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1、1 四年级下册英语复习提纲(一)Class_ Name_ No._ 一、词汇1.In your school(在你学校里)a teachers s office a classroom a hall a library a music room 一间教师办公室一间课室一间礼堂一间图书馆一间音乐室an art room a gym a playground a lunch room a computer room 一间美术室一间体育室一个操场一间午餐室一间电脑室2.In your classroom(在你课室里)a window a door a chair a desk 一个窗户一扇门一张椅子

2、一张书桌a ruler a pen a pencil a bag 一把直尺一支钢笔一支铅笔一个书包3.In your home(在你家里)a living room a dining room a bedroom 一间客厅一间餐厅一间卧室a kitchen a bathroom a garden 一间厨房一间浴室一个花园4.Places( 地方) a movie theater a swimming pool a hospital a bank a shopping mall 一间电影院一个游泳池一间医院一间银行一间购物中心a restaurant a park a supermarket a

3、 zoo a beach a party 一间餐馆一个公园一间超市一个动物园一个沙滩一个派对5.In the free time(在闲暇时间)go to the park go to the zoo buy an ice-cream call my friend 去公园去动物园买一个冰淇淋打电话给我的朋友borrow a book watch TV listen to a song listen to music 借一本书看电视听一首歌听音乐ice-skate ride a bike make models make a smowman 溜冰骑单车制作模型堆雪人精选学习资料 - - - - -

4、 - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 12 页2 see a movie read a story read a book (books) surf the Internet 看电影读一本故事书看书上网play cards play outside 玩扑克在外面玩play basketball play soccer play ping-pong play badminton 打篮球踢足球打乒乓球打羽毛球play the violin play the piano play the guitar play the drum 拉小提琴弹钢琴弹吉他打小鼓6.Ou

5、r clothes (我们的衣服)a coat a dress a shirt a T-shirt a sweater a cap 一件外套一条连衣裙一件衬衣一件 T 恤衫一件毛衣一顶帽子shorts shoes pants socks a skirt a jacket 短裤鞋子长裤袜子一条短裙一件夹克a doll an orange 一个玩具娃娃一个橙子7.Jobs ( 职业) a taxi driver a bus driver a firefighter a police officer a writer 一位出租车司机一位公交车司机一位消防员一位警察一位作家an office work

6、er a doctor a nurse a teacher a magician a student 一位办公室工作人员一位医生一位护士一位老师一位魔术师一位学生a driver a worker a farmer a singer a dancer a player 一个司机一个工人一个农民一个歌唱家一个舞蹈家一个运动员8.其他( others)school come too of course idea new kid everyone nice 学校来也当然主意新的孩子每个人好看的bus balloon like come back Thank you. You re welcome.

7、公共汽车气球喜欢回来谢谢。不要客气。whose mine what where How many hobby body head 谁的我的什么哪里多少业余爱好身体头wing 翅膀 ears 耳朵 arms 手臂 sure 当然 another hobby at the beach 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 12 页3 lots of there isn t there is there are there aren t an idea 许多没有有有没有一个主意moving to for everyone for m

8、e have an ice-cream Here you are. 搬到为每个人为我要一个冰淇淋给你。9.Colors(颜色) red yellow blue green orange white black purple pink brown 红色黄色蓝色绿色橙色白色黑色紫色粉红色 棕色10.(Numbers)数词one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen 11 12 13 14 1

9、5 16 17 eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-five thirty forty 18 19 20 21 25 30 40 sixty seventy eighty ninety 60 70 80 90 11. 物主代词形容词性物主代词:my your our his her their its 名词性物主代词:mine yours ours his hers theirs its 12.动词词组1)want to: go to the zoo go to the park call my friend watch TV borrow a

10、 book listen to a song listen to music ice-skate play cards play outside make models make a snowman ride a bike see a movie buy an ice-cream read a story surf the Internet 2) like: going to the zoo going to the park calling my friend watching TV borrowing a book listening to a song listening to musi

11、c ice-skating playing cards playing outside making models making a snowman riding a bike seeing a movie buying an ice-cream reading a story surfing the Internet 13、Family(家庭)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 12 页4 grandfather grandmother mother father sister brother 爷爷奶奶妈妈爸爸姐;妹兄;弟

