高中英语 Unit 3 A taste of English humour 3 Using LanguageSumming Up Learning Tip课件 新人教版必修4

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1、SECTION USING LANGUAGE,SUMMING UP & LEARNING TIP一二三一、将下列单词与相对应的释义搭配起来AB1.amusea.to behave because of something that has happened2.reactb.huge;very big3.whisperc.to make someone laugh or smile4.vast d.to speak in a low voice5.messe.a situation in which a place looks untidy or dirty6.mountainousf.unab

2、le to control behaviour or speech because of drinking too much alcohol7.drunkg.having a lot of mountains8.detectiveh.a police officer whose job is to discover information secretly答案:1.c2.a3.d4.b5.e6.g7.f8.h一二三二、用所给单词的正确形式填空1.There has been a variety of (react) to the decision.2.Your room is always l

3、ooking so (mess),so youd better get it tidy.3.We live in a (mountain) area in the northwest.reactions messy mountainous 一二三4.She hired a (detect) to collect the evidence of his crime.5.He left the room without (explain),which is beyond our expectation.6.Young people like to live in big cities,becaus

4、e there are a lot of (amuse).7.We (occasion)meet for a drink after work.detective explanation amusements occasionally 一二三三、阅读课文ENGLISH JOKES,回答下列问题1.Which is the best title for this story?A.Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.B.How to think of something.C.What a thief!D.What bad luck Sherlock Holmes a

5、nd Doctor Watson had!答案:C2.Whats the Chinese meaning of “a second time”?A.第3次B.3次C.3小时D.又一次答案:D一二三3.According to the story,what are Sherlock Holmes characteristics?A.clever and carefulB.doubting and boredC.honest and helpfulD.determined and interesting答案:A12341.There are thousands of jokes which use

6、 “play on words” to amuse us.有成千上万的笑话是以玩文字游戏的方式来逗我们发笑的。剖析:本句which use “play on words”.是定语从句,其先行词是前面的名词jokes。My parents still live in the old house which was built fifty years ago.我父母至今还住在50年前修建的房子里。考点play on words 玩文字游戏As we all know,crosstalk is a form of art playing on words.众所周知,相声就是一门玩文字游戏的艺术形式。

7、News spokesmen like to play on words when they answer the questions asked by the reporters.新闻发言人在回答记者提问时喜欢玩文字游戏。1234阅读下列句子,体会word的搭配及意义Where is Peter?I want to have a word with him.彼得在哪里?我想和他谈一谈。搭配:have a word with 意义:和谈一谈I was very angry and had words with him over money.我很生气,和他就钱的事吵了起来。搭配:have wor

8、ds with 意义:和争吵In a word,listening can really enable us to get closer to each other.总之,倾听确实能使我们拉近彼此的距离。搭配:in a word 意义:总之1234He keeps his word.他总是很守信用。搭配:keep ones word 意义:信守诺言She said she would be there at seven oclock,but she broke her word.她说她七点到,但她食言了。搭配:break ones word意义:食言;失信1234用word的短语填空1)You

9、 should always ,or no one will believe you.2)Can I you after the meeting?3)You shouldnt your good friends about such a thing.4),the situation is serious.keep your word have a word with have words with In a word 单句改错5)The students often have a word with the math teacher over a math problem in class.a

10、 word words 12342.The answer to the question contains a word which,when spoken,can have two meanings.问题的答案中包含有一个单词,这个单词在说的时候,可以有两层意思。剖析:本句中when spoken是省略句,省略了it is,完整的状语从句应该是when it is spoken。如:She advised me not to say anything until(I was)asked.她劝我别说什么,除非有人要我说。1234一般说来,当状语从句的主语是it或其主语与主句主语一致,且谓语动词

11、含有be时,可省略从句中的主语和be动词。If (it is)necessary,I will turn to my friend for help.如果有必要,我将向我的朋友求助。1234用所给动词的适当形式填空1)If (ask) to look after luggage for someone else,inform the police at once.2)Should I look up each word that I dont understand?No,turn to your dictionary only when (allow).3)When (ask)where sh

12、e was from,the little girl was only crying,saying nothing.4)While (cross)the road,dont forget to look at both ways.5)Unless (invite),I wont go to the party to be held.asked allowed asked crossing invited 12343.Sherlock Holmes looked up at the stars and whispered,“Watson,when you look at that beautif

13、ul sky,what do you think of?”夏洛克福尔摩斯仰望着星空,轻声说:“华生,当你望着如此美丽的天空时,你想到了什么?”考点whisper vt.& vi.低语;小声说He whispered to me that he was a shy man.他低声对我说他是一个害羞的人。It was whispered that he had been put into prison.传闻他曾经坐过牢。归纳:whisper to sb“对某人低声说”。It is whispered that.“传闻/据说,据小道消息”。1234阅读下列句子,体会whisper的词性、搭配及意义S

14、he whispered the secret in my ear.她在我耳旁小声告诉了我那个秘密。词性:动词搭配:whisper sth in ones ear意义:在某人耳旁小声说(附耳低语)The student said to me in a whisper,“I havent finished my homework.”这个学生低声对我说:“我没有完成作业。”词性:名词搭配:in a whisper意义:低声地They debated it in whispers.他们低声讨论这件事。词性:名词搭配:in whispers意义:低声地1234完成句子1) (不要交头接耳) over

15、the corner;say whatever it is out loud.2)She said it (低声地);I couldnt hear.3)(有人私下说)that Tom was accused of stealing the managers documents.Dont whisper/Stop whispering in a whisper It was whispered 12344.How do you think John will react to her?你认为约翰对她会作何反应呢?考点react vi.作出反应;回应The eye reacts to light.

16、眼睛对光作出反应。I dont know how he will react to it.我不知道他对此会有何回应。What he has done will react on our company.他做的事情对我们的公司将产生影响。The people reacted against oppression.人们反抗压迫。归纳:react to sth的含义是“对某物作出反应”。react on sth/sb的含义是“对产生影响”。react against sb/sth的含义是“反抗某人/某物”。1234阅读下列句子,体会黑体词的词性及含义What was his reaction to

17、our proposal?他对我们的提议有什么反应?词性:名词含义:反应1234语法填空1)How did you react your fathers suggestion?I reacted strongly it.Its not a wise idea.2)My immediate (react) to the news was one of shock.句子翻译3)他对于你说的话如何反应?4)她经常违背老师们的意愿。to against reaction How did he react to what you said? She often reacts against the teachers will.



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