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1、1 / 10 华南理工大学广州汽车学院本科生毕业设计 论文)翻译英文原文名 DRIVE AXLE ASSEMBLIES中文译名驱动桥系别汽车工程系专业班级车辆工程学生姓名陈威指导教师上官文斌填表日期 2018-5-19 二一一 年 五 月英文原文版出处: Dirk Spindler Georg von Petery INA-Schaeffler KG. Angular Contact Ball Bearings for a Rear Axle Differential.SAE ,2003 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共

2、10 页2 / 10 译文成绩 :指导教师 导师组)签名:译文:驱动桥在学习本章之后,你将了解不同类型驱动桥的组成,并能列举不同种类的驱动桥;比较后桥与前桥的不同之处;描述驱动桥的工作原理。驱动桥有很多重要作用。它可以使车轮回正,控制车轮滚动,可以使其中一个车轮的转速比另外一个车轮快,两个车轮均可获得转矩。驱动桥可以获得来自于车轮的反作用力,通过弹簧,操纵杆等将作用力传到车架上。驱动桥在车轮制动器被安装的基础上通过弹簧来固定,并获得簧上质量。很显然,驱动桥需要使用高质量的材料来制作。结构后桥的几个基本组成部分:桥壳,半轴,差速器。桥壳桥壳通常是由钢板模压件焊接在一起而制成的。桥壳的中心部分是由

3、铸钢制成的。有两种类型的桥壳常被使用:整体式桥壳应用广泛)和分段式桥壳 and propel the wheels forward or backward. They must drive the wheels in such a manner that one can turn faster than the other, yet both must receive torque. Drive axle assemblies must absorb the driving force of the wheels, and transmit it to the frame through sp

4、rings, control rods, etc. The axle assembly provides an anchorage for springs, supports the weight of the vehicle and forms the foundation upon which the wheel brakes are mounted. Obviously, the axle assemblies must be well constructed, using quality materials. HOUSING The axle housing is usually ma

5、de of stamped steel parts welded together. Or, the center section of the housing may be made of cast steel. Two basic types have been used: the BANJO type housing (in wide use and the SPLIT housing (little used consisting of two or more pieces. AXLES Two steel axles are placed inside the housing. Th

6、eir inner ends almost touch 。 and, in some cases, they do touch. The outer ends protrude out of the housing and form a base upon which the wheels, hubs, etc. are attached. The inner ends are splined and are supported by the differential assembly. The outer ends are supported in roller or hall bearin

7、gs. ATTACHING WHEEL HUBS Two methods are employed to securc the wheelhubs to the axle. One emthod employs a taper on the axle end 。 tile other forms the axle end into a flange upon which the wheel is bolted. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 10 页6 / 10 TYPES OF AXLES Live axles (a

8、xles that turn with the wheels are of three basic types: full-floating, three-quarter-floating and semifloating. Most cars utilize the semi floating axle. Most trucks have full-floating axles. If tile axle breaks, tile wheel will not come off. Tile three types . DRIVING THE AXLES The real wheels of

9、a vehicle must turn at different speeds when rounding the slightest corner (outside wheel must roll farther. Therefore, it is necessary to employ a unit called a DIFFEREN FIAL to drive the axles so both axles receive power, yet they are free to turn at different speeds. THE DIFFERENTIAL A splined ax

10、le side gear is placed on tile innersplined end of each axle. 1he axle side gear is sup ported by the differential case. The side gear is free to turn ill the case. The differential case may be turned. It will revolve about the axle side gears. The differential pinion shaft will turn with the case,

11、bur tile axle side gears will not be driven. By bolting a large ring gear to the differential case. and connecting it to a ring gear pinion gear and shaft, it will be possible to turn the case. The propeller shaft will be attached lo the ring gear pinion shaft. When the propeller shaft turns the rin

12、g gear pinion, the pinion will turn the ring gear. The ring gear, in turn will revolve the differential case and pinion shaft. Tile axle side gears will still NOT TURN. By adding two differential pinion gears (the differential pinion shaft will pass through these gears that mesh with the side gears,

