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1、学习必备欢迎下载Type of Lesson : Intensive Reading Book Two Unit FiveTitle:The Professor and the Yo-yo Total Time: Five Hours Object : Freshman (the second term) Objectives : 1. Mastering Key Words and Phrases 2. Know something about Einsteins personality and his way of living Pre-teaching : Warm-up Questio

2、ns and Introductory Remarks (10 minutes) In-Teaching : 1. Study of the Key Words and Phrases (20 minutes) 2. Languages Points (45 minutes) Post-Teaching : Summary Questions and Concluding Remarks (25 minutes) Exercises : 1. Reading Activity (45 minutes) (1) Explain Basic Reading Skill (15 minutes) (

3、2) Ask students to read silently (10 minutes) (3) Explain Difficult Points (15 minutes) (4) Do Exercise A, B (15 minutes) 2.Comprehension of the Text (5 minutes) 3. Vocabulary (10 minutes) 4. Word Building (15 minutes) 5. Translation (15 minutes) Unit Four The Professor and The Yo-yo 一. Key Words 1.

4、 modest : a. a) having, showing E.g. Asian women are more modest and shy, yet they tend to have an inner force. b) moderate, not large in size or amount E.g. They bought a modest house in the northern suburb. 2. display a) (v.) show E.g. It is fashion designers dream to display their dresses in Pari

5、s. b) (n.) displaying, show or exhibition E.g. Are you interested in anything on display, sir? 3. impress : v. a) (by / with) affect (sb.) deeply or strongly in mind or feeling E.g. He was deeply impressed by what he had seen in China. b) fix (sth.) deeply or firmly on the mind or memory E.g. His wo

6、rds were strongly impressed on my memory. 4. function a) (v.) work E.g. The government functions through various ministries. b) (n.) special activity or purpose of a person or thing E.g. As one grows older, there is usually something wrong with body functions. 5. frustrate : vt. a) cause (sb.) to ha

7、ve feeling of annoyed, upset disappointment E.g. Staying at home all day frustrated her because she had been a brilliant scientist before her marriage. b) make (plan, effort etc) useless, defeat E.g. The bad weather frustrated all our hopes of going out. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -

8、第 1 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载6. bitter : adj. a) filled with anger or hatred E.g. You shouldnt have said those bitter remarks about him. b) having a sharp unpleasant taste, causing sorry E.g. They have learned a bitter lesson in the accident. c) bitterness (n.) 7. argue a) (vt.) try to prove sth. by giving r

9、easons, maintain by reasoning E.g. Columbus argued that the world was round. b) (vi.) (for or against) give reasons for or against sth., (over / against) discuss E.g. In the debate, one team argued for political reform, the other team argued against it. 8. pursue : v. a) follow, go on steadily with

10、(study or other activity) E.g. He consistently pursued his task no matter how bad the situation was. b) follow in order to catch or do harm to E.g. The policeman pursued the thief. c) pursuit (n.) E.g. We work hard in pursuit happiness. 9. approach a) (n.) method of doing sth. E.g. Writers take a mo

11、re romantic approach to the historic event than historians. b) (n.) way, path E.g. All approaches to the park were blocked after the explosion. c) (n.) coming near to E.g. The pop star is easy of approach. d) (v.) come near E.g. As night approaches, nightingales start to singing. 10. fortune : n. a)

12、 luck, chance E.g. He decided to try his fortune here. b) a large sum of money E.g. He has made a fortune by hard work. 二. Useful Phrases 1. at ease a) free from mental stress, relaxed and comfortable E.g. Im not at ease when so many people are fixing me. b) set / put sb. at ease; make sb. feel at e

13、ase; with ease; E.g. The teacher has a good way to put his nervous students at ease. The doctor soon made the worried patient at ease. He solved the problem with ease. 2. point out : draw attention to, explain E.g. It was pointed out to us that it was getting very late. 3. off balance a) not in bala

14、nce, not bale to keep from turning over or falling E.g. Dont rock the boat, you will throw it off balance and get it turned over. b) keep ones balance; lose ones balance; 4. come to terms with 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载 a) reach agreement with E.g. We have come

15、 to terms with them that the meeting will be delayed until next month. b) make oneself accept E.g. Later she had to come to terms with the difficult situation. 5. so much so that : to such an extent that, so thatE.g. I was tired, so much so that I thought I would never recover. 6. work out a) solve,

16、 find by calculation E.g. It didnt take her much time to work out that she would soon have no money left. b) produce by thinking E.g. We have worked out a scheme which should save the company several pounds a year. 7. single out : choose from a group for special treatment E.g. All of us did a very g

17、ood job but the teacher singled him out for praise. 8. correspond with : exchange letters with E.g. Will you correspond with me while I am away? 9. mean nothing / every thing to : be of no / great importance or value to E.g. Material things meant nothing to Einstein, but to some people they mean eve

18、rything. 10. revert to : go back to E.g. My thought reverted to my childhood days. 11.take apart : separate sth. into parts E.g. The professor spent the whole afternoon taking apart his old car. 三. Warm-up Questions and Introductory remarks 1. Warm-up Questions (1) What is a professor? And what kind

19、 of image do you associate with a professor? (2) What is a Yo-yo? Have you ever had one? (3) What do you suppose the author wants to tell us by using the title The Professor and the Yo-yo? 2. Introductory Remarks -As a scientist, the name of Einstein is a household word. The modern world owes a grea

20、t deal to his ideas and theories. But as a man, how much do you know about him, e.g. his personality and way of life? Would you like to know more about him? Read on. 四. Language Points and Questions (一) Lines 1-9 1. Language Points I display my few tricks and pointed out to him that the incorrectly

21、looped string had thrown the toy off balance. = I showed of my skills of handling the Yo -yo and explained to him that the toy had turned over instead of rolling up the string because it had not been looped in a proper way. 2. Questions for Discussion (1) What do you think are some of the way to mak

22、e a shy young visitor feel at ease? -Being friendly and hospitable, offering sth. to play with, choosing a topic he or she is 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载interested in, telling a joke, offering him or her chance to show off, etc. (2) From this example do you know

23、 what kind of person Einstein was? -He was kind, considerate, interested in children. (3) How do you understand Einsteins nodding? -He was not upset about the fact that the young man pointed out his wrong way of playing, He was modest and easy to get along with. (4) Do you think that daily matter sh

24、ow a persons character? (二) Lines 10-16 1. Language Points the personality that was Einstein = the personality which was the most striking characteristic of Einstein. a) the military genius that was Napoleon He was the only person O knew who had come to terms with himself and the world around him. =

25、 Of all the persons I knew he was the only one who was at peace with himself and the outside world because he accepted the world as it was and knew his limits as a human being. He knew there were answers beyond his intellectual reach. = He knew that the universe had more mysteries than he ever hope

26、to solve, great as his intellectual capabilities were. He was content to go as far as he could. = He was satisfied with what he could achieve and would desire nothing beyond his reach. 2. Questions for Discussion (1) Do you know how personality is formed? -It depends on many factors, e.g. genetic ba

27、ckground, education, living surroundings, influential persons, etc. (2) What does he had come to terms with the would around him mean? -He accepted the world as it was and didnt fight against things he couldnt change. (3) What does be content to go as far as one could mean? -Work hard and go as far

28、as one can, be satisfied with what one could achieve. This is a philosophy of life. (三) Lines 17-21 1. Language Points He was beyond any pretension. = He was completely sincere and honest without the slightest intention to show off. 2. Questions for Discussion (1) Do you know why he was free from th

29、ese emotions? -He had come to terms with himself and the world around him. He was interested only in his work, and not in these worldly distractions. (2) How do you know that he was a great person who disliked showing off. He used inexpensive stationary to write to people of high rank, without feeli

30、ng ashamed. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载(四) Lines 22-34 1. Language Points Material things meant nothing to him. = Material things were of no important to him. The razor and water do the job. = The razor and water will do. 2. Questions for Discussion (1) Do mater

31、ial things mean nothing to you? Whats your point of view? -Material things include necessities of life. In this sense, they mean much to most human beings. They also depend on peoples concept of value as we discussed earlier. (2) What does it mean when a person shrugs? -It may mean I dont care, It d

