七年级英语上册 Module 1 My classmates Unit 2 I’m Wang Lingling and I’m thirteen years old教学案例课件 (新版)外研版

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1、Lets play a game!I will divide you into 6 groups and each group will have a picture of a famous person. Work in groups and introduce the person. Lets see which team is the best. Are you clear? Ready!Name: Yao MingAge: 33Birth place: ShanghaiHobby: BasketballJob: Basketball player 1980年生于上海。年生于上海。 NB

2、A及世界巨星。篮及世界巨星。篮球史上里程碑式人物。曾效力于中国国家篮球史上里程碑式人物。曾效力于中国国家篮球队球队, NBA火箭队。火箭队。2011年年7月月20日退役。被日退役。被美国美国时代时代列入列入“世界最具影响力世界最具影响力100人人”。Name:Abraham Lincoln Age: 56Birth place: AmericaHobby: ReadingJob: President林肯林肯1809-1865,美国第,美国第16任总统。林肯废除任总统。林肯废除了奴隶制度,维护了国家的统一。他是第一了奴隶制度,维护了国家的统一。他是第一位遭到刺杀的总统,更是一位出身贫寒的伟位遭到

3、刺杀的总统,更是一位出身贫寒的伟大总统。为影响美国的大总统。为影响美国的100位人物第位人物第1名。名。5美美元纸币正面为其头像。元纸币正面为其头像。 Name: Liu YangAge: 35Birth place: He NanHobby: MusicJob: Astronaut刘洋,河南省人,党员。刘洋,河南省人,党员。1978年年10月月6日出日出生,生,1997年年8月入伍,月入伍,2001年年5月入党,现月入党,现为中国人民解放军航天员大队四级航天员。为中国人民解放军航天员大队四级航天员。2012年年6月月16日神舟九号顺利升空,成为第日神舟九号顺利升空,成为第一位飞天的中国女航天

4、员。一位飞天的中国女航天员。Name: Li YuchunEnglish Name: Chris LeeAge: 29Birth place: Si ChuanJob: Singer中国最具社会影响力和传奇性的著名流行女歌中国最具社会影响力和传奇性的著名流行女歌手、唱作人,中国首位民选超级偶像,电影演手、唱作人,中国首位民选超级偶像,电影演员员, 公益先锋,时尚引领者,有公益先锋,时尚引领者,有“舞台皇后舞台皇后” 美誉,被美国美誉,被美国时代周刊时代周刊评为评为“亚洲英雄亚洲英雄”。English Name: Jackie ChanAge: 59Birth place: Hong KongH

5、obby: KongfuJob: Actor成龙,生于香港,影坛巨星和国际功夫电影成龙,生于香港,影坛巨星和国际功夫电影巨星,在华人世界享有极高的声望。为香港巨星,在华人世界享有极高的声望。为香港电影票房保证。多次获得香港金像奖的最佳电影票房保证。多次获得香港金像奖的最佳动作设计奖,台湾金马奖最佳男主角奖。动作设计奖,台湾金马奖最佳男主角奖。Name: William Henry GatesAge: 58Birth place: Seattle, AmericaJob: Founder of MicrosoftHobby: Table tennis比尔比尔盖茨盖茨(Bill Gates), 生

6、于生于1955年年10月月28日,日,美国微软公司的董事长。与保罗美国微软公司的董事长。与保罗艾伦一起创艾伦一起创建了微软公司,曾任微软建了微软公司,曾任微软CEO和首席软件设和首席软件设计师,是公司最大的个人股东计师,是公司最大的个人股东。1. Is e_ here today? 2. Beijing is the c_ of China.everyone 每人,人人;单数,意指全每人,人人;单数,意指全体;后加动词第三人称单数形式。体;后加动词第三人称单数形式。veryonecapital 首都,也可以当首都,也可以当“首府首府”讲;讲;e.g. Jinan is the capital

7、of Shan Dong Province.apital3. Tom likes singing, b_ I dont like it. but 但是;表但是;表转折的并列折的并列连词,在句,在句 中作用是中作用是话题的的转移。移。4. Thank you v_ much. very 很很, 非常非常; 副副词; 常和常和much连用用, 表示程度表示程度; 修修饰形容形容词置前置前; e.g. It is very cold.utery5. Shanghai is a very big city, but Suzhou is a s_ city.mallsmall 小的小的; 形容词形容词;

8、 修饰名词置前修饰名词置前, 也也可以用在可以用在be动词后做表语;和动词后做表语;和big 是反是反义词。义词。e.g. This isnt a big car, its very small.6. I am Tony Smith. Tony is my f_ name and Smith is my l_ name.7. We are a_ here today. irstastllfirst name 名字,名字,last name 姓,也可姓,也可以说成以说成 family name.句中句中all为代词,意思为代词,意思“每个,全体每个,全体”;作主语时,作主语时,be动词用动词用a

9、re。Put the sentences in the correct order.a) Nice to meet you too. Where are you from?b) Hello, my name is . Whats your name?c) Im from . too.d) Nice to meet you. My name is .e) Im from.b d a e c Read and check the true sentences.Hello, everyone. My name is Li Daming and my English name is David. Im

10、 twelve years old and Im from Beijing. Beijing is the capital of China. This is Lingling andher English name is Lucy. Shes my friend. Shes from Beijing too. Hello, Im Wang Lingling and Im thirteenyears old. Good to see you. Wang Hui is my friend, but he is not in my class. His English name is Henry.