13、 the revolving case will turn the axle side gears with it. DIFFERENTIAL ACTION The propeller shaft turns tile ring gear pinion shaft. The ring gear pinion turns the ring gear which, in turn, revolves the differential case. When the case turns, the differential pinion shaft turns with it. As the diff

14、erential pinions are mounted on this shaft, they are forced to move with the case. Being meshed with the axle side gears, the pinions will pull the axle side gears along with them. When the car is moving in a straight line, the ring gear is spinning the case. The differential pinions and axle side g

15、ears arc moving around with the case, with no movement between the teeth of the pinions and axle side gears. The entire movement is like a solid unit.When rounding a turn, the case continues whirlingand pulling the pinions 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 10 页7 / 10 around on the

16、 shaft. As the outer wheel must turn faster, the outer axle side gear is now moving faster than the inner axle side gear. The whirIing pinions not only pull on both axle sidegears, but now begin to rotate on their shaft. Auto Mechanics Fundamentalswhile walking in the axle side gears. This allows th

17、em to pull on both axle side gears, while at the same time, compensating for difference in speed by rotating around their shaft. You can see detail A, the car is moving in a straight line. The pinion is pulling both gears, but it is not turning. In B, the right side axle gear is moving faster than t

18、he left axle gear. The pinion gear is still moving at the same speed. It is still pulling on both gears, but has now started to turn on the pinion shaft. This turning action, added to the forward rotational speed of the shaft, has caused the right-hand side gear to speed up and actually begin to pas

19、s the pinion shaft. Study Figs. 16-9 and 16-10. The reversewalking effect on the left-hand side gear has caused it to slow down. The differential action adjusts itself to any axle speed variation. If one wheel begins to slip, the axle on firm ground will stand still. The case continues spinning the

20、pinions, but they will merely walk around the stopped axle gear and impart the torque to the spinning axle. A special traction differential is often used to overcome this tendency. It will be covered later in this chapter. DIFFERENTIAL CARRIER AND BEARINGS A heavy and rigid section is bolted to the

21、housing. It contains the pinion gear, shaft, and bearings. This is termed the DIFFERENTIAL CARRIER. Two large bearing holders are provided to support the spinning differential case. These are termed CARRIER BEARINGS. In some applications, the carrier is made as a solid part of the axle housing. All

22、the component parts of the axle housing, axles and differential SPECIAL TRACTION DIFFERENTIAL To avoid the loss of driving force that occurs when one wheel begins to slip, special differentials are designed to automatically transfer the torque to the wheel that is not slipping. This enables the car

23、to continue its forward motion. Although there are several variations, all employ the principle of a friction device (clutch plates or a cone clutch to provide some resistance to normal differential action. CHRYSLER SURE-GRIP The Chrysler Sure-Grip differential is basically a standard model, but wit

24、h several important additions. The axle side gears are driven not by two differential pinions but by 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 10 页8 / 10 four. This requires two separate pinion shafts. The two shafts cross, but are free to move in-dependently of each other, The shaft oute

25、r ends are not round, but have two flat surfaces that form a shallow V. These ramp-like surfaces engage similar ramps cut in the differential case. A series of four clutch discs are used in back of each axle side gear thrust member. Two of these discs are splined to the differential case, and two ar

26、e splined to the thrust member. The thrust member is splined to the axle. When the thrust members push outward, the clutch discs are forced together, locking the axle to the case. SURE-GRIP DIFFERENTIAL OPERATION-BOTH AXLES TURNING AT THE SAME SPEED When the propeller shaft drives the pinion gear, t

27、he torque thrust is transmitted to the ring gear. As the ring gear drives the differential case, the pinion shafts are forced to rotate with the case. The differential pinions encounter resistance when they attempt to turn the axle side gears. This resistance is transferred to the pinion shafts that

