型。2、能使用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,做到大胆开口,发音正确。3、能在图片、手势、情境等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语和录音。(二)教材难点1一般现在时、一般将来时、一般过去时等几个小学阶段所学句型中对人称、是动词的变化、行为动词的运用。2对四会要求掌握所学句型的灵活运用:对话、写作、阅读。3教学内容与学生的生活经验知识层次的有机结合。三、教学措施1、以活动为课堂教学的主要形式,设计丰富

3、多彩的教学活动,让学生在乐中学、学中用,从而保证学生英语学习的可持续性发展。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载2、通过听、说、读、写、唱、游、演、画、做等形式,进行大量的语言操练和练习。3、培养学生拼读音标的能力,确保学生自主学习的质量。4、设计全面、高效的课外作业,培养学生良好的书写习惯,做到整洁、规范、正确地书写。四、学情分析 . 本班共 26 名学生,其中女生13 名,学生对学习英语的兴趣整体有所上升,但两极分化较严重。 所以本学期应做好后进生的转化工作。激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英

4、语的积极态度,使他们初步建立学习英语的自信心,培养学生具有一定的语感和良好的语音、语调、书写基础,以及良好的学习习惯,使他们初步具备用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。同时培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力。教师在教学过程中应强调语言的综合运用,注意学生能力的培养, 突出对学生学习兴趣的激发, 重视知识的灵活扩展, 真正将英语教学的目标落实到实处。在五年级的对话的基础上, 增加了阅读的内容和难度。 本册中所涉及的一般现在时、 一般将来时、 一般过去时等句型中对人称、 是动词的变化、 行为动词的运用对小学生都是一个难点,要打好此部分的基础,为六年级的毕业考试打好基础。五、培优辅差(一)后进生转

5、化措施:1、对后进生要求要适度,应懂得“ 大目标,小步走 ” ;2、让后进生获得成功;3、让后进生充分发展自己的才能。4、让班上的优秀生帮助后进生学习,使他们共同提高学习英语的水平。5、还是要狠下工夫监督学生去完成课堂作业与课后作业,课后做到个别辅导,尽量减少差生的数量。6、做好与家长的沟通工作,与班主任多做交流,大家齐心协力完成六年级的教学任务。(二)优秀生提高措施:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载对尖子生加强培养, 发掘其潜力, 设计更多的弹性问题, 让心有余力的优秀生留有扩展延伸知识的机会,

6、 积极引导学生独立思考, 主动探索,寻求解决问题的途径。六教学进度由于本学年教学时间紧张,学习内容多,因此对本学年的教学作如下安排:教材共十四个单元。每周上一课,书本知识共14 课,不排除因为课文难,学生接受较慢而增加课时。教学中还穿插各种形式的小测验,丰富多彩的英语活动,还有数次作业、考试的评析,同时由于放假、学生差异、教学容量、教师进修、考试等其他客观因素的影响, 我将按实际需要对课时进行适当调整,力求达到最佳效果。总而言之,这是六年级学习小学英语的最后一年,本学期英语教学的目的就在于要使学生爱学、乐学、 善学。为中学的英语学习打下基础,同时教师充分利用“ 情景教学 ” 这一重要方法扩展教

7、学形式,培养、维持和发展学生学习英语的兴趣,提高英语教学的效果。第一至二周 Lesson One and Lesson Two .6 课时第三至四周 Lesson Three and Lesson Four.6 课时第五至六周 Lesson Five and Lesson Six. .6 课时第七至八周 Lesson Seven and Lesson Eight.6 课时第九至十周期中考试复习 . 6 课时第十一至十二周Lesson Nine and Lesson Ten. 6 课时第十三至十四周Lesson Eleven and Lesson Twelve6 课时第十五至十六周Lesson

8、Thirteen and Lesson Fourteen.6 课时第十七周以期末考试复习 . 6 课时精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载Lesson 1 Xi an is a beautiful city. 本课谈论的是旅游方面的话题, 对话内容侧重于旅游前的准备活动。通过学习使学生乐于并能主动和别人用英语谈论旅游的话题。学生要掌握一些和旅游活动相关的句子和短语, 例如 Where are you going? Who will take you there?Are you ready for yo

9、ur trip? have a good time.还有学生要会说一些旅游景点的名称。例如,Qinshihuang s Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses (兵马俑) ,the Gteat Wall(长城) , the Bell Tower(钟楼) , the West Lake (西湖) 。教学目的及重难点分析:1、会说会用这些句子:Where are you going ? I m going to (名胜古迹名称)Who will take you there? 2、能听懂会说会用名胜古迹名称:Qin Shihuang s Terra-cotta Warrio

10、rs and Horses; The Bell Tower; the Great Wall; the Weat Lake. 3、理解会用一般将来时态的两种表达法:I m going to I will 4、会说会用常用语: take a picture of be ready for have a good time 课前准备:1、教师准备一些同学们都比较熟悉的景点图片:兵马俑,钟楼,长城,西湖等。2、同学们准备一些和家长一起照的景点照片。教学过程:1、热身( Warming up)教师通过 A 和 B 的对话引出本课所要学习的重点句型和重点短语。A: What are you doing n

11、ow? B: I m buying a train ticket. Why are you here? A: I want to buy a train ticket, too. B: Where are you going? A: I m going to go to Sichuan. B: Who will take you there? A: My brother. Where are you going? B: Beijing. I ll visit my grandparents. A: Beijing is a famous city. Do take more photos an

12、d have a good time. B: Thank you . The same to you. A: Goodbye. B: Byebye. 2、新课展示( New Presentation )教师利用图片讲解本课重点词汇和句型。1)景点词汇教授。教师通过提示让学生感知图片, 然后出示各个景点照片一一教授。教师用简单的句型描述一个景点,让学生们猜猜那是什么。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载如:It s very famous and great. It s in Xi an. It s a

13、bout the Qin Dynasty. 从而引出秦始皇兵马俑,教师教授英文单词- Qin Shihuang s Terra-cotta Warriors And Horses. The Bell Tower 钟楼The West Lake 西湖The Great Wall 长城(教法从上)教师可以在教授单词的过程中,引导学生说出这些景点所在的城市,并用形容词来修饰这些景点。This is the Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses. It s in Xi an. It s famous and great. This is the Bell Tower. It

14、s in Xi an. It s famous and beautiful. This is the West Lake. It s in Hangzhou It s famous and nice. 2) 语言点讲述1. 教师拿出一张照片,询问 What s this? 学生回答It s a picture. 或 It s a photo. 从而引出短语照相take a picture of some place take a photo of some place . 如take a picturephoto of the Bell Tower 课文中在 take some picture

15、s 之前加上 do, 用来加强语气,可理解为“一定要” 。2. be ready for sth ( 为做好准备 ) 例如: Are you ready for English test? 3. have a good time ( 玩得高兴 ) 还可以说have a nicewonderful time. 3) 语法点讲述教师将语法点进行讲解,一般将来时态是指在将来时间发生的事情和动作。有两种表达法: be going to do something will do something 教师出示各个景点图片,师生互动,进行问答练习。Where are you going? I m going

16、 to go to Beijing. Who will take you there? My father will take me there. 3、课堂练习( Do the exercise of Let s Practice )(1) I m going to Xi an. I ll take some pictures of Qin Shihuang s Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses. (2) I m going to Shandong. I ll take some pictures of Mount Tain. (3) I m goin gto H

17、angzhou. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载I ll take some pictures of the West Lake. 4、小结本课重点学习了著名景点的名称,要求学生不但要熟练掌握景点名词,并且能用简单的形容词来修饰。 课后学生可以以对话的形式相互进行练习,巩固本节课所学内容。板书设计:教学反思:Lesson 2 I am a visitor here. 本课谈论的仍然是旅游话题, 但侧重与在旅馆里, 服务员和旅客之间简单的对话。学生要掌握与人交往的基本礼仪句型。Where are

18、you from? Is it the first time you come to? How did you come here?同时学生还应该掌握个别国家名称,例如England,America,Australia 和 France 。教学目标:1、会认会说会用会写以下有关国家名称的单词England, English, Austraia, Australian, France, French. 2、掌握会说会运用以下句型Where are you from? I m from Is it the first time you come to? I hope you will enjoy

19、yourself here. How did you come here? I came here by 3.培养学生热情,礼貌,积极,友好的待人态度。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载教学重点难点分析:1、 听说读写关于国家名称的单词England, English, Austraia, Australian, France, French 和 visitor, hotel. 2、学习并掌握对话内容,相互之间进行模拟练习,并将其灵活运用于实际生活中,着重掌握以上教学目标里的重点句型。课前准备:1、

