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1、小学英语三年级第二学期单词默写表Class_ Name _ Unit One 树谁谁是她她是祖母;外婆;奶奶祖父;外公;爷爷对的女儿父亲;爸爸母亲;妈妈兄弟姐;妹叔叔;舅舅;大伯;姨;姑姑儿子他他是那么;如此他的表、堂兄弟、姐妹Unit Two 老的;旧的有;和在一起关于呢?美丽的妇女漂亮的;美丽的高的男人矮的;短的那些男孩女孩看逗人喜欢的婴儿她的强壮的长的Unit Four 有农场助动词,没有特别意思一些;某些;任何有猪一些;某些大的牛;母牛;奶牛在这儿。鸭子鹅鹅(复数)鸡山羊不;不对;没有绵羊马喜欢狗猫Unit Five 宠物小的尾巴鱼家兔Unit Seven 从;来自美国;美利坚合众国邮

2、票美国的;美国人;美国人的中国的;中国人;中国人的;汉语火车仅仅;唯一的大不列颠的;英国人加拿大的;加拿大人;加拿大人的Unit Eight 中国我们我们是(两者)都不列颠;英国中华人民共和国玩具Unit Ten 画(画)卧室门窗当然地板;地下;层墙凳子Unit Eleven 放哪一个;哪些在旁边他(它)们(宾格)在下面地图灯;台灯电视;电视机钟在前面精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 8 页在旁边在后面Unit Thirteen 来进来。看厅;起居室坐厨房玻璃;玻璃杯Unit Fourteen 英格兰;英国可爱的浴室看一看

3、计算机书房;学习电冰箱Unit Sixteen 清洁;清洁的课室练习练习本在(两者)中间老鼠老鼠(复数)在附近黑板小的Unit Seventeen 我们的学校大楼;建筑物办公室教师办公室厕所;洗手间大门游泳池单词归类1、家庭成员 : grandfather grandmother father mother uncle aunt sister brother cousin husband wife son daughter 2、动物 : chicken goose( 复数 geese)frog goat rabbit goldfish cat sheep pig horse cow bull

4、dog chick duck mouse( 复数 mice)fish bird turtle guinea pig spider 3、国家名 : PRC/China USA/America UK/England/Britain Germany France Canada Australia Japan 4、国籍: Chinese American British/English German French Canadian Australian Japanese 5、家具: bed wardrobe sofa chair desk stool table cupboard shelf 6、有关

5、房屋 : floor doorwindowwall ceiling bedroom bathroom study kitchen living room gardengarage upstairs downstairs 7、学校场所 : buildinglibrary teachers room swimming pool headmasters office playground clinicclassroom toilet 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 8 页gate canteen school office f

6、lowerbed statue 8、方位介词 : on under in beside by against in front of behind near between opposite 8、电器及摆设 : painting picture map clock lamp fridge TV computer 9、人的类别 : man woman lady boy girl baby 10、形容词 : beautiful pretty slim cute strong long tall short old big small little lovely 11、动词 : clean sit

7、draw like look look at have a look put 12、疑问词 : which who where what how many 三年级下学期常见句子配对Module 1 & Module 2: Who are the children? They are my cousins. Who s the short girl with black hair? She s my sister. Who s David Webb? He s my brother. What s that? It s my family tree. / It s a pig. Do you h

8、ave any cows? Yes, I do. / No, I don t. Do they have a sister? Of course, they do. / No, they don t. Is Susan your sister? Yes, she is. / No, she isn t. Is Jim your uncle? Yes, he is. / No, he isn t. Is her hair long? Yes, it is. / No, it isn t. Is that a bull? Yes, it is. / No, it isn t. Module 3 &

9、 Module 4: Where are you from? I am from Australia / America / England Where is Janet from? She s from Canada / Japan / Germany Where is he from? He s from China / France Are you Australian? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. Are you from China? Yes, I am. / No, I m not. What s this? It s a bedroom. Where i

10、s the chair ?It s under the desk . Where is the lamp? It s on the desk. Where is the desk? It s beside the shelf. Is the lamp on the wall? Yes, it is. / No, it isn t. Is it a stamp? Yes, it is. / No, it isn t. Are those French stamps? Yes, they are. / No, they aren t. How many beds are there in it?

