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1、Unit2TheuniversallanguageUnit2Theuniversallanguagehe must In order to avoid marriage, she says that any potential husband must answer three riddles correctly or die.What is Ellipsis? Some words can be left out when we do not want to repeat them. This is called ellipsis.Ellipsis is used when we do no

2、t want to repeat words or phrasesthatareobvious. Some words of a sentence canbeleftoutwhile the meaning can still be understood.1. My father likes sports more than Tom. (wrong)2. My father likes sports more than Tom does. (correct)3. My father likes sports more than he likes Tom. (correct)I. 简单句中的省略

3、简单句中的省略1.在口语中在口语中 2. - How is your mother today? - (She is ) Much better. (Is there) Anything wrong? 2. 在祈使句中在祈使句中 (You) Open the door, please. (I) Thank you very much.3.在感叹句中在感叹句中Whata(good)boy(heis)!How(hard)theyareworking!4.在名词所有格修饰的名词若表示在名词所有格修饰的名词若表示店铺店铺,住宅住宅,教堂教堂或或上下文已暗示或明确指出过的事物上下文已暗示或明确指出过的事

4、物Athermothers(house)shepassedmanyhappydays.Imethimatthedoctors(house).5.动词不定式的省略动词不定式的省略 a. 为避免重复为避免重复,常省略上文已提到的动词原形常省略上文已提到的动词原形,只保留不定式中的只保留不定式中的小品词小品词to:这类动词有这类动词有:expect, forget, hope, intend, mean, prefer, refuse, try, want, wish, would like, like和和love等等. 如如: She asked me to dance with her, but

5、 I didnt want to (dance with her). -Will you go with me? -Well, Id like to (go with you). b. 在在have to, need, ought to, be going to, used to等后省略动词等后省略动词. 如如: I really didnt want to go there with him, but I had to (go there with him).c. 在某些形容词在某些形容词delight, glad, happy, pleased等后等后省略省略to后面的动词后面的动词. 如

6、如: Will you join in our discussion? Ill be glad to (join in your discussion).d. 若不定式中带有若不定式中带有be, have等等, 通常保留通常保留be, have. 如如: Are you a teacher? No, but I used to be (a teacher). John didnt come, but he ought to have (come).1. He promised to come to see you. But he _. Ive been all alone.A. didnt B

7、. wouldnt C. hasnt D. wont2. Have you watered the flowers? No, but _.A.I am B. Im going C. Im just going to D.I will go3. He hasnt gone to the office up to now. Well, he _.A. should B. ought to C. ought to go D. ought to haveCCDII. 并列句中的省略并列句中的省略1. 后面分句中与前面相同的部分常被省略。后面分句中与前面相同的部分常被省略。如:如: She was po

8、or but (she was) honest. Bob has done his homework, but Tom hasnt (done his homework).2. 有时并列句中的省略部分出现在前面的分句中,有时并列句中的省略部分出现在前面的分句中,看完最后一个分句才能掌握全句的完整意义。看完最后一个分句才能掌握全句的完整意义。 如:如:Mary can (speak English)and (Mary) ought to speak English.Bob works (in London), and Peter lives in London.III. 复合句中的省略复合句中的

9、省略1. 主句的省略主句的省略1)主句的省略多见于句首,多用于口语中。)主句的省略多见于句首,多用于口语中。(Its a) pity you couldnt come.2)在对话中答句省去整个主句只用从句。在对话中答句省去整个主句只用从句。-Shall I go to play?-If you like. (you can go to play).2.宾语从句中的省略宾语从句中的省略1)由)由which, when, where, how和和why 引导的宾语从句引导的宾语从句中与主句重复的主语或谓语中与主句重复的主语或谓语,可全部或部分省去可全部或部分省去,只保留只保留引导词。引导词。如:如

10、:Please pass me one of these books, I dont care which (book you pass me). He will come back, but she doesnt know when (he will come back). She wants to learn English well, yet she doesnt know how (she can learn it well).2) 在在Im afraid, I think, I believe, I hope, I guess, I expect, I suppose, I imag