20、教师准备在课文中涉及的关于国家的图片,地图或地球仪。2、学生准备自制的关于国家名称的卡片以及交通工具的卡片教学过程:1、热身( Warming up)教师通过对话来引出本课的重点句型。A:My name is John. I m a visitor here. B: Welcome to our city. Can I help you? A: I have visitied Qing Shihuang s Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses. It s great. Where can I go else? B: You can go to see the Bel

21、l Tower. It s in the center of Xi an. A: It sounds great. B: Is it the first time for you to come to Xi an? A: Yes. Xi an is a great city. B: Excuse me. Where are you from? A: I m from America. B: I hope you will have a good time here. A: Thank you very much. B: It s my pleasure. 2、新课展示( New Present

22、ation ) :教师利用手中的卡片和教具来教授本课的重点单词和句型以及语言现象。教师向学生讲解今天我们要学习的第一个内容,学习如何在旅游时和旅客进行简单交谈,如何向别人询问国籍以及旅游出行方式等。1)首先 来学习如何询问别人的国籍, 有三种问法(教师在黑板上写出以下句子)1. Where are you from? 2. Where do you come from? 3. What s your nationality?(国籍) 所以回答也就有三种答法: (相对应的写出来)1. I m from 2. I come from3. My nationality is 在答句后面一般要跟国家名

23、称,教师出示自己的国家名称图片,在教授的过程中, 教师要让学生非常清楚的了解到国家名称和关于这个国家的两类词汇之间的区别,特别是在拼写和语音上,For example, 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载中国 China (Chinese 中国人的,汉语)英国 England ( English 英国人的,英语 ) 法国 France (French 法国人的,法语)澳大利亚Australia (Australian 澳大利人的)美国 America(American,美国人的)所以当别人问起你来自

24、哪个国家时,你可以有两种回答的方法:I m from China. I m a Chinese. I m from Australia. I m an Australian. 2)接下来我们要询问别人的出行方式时,我们可以说How do you come to? 教师将这个重要句型写在黑板上,在回答时,我们要用副词短语“ by”(出示短语 )by bike - 骑自行车by bus- -乘公共汽车by car- -驾驶汽车by plane -乘坐飞机by ship - -乘坐轮船by taxi-乘出租车on foot-步行3)教师出示关于交通工具的图片先让学生来复习,然后师生之间可以有一些简单

25、的对话 . A: How do you go to school? B: I go to school by bus. A: Hpw did you go to work? B: I go to work by car. 教师还可以和学生之间有一个比较简单的猜猜看游戏。教师可以拿出地图或者地球仪,指着上面的城市来进行询问。A: How do you go to Hainan?B: Maybe I go there by train. A: How do you go to Sichuan? B: Maybe I go there by train. 在课文中还有一个比较重要的短语“ enjoy

26、 yourself”(出示短语和意思)玩得开心。教师向学生解释这个短语和have a good time 意思一样。一般用在祝福别人旅途愉快时。3、课堂练习( Do the exercise of Let s practise )教师让学生拿出他们自制的国家名称图片,互相询问国籍, 用来帮助学生巩固地点名词和形容词之间的区别。另外,教师还可以让学生拿出他们的地图或者地球仪,互相询问去哪个城市需要乘坐的交通工具。学生进行对话,最后教师可以挑选一部分学生在全班进行展示。仿照下面例句:1、I m a stranger here. It s my first time to Yunnan. I lik

27、e walking in the village and see the hens and cows. Well , I don t like the buses in the city. I like sleeping in a hotel and eating in a restaraut. I ll visit Lijiang ancient city and Dali city and go shopping. 2、 A: This is the first time we come to Qindao. B: Welcome to our city! Where are you fr

28、om? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载A: We re from France. B: How did you come here? A: By train. B: I hope you will enjoy yourself here. 3、 A: This is the first time we come to Sichuan. B: Welcome to our city. Where are you from? A: We re from America. B: How did you

29、 come here? A: By train. B: I hope you will enjoy yourselves here. 4、小结本课我们学习了关于旅游的一些基本用语,还学习了如何向别人询问国籍, 进行名词和形容词的区分。 同时对别人的旅途进行简单的询问,例如询问别人的乘车方式等。课后学生可以以对话的形式相互进行练习,巩固本节课所学内容。板书设计:教学反思:Lesson 3 How was your trip? 前两课我们已经学习了一些旅行前和旅行过程中的相关对话。这一课,我们将学习如何用英语向别人介绍自己在旅程中的所见,所闻及感受。例如旅游感受How was your trip

30、to? 天气 Was the weather OK? 所见 What did you see in the city? 食物 What do you think of the food there? 教学目标:1、会认会说会写会用以下单词:enjoy, weather, delicious, trip. 2、询问别人旅游感受的一些句型:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载How was your trip to ? It was great. I enjoyed it. 谈论天气所需要的一些句型:Wa

31、s the weather OK? Yes, but a little bit hot. 谈论所见所闻的一些句型:What do you think of the food there? Very delicious. 学生不但要理解会说以上的一些基本句型,还要能灵活运用在情景中。教学重点和难点分析:1、学生能做到会听会说会认会写这单词:enjoy, weather, delicious, trip.2.、通过学生之间的情景对话使学生能够扎实掌握询问别人旅游感受的句型,并能在模拟对话中灵活用。课前准备:教师准备一些旅游景点的图片。教学过程:1、热身( Warming up)教师通过对话的形式模

32、拟情景,引出本课的重点单词和重点句型。A: How was your trip to Beijing? B: It was wonderful. A: What was the weather like? Is the weather OK? B: Yes, but it was a little cold. A: What did you see in the city? B: I saw the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and so on. A: What do you think of the food there? B: Very delicious

33、. 2、新课展示( New Presentation )教师通过自己准备的单词卡片来对本课进行教授。1)首先,教师出示一些旅游景点的图片,让学生进行快速抢答,说出这些景点的名称。然后通过景点来复习城市名称。T: 出示长城的图片:Its the Great Wall. T: 出示兵马俑的图片:It s the Qingshihuang s Terra-cotta Warriors. T: 出示西湖的图片:It s the West Lake. T: Where is the Great Wall? S : It s in Beijing. T: Where is the Qingshihuang

34、 s Terra-cotta Warriors? S:Its in Xi an. T: Where is the West Lake? S: It s in Hangzhou. 结合课文的重点内容, 教师讲授在本节课中我们要学习如何询问别人的旅游感受,旅游时的天气,旅游时的所见及食物。当我们想要问别人旅游的感受时,我们可以说How was your trip to ? 教师将这个重点句型在黑板上写出来。我们可以回答It s It s wonderful. 太棒了! I really enjoy it. (出示单词enjoy 享受) 学生跟读学习单词。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - -

35、 - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载我们还可以回答It s just-so so. 很一般!2)教师可以用图画的形式来引出下文的学习,出示北京长城的图片,并且用水彩笔现场在上面画一个太阳, 然后问学生天气的状况。 依次类推, 在西安兵马俑上画出云朵,在杭州西湖上画出雨滴。从而引出询问天气时的句型,我们可以说What was the weather like? Was the weather Ok? 我们可以回答It was very cold.It was a little cold. T:What s the weather like in

36、 Beijing? S: Its warm and sunny / It s cloudy/ It s rainy and wet 3) 当我们想要问及旅游的所见所闻时,我们可以说What did you see in that city? 我们可以回答I saw many places of interest. (出示短语places of interest 名胜古迹)For example, the Great Wall(长城), the Summer Palace( 颐和园 ) 当我们想要询问旅游所在地的美食如何时,我们可以说What do you think of the food t

37、here? 我们可以回答It s very delicious. (出示短语delicious food- 美味的食物 ) 3、巩固练习:教师让学生两个人一组, 编一组对话, 谈谈各自旅游后的感受, 教师可以挑选出几组来进行展示。1. A: What do you think of Shanghai? B: Beautiful, but it s very crowed. (出示图片拥挤的 ) 2. A:What about the people in Kunming? B: They re very friendly. 3. A: Did you come to Haikou? B: Yes

38、, I did. A: How was the food? B: It was very delicious. In order to do the exercise, we must look at the pictures carefully and guess what we should fill in the blanks according to the context. 做这道题时,我们要仔细观察图片,然后根据上下文来填空。1、Beijing is a wonderful city. There are many places of interest. The peaple ar