32、oesnt matter. I dont believe, I cant do it, I wont do it and so on. (3) Why did he revert to using plain water to shave after finishing the shaving cream? -He accepted the tube of cream as a gift and used it, but wouldnt go out and buy one for himself. (五) Lines 35-52 1. Language Points He didnt hav

33、e the slightest interest in the practical applicationa) not the slightest : not any; noE.g. He didnt feel the slightest pain when the needle went into hie wrist. thats not it. = Thats not right. / Thats not what is expected. 2. Questions for Discussion (1) What does his quick expression of disapprov

34、al tell us here? -He wanted to know things by reasoning. He believed and was interested only in theory and he refused to take short cuts. (2) What do you think of the example? -He was sort of stubborn, impractical, odd, unique and true to his ideas. (六) Lines 53-61 1. Language Points His name was a

35、household world. = His name was well-known to everyone. 2. Questions for Discussion (1) His theories were capable of exciting relatively few scientists. Why do you think his name was a household word? -The significance of a theory lies in its real value. Although average people didnt understand his

36、theories, they owed many useful things to his contributions, such as TV. His ideas were put to practical uses. Above all, his ideas created a revolution in science that excited even people who were not scientists. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载(2) How do you unders

37、tand what he said about his achievement? Why was he bewildered about peoples admiration? -He was very modest. He regarded himself as an ordinary man. He thought he had done no more than many other men. 五. Summary Questions and Concluding Remarks ( 一). Summary Questions 1. What do you think of Einste

38、in? Can you tell why he is so respected? -He was one of the greatest scientists in history. He created a revolution in science. 2. Can you sum up his personality and life style? -(1) Einstein was a modest man. a) When the boy pointed out his mistake in playing with the toy Yo-yo, he nodded. b) When

39、he received great attention, he thought he was fortunate rather than deserving. -(2) He was a man without personal ambition. a) He had come to terms with himself and the world around him. b) He wanted only to understand the universe within his intellectual reach. c) He was content to go as far as he

40、 could . d) He was never seen to show personal ambition. e) He cared little for fame. -(3) He believed in simplicity. a) He used inexpensive stationary to correspond with the world most important people. b) He used only a safety razor and water to shave. -(4) He was purely and exclusively a theorist

41、. a) He wouldnt walk down a street to se a reactor create atomic energy. b) He didnt have the slightest interest in observing how his theory made TV possible. c) He would rather give up than use a practical approach to discover the operating principle of the toy bird. (二) Concluding Remarks -As a sc

42、ientist, Einstein was so great, so extraordinary and distinguished but as a man, he was modest, simple and ordinary. After studying the text, we can learn a lot from him both as a scientist and as a man. Type of Lesson: Intensive Reading Book Two Unit Six精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -

43、第 6 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载Title:The Making of a SurgeonTotal Time: Five Hours Object : Freshman (the second term) Objectives : 1. Mastering Key Words and Phrases 2. Know self-confidence, critical decision, attitudes toward mistakes, doctors growing and professional ethic. Pre-teaching : Warm-up Questions

44、and Introductory Remarks (10 minutes) In-Teaching : 1. Study of the Key Words and Phrases (25 minutes) 2. Languages Points (45 minutes) Post-Teaching : Summary Questions and Concluding Remarks (10 minutes) Exercises : 1. Reading Activity (45 minutes) (1) Explain Basic Reading Skill (5 minutes) (2) A

45、sk students to read silently (15 minutes) (3) Explain Difficult Points (15 minutes) (4) Do Exercise A, B (10 minutes) 2. Comprehension of the Text ( 15 minutes) 3. Vocabulary (15 minutes) 4. Word Building (10 minutes) 5. Structure (15 minutes) 6. Translation (10 minutes) Unit Six The Making of a Sur

46、geon 一. Key Word 1. making : n. a) the process of a person or thing that makes E.g. The making of the English language is an interesting subject. b) the means or cause of success or great improvement or advancement E.g. Hard work will be the making of you. 2. surgeon : n. a) doctor E.g. Many lives h

47、ave been saved by this famous surgeon. b) surgery : (n.) operation E.g. Cancer usually requires surgery. c) surgical : (adj) E.g. A surgeon always wears a surgical mask in the operation room. 3. conclude : vt. a) arrive at a belief or opinion by reasoning E.g. The commander concluded, from the evide

48、nce, that the enemy fled north. b) come or bring to an end E.g. The Olympic Games is scheduled to conclude on August 23. c) arrange; bring about E.g. The two countries concluded a peace treaty. 4. critical : a. a) important at a time of danger and difficulty E.g. Heroes emerge at critical moment in

49、history. b) fault-finding E.g. He has written several critical articles on the film. 5. particular : a. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载 a) single and different from others; of a certain sort E.g. He wasnt watching us at all at that particular moment. b) Worthy of no

50、tice; special; unusual E.g. The particular nature of his job keeps James Bond on guard all the time. c) detailed; exact E.g. Give me a full and particular description of what happened. d) (about) showing (too) much care or interest; hard to please E.g. Women are usually particular as to what they we

51、ar. 6. case : n. a) instance of disease or injury E.g. Emergency cases must be treated first. b) actual state of affairs, instance of the occurrence of sth. E.g. Suffering can have beneficial results and certainly I know that was true in my case. c) question to be decided in a law court E.g. The cas

52、e is still under police investigation. 7. constant : adj. & n. a) (a.) happening all the time E.g. The rent is low because of the constant noise from the mill. b) (a.) remaining the same E.g. I wonder if love is constant. c) (a.) faithful E.g. He alone remains constant to the quick-tempered musician

53、. 8. resolve : v. & n. a) (v.) solve, put an end to E.g. Acting as an advisor, he resolved the doubts among us. b) (v.) decide firmly, determine E.g. He resolved that nothing would hold him back. c) (n.) sth. that has been decided, decision E.g. On New Years Day, he made a resolve to go jogging twic

54、e a week. 9. sound : adj. a) correct, based on good judgement E.g. You can depend on her for a sound judgement. b) healthy, in good condition E.g. Her heart is as sound as a drum. 10. handle : v. & n. a) (v.) manage, deal with E.g. An officer must know how to handle men. b) (v.) touch, take up E.g.

55、The stamp collector washes his hand before handling stamps. c) (v.) operate, direct, train E.g. After two months training, the worker now handles the machine with ease. d) (n.) part of a tool, cup, door, drawer, etc. by which it may be held in the hand E.g. Hold the handlebar of a bike tightly, you

56、wont fall down. 11. anticipate : vt a) see and do what is necessary E.g. A good teacher should anticipate what the students need. b) expect E.g. I anticipate his arrival with much pleasure. 12. bother : v. & n.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载 a) (vt.) annoy, trouble

57、E.g. I am sorry for bothering you with so many questions. b) (vi.) worry E.g. I dont see any reason for bothering with such a petty matter. c) (n.) worry, trouble E.g. What a lot of bother about nothing! 二. Useful Phrases 1. draw to a close / an end : come to an end; conclude E.g. The summer vacatio

58、n in drawing to a close. 2. live with : accept ( sth unpleasant ) E.g. You must live with the fact that you are no longer as healthy as you are. 3. dwell on / upon : think about , speak or write a lot about E.g. It doesnt do to dwell too much on ones shortcomings. 4. be bound to : be certain to E.g.