12、Dad Mom uncle aunt 爸爸妈妈叔叔阿姨二、句型1. 问数量: How many are there ? There is one/ a / an ( 单数) There are two ( 二或以上的数量 ) 2. 问某个地方有什么吗?Is there a / an / one?(问表示数量一)Yes, there is . ( No, there isnt) Are there two? (问表示二或以上的数量)Yes, there are. (No, there aren t.) 3. 问去哪里Where are you going ? I m going to (We r

13、e going to) . Where is she (he) going? She s / He s going toWhere are they going? They re going to the 4、表示请求May(Can) I ? Yes, you may. (No, you may not.Sorry.) Yes, please. /Sure. / No. Sorry. 5、问物品的主人:Whose is this / it / that? It s . Whose are these/ they / those? They re Is this / it / that ? Ye

14、s, it is. / No, it isn t. Are these / they/ those ? Yes, they are. / No, they aren t. 6、问职业:What do you do? I m a / an? / We re doctors. What does he / she do? He s / She s a/ an . What do they do? They re nurses. What do you want to be? I want to be a/ an ./ We want to be writers What do they want

15、to be? They want to be teachers. What does he/ she want to be ? He/ She wants to be a/ an 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 12 页5 四年级英语下册复习提纲(二)Class_ Name _ No._ 一、情景对话1. 你想邀请Gogo 去你们学校,你可以说:_ 2. 你想知道朋友的学校里有什么,应该问:_ 3. Jenny 想知道你学校有几间教室,她会问:_ 4. 你想告诉朋友你学校里有许多教师,你会说:_ 5. 你想说你学校没有午

16、餐室,你会说:_ 6. 你忽然想到一个主意要告诉Tony,你会说: _ 7. 你妈妈想知道你教室里有多少张椅子,她会问你:_ 8. 爸爸告诉孩子要搬新家了,他会说:_ 9. 妈妈看见你不高兴,她会说:_ 10.你想知道自己有没有一间卧室,你会问:_ 11.爸爸告诉你们每个人都有卧室,他会说:_ 12.你对你们的新家很满意,你会说:_ 13.你想知道你的新家里有没有动物园,你会问:_ 14.你想说你家里没有花园,你会说:_ 15.你想知道妈妈要去哪里,你会问:_ 16.你想知道Jenny 是不是要去医院,你会问:_ 17.妈妈问你要去哪里,你会说:_ 18.司机告诉你这辆公共汽车不是去海滩的,他

17、会说:_ 19.你想知道妈妈是不是去银行,你会问爸爸:_ 20.你想要一个冰淇淋,你会问售货员:_ 21.你朋友问你借东西,你乐意借给他,你会说:_ 22.当朋友对你说Thank you 时,你应该说:_ 23.你想要一个红色气球,可以问:_ 24.你想知道这些蓝色袜子是谁的,你会问:_ 25.妈妈想知道这条连衣裙是不是你的,她会问:_ 26.别人问你的事情,你不知道应该说:_ 27.你做错事情,应该怎样说:_ 28.你想知道这些鞋子是不是汤尼的,应该问:_ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 12 页6 29.你想知道别人

18、是做什么职业的,你会问:_ 30.老师想知道你长大后想做什么职业,他会问你:_ 31.你想知道同桌喜欢做什么,你会问:_ 32.同学问你的爱好是什么,你会说:_ 33.你想知道珍妮喜欢游泳还是跳舞,你会问她:_ 34.你想知道果果还有没有其它爱好,你会问:_ 35.你告诉果果不能在海滩上溜冰,你会说:_ 36.你同桌问你正在做什么,你回答说:_ 37.你想知道新同学的爱好是什么,你应该问:_ 38.珍妮说她感到很无聊,她会说:_ 39.你想堆雪人,你应该对你的同伴说:_ 40.你很无聊,你的朋友问你想做什么,他会问:_ 41.你想堆雪人的身体,你应该说:_ 二、根据实际情况回答问题。1.Is

19、there an art room in your school?_ 2.Is there a hall in your school? _ 3.How many classrooms are there in your school? _ 4.How many libraries are there in your school?_ 5.How many teachers offices are there in your school? _ 6.Is there a lunch room in your school? _ 7.Is there a garden in your home?