39、e also friendly. 2、Haikou is a beautiful city. The weather there is hot, but it has beautiful beaches. 4、小结:本节课我们进一步学习了旅游的话题,包括旅游的总体感受,所见所闻,天气和美食等。我们学习了问和答的基本句型。板书设计:教学反思:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载Lesson 4 We re glad to have her at home. 这一课主要谈论的是招待他人在家中做客的话题。

40、其中涉及到“谁将要到家做客” will come to our home. 本课主要谈论到别人家做客或在某个节日前的准备。还有关于购物的一些常用语:go shopping a shopping list a supermarket a shopping basket. 教学目标 : 1、 会认会说会写会用以下单词:a shopping list a supermarket a shopping basket 2、通过学习本课,学会怎样为某事做准备。You d better do We re glad to have her at home.Would you like to ? Yes, I

41、d love to. 教学重点难点分析 : 1、熟练并灵活运用邀请别人的句型:Would you like to ? You d better2、学习并熟练掌握对话内容,并能在实际生活中运用出来。课前准备 : 教师、学生准备本课单词卡片,教学过程:1、热身( Warming up)教师通过和学生之间模拟对话的形式引出课文内容。A: Ling Dong, get up! It s 8 o clock! B: What s the matter, Mum? A: You d better go to the supermarket with me. We haven t got enough fo

42、od and vegetables. B: Will someone come to our home today? A: Yes. This afternoon Alice will come to our home. B: Who is Alice? A: She s your aunt s daughter. B: Where s she from? A: She s from America. B: Oh. I see. Mum, Wait me for a moment. 2、新课展示( New Presentation )教师通过准备好的单词卡片对本课重点内容进行讲解。重点句型 :

43、 will come 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载to our home tomorrow. We re glad to have her at home. Would you like to /We d better 重点短语:go shopping/ a shopping list/ a supermarket/ a shopping basket 1)学习邀请别人做某事和对别人的邀请表示感谢的一般表达方法:T: 本节课我们将要学习如何在别人来家造访之前作准备。For example:

44、John will come to our home tomorrow. 这里我们用一般将来时态表示将来要发生的事情。如果想要对别人的造访表示欢迎,可以说:We are glad to have you at home. 这里我们可以将 glad换成其他单词happy。(出示句型) We re happy to have you at home. It s nice to have you at home. 它们都表示相同的意思:你能来我们家我们很高兴。T:当我们想要邀请别人去做什么事情时,我们可以说:Would you like to ? 这是一种委婉的语气,用来对别人提出建议。如:Woul

45、d you like to go shopping with me? 你愿意和我一起去购物吗?Would you like to go to the supermarket with me? 你愿意和我一起去超市吗?同时教师在黑板上写出句型和答句:Would you like to ?肯定回答Yes, I d like to. 否定回答No, thanks 教师引导学生练习以上句型,可以让学生两个人一组打电话商量本周末要做的事情,可以用Would you like to ? 教师还可以让同桌两个人进行造句练习,一个人用动作和手势来表示不同的活动,另外一个人用Would you like to

46、?来造句,For example:A 做出踢足球的动作B: Would you like to play football with me this weekend? A1: No, thanks . A2: Yes, I d like to. 2) 学习去超市购物时经常用到的短语和句型。接下来我们就要学习在超市购物时的一些常用句型。教师出示这些短语的卡片:go shopping ,购物/ supermarket ,超市/a shopping basket, 购物篮/a shopping list, 购物单。所以我们经常会说: We d better make a shopping list

47、. (我们最好制作一个购物单)We d better 的原型是 We had better 表示对别人的强烈建议,如 We d better go shopping. /You d better take a shopping basket. 3、巩固练习1)复习巩固:教师引导学习操练这两个句型:教师可以让两个学生一组, 来玩猜一猜的游戏。 一个学生想好自己周末要做的五件事情,另外一个学生来猜。A: Would you like to have a picnic this weekend? B: Yes, I d like to. A: Would you like to learn Engl

48、ish this weekend ? B: No, thanks. 教师给学生出示一些场景,学生用You d better 造句。T:It s raining heavily. Ss: You d better take an umbrella. T: I am so tired today. Ss: You d better go to bed early this evening. 2)课内练习 :We should look at the model first and watch the pictures carefully. Then fill in the blanks accor

49、ding to the situation. 我们首先应该仔细阅读例子, 认真观察图片,然后根据情景补充对话。1. A: Children s Day is coming. What shall we do for our son? B: You d better send him a basketball. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载A: Good idea! Let s go to the sports shop. B: OK! Let s. 2. A: The new term is

50、 coming. What shall we do for our daughter? B: We d better send her a new schoolbag. A: Good idea! Let s go the the shop near the school. B: OK. Let s. 4、小结本节课我们重点学习了英语中表示建议的两个句型,其中有和别人一起商量来决定的表达法Would you like to ?意思是你愿意做 还有表示强烈建议别人做某事的表达法You d better 意思是你最好做 板书设计:教学反思:Lesson 5 Thank you for having

51、 me! 本节课和上一节课在内容上有所联系,谈论的都是到别人家做客的话题。但是本节课更侧重于 “对别人的热情款待表示感谢” :Thank you and your for having me. It was really nice and delicious. 教学目标 : 1、通过听录音和朗读学习,能够很准确理解课文内容,并能够仿照对话内容进行模拟对话练习。2、理解会说会用会写以下重点单词:A big dinner、nice、delicious 3、能够理解会说会运用对别人的热情款待表示感谢的句型。It s time I must go now. Thank you and your for

52、 having me. It was really nice ang delicious. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载教学重点和难点分析 : 1、理解会说会用会写两个短语:A big dinner、nice and delicious 2、在学习课文对话内容的基础上,能仿照对话进行运用。3、能够会说并且熟练运用对别人热情款待表示感谢的句型。课前准备 : 教师准备单词卡片教学过程:1、热身( Warming up) : 通过对话的形式引出本课的学习内容。After dinner, Sb (A

53、)is watching TV in the living room. Sb(B) takes some fruits for her. They are talking to each other. 吃过晚饭以后, A 在客厅里看电视。 B 给她端来了水果。他们在一起谈话。A:Help yourself to some fruits, please. B:Thank you. I m very full.Today we have a big dinner. A: It was really delicious. B: I m glad you can say like that. A: O

54、h, I think it s time for me to go now. Thank you and your parents for having me. It s nice of you. B: You are welcome. A: Thank you and your parents again. 2、新课展示( New Presentation )1) 本节课我们将要在上一节课的基础上,学习如何对别人的热情款待表示感谢,首先让我们一起来复习一下上节课的内容:A:在招待客人时,我们经常会用到短语:Help oneself to自己随便用点 Help yourself to some

55、 fruit, please. 请随便吃点水果。B: 如果你已经饱了,但还是要对别人的款待表示感谢: No,thanks. I m full . We had a big dinner.这是一个常用语,我们在别人家吃饭或是在餐馆吃饭都能经常用到。在这里我们要强调的是关于吃饭的单词;早饭:breakfast 午饭:lunch 晚饭:supper 一日三餐 :meal 丰盛的宴会 :dinner 2) 当我们接受了别人的款待,一定要当面表示感谢或者事后打电话表示感谢,这是一种礼貌的做法。 It s nice and delicious. (出示生日蛋糕的图片,美味好吃)我们还可以说 Thanks

56、for having me. 在这个句子里,have 是招待的意思。所以我们还可以说 Thank you and your parents for having me. 3、巩固练习教师可以结合上一节课邀请别人做客的内容和本节课对别人的款待表示感谢的内容,让学生编对话来进行练习。A: Read the model carefully and watch the pictures. Then make dialogues according to the context. (1) A: Hi, Jack. Are you free this afternoon? I m going to pla

57、y volleyball with my friends. Would you like to go with me? B: It s great. I d like to. A: So when should we meet? B: What about 4:30? A: So we need to go now. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载B: Let s go. I can t wait. (2) A: Hi, Tom. Are you free now? I m going to

58、go fishing soon? Would you like to go with me? B: It s wonderful. A: Oh, it s 5:00. It s time to go now. B: Let s go. I can t wait. 还可以以留言条的形式进行:Dear Jack, I m really happy that you can write for me. I felt glad when you were at my home. The food we had together was so delicious and the days we spen

59、t together were so happy. I m looking forward to meet you again. Welcome to come to our city again. Li Xiao 4、小结本节课我们主要学习了西方人的一个重要礼仪,那就是在接受了别人的款待以后,我们一定要记得事后通过打电话或是其他方式表示感谢。这里我们学习了几个比较简单但是非常实用的表达法:It s a big dinner. It s really nice and delicious. Thank you and your parents for having me. 板书设计:教学反思:

60、Lesson 6 I want a CD. 本课主要谈论的是买东西的话题,侧重于谈论买音像用品CD 等等从而展开这个话题,买什么CD,关于流行歌,还是民族乐,中文的还是外语的,是谁唱的,多少钱,等等。教学目标 : 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载1. 准确理解并且能熟练在生活中运用对话中的基本句型。Can I help you ? Yes, please. Which do you like better, or ? I like better. How much is it? It s 2.