11、ine等开头的作答句中等开头的作答句中, 后面跟后面跟so 与与 not 分别用于肯定或否定,宾语从句可省去。分别用于肯定或否定,宾语从句可省去。b. Do you think it will rain? I hope so (it will rain).a. Do you believe our team will win? I guess so (your team will win).I hope not (that it will not rain). 注注:I hope so的否定式只能用的否定式只能用I hope not, 不可用不可用I dont hope so. I guess

12、 not (your team will not win). = I dont guess so. c.Willwebelate? Imafraidso/not.1.“Islippedonthestairs.Ithinkmyarmisbroken.” “Oh!I_.”A.donothopetoB.donothopeC.hopenotsoD.hopenot2.-“IsProfessorTateverysick?”-“Imafraid_.”A.soB.thisC.toD.thatDA3.状语从句中的省略状语从句中的省略1)在有些状语从句中,如果从句的主语是在有些状语从句中,如果从句的主语是it,其

13、后的,其后的be动词及其动词及其主语可一起省略。这种结构通常为:主语可一起省略。这种结构通常为:if it is possible, when it is necessary等。等。2)如:如:Please try to finish your homework by yourself if (it is) possible.3) Well have the old house pulled down when (it is) necessary.2) 在虚拟条件状语从句中在虚拟条件状语从句中,当助动词为当助动词为were, had, should等时等时, 连连词词if可省略可省略, 但但w

14、ere, had和和should需要倒装到主语的前面。需要倒装到主语的前面。 如如: Were I you, I would do more exercise. Had I had time, I would have gone shopping with you.=IfIwereyou=IfIhadhadtime4) 如果状语从句的主语与主句的主语一致,并且从句的谓语部分如果状语从句的主语与主句的主语一致,并且从句的谓语部分有有be动词,则可以将从语中的主语及动词,则可以将从语中的主语及be动词一起省略。引导这类动词一起省略。引导这类状语从句的连词有状语从句的连词有:when, while,

15、 though, if和和unless. 如:如:When(youare)crossingtheroad,youdbetterlookatbothsides.Thelittlegirlbegantocrywhen(shewas)askedbythepolice.Unless(Iam)invitedIwillnotgo.3) 以以as, than 引导的比较状语从句可以全部或部分省去。引导的比较状语从句可以全部或部分省去。如:如:Hegotupearlyasusual(hedid).Afterhalfahour,shebecamequieter(thanshehadbeen).Hestudies

16、ashardasyou(study).4. 定语从句中的省略定语从句中的省略1)定语从句的关系代词定语从句的关系代词that/which/who在从句中作主语且后面有在从句中作主语且后面有be动词,我们可以省略关系代词及动词,我们可以省略关系代词及be动词动词.如:如:Thegirl(whois)standingunderthetreeisMary.Thebridge(whichwas)builtin1927brokedown.Thegirl(whois)infrontoftheclassroomisMary.2)在限制性定语从句起宾语作用的关系代词在限制性定语从句起宾语作用的关系代词that

17、,which,whom可可以省略以省略;在在thesame.as和和such.as引导的定语从句中引导的定语从句中,可以省可以省略与主句相同的部分略与主句相同的部分;先行词是先行词是theway,后面的定语从句中后面的定语从句中,可以可以省略省略that或或inwhich.如:如:Heisoneoftheman(whom)Icantrust.Wewilldothesameworkasthey(do).Idontliketheway(that/inwhich)youspeaktoyourmother. 1. Is this the reason _ at the meeting for his

18、carelessness in his work? (NMET 2002上海春上海春) A. he explained B. what he explained C. how he explained D. why he explained 2. What surprised me was not what he said but _ he said it. (NMET 2004湖北卷湖北卷) A. the way B. in the way that C. in the way D. the way which 3. When first _ to the market, these pro

