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1、WCM GroupAgricultural and ConstructionEquipmentAutonomous Maintenance自主维修Guidelines指导方针NH AGNH CEThere are two types of autonomous activities: one is focused on the areas with intensive machinery and the other on the areas with a high level of labor content.有两种自主维修活动,一是重点放在加强机器区域,另一个是劳力较多的区域。The act

2、ivity regarding the machinery is called Autonomous Maintenance and the activity regarding the organization of the work area is called Workplace Organization关于机器方面的活动叫自主维修,关于工作区域组织的活动叫工作场所组织。Autonomous Maintenance自主维修The autonomous maintenance is part of those activities that has as the main scope to

3、 prevent breakdowns and micro failures due to lack of basic conditions of the machines.自主维修是那些活动的一局部,这些活动能够预防由于机器根本条件缺乏造成的损坏和小故障。The autonomous maintenance is not a technical activity, like the professional maintenance, but it must be learned and applied by all the people that interact everyday with

4、 the machines. Its based on the competencies of the operators and using the five senses and very simple tools like paint brushes to eliminate the dirt, plastic to protect the machinery etc.自主维修不是一种技术活动,像专业维修,但是每天使用机器的人都要学会应用此自主维修技术。它是在操作工能力根底上的,用五官,使用很简单的工具,如用油漆刷来去除污渍,用塑料保护机器等。What is AM ? (1/2)什么是自

5、主维修?The typical operations of AM are cleaning, lubrication, adjustment of fasteners, parameters control, temperature control, noise and vibration control, minor repairs and minor improvements.自主维修典型的操作是清洁,上油,调节阀,参数控制,温度控制,噪音和振动控制,小修复和小改善。The AM is a systematic approach towards the machinery improvem

6、ent with the objective to autonomously manage, by the production operators, the inspections, the control and restoration of the basic conditions of the machinery eliminating the sources of dirt, through a strict application and a continuous improvement of the standards.自主维修是进行机器改善的系统方法,拥有自主管理的目标,由生产

7、操作工去除污渍来源,通过严格遵守运用不断改善的标准,进行检查,控制和恢复机器的根本条件。Regarding AM and PM, up to step 3, its very important to always keep separated the preventive activities amongst the two pillars.关于自主维修和专业维修,一直到步骤3,要一直将两支柱中的预防性维修分开很重要。What is AM ? (2/2)什么是自主维修?The machines can break because of deterioration, increasing of

8、 the stress that they should support, caused by the loss of basic conditions. Likewise they can break due to human errors or to design errors. 机器可能损坏,是因为磨损,所能承受的压力增加,根本条件缺乏造成的。同样,也可以是人为失误或设计错误造成的。Why do the machines break? (1/2)机器为什么会损坏呢?BREAKDOWN损坏损坏DETERIORATION磨损磨损EXCESSIVE SOLICITATIONS额额外的引发外的引

9、发SCARCE ROBUSTNESS不不够耐用够耐用1Lack of maintaining the basic conditions维维修根本修根本条件缺乏条件缺乏23465Lack of observancy of the operating conditions不遵不遵守操作条件守操作条件No restoration of the anomalies没有对异物进行没有对异物进行恢复恢复Design weakness设计设计缺乏缺乏Bad competencies of operators and maintenance people操作工操作工和维修人员的能力差和维修人员的能力差Exte

10、rnal influences: material, spare parts, environment ecc.外部影响:外部影响:材料,备用零件,环境等。材料,备用零件,环境等。 Why do the machines break? (2/2)机器为什么会损坏?The deterioration happens as time goes on caused by a bad maintenance not able to “maintain the basic conditions or by the bad competencies of the operators whom do not

11、 perform correctly the inspections.由于维护不当,不能维护根本条件或能力差的操作工不能正确的完成检查,时间久了就会发生磨损。The increase of stress and the excessive solicitations are due to operating errors (bad competencies of the operators), bad interventions or due to the fact that the operating conditions are not strictly observed by the o

12、perators and of the non observance of the basic conditions.由于操作失误操作工能力差,不良干预或操作工不能严格遵守操作条件及不遵守根本条件,导致压力增加,额外的引发出现。The scarce robustness of the machinery is the results of errors or weakness of the designs of the machines or single components, of construction or installation errors. To avoid the dete

13、rioration of the machinery, it is necessary to assure the maintenance of the basic conditions. This is possible through the preventive maintenance, activities carried out by the AM and PM pillars.机器不耐用是因为机器零件的设计、构造错误或缺乏,或安装错误。为了防止机器磨损,保证机器的根本条件很重要。可以开展由AM和PM支柱执行的维修活动。In order to avoid errors done by

14、 operators or maintenance people, who can generate the increasing of stress, training must be done.为了防止由能产生压力增加的操作工或维修人员造成的失误,必须要进行培训。To avoid errors due to design weaknesses, the Early Equipment Management pillar takes part to solve the issues.为了防止由于设计缺乏造成的错误,设备初期管理支柱要参加解决此问题。AM: Objectives 自主维护:目的