61、理解会说会用会写以下单词: A pop song a tape a CD foreign cheap folk music. 教学重点难点分析 : 1. 听,说,读,写以上的四会单词。2. 理解会说会用关于在商店买东西的常用句型。课前准备 : 教师准备一些不同类型、不同风格的音乐,磁带和录音机等。教学过程:1、热身( Warming up)教师通过与学生(顾客和售货员)之间的对话来引出本课所要学习的内容。A: Can I help you? B : Yes. I want a CD about folk music. A: We ve got many CDs about folk songs

62、. B: It s great. Can I have a look? A: Which do you like better, foreign ones or Chinese ones? B: I like foreign folk songs better. A: Oh, I see. What about this one? It s about the songs by the famous folk songer John Deavor. B: Wonderful! I love it. How much is it? A: It s 70 yuan. B: Wow, it s to

63、o expensive,but I ll take it. Here you are. A: Thank you. 2、新课展示( New Presentation )这节课我们将学习怎样去商店买东西, 怎样和售货员进行交谈, 怎样询问价钱。本课我们将重点学习如何在音像制品店买CD,如何挑选 CD,例如摇滚的,古典的,中国的,外国的等等。A:当我们进入商店,和售货员打完招呼以后,一般情况下售货员会问:Can I help you? B:如果我们想要买东西,想要获得帮助时,我们可以说: Yes, I wantC:如果我们只是想随便看一看,我们就可以说:No,Thanks. 教师将这:Can I

64、help you? Yes, please. No, thanks. 教师向学生展示几个例子 : Can I help you? Yes, I want a tape / CD. 教师在教授这个单词时, 要注意对学生的纠音, 字母 a 的发音是双元音| ei |,精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载要求学生发音时嘴形舌位要到位,流畅响亮。教师和学生之间进行互动练习,或者生生之间进行互动。S1: Can I help you? S2: Yes, I want a pair of shoes. S3:

65、Can I help you? S4: Yes, I want some flowers. 教师向学生出示一盒音乐CD,与学生进行引导对话T:So which is your favorite CD? 你最喜欢什么 CD?S1: My favourite CD is about film . S2:My favourite CD is about music. 教师用录音机来向学生展示不同风格和类型的音乐:展示中英文歌曲等。D:与学生之间进行互动练习T: What kind of music is your favourite? 那你喜欢什么类型的音乐?S I like classical m

66、usic. T:What kind of music is your favourite? S: My favourite music is pop music. 但是我最喜欢摇滚音乐。T: What kind of music is your favourite? S: My favourite music is Chinese music. T: What kind of music is your favourite? S: My favourite music is foreign music. E:如果我们挑选完了要购买的物品付钱时,询问价钱时, 我们可以说How much is i

67、t? How much are they? 在中国,钱的单位是yuan, 所以我们可以说It s 70 yuan. 我们还有其他价格单位。例如It s 70 dollars. It s 70 pounds. 我们可以用两个形容词来形容价格,expensivecheap. 所以我们可以说: This bag is so expensive. This CD is so cheap. 3、巩固练习教师引导学生用刚才所学的句型进行口语交际练习。模拟在商店买东西的场景,顾客和售货员之间的对话。(1) A: Can I help you? B: Yes. I want a CD. A: Look at

68、this one. It s about folk music. B: Wonderful! I ll love it.I ll take it. (2) A: Can I help you? B: Yes. I want a VCD. A: Look at this one. It s about a foreign film. B: Great! I ll take it. (3) A: Can I help you? B: Yes. I want a VCD about a Chinese film. A: How about this one? It s popular. B: How

69、 much is it? A: It s 48 yuan. B: Oh! It s not cheap, but I ll take it. (4) A: Can I help you? B: Yes. I want a radio. A: How about this one? It s very popular. B: How much is it? A:It s 180 yuan. B:Oh! It s very expensive. But I will take it. 4、小结本节课我们主要学习如何在商店里买东西,特别是买音乐CD,要求学生不但要掌握关于在商店里和售货员之间的一般对

70、话,还要对音乐的不同类型,不同风格有所了解。板书设计:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载教学反思:Lesson 7 My mother is looking for a dress for me. 本课谈论的仍然是买东西的话题,但主要侧重于买衣服。同时,也就涉及到了衣服的大小、颜色和价钱等。学会说What can I do for you? What size do you wear? What colour do you want? /It s cheap/expensive. 掌握单词和短语s

71、ize, expensive/ a clothes shop,looking for/ slippers/ sunglasses/ sneakers. 教学目标:1、会说会用在服装店买衣服时询问衣服颜色,尺寸大小,价钱等表达方式。What can I do for you? I m looking for What size does she wear? I wear small size. What colour do you like? I like pink. How much is it? It s expensive. 2、 理 解 会 说 会 用 会 写 以 下 单 词 : siz

72、e/expensive/a clothes shop/slippers/ sneakers/sunglasses/looking for. 教学重点难点分析:1、学习,识记,熟练运用四会单词。2、创设实际情景,灵活运用在服装店买衣服的句型。课前准备:教师准备关于服装的图片教学过程:1、热身( Warming up)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载教师利用对话的形式来引出本课学习的重点内容(主页图上有两个主要人物,A: Mum, B: Saleswoman) 。A: Good morning, w

73、hat can I do for you? B: Good morning. I want a T- shirt. A: What color do you like? B: I like yellow. A: What size do you wear? B: Middle A: How about this one? B: Wonderful. That s what I want. How much? A: 50 yuan. B: Here is the money. 2、新课展示( New Presentation )1)句型词汇学习 :讲解人 A 和 B 利用主页图上的人物介绍本课中

74、心句型和词汇。(图中是一个服装店,里面有衣服鞋子)利用单词卡片教授单词。教师出示服装店的图片, 教授短语a clothes shop , 还可以说成 a clothes store. 教师引导学生观察服装店的图片,观察里面都有什么。What can you see in a clothes shop? 在一个服装店里我们经常会看到什么?学生回答(汉语、英语都行)教师出示拖鞋的图片: slippers. We can see slippers. 也可以说a pair of slippers. (出示运动鞋的图片) sneakers. We can see sneakers.也可以说 a pair

75、 of sneakers. (出示太阳镜的图片)sunglasses. We can see sunglasses.(Sun太阳;glasses 玻璃)同样的我们还可以说a pair of sunglasses. 教师讲授完单词,引导学生巩固单词,教师做出不同的动作,学生快速反应。T: points to the eyes. Ss: a pair of sunglasses. T points to the foot. Ss : a pair of slippers. T pretends to do the action of running. Ss: a pair of sneakers.