59、 Look at the cloudless sky ! It is bound to clear up. 5. butterflies on ones stomach : a feeling of fear or anxious E.g. When her turn for the oral test came, she suddenly had butterflies in her stomach. 6. in advance : before or ahead of time E.g. Theres always a great demand for tickets, youd bett

60、er book your seats well in advance. 7. sit on : do nothing about, neglect E.g. Its unfortunate that our director simply sat on our suggestion and did nothing about it. 三. Synonym Discrimination 1. treat cure treat : To accept as a patient, to diagnose illness and to help relieve it cure : to bring b

61、ack to health, stressing the positive result of medical treatment E.g. The bone fracture in the truck drivers left leg was being carefully treated. Doctors and scientists may discover at any moment now how to cure cancer. 2. encounter meet encounter : more formal word; strongly to imply a casual or

62、unexpected meeting. meet : common word. to see people E.g. He encountered many difficulties an his journey around the world. He promised to meet her at the airport. 四. Warm-up Questions and Introductory Remarks 1. Warm-up Questions (1) What qualities do you think are essential to a surgeon? (2) What

63、 kind of doctor do you like most? (3) Do you want to work as a surgeon? Why or why not? 2. Introductory Remarks 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载-It goes without saying that everyone wants to become successful. But usually there is a long way to go before one can gain

64、 success. This is especially true of a surgeon. Whats the key to the making of a surgeon and at what point in time does a doctor finally become a surgeon? In this test the author, a famous surgeon, tells us the answer from his own experience. 五. Language Points and Questions for Discussion (一) Lines

65、 1- 7 1. Language Points There is no surgical patient I cannot treat competently, treat just as well as or better than any other surgeon(1) I cannot any other surgeon is attributive clause, modifying surgical patient. (2) The double negative sentence has a strong meaning. E.g. There is nothing that

66、he cannot do. 2. Questions for Discussion (1) Do you think self-confidence is essential to a surgeon? -Self-confidence is considered a symbol of competence, which can reassure patients and help a surgeon make resolute decisions and take resolute actions to help his patients. (2) Why is the double ne

67、gative sentence There is no surgical patient I cannot treat competently used? -To emphasize the affirmation and show confidence. (二) Lines 8-16 1. Language Points It was the only way I could find the peace of mind I needed to relax. (1) It was the only way is the main sentence. I could to relax is a

68、ttributive clause, modifying way. And in this attributive clause , I needed to relax is attributive clause, modifying the peace of mind. 2. Questions for Discussion (1)What people would make a telephone call at night to the hospital? -Those who are seriously injured in an accident, seriously ill for

69、 some sudden reasons. (2) How do you understand a critical decision? -A critical decision is a life-and-death decision because it can save a patiences life or result in a patience death. (3) What can you conclude about the resident from this paragraph? -He worried about the decisions he made and he

70、had a strong sense of responsibility. (三) Lines 17-24 1. Language Points but I had learned to accept this a constant problem for a surgeon, one that live with it.(1) accept as : I accepted him as my dear brother. (2) One refers to a problem. It refers to situation. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 -

71、- - - - - -第 10 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载2. Questions for Discussion (1) How do you understand I could live with it? -He could face the decisions he made, right or not, with peace of mind. (2) Why did he have a nice feeling? -He had gained enough knowledge and experience and he had self-confidence. (四) Lines

72、 25-32 1. Language Points Id sweated through my share of stab wounds of belly, of punctured lungs, or compound fractures. = Id been nervous and filled with anxiety while painstakingly treating the serious injuries that come to every young doctors, such serous injuries as stab wounds in the belly, pu

73、nctured lungs and compound fracture. (1) sweat : work long and hard E.g. The team sweated through the game and managed to keep their trophy. (2) share : a part E.g. That is your fair share. 2. Questions for Discussion (1) Why did he mention these three cases? - They were all serious injuries and com

74、plicated cases in which it was impossible to anticipate all the problems in advance. (2) When and why didnt he sweat through the operations any more? -When his five-year residency was drawing to a close. He was no longer nervous because he had gained the knowledge, the skill, the experience and conf

75、idence. (五) Lines 33-41 1. Language Points when I was out in practice = when I completed my residency period and began to work on my own as a surgeon. chances were that no other surgeon could have, either= it was most likely that other surgeon could have avoided the same mistakes. (1) chances are /

76、were that : it is / was likely that E.g. Chances are that he has already heard the news. 2 Questions for Discussion (1) What kind of mistakes could a surgeon make? -He could make a wrong judgement, operate on a wrong person or wrong parts, etc. (2) What was his attitude toward hid mistakes before th

77、e residency? -He couldnt tolerate or forgive them; he couldnt bear to think he was solely responsible for them. (3) Are you afraid of making mistakes? -Mistakes are part of humans life, no one could avoid them. And failure is the mother of success. We could learn lessons from our mistakes. 精选学习资料 -

78、- - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载(六) Lines 42-47 1. Language Points He needs it to encourage him in trying moment. (1) trying : distressing. difficult E.g. We had a trying day. (2) try : cause to be tired, exhausted, out of patience, etc. E.g. Time tries everything. 2. Questi

79、ons for Discussion (1) Why does the author use sounds and guess when he speaks of conceit? -Conceit means excessive pride in oneself or in ones abilities. It is not usually a good characteristic or behavior. But to some extent, a surgeon needs it. (2) What is it that a surgeon needs, conceit or self

80、-confidence? -Both. Self-confidence means adequate confidence in oneself and ones abilities. Its based on competence, experience and the like. Conceit , the feeling that one is better that others, is what a surgeon needs to help give self-confidence. 六.Summary Questions and Concluding Remarks 1. Sum

81、mary Questions (1) Whats the making of a surgeon? -Its a long and tough way. Not until he finishes the medical education and the hospital residency. Not until he builds up necessary confidence in himself. (2) What had the author gone through before he became a surgeon? -Emergency situations he encou

82、ntered at night; the critical decisions he had had to make; the sleepless nights because of worries about his treatment; the experience of sweating through operations; the fear of making mistakes and the transition from doubts and uncertainties to self-confidence. 2. Concluding Remarks -Self-confide

83、nce is the key to the making of a surgeon. But self-confidence is based on necessary knowledge, skills, experience and expertise. In addition , the sense of responsibility is another quality foe s qualified doctor. All these work ethics are required for professionals in various other fields as well.

84、 Type of Lesson: Intensive Reading Book Two Unit Seven 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载Title: Theres Only LuckTotal Time: Five Hours Object : Freshman (the second term) Objectives :1. Mastering Key Words and Phrases 2. Learn peoples reactions to street victims in Am

85、erica and find out why security is an illusion Pre-teaching : Warm-up Questions and Introductory Remarks ( 5 minutes) In-Teaching : 1. Study of the Key Words and Phrases (20 minutes) 2. Languages Points (55 minutes) Post-Teaching : Summary Questions and Concluding Remarks (10 minutes) Exercises : 1.

86、 Reading Activity (45 minutes) (1) Explain Basic Reading Skill ( 15 minutes) (2) Ask students to read silently (15 minutes) (3) Explain Difficult Points (15 minutes) (4) Do Exercise A, B (10 minutes) 2.Comprehension of the Text ( 15 minutes) 3.Vocabulary (15 minutes) 4. Word Building (10 minutes) 5.

87、 Structure ( 5 minutes) 6. Translation (10 minutes) Unit Seven Theres Only Luck 一.Key Words 1. vague : adj. a) not clearly expressed; indistinct E.g. He gave me a vague explanation. b) vaguely : adv. unclearly, slightly E.g. At that time I was too young. I only vaguely understand what they talking a

88、bout. 2. annoy : vt. a) make rather angry E.g. She was annoyed with her husband because he forgot her birthday. b) disturb, trouble E.g. We were constantly annoyed by the noise outside. c) be annoyed at ones behavior (often V-ing) with sb. when-clause to-inf 3. release : vt. a) set free , let go E.g

89、. Sometimes death releases a patient from suffering. b) loosen E.g. The train gathering speed, he had to release her hand and say good-bye. c) allow (news etc.) to be known publicly E.g. Details of the scheme have not yet been released to the public. 4. split : vt. & n. a) (cause to) divide into par

90、ts E.g. She split with him after a bitter quarrel. b) (cause to) break 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载E.g. My father is out splitting logs. c) (n.) splitting; tear made by splitting E.g. He had no wife to sew up the split in the trousers for him, so he asked the la

91、ndlady for help. 5. plea : n. a) serious request E.g. His plea for mercy fell on deaf ear. b) (law) official statement in court that one or guilty or not guilty E.g. In the court the prisoner made a plea that he was not guilty. 6. specific : adj. a) detailed and precise E.g. What are your specific a

92、ims in visiting our university? b) relating to one particular thing ; nor general E.g. The word can only be used in specific situation. 7. sentence : n. & v. a) (n.) punishment given by a law court E.g. The two terrorists received life sentences for having bombed a bank. b) (v.) (of a judge or court

