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1、- 1 - 外研版英语八年级下册Module 1 Feelings and expressions 同步练习一、单选题(共10 题;)1、Turn down the music. It hurts my_. A、nose B 、eyes C、ears 2、Who is the man_long hair? Hes my cousin. A、on B、for C、of D、with 3、When Peter comes, please ask him to leave a_. A、notice B、message C、sentence D、information 4、The sweaters f

2、eel_and sell_. A、soft; well B、soft; good C、softly; well D、softly; good 5、When will you come to my house? I cant wait_you. A、meet B、met C、to meet D、meeting 6、I have to speak to my grandpa loudly because something is wrong with his_. A、eyes B、ears C、hands D 、legs 7、Those toys for children look_and sel

3、l_. A、good; lovely B、lovely; good C、well; lovely D、lovely; well 8、We all felt_of him when Tom won the first prize in the sports meeting. A、brave B、proud C、successful D、worried 9、Mary spends two hours her homework every day. A、doing B、to do C、does D、did 10、 What does your brother look like? . A、He is

4、 fine B、He is a doctor C、He likes dancing D、He is tall and thin 二、选词填空(共1题;共 5 分)11、用 look, taste, smell, feel或 sound 的适当形式填空 , 完成句子。(1)This piece of music _ very wonderful. Can you play it again? (2)Tim _ unhappy today. Whats wrong with him? (3)Um, the fish soup _ a little sweet. Did you put sugar

5、in it? (4)The flower _ good. What is its name? (5)After a few days rest in bed, Mr. Green _ better. 三、翻译(共 1 题;共 5 分)12、根据汉语提示完成句子, 每空一词。(1)这个毛衣摸起来很柔软。This sweater _ _. (2)这些蔬菜看起来不新鲜。These vegetables _ _ fresh. (3)恐怕我今天晚上不能去音乐会了。_ _ I cant go to the concert tonight. (4)这个游戏很简单。你想试试吗?This game is ver

6、y easy. Do you want to _ _ _? (5)今天是我的幸运日。Its _ _ _ today. 四、句型转换(共1 题;共 3 分)13、按要求完成下列各题。(1)It sounds very interesting. (改为一般疑问句 ) _ it_ very interesting? (2)The apple pie smells fresh. ( 改为否定句 ) The apple pie _ _ fresh. (3)There are many storybooks in the school library. (改为同义句 ) There are _ _ sto

7、rybooks in the school library. 五、完型填空(共1 题;共 10 分)14、根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择正确答案填空。Life is not easy, so Id like to say, “When 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 6 页- 2 - anything happens, believe in yourself.”When I was a young boy, I was too 1 to talk to anyone. My classmates ofte

8、n laughed at me. I was sad but could do 2 . Later, something happened, and it changed my life. It was an English speech( 比赛) competition. My mother asked me to take part in it. What a terrible idea! It meant I had to speak 3 all the teachers and students of my school! “Come on, boy. Believe in yours

9、elf. You are sure to 4 . Then mother and I talked about many different topics(话题). At last I 5 the topic “Believe in yourself. I tried my best to remember all the speech and practised it over 100 6 . With my mothers great love, I did 7 in the contest. I could hardly believe my 8 when the news came t

10、hat I had won the first place. I heard the cheers from the teachers and students. Those classmates who once looked down on me, now all said “Congratulations!” to me. My mother hugged (拥抱)me and cried 9 . Since then( 从那以后 ), everything has 10 for me. When I do anything, I try to tell myself to be sur

11、e and I will find myself. This is true not only for a person but also for a country. 1. A. shy B. sad C. excited D. happy 2. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything 3. A. after B. with C. before D. among 4. A. win B. lose C. beat D. pass 5. A. reached B. brought C. chose D. thought 6. A. t

12、imes B. words C. sentences D. topics 7. A. quietly B. well C. slowly D. fast 8. A. hands B. arms C. ears D. eyes 9. A. sadly B. warmly C. badly D. excitedly 10. A. changed B. asked C. gone D. come 六、阅读理解(共1 题;共 10 分)15、阅读下列材料 , 从每小题所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。B Mum told me an American myth (神话) about peoples f

13、irst tears ( 眼泪). Let me tell you about it. Once upon a time, an Inuit man went hunting (捕猎) along the water for seals on the seashore. He would certainly bring home a great meal for his wife and son. He went quietly towards the seals. Suddenly, the seals began to move into the water. He was disappo

14、inted. His meal was getting away. Then he saw that a seal was not moving as quickly as the others. The man went towards the last seal. It did not see him, but it moved into the water, too. The man stopped to sit down. He had a strange feeling. He felt water begin to fall from his eyes. He touched hi