76、 还可以复习以前学过的衣服类单词,a T- shirt, a dress, a skirt, a pair of trousers. 教师向学生讲解基本句型 : 当我们走进店里的时候,店员都会问我们想要什么,最基本的表达法是What can I do for you? 或者 Can I help you? 当店员问我们想要什么时,我们通常可以回答I m looking for a 或者 I want 在这里 looking for 有寻找和挑选的意思。在买衣服的时候还有很多细节的方面。2)询问衣服颜色,价钱和尺寸大小的句型:当我们想要知道别人衣服的码时,我们一般可以这样问What size d

77、o you wear? ( 出示图片size,码) L- large size 大码I wear large size. M- middle size 中码I wear middle size. S- small size 小码I wear small size. 当我们想要知道别人喜欢的颜色时,我们可以这样说:What colour do you like best? I like 当我们想要知道衣服的价钱时,我们可以说How much is it are they? It s yuan pounds dollars. 在这里我们还可以简单对价钱做出评价:It s cheap ( 便宜的 )

78、 It s expensive (贵的). 3、巩固练习教师引导学生模拟实际生活中的情景,进行对话练习, 用到本节课中所有学到的句型:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载1)A: What can I do for you? B: I m looking for a dress. A: What color do you like, blue or pink? B: I like pink. A:How about this one? B: That s good. A: What size do

79、you wear? B: I wear middle size. A: How much is it? B: It s 70 yuan. It s cheap. Here you are. 2)A: What can I do for you? B: I want a pair of sneakers. A: What size do you wear? B: L. A: What colour do you like? B: White. A: What about this one? 7B: Wonderful! How much? A: 280 yuan . B: OK. I ll ta

80、ke it. 3)A: How much is your yellow skirt? B: It s about 50 yuan. A: Its very nice. Where did you buy it? B: In the clothes shop. 4、小结本节课我们继续学习了如何买东西, 尤其是在服装店买衣服时和店员之间的最基本的对话,包括询问衣服的颜色,尺寸大小,价钱等。板书设计:教学反思:Lesson 8 In the liabrary 本课主要谈论的话题是借书的话题。教大家在图书法里怎样和管理员用英语进行交谈,管理员怎样想他人提供帮助, 读者怎样寻求帮助等等。学会 Would

81、 you like to ? /I d like to以及短语Snow White/ The Moonstone/ The Arabian Nights/Sleeping beauty / a liabary card/ return a book. 教学目标:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载1、熟悉会说课本中的英文书名:Snow White, the Moonstone , the Abrabian Nights. 2、理解会说会用会写: a library card, borrow a st

82、ory book, return a book. 3、理解会说会用在图书馆向管理人员借书时需要用到的基本句型:What can I do for you? I d like to borrow a Would you like an English one or a Chinese one? Please return this book in two weeks. 4、能够在实际场景中会说会用以上这些句型。教学重点难点分析:1、听、说、识记、写并且能够运用以上的四会单词。2、熟悉课本中的英文故事书名, 并且能在实际生活中熟练运用和图书管理员之间的对话。课前准备:1、教师准备一些英文故事书的封

83、皮和书名。教学过程:1、热身( Warming up)教师和学生一起合唱一首歌曲,活跃课堂气氛。教师先让学生观察主图上的两个人,知道他们一个是图书管理员(A) ,一个是读者( B) ,然后教师利用手偶之间的对话来引出本课要学习的重点内容。A:Can I help you? B: I d like to borrow a story book. Do you have Snow White? A: Yes, we do. Would you like a Chinese one or an English one? B: I d like an English one. A: Show me y

84、our library card, please. B: Here you are. Please return it in two weeks. A: I see. Thank you. 2、新课展示( New Presentation )教授利用文中主图上的两个人物间的对话介绍本课中心句型和词汇。用卡片教授单词。教师讲解:本节课我们将要学习如何在图书馆借书,教师向学生出示一个图书馆的图片, a library- 图书馆。在教授过程中,教师要特别注意单词的发音。教师指着在图书馆里的工作人员,由此引出另外一个单词:a librarian - 图书管理员在这里,教师要向学生指出这两个单词发音上的

85、区别,第一个单词的重音是在第一个音节上, 第二个的重音是在第二个音节上。可以要求学生用手势的高低, 或者声音的大小来区分重读。当我们走进图书馆的时候,工作人员就会主动问我们“What can I do for you?”这一点和在商店里一样。可以回答I d like a例如:I d like a story book. (我想要借一本故事书 )也可以说I want to borrow a story book. 教师可以将这两个句型都展示在黑板上让学生反复来读,向学生展示各种英文故事书的封皮和名称。(白雪公主的图片 - Snow White) (月亮宝石的图片 - the Moonstone)

86、 (一千零一夜的图片 - The Abrarian Nights) (睡美人的图片 - Sleeping Beauty) 教师引导学生用自己最喜欢的书名(可以是老师教授过的, 也可以是课外的),参考黑板上老师写的句型来造句,一方面巩固句型,一方面复习词汇。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载教师讲解在图书馆借书时,我们需要用到借书证:A library card 所以工作人员会让我们出示借书证Show me your library card. (出示你的借书证) borrow -借;borrow

87、books- 借书; Return-还;return books - 还书3、巩固练习教师利用班级里图书角的图书来模拟一个图书馆的场景,引导学生真正在实际生活中运用所学的句型, 可以先由教师来和一个学生做示范,教师说: What can I do for you? 学生回答I d like to borrow a story book. I want to borrow a story book. 教师再引导学生说出书名:What s the name of the book? 学生回答It s Snow White最后学生四人一组,自编对话进行练习,教师可以让表现出色的小组到教师前面进行展示

88、。1)A: What can I do for you? B: I want to borrow a book in Ehglish. A: Whats the name of the book? B: the Moonstone. A: Show me you library card, please. B: Here you are. 2)A: Hello! Mike, I want to borrow a tape. B: OK. A: Do you have any pop music tapes? B: Yes. Would you like English one or Chine

89、se one? A: English one is better. B: Look at this one. It s about the songs by Michael Jackson. A: Great! I love it. Thank you very much. I ll return it in two days. 4、小结本节课我们学习在图书馆如何向管理人员借书,借书时基本的对话, 以及最常见的英文故事书的名称。板书设计:教学反思:Lesson 9 How long may I keep the book? 这一课我们谈论的仍然是在图书馆里借书的话题,但侧重于用英语谈论“我精选

90、学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 23 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载可以借多长时间的书”以及“如果在限定时间内还不了书该如何处理”的话题。学会询问时间长短的句型How long may I keep?以及掌握情态动词must 的用法。教学目标和重点难点分析:1、理解会说会用会写以下单词和短语:Keep a book, finish, renew a book 2、理解会说会用以下一些常用句型:How long may I keep ? What must I do if I can t? You must come and renew

91、 it. 3、能准确理解本课对话内容,并能在实际生活中和别人进行练习。课前准备:教师准备上节课用CAI 准备的故事书封皮及英文名称。教学过程:1、热身( Warming up)教师和学生一起唱歌, 鼓励学生加上动作来活跃课堂气氛。然后出示不同英文故事书的名称,要学生复习。 教师将学生分组, 分角色朗读对话,为本节课的学习做铺垫。对话导入新课 :( A: a librarian B: Li Dong )A: What can I do for you? B: I hear The Moonstone is very interesting . I d like to borrow it. A:

92、Here you are. B: Thank you. How long can I keep it? A: Three weeks. B: Oh, that s enough. 2、新课展示( New Presentation )教师在上一节课学习的基础上,进一步学习在图书馆借书的基本句型。教师在黑板上出示两个单词:borrow 借return 还教师引导学生用上面两个单词造句。例如: I want to borrow a book. Please return it tomorrow. I want to borrow your pen. Please return it next wee

93、k. 教师讲解,在图书馆借书时,管理人员会要求我们在规定时间内还书。这时我们会经常用到句型You d better return 这是比 Please return 更为委婉的说法。教师引导学生将以上句型进行转换,例如:I want to borrow a book. You d better return it tomorrow. I want to borrow your pen. You d better return it next week. 借书时,管理员会嘱咐我们:You d better return the book in two weeks. ( 你最好在两个星期内还书)

94、还可以用另一种方法来表达:You can keep the books for two weeks. (出示图片keep the book 拥有这本书)教师可以引导学生再一次将以上两个句型进行转换I want to borrow a book. You can keep the book for one day. I want to borrow your pen. You can keep the pen for a week. T:So do you know how to ask a question? 那么你们知道怎么问吗?在这里我们要学习一个用来询问时间长短的疑问副词how long

95、 ,表示” 多长时间” ,如:How long may I keep the book? 这本书我可以借多长时间?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 24 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载How long do you go to zoo ? 你多长时间去一次动物园?How long does she go to the library? 她多长时间去一次图书馆?教师在黑板上的答句中的时间状语下画出横线,引导学生对画线部分提问。How long can I keep the book? How long can I keep your

96、pen? 回答时,我们除了可以用had better to ,还可以用情态动词must。当然 must 比had better to的语气更强硬, 更有命令性。 如:You must return the book in two weeks. 所以以上的答句还可以说成You must return the book tomorrow. You must return the pen next week. T: What must we do if we cant finish it? (出示图片finish, 完成) For example:finish the homework (写完作业

97、) finish the books (读完书) 还可以说 finish reading the books (读完书)finish doing the homework. (写完作业 ) 如果我们在规定的时间里不能按时还书,我们应该怎么办?If we can t finish the book, we must renew the book. (出示图片,renew the book, renew 是刷新的意思 ) 3、巩固练习教师和学生之间进行对话,教师为图书管理员,引导学生复习本节课和上节课所学过的重点句型。T:What can I do for you? S: I want to bo