93、) punish E.g. The criminals were sentenced to three years imprisonment. 8. stiff : adj. a) severe; cruel E.g. Cheaters on the exam received a stiff warning from the university. b) difficult to bend; firm E.g. The principal always keeps a stiff upper lip while at school. c) (of manners, behavior) unf

94、riendly E.g. The old lady was quite stiff with her new neighbors. d) hard to do; difficult E.g. They were stiff all over from the stiff climbing. 9. detail : n. & v. a) (n.) small, particular fact E.g. The scientist went over every detail of his paper before publishing it. b) (v.) describe fully E.g

95、. She detailed in her letter every piece of furniture in her new apartment. 10. identify : vt. a) recognize or establish as being a particular person or thing E.g. The police asked the woman if she could identify the man who had robbed her. b) identification : (n.) E.g. The case needs fingerprint id

96、entification. 11. response : n. a) action done in answer E.g. The medical student observed closely the response of ailing white rats to specific drugs. b) answer E.g. My letter of complaint brought no response. c) respond : (vi.) to act or behave in an answering manner; show sensitiveness to E.g. Th

97、e illness quickly responded to treatment. 12. secure : adj. a) safe; free from worry; doubt etc. E.g. I think I have a secure position as a teacher. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载b) security : n. E.g. A good fire is a security against wild beasts. 二. Useful Phrase

98、s 1. pull out : leave; move away E.g. The drive of the car pulled out from behind the truck. 2. bring back : a) restore; cause to return E.g. The fresh air in the mountain would bring back her strength. b) cause (sth.) to be remembered E.g. The music brings back happy memories. 3. clean up : a) clea

99、n thoroughly ; remove and leave the place clean E.g. Let me clean up the broken glass before someone walks on it. b) remove wrong or dishonest activity from sth.; finish destroying or defeating (an enemy) E.g. The government promises to clean up the town by getting rid of all the criminals. 4. turn

100、out : gather out of doors, esp in large numbers E.g. Tens of thousands of people turned out for the rally. 5. in force : a) (of people) in large numbers E.g. Trouble was expected at the football match, so the police had to be there in force. b) (of a rule, order, law, etc.) in effect or operation E.

101、g. When are they going to put the law in force? 6. much ado about (nothing) : a lot of noise or talk about sth. E.g. Why are you making so much ado about it? 7. come to : become a matter about; concern E.g. He is not good at sports, but when it comes to arithmetic he is the best in the class. 8. agr

102、ee on : have the same opinion on E.g. I agree with you on this point. 9. trail off / away : (voice, etc.) lose strength gradually until it stops completely E.g. When he saw who had entered the room, his voice trailed off in fear. 10. end up : reach a final situation; come to an end E.g. If you dont

103、work hard, youll end up nowhere. 三. Warm-up Questions and Introductory Remarks 1. Warm-up Questions (1) What do you think threaten peoples security nowadays? -Crime, traffic accidents, natural disasters, incurable diseases, etc. (2) What factors do you think might have caused the street crimes in Am

104、erica? -The legal possession of guns by individuals, the suspension of capital punishment, i.e. death penalty, wide gap between the rich and the poor, etc. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载2. Introductory Remarks -Everybody wants to be safe. What may threaten peoples

105、 security? Street crime ranks high in the Western countries. In this text, the author, an American novelist and artist, tells about a street crime she encountered and describes the reactions of her neighbors and the policemen to it. Lets see what happened to the author and why she felt there is only

106、 luck. 四. Language Points and Questions for Discussion (一) Lines 1-5 1. Language Points My mind went numb when I = I lost all my senses or the power to think when I2. Questions for Discussion (1) What happened to the author? -She was held up or being robbed by gunmen. (2) Where did it take place? Ho

107、w do you know ? -In front of her house. It is very common for Americans to have a garage beside their house. (3) Why did she think This cant be happening to me? -She was just in front of hr house and it was then early in the evening, not deep at night. At such a place and time, being robbed was a ve

108、ry uncommon and unbelievable thing. (4) Why did her mind go numb? -She was very frightened and shocked. (二) Lines 6-16 1. Language Points I remember being vaguely annoyed when = I remember that I was slightly angry for no definite reason whenI didnt crouch behind it but screamed instead,= Instead of

109、 crouching behind it, I screamed. 2. Questions for Discussion (1) What were they forced to do? -To get out of the car and walk to the house. (2) Why was Jeremy being slow? -He was trying to prevent the gunmen from forcing them into the house. He had thrown the keys into the shrubbery. (3) Why did sh

110、e scream? -She was frightened and shouted for help. (三)Lines 17-26 1. Language Points There was something absurdly melodramatic about screaming, help, help! = it seamed 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载somewhat ridiculous and excessively dramatic in a stupid way to s

111、cream help, help. 2. Questions for Discussion (1) Why does screaming for help sound absurdly melodramatic at 8 oclock on a Tuesday evening in December? -Because December is the Christmas season, Tuesday is a weekday, and 8 oclock is early in the evening. All this makes people think so. (2) What doe

112、the houses were cold imply? -It implies that people behind the doors or inside the houses didnt care about others and that they were cold-hearted and refused to lend a hand at a critical moment. But this is what the author thinks. Maybe the people inside the house were making a call to the police or

113、 to the neighbors discussing what to do before they opened the doors. (3) What do you think helped her escape? -Nothing but good luck. The gunmen were scared away by her screaming. (4) What do you think that the neighbors came out with baseball bats? -They seemed ready to fight back the robbers in a

114、 group. (5) Why did one neighbors say the noodles were getting cold? -They wanted to leave the scene with a decent excuse to avoid being involved in the case. (四) Lines27-42 1. Language Points What would guns have been to Jeremy and me? = Even if Jeremy and I had guns with us, they would not have do

115、ne any good to us. a) what good is ? / Whats the good of ? :What is the use of?E.g. What good is money to a person when he is dying? the police turned out in force = the police arrived o the scene in large numbers. we were hopeless when it came to identification. = we were unable to provide any usef

116、ul information when asked about how old the criminals might be, whet they looked like, etc. 2. Questions for Discussion (1) Why was she happy to see them go? -She knew the neighbors were helpless, and she was disgusted at their empty talk. (2) How did the policemen react to the event and why? -They

117、were ill-tempered, because no one was hurt and nothing was taken. Also the two victims could not identify the criminals. (3) What does identification refer to? -It refers to such things as how old the attackers were, what they looked like, how they were dressed, how tall they were and the like. (4)

118、Do you think it normal that they couldnt describe the attackers? Why or why not? -Yes. Because they were too frightened to pay attention to the attackers and it was dark. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载(五) Lines 43-53 1. Questions for Discussion (1) What does the a

119、uthor mean by the cops were matter-of-fact about the whole thing? -They showed no personal emotions but dealt with the matter as something that happened routinely on duty. (2) Which cops words is right? Why or why not? (3) Are you surprised to hear that the cop concludes there is no right or wrong i

120、n the situation. There is only luck. ? (六) Lines 54-63 1. Language Points no intelligent response to a gun = there is no clever reaction to a gun Security is an illusion; there is no safety in licks or in guns. = No one is in fact secure; even if you have licks and guns, you are not safe from danger

121、. 2. Questions for Discussion (1) What does luck mean in the context? -Something that comes by chance and people cannot do anything about it. (2) How did the author feel when thinking of security? -Hopeless and pessimistic. Nobody is really secure and safe anywhere. 五. Summary Questions and concludi

122、ng Remarks 1. Summary Questions (1) What does the author want to tell us? -Security is an illusion. One can only rely on his luck. (2) Do you think the author has good reasons to think so? What are they? -a) She was attacked just in front of her own house. b) It was then early in the evening. c) She

123、 was helpless at the moment; her neighbors were reluctant to help. d) The policemen couldnt offer any useful ways to cope with street crime. e) She made her escape by luck. f) She knew there was no way to prepare for the next time. 2. Concluding Remarks -The point of the true story is not only to te

124、ll what happened to the victims, but also to expose how the neighbors and the police reacted to the crime. Its thought-provoking, isnt it? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载Type of Lesson: Intensive Reading Book Two Unit EightTitle:Honesty : Is It Going Out of Style?T