15、s eyes and tasted the drops. Yes, they tasted salty. Strange loud sounds were coming from his mouth and chest ( 胸膛). His wife and son heard that and ran to him. The man told them about the seals. He told how every seal ran away from him. As he spoke, water began to fall from the eyes of his wife and

16、 his son, and they cried with him. In this way, people first learned to cry. (1)What did the Inuit man do on the seashore? A、He moved into the water. B、He waited for his wife and son. C、He cried for the seals. D、He went hunting. (2)What does the underlined word “dis -appointed ” mean in Chinese? 精选学

17、习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 6 页- 3 - A、失望的B、吃惊的C、悲观的D、愉快的(3)The last seal . A、saw the man and moved into the water B、moved very fast on the seashore C、moved a little slower than the other seals D、was caught by the man (4)What did the man feel at last? A、Excited. B、Sad. C、Bored.

18、 D、Hungry. (5)What is the best title of the passage? A、Man and Seals B、Seal Hunters C、How People Learned to Cry D、People Cry for Seals 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 6 页- 4 - 答案解析部分一、单选题1、【答案】 C 【解析】 【分析】考查名词辨析。句意: “关小音乐。它伤害我的 _。” 根据语境 , 太大声的音乐伤害的应该是耳朵, 而不是鼻子或者眼睛 , 故选 C。2、【答案】

19、D 【解析】【分析】考查介词用法。句意 : 留着长发的男子是谁 ? 他是我表弟。with留着, 带有、具有。3、【答案】 B 【解析】 【分析】考查名词词义辨析。句意: 当彼得来的时候 , 请叫他留下口信。 notice通知; message消息, 口信; sentence句子; information 信息。根据句意可知 , 叫彼得留下一个口信 , 而且根据关键词 a可知, 应该排除 information, 它是不可数名词。故选B。4、【答案】 A 【解析】 【分析】考查形容词和副词用法。句意: 那些毛衣摸上去柔软且很畅销。feel用作系动词 , 意为“ 摸上去 ”, 后接形容词作表语;

20、sell well 意为“ 畅销”, sell 为行为动词 , 用副词修饰。5、【答案】 C 【解析】 【分析】考查动词短语用法。句意: 你何时到我家来 ? 我迫不及待要见到你。cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事。6、【答案】 B 【解析】 【分析】考查名词词义辨析。句意: 我不得不对我的爷爷大声说话, 因为他的耳朵出问题了。 eyes眼睛; ears耳朵; hands手; legs腿。7、【答案】 D 【解析】 【分析】考查形容词和副词用法。句意: 那些孩子的玩具看上去很可爱且很畅销。第一个空要用一个形容词作表语, 第二个空要用副词来修饰动词作状语。故选 D。8、【答案

21、】 B 【解析】 【分析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意: 当汤姆在运动会上获得第一名的时候我们为他感到自豪。brave勇敢的 ; proud自豪的 ; successful成功的 ; worried 焦虑的。故选 B。9、【答案】 A 【解析】 【分析】考查固定搭配spend some time doing sth ,意为 “ 花时间做某事 ” ,故选A。句意是:玛丽每天花两个小时做家庭作业。【点评】本题考查固定搭配spend some time doing sth的用法。10、【答案】 D 【解析】 【分析】He is fine 意思是 “ 他很好 ” ;He is a doctor意思是 “

22、他是个医生 ” ;He likes dancing意思是 “ 他喜欢跳舞 ” ;He is tall and thin 意思是 “ 他又高又苗条 ” 。 问句的意思是:你哥哥长得什么样?故选D,其余选项意思都不符。【点评】考查情景交际。解答此类题目,我们一定要结合事情发生的情景,选择符合这种语境的用语,千万不要脱离语境。二、选词填空11、【答案】(1)sounds (2)looks (3)tastes (4)smells (5)feels 【解析】 【分析】( 1)根据句意 “ 这首音乐精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 6

23、 页- 5 - 听起来很棒,你能再演奏一次吗?” 可知填动词 sounds ,主语 this piece of music 是单数,故填动词三单形式。(2)根据句意 “ 吉姆今天看起来很不开心,他怎么了? ” 可知填动词 looks,主语 Jim 是第三人称单数,故动词用三单形式。(3) 句意是:额,这鱼汤尝起来有点甜,你在里面放糖了吗? “ 尝起来 ”taste ,根据主语this fish soup可知填单三形式tastes 。(4) 句意是:这花闻起来很好,它叫什么名字?“ 闻起来 ”smell ,主语 the flower 是单数,故填 smells。(5)句意是:在床上休息了一天之后