98、rrow a book. T: (指着课件上的白雪公主故事书) Which book do you want? S: I want to borrow the Snow White. T: Would you like a Chinese one or an English one? S: I like an English one. T: Please show me your library card. S: Here you are. How long can I keep the book ?T: You d better return it in two weeks. S: Than

99、ks. T: You are welcome. 课内练习: This is a context exercise. 这是一道情景题。要根据If 引导的条件句来推测后面主句的内容:If you want to borrow a book, please go to the library. If you want to buy an icec ream, please go to the shop. If you want to play computer games, please go to the net bar. If you don t want to be lost in the f

100、orest, please buy a map. If you dont know the way, please ask for others. If you want to have some coffee, please go the cafe. If you wnt to visit Beijing, please go to the airport to take a plane. 4、小结本节课我们在前一课学习的基础上, 进一步学习了在图书馆借书时的一些基本用语,包括询问“书可以借多长时间” 以及如果在限定时间里还不了书该如何处理。本课我们学习了询问时间长短的问句“How long

101、?”.,学习了情态动词“ must”用法,以及一些常用短语,例如 keep the book finish (reading) the book. 板书设计:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 25 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载教学反思:Lesson 10 How happy we were! 本课和前几课相比,在内容和形式等方面都有所不同。本课是以日记的形式来叙述已经发生过的一件事。 所以, 这一课里出现了前几课没有涉及到的时态问题。所以要求我们要学习并掌握日记的基本格式以及过去式的基本概念,基本结构和基本用法,还有由 how 引

102、导的感叹句的形式及其基本用法。教学目标:1、理解会说会用会写以下单词Have a talk, helpful, write a letter, a king, penfriend, keep a diary. 2、学习并掌握日记的基本格式。3、了解一般过去时态的基本概念,基本结构以及基本用法。4、学习并掌握以 How 引导的感叹句的形式及其用法:How they are it is! 教学重点难点分析:1、学习了解动词过去式,并能在实际生活中进行运用。2、学习并掌握 how 引导的感叹句的形式及其用法,并能将一些陈述句进行转换。3、学习了解英文日记的格式。课前准备:教师准备单词卡片,一张世界地

103、图。教学过程:1、热身( Warming up)教师拿出一张世界地图,引导学生来复习以前学过的国家名称China 中国America 美国Austrailia 澳大利亚England英国在以上复习的基础上,教师和一个同学之间的对话引出本课要学的重点内容。A:I will go to Hong Kong this year. It s a good place. B: What will you see in Hong Kong? A: I will see many tall building in Hong Kong. What will you go? 精选学习资料 - - - - - -

104、 - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 26 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载B: I will go to Xi an. A: What did you see? B: I saw Bell Tower. How great it is! A: So this summer I ll go to Xi an. 2、新课展示( New Presentation )1)日记格式的学习教师讲解:本节课我们要学习的第一个重点内容就是写日记。教师拿出一个日记本,在黑板上出示单词:diary 英语日记和汉语日记的格式基本相似。在正文上面一行写出星期,日期以及天气情况。接下来就是日记的正

105、文,其格式和英文文章段落的格式一样,开头第一句要空出三到四个字母的位置。教师举出一个例子:第一行:Sunday May 18thSunny Today is Sunday. . (正文). 2)一般过去时态的学习教师讲解:Generally speaking, we should use the past tense because what we written were all past things. . 一般说来,我们记日记的时候要用到过去时态,因为我们要在日记里记的事情都已经发生了。所以什么是一般过去时态?如何用呢?教师在黑板上写出三个单词: yesterday, today, to

106、morrow 引导学生通过已经学过的一般将来时态和现在进行时态来理解一般过去时态。Today 是表示正在发生的事情。Tomorrow 则表示将来要发生的事情。The past tense refers to the things or actions which happened in the past. 一般过去时态是指过去发生的事情或动作。教师在黑板上写出一些句子,让学生自己管处出一般过去时态的结构。I played football yesterday. I visited Xi an last year. I learned English last night. We talked

107、right now. 在动词之后加上 ed/d 和表示过去的时间状语 , 就能构成一般过去时态,当然,不是所有的动词都是加ed/d 才能构成过去时态,还有很多特殊的(不规则的) 。For example:I came(come) to Xi an last year. I wrote( write) a letter (出示图片,写信) to my gransparents right now. ( 刚才) He was (is)a teacher last year. We were(are) 11 years old last year. 完 整 的 一 般 过 去 时 态 还 应 该 包

108、 括 表 示 过 去 时 间 的 状 语 , for example, yesterday(昨天), right now,(刚才) last week, (上个星期)last month, (上个月)last year(去年)3)由how 引导的感叹句。教师讲解:本节课的最后一个重点内容就是有 how 引导的感叹句。For example, We were so happy. - How happy we were! (我们真开心啊 ) It s a lovely dog. - How lovely the dog is! 3、巩固练习1)时态之间的转换练习。教师引导学生熟练巩固现在进行时态,

109、一般将来时态和一般过去时态。教师将学生分成两组。教师说出一个句子,学生分别吧句子转换成另外两个时态。1)T: I m doing my homework. 2)T: I visited my grandparents . S1: I will do my homework. S1: I m visiting my grandparents. S2: I did my homework. S2: I will visit my grandparents. 2) 感叹句。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 27 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎

110、下载一般的陈述句和感叹句之间的转换1)T:This is a beautiful coat. 2)T: That is a great city. Ss: How beautiful this coat is! Ss: How great this city is! 3)T:We were so happy. Ss: How happy were! 出示 第 47页的图片:A:They had a talk happily.- How happy they were! (have a talk, 谈话) B:It s a helpful book. - How helpful the book

111、 is! (helpful- 有帮助的 ) C:He wrote a letter carefully.- How careful he was! D:He was a great king.- How great the king was! 3) We should read the diary carefully and when we answered the questions ,we should pay more attention to the past tense. 我们应该仔细阅读日记, 根据日记内容来回答问题,但是在回答问题时要注意时态的转变。A:Where did he

112、get the story book? He got a story book from Wang Shi. B:What s the name of the book? Its name is The Monkey King. C:What did he do in China? He took me to visit many places of interest in Beijing . D:Will that book help him learn Chinese well? Yes, it will. 4、小结本节课我们一共学习了三个重点的内容,第一个就是学习英语日记的格式。然后我们

113、学习了一般过去时态,包括它的含义, 结构以及用法。 最后我们学习了由how 引导的感叹句。板书设计:教学反思:Lesson11 I love animals!本课主要谈论的是关于动物的话题。低年级时,同学们已经学了一些常见的、简单的动物名称。例如:dog, duck, cat等等。这一课我们将要学习更多动物名称。例如:snake, zebra, giraffe, kangaroo 等等。还要能用句型I can see 来描述你所看到的动物以及句型I like best 描述你最喜欢的动物。教学目标和教学重点难点分析:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - -

114、 - - -第 28 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载1、 理解会说会写会用动物名词: snake, zebra, giraffe, lion, elephant, hippo, monkey, kangaroo, deer, fox, wolf, tiger, panda. 2、能用英语表达自己见过什么样的动物,自己最喜欢的动物, 并且能用英语描述某种动物的特点。 I saw/I can see My favourite animal isIt s very 3、提高学生的观察力和注意力,培养他们爱护动物,保护动物的美德。课前准备 :教师和学生都准备各种动物的图片教学过程 :1、热身( Wa

115、rming up)教师和学生一起唱一首歌来做课前的热身活动。然后教师引导学生一起来复习以前学过的动物名词。教师叫一个学生到黑板前面,在耳边轻轻说一个动物名字,让这个学生通过模仿这种动物的声音和动作,其他同学来猜, 猜到的同学将会给他们组得一分。做完这个活动,教师和学生快速复习这些动物的名称。复习完动物名称,教师可以和学生之间进行随机对话,询问互相都喜欢什么动物, 对下面的学习内容做好铺垫。2、新课展示( New Presentation )1)动物名称的学习教师讲解:我们刚此已经把以前学过的动物名称都复习了,在本节课中我们要学习更多动物的名称。So let s look at a pictur

116、e. T: What can you see in this picture? 在图片里你能看到什么动物?Ss: I can see some animals. Snake (snakes)- 蛇| s | Zebra(zebras)- 斑马| z | Elephant( elephants)- 大象| ts | Giraffe( giraffes)- 长颈鹿 | s | Lion(lions)- 狮子| z | Hippo(hippos)-河马 | z | Fox(foxes)-狐狸| s | Wolf( wolves)- 狼| z | Tiger(tigers)-老虎 | z | Kang