11、There is one. Do you have a Japanese bike? Yes, I do. / No, I don t. What are these? They are Canadian stamps. Put the books on the desk. OK. Why do you like this toy car? Because the toy car is 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 8 页green. Which cars do you like? I like the red car

12、s. Module 5 & Module 6 Is that a building? Yes, it is. / No, it s a house. Are there any trees near the house? Yes, there are. / No, there are n t. Are there any dogs under the chair? Yes, there are. / No, but there is a cat under it. Is there a TV in the living room? Yes, there is one on the shelf.

13、 / No, there isn t. Is the swimming pool opposite the clinic? Yes, it is. / No, it isn t. Where is the kitchen? It s downstairs. Where is the lamp? It s on the shelf. 重要句子1. Is this/that/it .?Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.2. Is he/she .?Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt.3. Is there .?Yes, there is. No, th

14、ere isnt.4.Are these/those/they? Yes, they are. No they aren t.5. Are there .?Yes, there are. No, there arent.6. Are you ?Yes, I am. / No, Im not.7. Do you .?Yes, I do. / No, I dont.8. Who is he/she ? He /She is .9. Who are they? Theyre.10. What are these/those/they? Theyre.11. What s your name ?I m

15、 .12. What is this/that/it ? It s 13. What colour is .?It s.14. What colour are -? They r - 15. Where are you from? I m from .16. Where is he/she from? He/She is from.17. Where are they from? Theyre from .18. Where is .?It s in/on/under.19. Where are .?Theyre in/on/under.20. How many are there?单数: T

16、here is one. 复数: There are .日常生活用语 : 1. A: Thank you . B: Youre welcome.2. A: Here s your juice.B: Thank you. 3. A: Come and sit with me on the sofa . B: Thank you. 4.A: Put the tape recorder on the shelf. B: OK. / All right. 5. Put.on /in.OK./ All right. 按实际情况回答问题:1.Is your mother from Canada? 2.Is

17、 your father strong? 3.Is your school big? 4.Is there a TV in your living room? 5.Are there any books in your bag? 6.Are your bedrooms messy? 7.Are you a girl? 8.Do you have any pet? 9.Who is your English teacher? 10.Where is your lamp? 11.Where are your exercise books? 12.Where are you from? 13.Whe

18、re is your teacher from? 14.What s your name? 15.What is this/that?(冰箱) 16.What are these/those? (鹅)17.How many rooms are there in your ho 18.How many buildings are there in your school ?19.What colour is your bag? _ 20.What colour is your pencil-case? _ 21.Do you have a sister? _ 22.Do you have a d

19、og? _ 23.Do you like China? _ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 8 页24.Is your father tall? _ 25.Is your mother beautiful? _ 26.Where is your bag now? _ 27.Where are your exercise books? _ 28.Is there a TV in your living room? _ 29.Is there a computer in your classroom? _ 30.Are th

20、ere any desks in your classroom? _ 31.Are there any books in your bag? _ 32.Is your bedroom upstairs? _ 33.Is your classroom dowstairs? _ 34.Let s clean the blackboard. _ 35.Wash your hands. _ 36.Brush your hair,please. _ 37.Give the stamp to me, please _ 38.Please lend me your ruler. _ 39.Here s my

21、 ruler ._ 40.Here s the tissue. _ 41.Thank you. _ 42.How are you? _ 43. How many books are there in your bag? 44.What is in your bag? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 8 页语法知识一可数名词变复数的规则1. 一般情况,直接在名词后面加“s”. 如: bed beds catcats 2. 以 “ s, x, sh, ch” 结尾 ,在后面加“ es ”. 如: bus buses boxb