125、otal Time: Five Hours Object : Freshman (the second term) Objectives : 1. Mastering Key Words and Phrases 2. To discuss the reason why school cheating is on the rise and find out a solution to it; Also understand honesty is an important part of American character and a part of modern life. Pre-teach

126、ing : Warm-up Questions and Introductory Remarks ( 15 minutes) In-Teaching : 1. Study of the Key Words and Phrases (20 minutes) 2. Languages Points (55 minutes) Post-Teaching : Summary Questions and Concluding Remarks (10 minutes) Exercises : 1. Reading Activity (45 minutes) (1) Explain Basic Readin

127、g Skill ( 15 minutes) (2) Ask students to read silently (15 minutes) (3) Explain Difficult Points (15 minutes) (4) Do Exercise A, B (10 minutes) 2.Comprehension of the Text ( 5 minutes) 3.Vocabulary (15 minutes) 4. Word Building (10 minutes) 5. Structure ( 5 minutes) 6. Translation (10 minutes) Unit

128、 Eight Honesty : Is It Going Out of Style ?一. Keys Words 1. style : n. a) fashion E.g. Clothes made of Nylon are out of style now. b) a manner or way of doing sth. eg writing, speaking, building etc. E.g. I dont like the style of his hair. 2. behave : v. a) act in a particular manner E.g. The parent

129、s praised the son for behaving well in the party. b) behave oneself : show good manner E.g. Sit still and behave yourself. c) behavior : (n.) way of behaving E.g. His behavior improved under the schools strict discipline. 3. corresponding :adj. a) matching E.g. The peace talk was held between corres

130、ponding officials in the two government. b) the same E.g. The police found corresponding footprints outside the house where the murder took place. 4. charge : n. & v. a) (n.) accusation E.g. The former football star was arrested on a charge of manslaughter. b) (n.) price asked for goods or services

131、E.g. Services charges are not included in hotel rates. c) (n.) amount of electricity contained in a substance. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载E.g. In physics. + means a positive charge, while - means a negative charge. d) (v.) accuse E.g. His former secretary charg

132、ed him of cheating the government on income taxes. e) (v.) ask as a price E.g. The railway company charges half price for students during summer and winter hoilidays. f) (v.) put an amount of electricity into E.g. Batteries for mobile phones need charging every eight hours. g) overcharge : charge to

133、o much rechargeable : can be charged again E.g. I called the policeman because the driver overcharged me. Dont throw the battery away, it is a rechargeable one. 5. advance : adj. & n. a) (adj.) done or given before sth E.g. Do you accept advanced payment? b) (n.) in advance E.g. Everything has been

134、fixed in advance. c) advanced : (adj.) E.g. In modern society we should learn advanced technology. 6. launch : vt. & n. a) start, establish E.g. The government launched an attack against corruption. b) send up E.g. It is expensive to launch an astronaut into outer space. c) put (a ship) into water f

135、or the first time E.g. The First Lady was invited to launch the new ship. d) (n.) setting in motion E.g. The world was shocked at the failed launch of spaceship Challenger:. 7. reveal : v. a) show, display E.g. He was the only person on earth before whom I would reveal myself. b) make known, disclos

136、e E.g. This letter revealed him to be / as an honest man. 8. overnight : adv. a) for or during the night E.g. The bag contains things I will need when staying overnight at a hotel. b) suddenly E.g. Public opinion tends to change overnight. 9. link : v. & n. a) (v.) join, connect E.g. Scholarships ar

137、e linked to academic performance. b) (n.) person or thing that connects two others E.g. Researchers have established the link between smoking and cancer. 10. anyway : adv. a) in any case E.g. Its no use crying over spilt milk, anyway. b) by any possible means E.g. There must be something wrong with

138、my computer, I couldnt get hooked up to the Internet anyway. 11. tempt : v. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载 a) persuade (sb.) to do sth. wrong or foolish E.g. The serpent tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. b) attract E.g. I feel tempted to eat more than is goo

139、d for my health. 12. encourage : vt. a) give hope or courage to (sb.) E.g. The cheers of their school mates encouraged the players to try to win the game for the school. b) promote the development E.g. Dont encourage her laziness by doing things for her. 二. Useful Phrases 1. be hard on a) (on sb.) t

140、reat sb. severely E.g. The parents are too hard on their boy. b) (on sth.) wear sth. out quickly or easily E.g. The rough roads are hard on my new shoes. 2. on the rise : rising, increasing E.g. The price of food is on the rise. 3. a case in point : a very good example E.g. An American can rise from

141、 the humblest beginnings to become President. Abraham Lincoln is a case in point. 4. in the case of : so far as is concernedE.g. Poverty depressed most people; in the case of my father it was otherwise. 5. come to bad ends / a bad end : have a bad result E.g. If you dont give up crime , youll come t

142、o bad ends. 6. lie in : be found in, exist in E.g. Happiness lies in contentment. 7. on the other hand : from the opposed point of view E.g. Food was abundant , on the other hand , water was running short. 8. at ones best : in peak condition E.g. In writing about a person, he is at his best. 三. Syno

143、nym 1. action act behavior action : the doing / accomplishment of something act : sth. that is done behavior : way of behaving, treatment shown towards others E.g. Action speaks louder than words. To kick a cat is a cruel act. Tom won a prize for his good behavior at school. 四. Warm-up Questions and

144、 Introductory Remarks 1. Warm-up Questions 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载 (1) Have you ever thought of cheating on an exam? What do you think of students who cheat? -Its unfair to those who dont. Its dishonest behavior. Its against a school regulations. (2) What m

145、ight be reasons for students to cheat on an exam? -To get good grades without working hard. To seek advantage. To earn a scholarship, etc. (3) Do you think that honesty is going out of style? Why or why not? 2. Introductory Remarks The test discusses the question of weather honesty is going out of s

146、tyle as since cheating on and off campus is on the rise. But, do people really think that honesty is no longer important? Lets see how the author looks at the problem and what is the proper answer to the question he raises. 五. Language Points and Questions for Discussion (一) Lines 1-12 1. Language P

147、oints It can be argued such a response may not mean much. Some people may have a good reason to say that such a response from high school students may not be significant. a) mean : be meaningful E.g. What he says really means little. b) it can be argued / it can be said / it can be reported / it can

148、 be estimated2. Questions for Discussion (1) What is a poll? Which subjects might be included in a poll? -A poll is a kind of survey used to learn what people think and how they feel about a wide variety of subjects. (2) When would a student be faced with the temptation to look at a neighbors test p

149、aper? -When he doesnt know or is not sure of an answer or when the students are sitting too close to each other. (3) What is a competency test? -It is a kind of test to determine whether or not a person posses a certain skill. (4) Why will an increase in the use of state exams lead to a correspondin

150、g rise in cheating? -State exams are standardized and more difficult compared to school exams, besides, they are related to the high school diploma. (二) Lines 13-28 1. Language Points to do more than talk= to do something instead of just talking the intent is not to catch everyone but rather to catc

151、h enough to spread the word. = the intention is not to catch all of the cheaters, but to catch a sufficient number of them for the purpose of giving a warning to other students. a) word : (n.) news, information E.g. Whats the good word tonight? b) spread the word : give a warning to others 精选学习资料 -

152、- - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载2. Questions for Discussion (1) What is a term paper requirement? -At the end of a semester, the teacher of a course requires students to write an article to present their ideas about what they have learnt. (2) What does have a mug shot taken

153、mean? -It is a photograph of a persons face used on the drivers license, university ID card, etc. (3) What is the purpose of the campaign? -To discourage cheating on exams. (4) What is the word to spread ? -Those who cheat on exams will be found out and punished. (三) Lines 29 - 39 1. Questions for D

154、iscussion (1) What do es the author imply by saying the good old days when ?-The morality of modern people is declining. (2) Why did the biographer invent the tale about George Washington? -To show that Washington had the virtue of telling the truth already when he was very young. (3) Why does the a

155、uthor use these two stories? -Both are about the two presidents honesty in childhood. (四) Lines 40 - 53 1. Language Points And these are just two stories out of many. a) out of : among E.g. Three out of four people now choose Microsoft Windows. people need to know one another to be at their honest b