117、aroo(kangaroos)-袋鼠| z | Monkey(monkeys)-猴子 | z | Panda(pandas)- 熊猫| z | Deer(deer)-鹿T:这里我们要注意这些名词的单数和复数变化:A:一般的都是在此的末尾加-s, panda-pandas B:以 x,ch,sh结尾的单词加es, fox-foxes C:还有部分单词是单复数同型,deer-deer D:还有部分单词单数变复数时单词完全变形,mouse-mice (老鼠)讲授完单词以后,教师重点引导学生练习这些单词变复数后s的读音。2)用英语描述自己看到了什么动物,喜欢什么动物和最喜欢什么动物。T: 在我们描述图

118、片时,我们一般要用到句型What can you see in .? I can see For example:What can you see in this picture? I can see many animals. 教师用幻灯片出示各种不同的动物图片,给学生 10 秒钟的时间去记忆, 然后让学生说出他们都看到了什么动物。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 29 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载T:What can you see in the picture? S1: I can see a panda. S2: I ca

119、n see a giraffe. S3:I can see a goat. S4: I can see an elephant .S5: I can see a snake. S6: I can see a hippo. T: So in the picture, what animal do you like best? I like pandas best. 所以当我们想要询问别人最喜欢什么时,还可以说 What do you like best? I like best. 教师和学生之间进行随机的变化,操练句型。我们还可以说 What is you favorite animal? Pa

120、nda is my favorite animal. 学习完本课知识点之后,教师引导学生编对话来进行复习。A:I had go to the zoo last Sunday. B: What did you see? A: I saw many lovely animals. B: What are they? A: They are giraffes, monkeys, deer, pandas, kangaroos and zebras. B: What animal do you like best? A: I like pandas best because they are so f

121、at and move slowly. B: Pandas are really lovely animals. 3、巩固练习教师让学生两个人一组,互相来复习所学过的动物名词。教师可以建议学生用简单的句子来描述自己的喜欢的动物,然后让对方猜出来。1)A: What animal do you like? B: It s white and lovely. It has red eyes and long ears. It likes eating cabbiages and carrorts. What is it? A: You like rabbits. 2)A: What animal

122、do you like? B: It s very tall nad srong. It has four long legs and it can run very fast. People likes riding it. A: You like horses. 课内练习: 1)本道题要求我们用到地理知识把动物和国家联系起来。When I was in Australia, I saw kangaroos. When I was in Africa, I saw giraffes. When I was in China, I saw pandas. When I was in Ameri

123、ca, I saw lions. 2)做这道题时,我们要先看后面描述动物特点的句子,然后判断那是什么动物。Kangaroos are interesting. They have bags on their bodies. Pandas are fat and lovely. They have slowly. Giraffes are tall. They have long necks. Elephants are very big. They can do a lot of work for people. 4、小结本节课我们主要学习了各种动物的名称,并且学习了询问别人看到了什么动物,喜

124、欢什么动物,以及用英语来对这些问题做出回答。板书设计:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 30 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载教学反思:Lesson 12 Take care of the trees! 本课谈论的主要话题是大自然的草木,从而涉及到了一个更高的话题:environment protection ( 环境保护 )。 人们要爱护这美丽的大自然。We must take care of them. 学生能听懂,会说,会写与植物有关的名词和动词短语。能够用英语描述自己所看到的自然景色,You can find many tal

125、l trees in it. The grass is green and the flowers are sweet. 教学目标:1、听懂,会说会写会写和植物有关的一些名词和动词短语:a lily, grass, dig a hole, plant trees pick flowers, cut a tree. 2、学习运用情态动词: can, can t, must, should. You can find many We can t pick flowers ( cut the tree). We must (should) take care of the them. 3、能用英语来

126、表达自己所看到的美丽景色,描述美丽的花, 可爱的草,高大的树 并能用英语描述种树木,栽花的过程。4、培养学生热爱大自然,爱护花草树木的良好行为习惯。教学重点难点分析:1、学习用英语来描述种花种树的步骤。2、学习情态动词的用法。 can , can t, must, should. 课前准备 :教师准备动物园和公园的图片以及有花、草、树的图片。教学过程:1、热身( Warming up)教师和学生一起来复习上节课所学过的动物名称,并且用学过的句型What animals do you like best? 说出自己最喜欢的动物。教师出示动物园的图片,要求学生与学生进行对话。S1:What s t

127、his? S2: It s a zoo. S1: What can you see in the zoo? S2: I can see many animals. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 31 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载S1: What animals can you see. S2: I can see a tiger, a panda, an elephant and a horse. S1: What animal do you like best? S2: I like horses best. 2、新课展示(

128、 New Presentation )T: (出示百合花的图片)Do you know what flower it is? It s my favorite flower. 你知道这种花叫什么名字吗?It s a lily. It s very pure. 是很纯洁的百合花。It looks nice. 它看起来非常不错。将句型: It s a lily. 写在黑板上。教师出示玫瑰花的图片,Do you know what flower it is? It s a rose. It s very beautiful. 是很漂亮的玫瑰花。将此句型: It s a rose. 写在黑板上。T:(

129、出示本课主图上公园的图片) Look at this picture, what can you see in the park? 在图片上你能看到什么?I can see many trees. They are very tall. 将句型They are trees. 写在黑板上。What other things can you see? 你还能看到什么?T:I can see lots of green grass and sweet flowers. 我还能看到绿草和鲜花。 (出示图片, grass- 草)将句型 They are grass and flowers. 写在黑板上。

130、教师和学生一起来巩固刚才所学的单词。In summer , there are many beautiful flowers in the park. I always can see lots of people picking flowers. ( 出示图片, pick flowers- 摘花) 夏天到了,公园里到处都开满了五颜六色的花。我经常会看到有人摘花。That s a bad behavor. We should take care of the flowers. We can t pick flowers. 那是一种很不好的行为,我们应该保护花朵,而不是摘花。(出示短语take

131、care of, 保护,照顾 ) For example:I will take care of myself. 我会照顾好自己的。还可以说take good care of ,保护好,照顾好。如:I will take good care of myself. T:So we can t cut trees. We should plant trees. cut trees- 砍树plant trees-植树句型: We can t pick flowers. We should take care of them. 其中 can, can t, should 都是情态动词,表示我们的请求,

132、意愿,意志。如:You should study hard. You can t speak loudly. You can drink anyone you like. 教师引导学生用情态动词should 来描述种树的步骤。1. We should dig a hole. 2. We should put the tree in the hole. 3. We should cover the tree with the earth 4. We should water the tree. 3、巩固练习:1)教师引导学生用所学过的语言点来自编对话。2)This exercise focuse

133、s on the usage of take care of , so we must according to the text and fill in the blanks. 这道题主要考查 take care of 的用法,根据上下文填空。(1) We cant hurt the animals. (2) We can t walk on the grass. They are lovely. They are beautiful. We must take care of them. We must take care of them. 3)This passage is about

134、the Tree Planting Day and teach us the steps and ways of planting trees. 这篇文章主要是围绕植树节来写的,并且交给我们植树的步骤和方法:(1) March 12th is the Tree Planting Day. (2) People go out to plant trees on that day. (3) Trees are peoples friends. We must take good care of the trees. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - -

135、 - -第 32 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载4、小结:本节课我们学习了在公园里见到的花草树木的名称。学习了情态动词的用法。还学习了用情态动词来描述种树的步骤。板书设计:教学反思:Lesson 13 I want to be a farmer in the future. 这一课的主要话题是谈论一个的兴趣爱好,以及将来打算要从事什么样的职业。 于是, 涉及到了我们本课要学习的重点句型:I like enjoy doingI often do. I want to be in the future. 教学目标及重点难点分析:1、理解会说会用会写以下短语:An actor, make me h

136、appy, a pop star. 2、会说会用以下一般现在时态的句型I likeenjoy doingI often do I want to be in the future. 3、熟练掌握课文每幅图下面的文字内容,并且能根据文字内容进行自我介绍。课前准备:教师准备各种职业的人物图片,学生准备自己家人的照片。教学过程:1、热身( Warming up)教师和学生做一组TPR 活动来活跃课堂气氛。然后和学生一起进行复习,教师引导学生用英语说出自己最喜欢的动物或植物,还可以谈论自己在生活中喜欢做的事情,并且和别人进行交流。A:What do you like best? B: I like h

137、orses best. C: Which is your favorite flower? D: Lily is my favourite flower. E: What do you like doing ? F: I like singing pop songs very much. What about you? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 33 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载E: I like playing football very much. And I also like swimming. 2、新课展示( N

138、ew Presentation )教师就本课的重点单词和重点句型进行讲解。教师讲解:In this lesson, we will talk about our dreams and jobs in the future and explain the reasons. 本节课我们将谈论将来梦想和职业的话题,以及阐述理由。Everyone has his own dream about jobs. 每个人都有自己关于未来职业的梦想.所以当我们想要告诉别人我们的梦想时,我们可以可以用want to be 的短语来表达。如 What do you want to be in the future?