19、ducts enjoyed great success. (NMET 2004全国卷全国卷II) A. introducing B. introduced C. introduce D. being introduced AAB4. It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when _ at the meeting by my boss. (NMET 2004全国卷全国卷IV) A. questioning B. having questioned C. questioned D. to be questioned 5. When _ , the mu

20、seum will be open to the public next year. (NMET 2002上海春上海春) A. completed B. completing C. being completed D. to be completed 6. Unless _ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference. (NMET 2003上海春上海春) A. invited B. inviting C. being invited D. having invitedCAA5. 惯用的省略结构惯用的省略结构以及在一些固定短语中某些介

21、词以及在一些固定短语中某些介词的省略的省略 1). 固定句型固定句型How/What about + n. / pron. /v-ing.What about some more milk?What about him? How about going out for a walk? 2). Why not +省去省去to的动词不定式的动词不定式Why not go at once?have trouble (in) doing3. 固定短语中介词的省略固定短语中介词的省略be busy (in) doing sth. 6. 省略语还经常出现在新闻标题或使用说明中,省略语还经常出现在新闻标题或

22、使用说明中,例如:例如: Newspaper headlines: Turandot on stage Signs and labels: No smoking Instructions: Do not bend Postcards and diaries: Have not had time to write diary Notes: Opera OK, costumes great SignsNo smoking is allowed here.This is a one-way street.InstructionsPut this side up, please.Please hand

23、le this with care.HeadlinesHouses destroyed in weekend storms.Mayor says he wont quit.Some houses were destroyed in the storms during the weekend.The mayor says he wont quit.NotesThese are bright ideas.PostcardsI wish you were here.ExerciseRewrite the following sentences with ellipses.1.What about s

24、ome more coffee for you?2.Why do you get so upset?3.Why do you not do it at once?4.Its a pity you didnt get the chance.5.Shall I go to play badminton? If you like, you can go to play badminton.( )( )( )( )( ) 6. When could I start the work? You may start the work whenever you like.7. Please pass me

25、one of these oranges, I dont care which one you pass me.8. Father will come back, but I dont know when he will come back.9. What do you think about the opera? I think it is wonderful.10. Will we be late? Im afraid we will be late.( )( )( )( )( )11. Shirley will go if Rose will go.12. You can ask me

26、questions if there are any questions that arise.13. I would have come yesterday if I had wanted to.14. When you are crossing the road, you must be careful.15. Unless I am invited, I wont go.( )( )( )( )( )( )1.ArethereanyEnglishstorybooksfor2.usstudentsinthelibrary?Thereareonlyafew,_.A.ifanyB.ifther

27、eC.ifsomeD.ifhas A2.Wouldyouliketogowithus?Yes,_.A.IdB.IdlikeC.IdliketoD.Idliketodo C3.Wouldyouliketohaveatryonceagain?_.A.Yes,IlikeB.No,IdontlikeitC.Yes,IwantverymuchD.Yes,Idlike to D4.WhatdoyouthinkmadeMarysoupset?_herbicycle.A.AsshelostB.LostC.LosingD.Becauseoflosing C5.Whendidtheygetdowntothejob




31、lyplannedD.asitbeingoriginallyplanned A15._,peopleandobjectsarepresentedinaflat,oftenangular,abstractmannerinJacobLawrencespaintings.A.AlwaysabletorecognizeB.TheabilitytorecognizealwaysC.WhilealwaysrecognizableD.AlwayscanberecognizedCpersonneln.(1)(组织或军队中)全体人员)(组织或军队中)全体人员,职员职员skilled/trainedpersonnel熟练的熟练的/训练有素的人员训练有素的人员sales/technical/medical/securitypersonnel推推销销/技术技术/医务医务/保安人员保安人员army/militarypersonnel陆军陆军/军事人员军事人员(2)人事部门)人事部门thepersonneldepartment/manager人事部门人事部门/人事经理人事经理Sheworksinpersonnel.她在人事部工作。她在人事部工作。personaladj.个人的个人的,私人的私人的,本人的本人的personalbelongings私人财产私人财产Goodbye



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