156、est= people need to know one another well if they are to treat one another as honestly as possible. 2. Questions for Discussion (1) Do you believe that people who lie, cheat, or steal always come to bad ends? -Yes , think about the story The wolf is coming . (2) What is parents role in shaping ones

157、values such as being honest? (3) Do you agree with the author that if people know each other, they will be more honest? (4) Why is it less likely for overnight guests at an inn run by a husband and wife to steal towels? -The inn is too small and there are too few customers, it is easy to know who do

158、es it. (5) Do you think that people need to know one another to be at their honest best? (五) Lines 54 - 69 1. Language Points 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 23 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载 could it be that we are getting better at revealing such dishonesty? = is it because we are becoming more s

159、killful in revealing such dishonesty? But it doesnt seem linked to the economy. = There seems to be no connection between cheating and the economy. 2. Question for Discussion (1) What are watch-dog committees? -Organizations which keep watch on illegal practices. (2) Why do incidents of dishonesty g

160、o up when times are hard and go down when times get better? -Generally speaking, people fight for survival by all means, when times are hard, some try dirty means. (3) What kind of students might cheat on exams? -Those who lack confidence in themselves. (4) How can efforts to prevent cheating actual

161、ly encourage cheating? -The efforts to prevent cheating are based on the believe that the person is untrustworthy. The psychological response to such efforts would be Im not trusted anyway, why do I have to be honest ? 六. Summary Questions and Concluding Remarks 1.Summary Questions (1) Whats the aut

162、hors report about? -Dishonesty is becoming more serious. (2) Whats the authors attitude toward the problem? -Reinforce the value of honesty. (3) Whats your attitude toward tests? -Many students have different attitudes toward different tests on different subjects. 2. Concluding Remarks -By answering

163、 the questions of whether honesty is out of style, we find that most Americans still regard honesty as a virtue. But discouraging dishonest behavior and, on campus , discouraging students from cheating on exams are still a tough job for parents, teachers and universities as well. Type of Lesson: Int

164、ensive Reading Book Two Unit Nine精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 24 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载Title:What Is Intelligence, Anyway?Total Time: FiveHours Object : Freshman (the second term) Objectives : 1. Mastering Key Words and Phrases 2. Know the deference between intelligent and smart ; high s

165、cores and highly intelligent. Understand the well-educated cant be very smart. and intelligence is not absolute. Pre-teaching : Warm-up Questions and Introductory Remarks ( 15 minutes) In-Teaching : 1. Study of the Key Words and Phrases (20 minutes) 2. Languages Points (55 minutes) Post-Teaching : S

166、ummary Questions and Concluding Remarks (10 minutes) Exercises : 1. Reading Activity (45 minutes) (1) Explain Basic Reading Skill ( 15 minutes) (2) Ask students to read silently (15 minutes) (3) Explain Difficult Points (15 minutes) (4) Do Exercise A, B (10 minutes) 2.Comprehension of the Text ( 5 m

167、inutes) 3.Vocabulary (15 minutes) 4. Word Building (10 minutes) 5. Structure ( 5 minutes) 6. Translation (10 minutes) Unit Nine What Is Intelligence. Anyway? 一. Key Words 1. normal : a) (n.) the usual state or level E.g. Sam was scolded because he hot a score below normal in the English mid-term exa

168、m. b) (adj.) usual, regular E.g. His behaviors do not seem normal to me. 2. figure : n. a) number, symbol for a number, esp. 0 to 9 E.g. She got a starting salary of six figures. b) shape or outline of sb. or sth. E.g. I saw a figure 20 feet away from me in the dim street light. c) important person

169、E.g. The young students argued over who was the most influential figure in the 20th century. d) human form E.g. The fashion model exercises daily to keep her figure. e) diagram, drawing to illustrate sth E.g. The figures in the book will help you understand the theories better. 3. register a) (v.) w

170、rite in a list or record E.g. I have registered for four courses for next semester. b) (n.) record or list E.g. You might find some Chinese names on the US immigration register of the 19th century. 4. simply : adv. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 25 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载 a) only, merely E.

171、g. I took that job simply because the office is near my home. b) in a plain manner E.g. The old man lives simply and is dressed simply. c) completely, absolutely E.g. I simply cant understand you. 5. estimate a) (n.) judgment or opinion about how much, how many, how good, etc. E.g. They held totally

172、 different estimates of her character. b) (v.) form a judgment about E.g. The write estimated that she would need three more months to finish her novel. c) by ones estimate E.g. By my estimate, your plan will not work. 6. grant : v. a) agree to give, allow (sb.) to have (sth.) E.g. The government gr

173、anted land to those who were willing to farm it. b) agree (that sth. is true) E.g. I grant that he is intelligent. c) take for granted : regard it as true or as certain E.g. George took for granted all that his parents did for him. 7. hasten a) (vi.) go fast, be quick to do or say sth. E.g. Finding

174、he was a little late, he hastened to the office. b) (vt.) cause to move with speed, cause sth. to happen quickly E.g. Chemical fertilizer hastened the growth of plants. c) haste : (n.) hurry E.g. They left in great haste. 8. explore : v. a) search or examine thoroughly E.g. The multi-national compan

175、y sent a group to China to explore business possibilities. b) travel into or through a region for the purpose of learning about it E.g. A robot was recently sent to explore the surface of Mars. 9. determine : n. a) decide (on) E.g. I found it hard to determine which side was right just by hearing th

176、em quarrel. b) find out precisely E.g. The explorer determined his location by using the compass. c) make up ones mind E.g. He determined to learn how to operate the machine in two days time. 10. joke a) (n.) sth. said or done to cause amusement E.g. Dont play jokes on him. He cant take the joke. b)

177、 (v.) make jokes E.g. Dont take it seriously. He is only joking with you. 11. dumb : adj. a) unable to speak E.g. She was dumb from birth and was very kind to dumb animals b) temporarily silent 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 26 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载E.g. The audience was struck dumb when t

178、he magician ate fire. 12. smart : adj. a) clever E.g. This is a smart answer. b) well-dressed, bright and fresh in appearance E.g. You look smart in this suit. 二. Useful Phrases 1. make a (big / great) fuss over / about : treat with great or excessive attention E.g. Grandparents usually make a great

179、 fuss over their grandson. 2. make up a) put together, prepare E.g. People made up parcels of clothes and sent them to the flood-stricken areas. b) form, constitute E.g. The committee is made up of seven members. c) invent E.g. Bob makes up stories to amuse his little sister. 3. pick out : select, c

180、hose E.g. It took a long time to pick up a new dress at the store. 4. for sure : a) for certain, certainly E.g. I also heard that he was involved in the matter but do you know it for sure? b) sure enough to be sure make sure E.g. Sure enough, he won the race. Hes not bright, to be sure, but he alway

181、s works hard. To make sure that the letter was delivered to the address, I registered it. 三. Synonym Discrimination 1. worthy worth worthwhile a) All can be used as an adj. . But Only worthy and worthwhile can be used as attributive. worthy : deserving respect or honor worthwhile : useful or interes

182、ting; worth the time, money or effort spent E.g. He is a worthy gentleman. Certainly, there are many worthwhile programs on TV. b) :Worth and worthy can be used as predication. worth + n. / V-ing worthy + of n. / of being done / to be done E.g. She was not worthy of the honor given to her. This thin

183、g is worthy to be done. This thing is worthy of being done. This thing is worth doing. 四. Warm-up Questions and Introductory Remarks 1. Warm-up Questions (1) What is an intelligence test? (2) Do you believe that an intelligence test reflects the real intelligence of a person? Why or why not? 精选学习资料

184、- - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 27 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载(3) Do you agree that the more education one receives, the more intelligence he becomes? 2. Introductory Remarks -It is hard to answer the question raised by the author. There can be quite a few different answers to it. As we know, somebody

185、who scores high on paper tests might work poorly with his hands. Someone who may not be a top student at school succeeds in a career after school. He is not intelligent but smart. The author of this article highly educated. But is he really intelligent? 五. Language Points and Questions for Discussio