20、 _ 8.Is there a kitchen in your home? _ 9.How many bedrooms are there in your home? _ 10.Are there two bathrooms in your home? _ 11.Where are your going? _ 12. Are you going to the hospital?_ 13.Where is your mother going ? _ 14.Where s your father going? _ 15.May I borrow your book ? _ 16.May I hav

21、e a peach ? _ 17.May I have a balloon? _ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 12 页7 18.Is this your T-shirt ? _ 19.Are these Mom s shoes? _ 20.Whose dress is this ?(Lisa) _ 21.Whose sweater is this ?(Tony) _ 22. Whose shorts are these? (Peter) _ 23. Whose coat is this? (my friend) _

22、24. What do you do? _ 25. What does your mother do ? _ 26. What does your father do? _ 27. What do you want to be? _ 28. What does your friend want to be? _ 29. Are you a teacher? _ 30. Is your mother a nurse? _ 31. Is your father an office worker? _ 32. Is your friend a police officer? _ 33. Do you

23、 want to be a doctor? _ 34. Does your friend want to be a writer? _ 35. What s your hobby? _ 36. What do your like doing? _ 37. What s your mother s hobby? _ 38. What s your father s hobby? _ 39. What s your friend s hobby? _ 40. What does your mother like doing? _ 41. What does your father like doi

24、ng? _ 42. What does your friend like doing? _ 43. Is your hobby ice-skating? _ 44. Do you like reading books? _ 45. Does your mother like watching TV? _ 46. Does your father like riding a bike? _ 47. Does your friend like making models? _ 48. What do you want to do? _ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结

25、 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 12 页8 49. What does your friend want to do? _ 50. What does your father want to do? _ 51. What does your mother want to do? _ 52. Do you want to make a snowman? _ 53. Does your friend want to surf the Internet? _ 54. Does your mother want to see a movie? _ 55. Does your father

26、want to go to the park? _ 三、模仿例句写句子。Model: There are twenty-five classrooms. 1. two libraries _ 2. a gym _ Model: How many bedrooms are there? There are four. 3. bathroom, two _ 4. dining room, one _ Model: Is there a kitchen in your home? No, there isn t. 5. a garden, no _ 6. two bathrooms, yes _ M

27、odel: Where are you going? I m going to the zoo. 7. Mrs Green, shopping mall _ 8. your mother and father, movie theater _ 9 your friend , restaurant _ Model: Are you going to the park? No, I m not. 10. Lisa, supermarket _ 11. they, beach _ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 12 页9 四

28、年级英语下册复习提纲(三)Class_ Name_ No._ 三、模仿例句写句子。Model: May I have a red balloon? Yes, please. 12.listen to music, yes _ 13. buy an ice-cream, no _ Model: Is this your cap? Yes, it is. 14. Lisa s shorts _ 15. his T-shirt _ 16. her dress _ Model: Whose shirt is this? It s Tony s. 17. coat, Jenny _ 18. sweate

29、rs, Mom _ 19. dresses, Mary _ 20. cap, Dad _ Model: What do you do? I m a teacher. 21. they, doctor _ 22. he, police officer _ 23. your friend, magician _ Model: Do you want to be a nurse? Yes, I do. 24. Tony and Ben, taxi driver _ 25. Jenny , nurse _ Model: What do you like doing? I like ice-skatin

30、g. 26. your mother, listen to music_ 27. they , make models_ Model: What s your hobby? My hobby is running. 28. Tony, ride a bike _ 29. her, play cards _ Model: Do you like reading books? No, I don t. 30. your father, surf the Internet _ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 12 页10 31

31、. they , make a snowman _ 32. your friends , play outside _ Model: What do you want to do ? I want to see a movie. 33. Gogo, go to the park _ 34. Lisa and Ben, watch TV _ Model: Do you want to see a movie? Yes, I do. 35. your sister, read a story _ 36. they, ice-skate _ 37. Tony, listen to a song _