15、In the first phase, the objective of the AM is the maintenance of the basic conditions of the machinery. This is achievable assuring the correct operating standards of the machinery, the cleanliness, the lubrication and safety.第一阶段中,AM的目的是维护机器的根本条件。保证正确的机器操作标准,确保清洁,润滑和平安,这是可以实现的。The final scope of t

16、he AM is to stabilize the conditions of the machinery, improve their reliability and to obtain as a result the lengthening of their lifetime. AM的最终目标是稳定机器的条件,改善其可靠性并实现机器使用寿命的延长。This presupposes the definition and the continuous improvement of the maintenance standards and the increase of the compete

17、ncies of the operators in terms of knowledge of the machines. A very important effect of the AM is the quality improvement of the machine regarding the product.这预示着维修标准的定义和不断改善,及操作工就机器方面能力的增加。自主维修的一个非常重要的作用是涉及生产的机器质量改善。Initial cleaning & inspection初步清洁和检查Countermeasures against sources of contaminat

18、ion处理污染来源的对策Initial standards初步标准General inspection全面检查Autonomous inspection自主检查Improvement of standards (workplace organization & housekeeping)工作场所组织和设备管理、保养标准的改进Full-scale application of the autonomous maintenance system全面贯彻自主维护系统The Seven Steps of Autonomous Maintenance AM自主维护的7个步骤The 7 steps 7个步

19、骤The scope of the first three steps is to generate changes in the machines, passing from conditions of dirtiness, of difficulty in cleaning the machines, hazardousness, slowness, unreliability and of breakdowns and stoppages to a condition of cleanliness, safety, reliability, zero stoppages and zero

20、 breakdowns.前三步是为了改变机器,解决污秽情况及难以清洗的机器问题,将危险,缓慢,不可靠和损坏,停顿情况转变为清洁,平安,可靠,零停顿和零损坏状态。 The step 2 is the most critical one for obtaining advantages that derive from AM. The activities of the first two steps are typically of a reactive approach. The application of steps 1-3 is the KEY to determine the basi

21、c conditions of the machine.第二步是AM取得优势的最关键步骤,前两步是回应方法的典型代表。步骤1到3的运用是决定机器根本状态的关键。The 7 stepsThe fourth and fifth step are finalized to generate a change in the people, in fact the inspections done directly by the operators creates comprehension and assumption of responsibility towards what and how to

22、 control, even towards quality, and makes work easier. The operators gradually assume the capability to accomplish autonomously the maintenance activities just like a parent would do with the health of his children calling the doctor, that can be compared to the maintenance technician in case of nec

23、essity for problems on the machinery. Its important to consider the fact that the implementation of step 4 is expensive in terms of time and money. Its important to pay attention to the cost benefit of this step in order to justify the implementation. The activities of steps 3 - 4 -5 are typically o

24、f a preventive approach. 第4步和第5步是为了改变人,实际上由操作工直接执行的检查创造出对要控制什么,该如何控制及对质量的理解和责任,并且是工作变得更加容易。渐渐地,操作工就有责任,有能力自主完成维修活动,就像父母为了孩子的健康而找医生一样,这可以与万一机器出现问题,必须要找维修技术员相比。就时间和金钱而言,考虑执行步骤4的花费很大很重要。为了证明此步的执行是有效的,注意本钱收益很重要。步骤3、4、5 是预防性方法的典型代表。The scope of the sixth and seventh steps is to generate a long-lasting ch

25、ange in the maintenance management across a new management system of autonomous activities where the worker is responsible for his area in terms of quality and reliability of the machines.第6步和第7步是为了对维修管理进行长期的改变,形成新的自主活动管理系统,该活动中,工人们负责管理自己区域内的机器的品质和可靠性。Contents of the 7 steps AM 自主维修的7个步骤的内容StepConte

26、nts Of Step步骤的内容步骤的内容0Education of machine function & condition对机器性能和状态的学习1Initial Cleaning & Inspection初步的清洁和检查2Countermeasures to eliminate sources of contamination and “hard to access” areas清除污染来源和难以清洗区域的对策3Develop provisional standards for cleaning, lubrication & tightening制定清洗,上油和上紧的临时标准4Genera

27、l Inspection Training & Instruction of the finalized standards全面检查-对最终标准的培训和指导5Autonomous Inspection自主检查6Reorganizing workplace & Standardization重组工作场所并标准化7Full Implementation of Autonomous Maintenance全面贯彻自主维修Motivation动机Machine Change机器改变People Change人员改变Workplace Change工作场所改变Restoration of Basic C

28、onditions基本状态的恢复Prevention of Deterioration预防磨损Optimize Standardize Self Management使自身使自身管理最优化,标准化管理最优化,标准化2ELIMINATION OF CAUSES OF LOSS去除损失原因去除损失原因3STANDARD CLEANING LUBRICATION标准清洗润滑油标准清洗润滑油4GENERAL INSPECTION全面检全面检查查5INDEPENDENT INSPECTION独立检查独立检查6AREA CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT区域控制和管理区域控制和管理7COMPLE