139、 I want to be a farmer in the future. 我们还可以用将来时态来表达这一说法。For example, What are you going to be in the future? I m going to be a farmer in the future. What will you be in the future? I ll be a farmer in the future. 教师拿出准备好的职业照片,和学生一起学习有关职业的单词。教师可以用不同的体态来传达不同的职业特点,让学生来猜。教师还可以邀请学生来做动作,让别的同学来猜。 For examp

140、le:A: (做出敬礼的姿势)B:You are going to be a policeman. A: (做出踢足球的动作 ) B:You are going to be a footballer. A: (做出打篮球的动作 ) B:You are going to be a basketballer. 教师还可以通过语言描述来让学生猜出是哪种职业。For example:A: She works in the hospital. She wears in white. She give injection to the patients. (做打针手势)B:She is a nurse.

141、A: He is handsome. He can sing beautiful songs. He always have concert. ( 做唱歌姿势 ) B:He is a singer. 教师快速出示职业图片,学生拼读复习巩固。A farmer-农夫An actor-演员A singer- 歌手A football player a footballer- 足球运动员A doctor- 医生A nurse- 护士A teacher - 老师A policeman - 警察A driver - 司机A pop star- 明星教师将两个句型写在黑板上:I want to be a I

142、 am going to be a 教师和学生之间进行互动,互相询问对方以后想要从事的职业,对上面的句型和单词进行巩固练习。教师讲解:当别人询问我们喜欢这个职业的原因时,我们可以用I like I enjoy的句型进行解释 . like 和 enjoy 后面的动词和动词短语应该加-ing. For example:I want to be a farmer. I want to be an actor. I likeenjoy seeing films. I like enjoy watering flowers and planting trees. 3、巩固练习1)教师引导学生用以上学过的

143、句型来进行对话,并把它改编成一个简短的人物介绍。A:What do you want to be in the future? B: I want to be a farmer in the future. A: Why? B: Because I like trees, flowers and grass. What about you? A: I want to be an actor in the future. B:So you enjoy singing songs. A: Yes, I also like dancing very much. I like trees, flowe

144、rs and grass. So in the future I want to be a farmer. But she wants 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 34 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载to be a singer in the future. She likes singing and she can sing beautiful songs. She also likes dancing very much. So she can be a good singer and a good actor . 2)L

145、ook at the pictures carefully and then fill in the blanks. We must change the words into proper forms. 仔细观察图片填空, 在适当时候我们要适当进行单词变形。My friend and I enjoy watching TV after school. I like cartoons very much and Li Dong only likes TV plays. He wants to be an actor in the future. Tom wants to be a footba

146、ll player, so he often watches football matches on TV . Helen and alice enjoy Beijing Opera a lot. They hope they can play Beijing Opera in the future. 4、小结本节课我们学习了自我介绍,尤其是表达自己以后想要从事的职业,用一般将来时态来描述,以及自己喜欢的原因。板书设计:教学反思:Lesson 14 Water 本课主要谈论的话题是“ water” ,进而涉及到了水的一些特点。 我们知道:首先,地球上有很多水。 There is a lot o

147、f water on the earth. 其次,海水是咸的; the water in the sea is salty. 第三,水里生活着很多鱼类和植物; Many kinds of fish and plants live in the water. 最后,海水是非常凉的,越深处越凉。The deeper, the colder. 我们对于水的了解还会更多。 比如:海水最深的地方在哪?它有多深等等。这一课就将教大家学习一些和水相关的词句,并教大家如何用英语谈论water . 教学目标及重点难点分析:1、理解会说会写会用本课的一些重点单词和重点句型A map of the world, t

148、he earth, mountains, land, living things, on the top, salty. What do you know about ? the deeper, the colder 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 35 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载2、通过学习本课的内容了解到水的特点,并能用英语总结出水的特点。3、通过本课的学习,让学生了解到水的珍贵,培养他们珍惜水资源的好习惯。课前准备:教师利用 CAI 制作幻灯片来讲解水的特点,准备一张世界地图和地球仪。教学过程:1、热身( Warming

149、 up)1、教师和学生一起唱上节课学过的歌曲do re mi活跃课堂气氛。2、教师引导学生对上节课所学的知识进行复习,介绍自己和自己最好的朋友。Hi! My name is Horses are my favorite animal and I also like flowers. I like swimming and playing football . So I want to be a footballer in the future. This is my friend She likes singing and dancing. She can see beautiful song

150、s. So she wants to be an actor in the future. 2、新课展示( New Presentation )1. 教师就本课重点内容进行讲解。教师: (take out a map of the earth, 拿出一张世界地图)T: What s this? S:This is a map of the world. (出示图片,世界地图)So when we want to express a map, we should use of . 所以当我们想要谈论地图的所属时,我们要用到介词“of” ,如:中国地图 - a map of China. 世界地图

151、 - a map of the world 美国地图- a map of America 教师拿着地图向学生讲解上面不同色块所指代的地域T:Look at the green part, What is it? 看看那蓝色的部分,那是什么?It s the land. 那是陆地 . (出示图片, land 陆地) T: What about the blue part? 那蓝色的部分呢?It s the water. We can see a lot of water on the earth ,such as lakes, rivers, seas. 我们在地球上可以看到很多水,它们有的是湖

152、泊,有的是河流,还有的是大海。All of us know that the 70 percent of the world is water. 我们大家都知道地球上70%的部分都是水。所以我们也可以把我们的地球称作一个大水球。(a ball filled with water) 教师用幻灯片来展示地球的全景,简直是一个蓝色的大水球。T: But it is a pity that most of the water on the earth is sea water. Its salty. We can t take full use of it. 但是让人遗憾的是地球上大部分水都是海水。它

153、们都是咸的,我们不能充分利用。Except this , the sea water is still very cold. The deeper, the colder. 除了咸,海水还有一个特点就是冷。越深越冷。教师出示海水的各个角度图片,总结其特点。Cold and salty. 引导学生来学习这两个单词。T:In the deep part of the sea, many kinds of living things live in the water. 在大海深处,生活着很多生物。Such as, fishes, whales, dolphins and water grass.

154、例如鱼,鲸鱼,海豚和海草之类的。A:So the sea is a mysterious world. It has many secrets. We can seek for more. 大海是精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 36 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载一个神秘的世界。它隐藏了很多秘密。我们可以进一步探索。教师用幻灯片展示海底的美丽风光,并且引导学生来学习海底一些生物的名称。Fishes鱼类Whales 鲸Dolphins 海豚Water grass 水草3、巩固练习:1)教师给学生 3 分钟时间再读课文, 然后凭借自己

155、的理解来回答教师写在黑板上的问句,最后通过组织问句的答案来复述短文内容. What can you see in the earth ?Is the sea water tasteless? Is the water cold?What things live in the sea water? Is the water cold? 学生两个人一组讨论问题答案,并且组织答案复述文章。Look at the map of the world. The blue part in the map is water. We have much water in the world. But most

156、of them is sea water. The sea water is very salty and cold. The deeper ,the colder. There are lots of things living in the sea. We can in fishes, whales, dolphins and water grass. 2) This is a reading comprehension. Through reading it ,we can know more about the sea. 这是一道阅读题,通过阅读,我们可以对大海了解得更多。For ex

157、ample, A: Where does the salt in the sea from? B: The rivers carry the salt from the land into the sea. A: What live in the water? B: Many fishes and plants. The fish live on the plant. A: What is the temprature of the sea water? B: On the top, it is warm, but it becomes cold at the bottom. 4、小结:本节课我们了解了地球上最珍贵的资源- 水资源的特点:水资源的广泛分布;海水的味道;海水的深度和其温度的关系;海水中生长的各类生物,不但让学生增长了见识,还教育了他们要学会珍惜水资源。板书设计:教学反思:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 37 页,共 37 页



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