28、 aredriving the pinions. As both ends of each pinion shaft are seated in tapered ramps, and since they have some play at this point, this forces the shafts to slide up the ramp surfaces. This sliding movement moves bothshafts n an outward direction. As each shaft moves outward, it moves its pinions

29、in the same direction. The pinions press against the pinion thrust members, forcing them to lock up the clutches. This is the action when the car is traveling in a straight line. AXLES TURNING AT DIFFERENT SPEEDS When the car turns a corner, the inner shaft slows down. When this happens, the pinion

30、gears will start turning on their shafts. They will walk around the slower shaft and speed up the other shaft. This walking causes the outer shaft to rotate faster than the differenfial case, allowing the pinion shaft on the outerside to slide down its ramp. This releases the pressure on the outer c

31、lutches and lets the differential unit operate much like the standard model. It shows differential action when one axle is moving faster than the other. Note that the slower moving axle is receiving most of the torque since it remains clutched to the case. This type of differential will provide bett

32、er traction than the standard differential. It is particularly useful when roads are slippery and is also valuable in producing fast acceleration. A high-powered engine will often cause one wheel to spin during acceleration when using a standard differential. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - -

33、- - -第 8 页,共 10 页9 / 10 A somewhat different traction differential, uses cone clutches under coil spring pressure. A cross-sectional view is pictured in Drive Axle AssembilesThe Oldsmobile Anti-Spin differential, uses the pressure of the coil springs to force the clutch cones into tight engagement w

34、ith the case. This action tends to lock the axles to the case. In order for differential action to occur, the cones must be forced to slip. If one wheel slips, the other will still receive some driving force via the cone. The Positive-Traction differential in functions in a similar manner. Another p

35、ositraction differential is illustrated i. Construction is similar to that in Figs16-19 and 16-20 except disc clutches are employed instead of cone clutch. HYPOID GEARING To facilitate lowering the propeller shaft tunnel in the floor of the car, and to allow lowering the body of the car, many ring g

36、ear pinion gears enter and drive the ring gear somewhat below the centerline of the axles. This gearing setup, using a modified spiral bevel gear, is referred to as HYPOID gearing. A special hypoid lubricant is necessary to prevent premature wear due to the sliding, wiping action that takes place be

37、tween the ring and pinion gear teeth. Study the construction used in the pinion shaft assembly. Take note of the two tapered roller bearings used to support the shaft. This type of bearing withstands both radial (forces working at right angles to the shaft and longitudinal (lengthwise thrust. SPIRAL

38、 BEVEL GEARING Another type of ring and pinion gearing uses the spiral bevel gear. This type of pinion gear meshes with the ring gear at the axle centerline. The spiral tooth shape allows an overlapping tooth contact that makes for quiet operation, as well as added strength. Before one tooth rolls o

39、ut of contact with another, a new tooth contact is made. This distributes the torque load over several teeth. The cross section, shows the path of the churning lubricant (see arrows. Notice how it is thrown up and forward where it drops down and flows back, lubricating the ring gear and pinion gear,

40、 pinion bearings, etc. SPUR BEVEL More antiquated, as far as differential gearing is concerned, is the spur bevel. Auto Mechanics Fundamentals RING AND PINION The tooth contact position, as well as clearance and back lash (distance one gear will 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 1

41、0 页10 / 10 move back and forth Without moving the other gear, is of critical importance. Ring and pinions are always matched, and must be installed as a pair. NEVERREPLACE ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER . illustrates tooth clearance, backlash, as well as other gear tooth nomenclature. Correct and incorrect r

42、ing and pinion tooth contact patterns are shown in Fig. 16-28. The correct contact pattern is very important for strength, wear, and quiet operation. These patterns are brought out by coating the teeth (after cleaning with Prussian blue or white lead compound. The gears are revolved in both directions, and contact pattern becomes visible. The drive side is side that contacts when the pinion is driving the ring. The coast pattern is when the ring is driving the pinion. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 10 页



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