186、n (一) Lines 1-5 1. Language Points What is intelligence, anyway? a) anyway : in any case ; whatever E.g. That wasnt my fault, anyway. Anyway we choose will involve danger. against a normal of 100, a) against : in contrary to / with E.g. We have now 100 machines against 20 five years ago. 2. Question

187、s for Discussion (1) What is an aptitude test? -Aptitude test is a kind of test used to predict the future performance of a person in his firld of study or work. (2) What are the responsibilities of a KP? Does a KP need high intelligence? -IN the US army, KP is for very low ranking soldiers or somet

188、imes used as punishment. One on KP has to prepare the food and do the washing in the kitchen. (3) Why did the author mention his rank and duty in this paragraph? -He was trying to show that a persons higher score in intelligence test does not necessarily mean he has a higher position or holds more r

189、esponsibilities in the society. (二) Lines 6-11 1. Language Points people with intellectual bents similar to mine? a) bent : natural tendency or inclination E.g. Picasso showed hie bent for arts at a early age. 2. Questions for Discussion (1) Do you think a person who scores high in intelligence test

190、s is highly intelligent? Give your reason. -Although the answers require intelligence, the scores do not reflect the real abilities of a person. (2) Do we usually regard people who score high in such tests as being very intelligent? -Yes, and some of them are really intelligent in their daily work a

191、nd their academic life。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 28 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载(3) What kind of people makes up the intelligence test? -Professors, experts, scholars, etc. (4) Do you agree with the author that he scored high in such test because his intellectual tendency was similar to tho

192、se who made up the tests? (三) Lines 12-27 1. Language Points by my estimate : according to my judgement a) by : according to E.g. I see by your report that you have only done half of what you had planned to. Its numerical evaluation is determined by a small subsection of that society which has manag

193、ed to foist itself on the rest of us as an arbiter of such matters. a) a small subsection : a small part; a small group of people b) itself refers to a small subsection of that society. 2. Questions for Discussion (1) What were the reason for the author to think that he was much more intelligent tha

194、n his auto-repair man? -He scored 160 while the au5to-repair man might score 80. (2) Why did the author go to the auto-repair man when something was wrong with his car? -Because the author was incompetent in the field of repairing cars and the mechanic was highly competent. (3) Whats the difference

195、between the tests designed by an auto-repair man and an academician? -The former will be practical. The latter will be theoretical. (4) What is numerical evaluation of intelligence? -To evaluate intelligence in terms of numbers like the intelligence test score scale. (5) What does the that society r

196、efer to? -People of a particular group with some shared interests. (6) What is the topic sentence or main idea of this part? -My intelligence is not absolute. (四) Lines 28-36 1.Questions for Discussion (1) What is your answer to the auto-repair mans question at first? (2) Retell the joke by using yo

197、ur own words. (五) Lines 37-44 1. Language Points Did you catch many? - Did you trap many people with your trick? And I have an uneasy feeling he had something there . - I felt uneasily that he may be right. a) there : in this; on this point E.g. There I agree with you. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总

198、结 - - - - - - -第 29 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载2. Questions for Discussion (1) Whats wrong with his answer? -He made a premise mistake in drawing the conclusion. (2) Why did he use the word catch? -Its a trick question and contains a trap. (3) What does smart mean? -Quick and clever at dealing with problems. /

199、 witty. / Bright. (4) Do you agree with the auto-repair man that the highly educated cant be very smart? What is true in his statement? (5) Why did the author feel uneasy? -He had to admit that he was intelligent but not smart. 六. Summary Questions and Conclusion Remarks 1. Summary Questions (1) Wha

200、t does the author mean when he says that his intelligence is not absolute? -The universe and knowledge in the world are limitless while a human beings intelligence is limited. We can not be good at everything. The authors intelligence is relative, it is especially good for answering the type of acad

201、emic questions designed by academicians. (2) We often say that a man of high intelligence can be stupid in practical matters. Do you think there is something true in it? Give examples to support your view. -Yes. Albert Einstein is an good example. (3) How can we try to develop ourselves into being b

202、oth academically intelligent and practically smart? 2. Conclusion Remarks -The author discussed what intelligence is in this article. The answer is : intelligence is not absolute. In our modern world, we need to develop our IQ, EQ and AQ. (Intelligence / Emotion / Ability Quotient.) 精选学习资料 - - - - -

203、 - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 30 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载Type of Lesson: Intensive Reading Book Two Unit TenTitle: Profits of PraiseTotal Time: FiveHours Object : Freshman (the second term) Objectives :1. Mastering Key Words and Phrases 2. Understand praise produces far better results than criticism. Try t

204、o avoid ready to criticize but reluctant to praise. Remember to be alert to the small excellencies around us. Pre-teaching : Warm-up Questions and Introductory Remarks ( 15 minutes) In-Teaching : 1. Study of the Key Words and Phrases (20 minutes) 2. Languages Points (55 minutes) Post-Teaching : Summ

205、ary Questions and Concluding Remarks (10 minutes) Exercises : 1. Reading Activity (45 minutes) (1) Explain Basic Reading Skill ( 15 minutes) (2) Ask students to read silently (15 minutes) (3) Explain Difficult Points (15 minutes) (4) Do Exercise A, B (10 minutes) 2.Comprehension of the Text ( 5 minu

206、tes) 3.Vocabulary (15 minutes) 4. Word Building (10 minutes) 5. Structure ( 5 minutes) 6. Translation (10 minutes) Unit Ten Profits of Praise 一. Key Words 1. profit a) (n.) advantage or good obtained from sth. ; money gained in business E.g. Jim makes profits by buying and selling stocks. b) (vi.) b

207、e benefited or helped E.g. The company profited from having designed the widely applicable computer software. c) (vt.) be of advantage to E.g. It will profit you to absorb as much knowledge as possible while at university. 2. exhaust : v. a) tire out E.g. The baby soon exhausted itself by crawling a

208、ll over the floor and fell asleep. b) usr up E.g. You should not stay too long at your friends; otherwise you will exhaust your welcome. c) (n.) outlet in an engine or machine, for steam, vapor, etc. E.g. The young man committed suicide by breathing in car exhaust.3. load a) (v.) put a full amount o

209、f things on or in sth. E.g. The father loaded the family into their old truck and drove west. b) (n.) that which is to be carried or support E.g. He climbed the hill more slowly than the others, because he was carrying a heavier load. 4. weary : adj. a) (of a person) tired; (of) having lost interest

210、 in E.g. He sat down at the table with a weary look on his face. b) (of a thing) tiring E.g. He gave a weary talk on this subject. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 31 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载5. apply a) (vt.) put (sth) into operating; use E.g. He knows the rule but doesnt know hoe to apply it.

211、 b) (vi.) ask officially for E.g. We have applied to the bank for a loan. c) apply for E.g. This rule does not apply for the present case. 6. pat a) (n.) tap with the open hand E.g. The little boy wiped the blackboard because he wanted a pat on the back from his teacher. b) ( v.) tap gently with the

212、 open hand or with sth. flat E.g. She patted the seat next to her for him to sit down. 7. graceful : adj. a) showing a sense of what is correct or decent esp in a difficult situation E.g. His apology was so graceful that we forgave him. b) showing beauty of form or movement E.g. His figure was slend

213、er and graceful. c) grace : elegance or beauty E.g. She is famous for her conversational grace. 8. embarrass : vt a) make (sb.) feel shy, ashamed or awkward E.g. It embarrasses many people to walk into a room full of strangers. b) 0 uninteresting because it is so often done; dull E.g. This work is t

214、oo routine for my taste. c) (n.) a regular way of doing things E.g. I like doing things according to the routine, but he likes breaking the routine. 12. drown : v. a) cover completely with water E.g. She turned around and I found myself looking at a face drowned in tears. B0 (cause to) die in water

215、because unable to breathe E.g. The peasant drowned the newborn baby because he was too poor to raise it. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 32 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载13. criticize : v. a) find fault with E.g. The government was criticized for lack of consistency in policy. b) form and give a ju

216、dgment of; to assess the merits and demerits of E.g. The Sunday newspaper devotes a page to criticizing new books, films and plays. 二. Useful Phrases 1. make out a) write out; fill out E.g. The teacher makes out a list of English books for the students to read outside class. b) see or understand wit