32、四、熟读课文,翻译下列的句子。1.在你学校里有什么?_ 有 一间美术 室、一 间音 乐室、一 间 体育室、一个 操场和两间 教师 办公室 。_ _ 2.有多少间教室?_ 有 25 间。 _ 3.在你的新家有一间客厅吗?是的,有。_ 4.有一个花园吗?不,没有。_ 5.你打算去哪里?我打算去银行。_ 6.她打算去银行吗?_ 不,她打算去公园。_ 7.他们打算去海滩吗?是的,他们是。_ 8.我可以要一个桃子吗?是的,可以。_ 9.我可以要一个气球吗?不,你不可以。对不起。_ 10.这是你的T 衫吗?不,它不是。_ 11.这些是妈妈的鞋子吗?不,它们不是。_ 12.这是谁的连衣裙?它是莉莎的连衣裙。

33、_ 13.你的职业是什么?我是一位护士。_ 14.你将来想做什么职业?_ 我将来想当一名教师。_ 15.你的爱好是什么?_ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 12 页11 我的爱好是骑单车。_ 16. 你想做什么?_ 我想看场电影。_ 17. 你想堆雪人吗?当然想。_ 18. 你想看场电影吗?_ 不一定。我想去公园。_ 五、翻译下列单词1.美术室 _ 2. 气球 _ 3.银行 _ 4. 浴室 _ 5 海滩 _ 6.卧室 _ 7.蓝色_ 8.身体 _ 9.感到无聊的 _10. 借一本书 _ 11. 公共汽车 _ 12. 帽

34、子 _ 13.买一个冰淇淋_ 14.打电话给我的朋友_15.教室 _ 16.外套 _ 17.回来 _18.餐厅 _19. 医生 _ 20.连衣裙 _ 21.司机 _ 22.每个人 _ 23.消防员 _ 24.花园 _ 25.礼堂 _26.去动物园 _ 27.体育馆 _ 28. 到公园去 _ 29.头 _ 30.业余爱好 _ 31.医院 _ 32.溜冰 _ 33.意见;想法 _ 34.孩子 _ 35.厨房 _ 36.图书馆 _ 37.喜欢 _ 38.听音乐 _39.制造 _ 40.听一首歌 _ 41. 客厅 _ 42.魔术师 _ 43.好看的 _ 44.电影院 _ 45.音乐室 _ 46.新的

35、_ 47. 制作模型 _ 48.护士 _ 49.当然 _ 50.办公室工作人员_ 51.公园 _ 52.玩扑克 _ 53.在外面玩 _ 54.操场 _ 55.警察 _ 56.读一本故事书_ 57.红色 _ 58.餐馆 _ 59.骑_ 60.学校 _ 61.看电影 _ 62.衬衣 _ 63.鞋(复数) _ 64.购物中心 _65.短裤 _ 66.雪人 _ 67.超级市场 _ 68.当然 _ 69.上网 _ 70.毛衣 _ 71.游泳池 _ 72.T 恤衫 _ 73.出租车 _ 74.教师 _ 75.教师办公室 _ 76.谢谢你。 _77.也,还 _ 78.看电视 _ 79.谁的 _ 80.翅膀

36、_ 81.作家 _ 82.不用谢 _83.我的 _ 六、从括号里选出正确的词完成句子。一) (bank watch does time shirt gym how is) 1._she going to the _? No, she isn t. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 12 页12 2.Is there a _in your school? 3.What _is it now? It s 8:10. 4.May I _ TV, Mom? 5._she have a _? No, she doesn t. 6.

37、_many rooms are there in your home? 二) (beach aren t bedrooms doing going isn t this)1. Are there three _in your new home? Yes, there are. 2. Are you going to the _? No, I am not. 3. Are they going to the classroom? No, they _. 4. Where is your mother _, Jenny? 5. _ is our school. It s beautiful. 三)

38、 (hospital officer isn t driver math don t nurse )1. My mother is a bus _. 2. What do they do? They re_. 3. Where are you going, Gogo? I m going to the _. 4. Do you want to be a police _? No, I _. 5. Is your father a _ teacher? No, he _. 四) (hobby am swimming what ice-skate or what s can making)1. _do they like doing? They like_ models. 2._ your hobby, Gogo? My _is eating. 3. Do you like _, reading _dancing? I think I like dancing. 4. Can you _at the beach? Yes, I _. 5. Are you painting ? Yes, I _. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 12 页



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