24、格林先生感觉好多了。 “ 感觉”feel ,根据句意用单三形式 feels。【点评】本题考查感官动词的用法,sound听起来, look 看起来, taste尝起来, smell闻起来, feel 感觉,这些都是感官动词,后面需要跟形容词,五个小题都用了一般现在时,主语都是第三人称单数,故这五个词都用单三形式。三、翻译12、【答案】(1)feelssoft (2)dontlook (3)Imafraid (4)haveatry (5)myluckyday 【解析】 【分析】( 1)“ 摸起来 ”feel ,“ 柔软的”soft ;句子的主语 this sweater是第三人称单数,故动词用单三

25、形式feels。(2)“ 看起来 ”look ,主语 these vegetables 是复数形式,故否定句用助动词do 加 not 构成,故填 dont look。(3)“ 恐怕”Im afraid 。(4)“ 试一试 ”heve a try ,want to do sth ,后面跟动词原形。(5)“ 我的幸运日 ”my lucky day 。【点评】本题考查汉译英。解答此类题目需要熟记一些固定句式及短语,答题中注意根据汉语提示确定符合语境的短语或者句式,然后根据语境及时间状语,确定单词的词形变化,注意主谓一致及时态一致等问题。四、句型转换13、【答案】(1)Does;sound (2)do

26、esnt;smell (3)lots;of 【解析】 【分析】( 1)由 sounds可知本句是一般现在时,一般疑问句需要加助动词does来帮助构成,助动词后跟动词原形,故填 Does sound 。(2) 由 smells可知句子是一般现在时,否定句需要助动词加not 构成,故填doesnt smell。(3) many表示 “ 许多,大量 ” ,同义词为lots of 或 a lot of,根据所给的两个空可知填lots of。【点评】本题考查句型转换, 解答此类题目,不但要根据句意,选择正确意义的词、词组及句型,还要根据具体语法和语境,选择适当的时态、语态及使用正确的词形。五、完型填空1

27、4、【答案】 (1)A(2)B(3)C(4)A(5)C(6)A(7)B(8)C(9)D(10)A 【解析】 【分析】短文大意:生活不易,所以我要说 “ 无论发生什么事,都要相信你自己。” 我小时候很害羞,不敢和任何人说话,后来发生了一件事,由此改变了我的生活。(1)考查形容词辨析,根据句意“ 我小时候太害羞了以致于不敢和任何人交谈” 可知选A 意思通顺, shy 意为 “ 害羞的 ” 。(2)我的同学经常嘲笑我, 我很伤心但是无能为力。根据句意选nothing,故 B 正确。(3)妈妈叫我参加英语演讲比赛,多么可怕的主语呀,这意味着我要在全校老师和同学面前说话。根据句意选before,故 C

28、正确。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 6 页- 6 - (4)加油!孩子,相信你一定会赢的。根据句意选 win 意思通顺,故 A 正确。(5)最后我选择了 “ 相信你自己 ” 这个题目。故选 chose ,是 choose的过去式, choose 意为“ 选择” 。(6) 我尽最大的努力记住所有的演讲词并练习了一百多遍。根据句意选 times, 表“ 次数” 。(7)因为有妈妈的大爱, 我在比赛中表现得很好。用副词well 修饰动词 did,故选 B。(8)句意是:当听到我获得第一的消息时我几乎不相信我的耳朵。根据句意选

29、C。(9) 妈妈拥抱着我,激动地哭起来。故选 D。(10)从那以后,对我来说一切都改变了。根据句意选 changed ,故 A 正确。【点评】这篇短文内容比较简单, 理解不难。各小题与上下文联系比较紧密,答题中一定要注意联系上下文。答完后多读几遍,看看是否符合逻辑,适当修改。个别小题可以当作单独的词义辨析题来做,先区分词义,结合语境选出最能使语句通顺的答案。六、阅读理解15、【答案】(1)D (2)A (3)C (4)B (5)C 【解析】 【分析】这是一个关于人类第一滴眼泪的神话故事。(1)根据第二段的开头部分Once upon a time, an Inuit man went hunti

30、ng (捕猎) along the water for seals on the seashore.可知这个因纽特人正在海岸上打猎,故选D。(2)根据第二段的内容, 因纽特人想捕猎海豹回家给老婆孩子做饭吃,可是当他悄悄靠近海豹时,海豹开始游向海水,猎人应该是感到失望,故选A。(3)根据第三段内容Then he saw that a seal was not moving as quickly as the others. 可知最后一只海豹比其它海豹游的慢,故选C。(4)根据最后一段的描述, 因纽特人感到有水从他的眼睛里流出来,一种奇怪的声音从他的嘴里和胸膛里发出来,可知他哭了,故选 B。(5) 文章讲述的是关于人类第一滴眼泪的神话故事,故选 C 作为文章的标题, 意思是 “ 人们是怎样学会哭的 ” 。【点评】这篇文章不太难,各个小题都能在文中找到适当依据。答题时可以先看问题,再带着问题阅读短文,注意前后联系,就能顺利完成阅读。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 6 页



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