217、h difficulty E.g. I cant make out the words on the blackboard. 2. not much of a a) not noteworthy; having poor quality ; not a good E.g. Hes not much of a linguist. b) much of : deserving note something of : to some extent; in some sense E.g. He is much of an officer. Hes something of a liar, dont y

218、ou think? 3. fish out : pull sth out after searching or with some difficulty E.g. She fished out a bunch of keys from her handbag. 4. pat (sb) on the back : congratulate a person; give a person an encouragement or praise E.g. When he won the first place in the high jump, everyone patted him on the b

219、ack. 5. shrug off : treat (sth.) as unimportant; dismiss with a shrug E.g. The naughty boy shrugged off the criticism of his teacher. 6. pass on : give to sb else E.g. When he had finished reading the book, he passed it on to Mrs. Brown. 7. live on : depend on for support E.g. People on the coast li

220、ve on fish. 三. Synonym Discriminative 1. previous former : adj. previous : coming earlier in time or order former : of an earlier period E.g. He did better in the previous lessons. In former time, coal was a common fuel for cooking. 四. Warm-up Questions and Introductory Remarks 1. Warm-up Questions

221、(1) Do you like to hear praise? Why or why not? (2) What profits can praise bring? -Pleasure, encouragement, confidence, strength, favor, etc (3) What can be regard as praise? -Favorable remarks, compliments, pleasing comments, supportive opinions, appreciative gestures, pat on the back, etc. 精选学习资料

222、 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 33 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载2. Introductory Remarks -Which do we benefit more from, praise or criticism? What profits does praise bring? What kinds of people need praise most and why? The author of this article used her own experience to answer these questions. 五. Lan

223、guage Points and Questions for Discussion (一) Lines 1-11 1. Questions for Discussion (1) How much do you know about a waitresss job in a restaurant? -She takes orders, serves food and makes out bills or checks. She attends to the customers, walking between the tables and the kitchen and standing bes

224、ide the tables for a whole shift, i.e. several hours of working without sitting or breaks. (2) How was the restaurants business? -It was busy because it kept the waitresses busy. (3) What does the author mean by a complicated check? -The customers orders several different dishes and also changed the

225、ir orders, and she kept having to retotal the bill. (4) What more do you know about a waitresss job from this paragraph? -She must carry heavily loaded trays, her feet ache, and she has to be patient and deal with difficult customers. (5) What made her cheer up? -The tip and the praise from the cust

226、omer. (二) Lines 12-21 1. Language Points And yet, while most of us are only too ready to apply to others the cold wind or criticisma) yet : but; nevertheless; however E.g. I offered him still more, and yet he wasnt satisfied. b) while : although E.g. While I like the color of the cat, I dont like th

227、e shape. c) only too to do : very to doE.g. He is only too anxious to leave. d) apply toE.g. Seek truth through facts and apply knowledge to social practice. 2. Questions for Discussion (1) Why is praise compared to sunlight? How do you feel in the sunlight? -All lives grow and develop in nice sunli

228、ght In the sunshine, we feel warm and comfortable. (2) Why is critical compared to cold wind? How do you feel in the cold wind? -In the cold wind, we feel cold and uncomfortable. (3) Why do you think people are ready to criticize others but reluctant to praise? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - -

229、- - - -第 34 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载(4) Give example to show that praise can bring pleasure. (5) What words of praise do people usually use? -Well done; Good job; Thank you; I appreciate it; Its nice. etc. (6) If you wanted to learn only one word of any language in the world, which one would you like to lea

230、rn? (三) Lines 22-29 1. Language Points When one thinks of the speed with which spiteful remarks are conveyed, it seems a pity that there isnt more effort to relay pleasing and flattering comments. = When one considers how quickly offensive remarks are passed from one to another, it seems a pity that

231、 we do not make effort to pass on compliments that will bring pleasure and satisfaction to others. 2.Questions for Discussion (1) What does chary mean? Do you agree that people are chary about praising because of the receivers ungraceful response? -Very cautions. On the one hand, the praise giver is

232、 not sure how the receiver will respond; on the other hand, many people do not take praise gracefully. (2) Are you embarrassed or glad to hear compliments? (3) How do we Chinese usually deal with praise? -We often say Its nothing, Dont mention it, or other words to conceal our true feelings, to deny

233、 the praise, to show our modesty. (四) Lines 30-43 1. Language Points Its especially rewarding to give praise in areas in which effort generally goes unnoticed or unmentioned. = Its particularly beneficial to praise those who do unexciting routine jobs and whose efforts is usually ignored or overlook

234、ed. when the shirts are done just right. = when the shirts are washed or cleaned exactly as expected. Our praises are our wages. = The praises we get are the wages we wants. surely she of all people should get her measure. a) of all people : among all people b) her measure :her measure or praise c)

235、measure : a certain amount E.g. The measure or money granted to these children amounted to almost nothing. 2. Questions for Discussion (1) What are the areas in which effort generally goes unmentioned and why are they singled out? -Cleaning, laundry, paper-delivery / post-delivery, milk-delivery, ho

236、usekeeping. Compared to the work of an artist or a cook, these jobs do not demonstrate special skill or expertise. They are just unexciting routine jobs. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 35 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载(2) What kinds of jobs are mentioned and why do people doing those jobs apprecia

237、te praise particularly? -They are routine jobs which are usually dreary, tough and looked down upon. People doing these jobs need appreciation and respect but rarely get them. (3) How do you understand Shakespeares works? -Praise are our spiritual rewards. (五) Lines 44-56 1. Language Points an ounce

238、 of praise is worth a pound of scolding. = praise is far more valuable than scolding. We are not always as perceptive as we might be about applying the rule. = now and then we are liable to overlook the importance of putting the rule into practice. something above his usual standard. = something bet

239、ter than what he usually wrote 2. Questions for Discussion (1) Can you paraphrase the sentence an ounce of praise is worth a pound of scolding? -Even a small amount of praise is far more valuable than much scolding. (2) How do you understand were not always as perceptive as we might be about the rul

240、e? -Although we know the rule that praise is far more valuable then scolding, we sometimes fail to apply it in practice. (3) Why is the word never in italics? And what does this example want to tell us? -To show the emphasis she put on the word. Its a typical example. Parents often scold young child

241、ren for their wrong doings than they praise them for their good behavior.(4) What does the author mean by drowning students compositions in critical red ink? -The teacher points out many mistakes or gives critical comments on the students composition papers. (5) Do you prefer a teacher who comments

242、favorably on your progress to one who makes many critical remarks? (六) Lines 57-69 1. Questions for Discussion (1) Why do we tend to repeat an act which has been immediately followed by a pleasant result? -We gain pleasure, encouragement, self-recognition and want to get more such pleasure results.

243、(2) What can we learn from this experiment? -The less able the students are, the more praise they need. Criticism can motivate students but praise brings more effective results than criticism or indifference. (七) Lines 70-77 1.Language Points lets be alert to the small excellences around us精选学习资料 -

244、- - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 36 页,共 37 页学习必备欢迎下载a) be alert to / for E.g. The policemen were alert to any movement in the house. b) excellences : advantages; outstanding points E.g. Precision is one of the excellences of the French language. 2.Questions for Discussion (1) Do you agree that

245、praise is a small investment that produces great results? -Praise costs nothing but contributes a lot. Praise is like sunshine, we can make use of solar power without much cost. (2) Why does praise very often add happiness to our own lives? -Praise produces good results including initiating, maintai

246、ning and developing good relationships which, in turn, makes us feel comfortable. Thats why in English people say Its my pleasure to respond to an expression of gratefulness and say Thank you to respond to a praise. 六. Summary Questions and Concluding Remarks 1. Summary Questions (1) Why does praise

247、 produce far better results than criticism? (2) Why are people eager to criticize but reluctant to praise others? (3) What are the profit of praise? 2. Concluding Remarks -In this article, the author revealed the social phenomenon of peoples being ready to criticize but reluctant to praise, and the

248、fact that praise is more effective in producing good results than criticism. The author reminded us of the need to be aware of the excellence, no matter how small, around us and to comment favorably on them. By doing so, we can add pleasure to other peoples lives as well as to our own. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 37 页,共 37 页



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