22、oxes glass glasses 3. 以辅音字母 +y 结尾的名词 , 改y变 i再加 es. 如: babybabies studystudies ladyladies 4. 特殊情况,不规则:复数不变:sheep sheep fishfish goldfish goldfish 不规则:goose geese mouse mice childchildren shelfshelves toothteeth manmen womanwomen 不可数名词(不加s)hair-头发 juice-果汁 tissue-纸巾chalk-粉笔 water-水二“ 是” 动词有三个: am are

23、is 第一人称单数: I am 第二人称单数: you are 第三人称单数: he,she,it is 全部复数都用: are 注意不可数名词: Is there any tissue on the table ? Is there any orange juice in the glass? 三.some 和 any some 和 any 的主要区别为: some和 any 都表示“一些”,但是“ some ”用于肯定句,any 用于否定句( not ;n t )和疑问句(?)。例如:There are some apples in the fridge. 变成否定句:There are

24、not any apples in the fridge. 变成疑问句:Are there any apples in the fridge? 练习: 用 some any填空,并在后面的 ( )说明是肯定句、否定句还是疑问句)1.There are _children in the garden.( ) 2.Are there _ stools in the livingroom? ( ) 3.There aren t _ pictures on the wall. ( ) 4.There are _ cakes on the table.( ) 5.Ben,are there _cooki

25、es in the box? ( ) 6.Jack has_English books.( ) 四. (拥“ 有” )has 和 have have 的基本意思相当于汉语的“ 拥有” 。例如: I have a book. have 一般用在主语是I,you,we,they 等人称代词,以及事物名称是复数形式的时候(the boysthe girls the children the men Mike and Jack .。例如:我/ 我们/ 他们 有一些笔记本。 I / We / They have some notebooks.(人称代词 ) 孩子们有一个球。 The children h

26、ave a ball.(人称复数 ) 桌子都有四条腿。 The two desks have eight legs.(事物名称复数 ) 如果是第三人称单数及其它名词单数时,have 要变化成 has. 他有两个蛋糕。 He has two cakes.(第三人称单数) Jane有几本图画书。 Jane has some picture-books.(Jane一个人,单数 ) 我们的教室有三扇窗子。Our classroom has three windows.(指一间教室,单数 ) 问“你、他们、 .” 有什么 .? Do you have any pencils?Yes,I do.No,I

27、don t. 练习:1. He_ a toy car. And I _ a toy plane. 2. She _ some red rulers. My brothers _ some yellow rulers. 3. They _ two pencils 4. The children _ a big bedroom. 5. The lady_ two daughters. 6. My father _ a car. 7. The goldfish _ a beautiful tail. 8My bedroom _ two windows. 9. The table _ four leg

28、s. 10. Do you _ any boxes ? No, I _ 11. Do they _ a house? Yes,they_. 五 . ( 存在“ 有” )there be 句型( 1)There be 句型表 示:在 某 地有 某物( 或人 )( 2) 在 there be 句 型 中, 主语 是 单 数, be 动词 用 is ; 主 语 是 复数 ,be 动词 用 are ; 如 有几 件物 品, be 动 词根 据 最近 be 动 词 的那 个名 词决 定。 练 习:1There _ an apple on the desk. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - -

29、- 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 8 页2There _many bikes under the tree. 3.There _ one clock , two maps and five pictures on the wall. (3)there be 句 型 的否 定句在 be 动 词后 加not , 一般疑 问句 把 be 动 词调 到句 首 。练习:1.There is not (_) (缩写 ) a computer in the study. 2.There are not (_)(缩写 ) books on the shelf. 3._there a

30、spider in that corner? Yes ,there is. 4._ there any dictionaries on the shelf?No,there arent.(4) there be句 型 与 have(has) 的 区 别:there be 表 示在 某 地 有某 物(或 人) ;have(has) 表 示某 人 拥 有某 物。_ a sofa in the study. Janet _ an Australian stamp. (5) 针 对数 量提 问的 特殊 疑问 句的 基本结 构是:How many + 名词 复数+ are there + 介词 短语?H