11、 Hes from Shanghai. Shanghai is a very big city.Hi, my name is Tony Smith, Im from Cambridge. Its a small city in England. Tony is my first name and Smith is my last name. Im thirteen years old. Its nice to meet you all. Henry is Damings English name.Linglings English name is Linda.Daming is twelve

12、years old.Wang Hui is from Beijing. Tony is twelve years old.Tony is from the capital of England.Now correct the false sentences.1. Henry is Damings English name. David is Damings English name.2. Linglings English name is Linda. Linglings English name is Lucy.3. Wang Hui is from Beijing. Wang Hui is

13、 from Shanghai.4. Tony is twelve years old. Tony is thirteen years old.5. Tony is from the capital of England. Tony is from Cambridge, a small city in England.Smith is Tonys first / last name, and Tony is his first / last name. Hes from Cambridge. In Tonys class, Tony and Lingling are thirteen years

14、 old and everyone / Daming is twelve / thirteen years old. Lingling is Damings student / friend.Underline the correct words.Read and complete the table.Whats his / her name?DamingTonyHow old is he / she?13/Where is he / she from?ShanghaiLinglingWang Hui1213BeijingBeijingCambridge1. This is Lingling

15、and her English name is Lucy. 这位是玲玲,她的英文名叫露西。这位是玲玲,她的英文名叫露西。 This is .向别人介绍某人时说向别人介绍某人时说 “This is .” 不用不用 “That is .”。 e.g. This is Tom. Tom, this is Jack. 这是汤姆。汤姆,这是杰克。这是汤姆。汤姆,这是杰克。注意:注意:this is 不能缩写,而不能缩写,而 that is 可以可以缩写成缩写成thats。打电话时打电话时, 介绍自己用介绍自己用this, 询问对方用询问对方用that。e.g. This is Lucy speaking

16、. Is that Lucy speaking?2. Good to see you. 很高兴见到你!很高兴见到你! 熟人之间见面常用问候语熟人之间见面常用问候语, 还可以说:还可以说:Nice to see you. / Glad to see you. / Pleased to see you. e.g. Its nice to see you all. 很高兴见到你们所有人!很高兴见到你们所有人!句中句中all为代词,意思为代词,意思“每个,全体每个,全体”;作主语时;作主语时, be动词用动词用are。e.g. All the students are here today. 所有的学

17、生都到齐了。所有的学生都到齐了。3. Im Wang Lingling and Im thirteen years old. 我叫王玲玲,我今年十三岁了。我叫王玲玲,我今年十三岁了。介绍自己的时候可以用介绍自己的时候可以用“Im”、“I am”或或“My name is .”,此句还可以说:,此句还可以说:My name is Wang Lingling.这里的这里的“.years old”,表示,表示几岁几岁, 这里的数字可以省略,直接说成:这里的数字可以省略,直接说成:I am thirteen. 对它提问用:对它提问用:How old .? e.g. How old is Linglin

18、g? She is thirteen years old.4. Tony is my first name and Smith is my last name. 托尼是我的名托尼是我的名, 史密斯是我的姓。史密斯是我的姓。 family name 姓姓 = last name 教名教名 大多数英大多数英语姓名有三个名字:教名,中姓名有三个名字:教名,中间名和姓。他名和姓。他们的姓放在最后。的姓放在最后。(中中间名名一般很少用一般很少用)如果你要称呼如果你要称呼别人人为先先生,夫人,小姐生,夫人,小姐时,只能在,只能在family name也就是也就是last name前加上前加上Mr, Mrs

19、, Miss,如上面的如上面的这个名字,你只能称他个名字,你只能称他为Mr. Green,而不能称他,而不能称他为Mr. James。Look at the pictures and write sentences.Tom, England, English, fourteen, Class 31. His name is Tom.2. Hes from England.3. Hes English.4. Hes fourteen years old.5. Hes in Class 3.Hes = He isZihan, China, Chinese, twelve, Class 11. He

20、r name is Zihan. 2. Shes from China.3. Shes Chinese.4. Shes twelve years old.5. Shes in Class 1.Shes = She isWrite sentences about yourself and join them with and.Modle: My name is Li Ping. Im from China. Im Chinese. Im fifteen years old. Im in Class One, Grade Seven.My name is Li Ping and Im from C

21、hina. Im Chinese and Im fifteen years old. Im in Class One, Grade Seven.Name: _ Age: _School: _Date of birth: _Birth place: _Telephone number: _Hobbies:_Favorite color:_Task: Ask your partners about their personal information and make cards for them. The more, the better.Join the sentences with “and

22、”.1.He is from China. Hes Chinese.2. Miss Li isnt American. She isnt a student.He is from China and hes Chinese.Miss Li isnt American and she isnt a student.3. Shes a teacher. She is English.4. I can play football. He can play basketball.Shes a teacher and she is English.I can play football and he c

23、an play basketball.Choose the best answers.1. This_Mike. _is a new student. A. am, He B. is, He C. are, She2. I am . A. China B. English C. England3. We new here. A. all B. all are C. are allBBC4. I am Class One. A. in B. at C. on5. _? I am from China. A. Whats your name B. How old are you C. Where

24、are you fromACChoose the right word from the box to complete the dialogues.he she I we you it they1. How old are you? _ am 12.2. Where are Betty and Tom from? _ are from Australia.IThey3. Who is the girl? _is Lily.4. _are all new students in this school.5. Whats that? _ is a dog.he she I we you it theySheWeIt采访两个你的新同学,问他们几个问题:采访两个你的新同学,问他们几个问题:Whats your name? Where are you from? How old are you? Whats your favourite subject?将你的采访记录整理成一篇为将你的采访记录整理成一篇为My new classmates的短文。(可适当增加问题,的短文。(可适当增加问题,全文不少于全文不少于50词。)词。)



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