31、ow many _(椅子 ) are there in the dingingroom? (6) 针 对主 语提 问的 特殊 疑问 句的 基本结 构是:What s + 介 词短 语?练习 :There is a car in the garage.-_ in the garage? (7) There be 结构 一般 用 在 句子 的 开头 ,而 have等 词只 能用 于某一 个主 语 后 面。1._(有)a sofa in the study. 2._(有 )some spiders on the wall. 3.We _(有) a big bedroom. 4. Mrs Webb _

32、(有 ) a pink car. 六问你来自哪里?Where are you from? 回答: 有 from 用国家名: I am from China. 无 from 用国籍: I am Chinese. 问在哪里?单数: Where is ? It s on/in/under 复数: Where are.? They re on/in/under七人称代词:I ( 我) my(我的)I am a teacher. / My English teacher is Mr. Zhang. we(我们)our ( 我们的 ) We are your teachers./Our English t

33、eacher is Mr. Zhang. you ( 你 ) your ( 你的 ) You are a tall boy. / Your bag is big and beautiful. you ( 你们 ) your ( 你们的 ) You are my good friends./Your English teacher is tall. he ( 他) his ( 他的 ) He is my father. / His hair is short. she ( 她) her ( 她的 ) She is my mother. / Her hair is long. it ( 它 ) i

34、ts ( 它的 ) It is a tall building./Its mouth is big. they ( 他their ( 他们的;她们精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 8 页们 ) 的;它们的 ) They are my father and mother./ Their English names are Ben and Janet. 选择填空,把答案抄写在横线上。1. My mother s mother is my . (daughter grandmother) 2. Who is the man? H

35、es my . (aunt brother) 3. This is Sally. hair is long. ( Her His) 4. is your name ? My name is Linda. (Who What) 5. Sam and she brother and sister. (are is) 6. The mother is Chen Xiaoling. (girl girls) 7. The children tall. (am are) 8. is Lilys aunt . (Her She) 9. Whos the man a bag? Hes M r Chen. (

36、on with) 10. The lady is slim. Shes very. (beautiful strong ) 11. There is (an ,the ) apple on the tree.12. There are (some, any) bedrooms in the house. 13. There arent (some , any ) studies upstairs. 14. (Wheres, What s) your desk? It s in my study. 15. There is a bird (in, on) the tree. 16. (What

37、, Where )is Janet from? Shes from . (France, French). 17.Zhang Mai is from (China ,Chinese). Hes (China ,Chinese). 18. I like that (America, American) stamp. 19. Are (these, this) Japanese stamps? 20. The Chinese stamp has a goldfish (on, in) it. 21. Were (both, only) from Britain. 22. I_( have, has

38、 ) two pens. 23. Uncle Sam_( have, has ) four ships. 24. The dog_( is, are ) cute and small. 25. Jack has_ ( some, any ) pets. But I dont have _ ( some, any ) pets. 26._( Are, Do ) you have a pig ? Yes, I_(don t, do ).27. Janet has six _( sheeps, sheep ). 28. This is (a, an) English book. 29. Jack i

39、s (a, an) tall boy. 30. He (has, have) ten cats. 31. I (have, has) a new house. 32. My mother (have, has) two sisters. 33. These are yellow (balls, ball) 34. (Who s, What s) the beautiful lady? She is Miss Green. 35. I have (some, any) cute pets. 36. Do you have (some, any) dogs? 37. (Where, Who) is

40、 the book? It s on the desk. 38. Where is (America, American)? 39. Do you have any (Japan, Japanese) stamps? 40. These are Chinese (car, cars). 41. (Who, Who s) the old lady with grey hair? 42. I (have, has) many toys. 43. (Is, Are) these Germany cars? Yes, they (is, are) 44. Do you have (some, any) stamps? 45. Are there any (sheep, sheeps) under the tree? Yes, there . (are, aren t) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 8 页



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