32、RD TO OTHER ASPECTS OF TPM AND PURSUIT OF CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT GOALS涉及到TPM其它方面的自主维修的综合管理,追求,完成不断改善目标The 7 steps of autonomous maintenance 自主维修的7个步骤Timetable时间表Average time of implementation of the first 4 steps of AM自主维护的前自主维护的前4步执行的平均时间步执行的平均时间0 - 2 nd. Step0-2步步3 rd. Step第第3步步Model A

33、rea示范区示范区100 days100天天1 year1年年3/6 months3到到6个月个月Extension of the 3 rd. Step to all the plant将将第第3步扩展到整个工厂步扩展到整个工厂内内Implemetation of 4 th. Step on the model area在示范区执行第在示范区执行第4步步 Preliminary activities necessary for a correct definition and implementation of AM: 正确定义和执行AM所必需的初步活动: Machine classifica

34、tion机器分类. Target definition: eg. Reduction of 90% cleaning time on the model area, max 1 breakdown per month on model area, zero breakdowns on the critical machine due to lack of basic conditions.目标定义:如,示范区有90%的清洁时间减少,每月示范区最多损坏一次,由于根本条件缺乏的重要机器实现零故障。 Planning of AM projects. AM工程的方案Step 0 Preparation

35、 步骤0-准备Paint shop喷漆车喷漆车间间Cab AssemblyTractor AssemblyDriveline AssemblyStep 0 Model Area 步骤0-示范区Training of the operators of the model area done by the maintenance guys “the team leader and the operators must become owners of the machine (explain how the deterioration occurs, diffuse the knowledge r

36、egarding the importance of safety during AM activities, develop knowledge on how the machine works) and analysis/execution of functional schemes of the machines.由维修人员执行的示范区的操作工的培训,“小组领导和操作工一定要成为机器的拥有者 解释磨损是如何发生的,在自主活动期间,传播平安重要性方面的知识,开发机器是如何运作方面的知识并分析或实施对机器有作用的方案。Predisposition of all necessary mater

37、ials for AM ( Rags, detergent, paint brushes, Tags, formats for data collection etc.) AM中所有必需材料倾向的状态碎片,清洁剂,油漆刷,标签,数据收集的版式等Step 0 Model Area 步骤0-示范区Step 0 Preparation 步骤0-准备Input输入输入- Matrix C of Cost Deployment成本部署C矩阵- Machines classification机器分类Output输出输出- Radar chart of the team小组雷达图- Masterplan i

38、ncluding activities for each step, audits and corrective actions necessary for solving the criticalities found during the audits总体规划,包括每一步的活动,审核和处理危险程度所必需的矫正行为,该危险程度是审核过程中发现的。Team团队团队- Operators/Maintenance people. The responsible of the team is the Pillar leader of the plant操作工/维修人员,团队中的责任人是工厂内的支柱领

39、导。Tools工具工具- One Point lessons to develop the skills of the operators开发操作工技能的单点课程- Radar chart雷达图KPIs关键业绩指标关键业绩指标- Know-how achieved by the operators and measured with the number of OPLs and with a in-out test of step 0; 由操作工取得的技能并由单点课程数量和步骤零的内外测试进行衡量- number of operators involved in the model area加

40、入示范区的操作工人数Remarks备注备注- OPL on safety before starting AM activities开展AM活动前的安全单点课程- From step 1 to step 2 foresee an involvement of the PM team in order to increase and consolidate the knowledge of the operators regarding the activities of cleaning, inspection, lubrication and control.为了增加,巩固操作工在清洁,检查

41、,上油和控制方面的知识,步骤1到步骤2预知有PM团队加入。Step 1 Initial Cleaning 步骤1- 初步清洁Initial cleaning and inspection in order to remove dust and dirt that are the sources of deterioration of the machines.为了除去灰尘和污垢,要进行初步的检查,此灰尘和污垢是机器磨损的来源。Remove dust and dirt of all the parts of the machine.除去机器上所有零件上的灰尘和污垢。Hang tags on th

42、e machine showing all the anomalies, sources of contamination, hard access zones which can cause quality defects.在机器上挂上标签,展示出可能造成质量缺陷的所有的异物,污染来源,硬的接触区。Remove all useless objects and create tidiness and cleanliness.移走所有无用的东西,创造整洁,清洁的环境。Write the list of anomalies记下异物清单 . . . CLEANING IS INSPECTING清洁就


44、适当地使用人的适当地使用人的5种感觉种感觉Step 1 Initial Cleaning 步骤1-初步清洁Operators learn that cleaning is inspection 操作工学习清洁就是检查 improving their ability to trace minor problems and to discover irregularities during cleaning在清洁期间,提高追踪小问题,发现不整齐东西的能力。Aims of Initial cleaning 初步清洁的目标初步清洁的目标Step 1: Initial Cleaning 步骤1:初步清洁

45、Ill start to clean with a ragI have also got to inspect the inside the of machine Too much grease! The covers missing! The oil level isnt visible! Too much dirt and not enough grease Excess leakage of oil This way, Ill trace all the faults! The pressure is OK Continuous tagging 不停的加标签不停的加标签Indicatio

46、n of issue of tag指出标签上的问题Short circuit due tosimple problems小问题造成的短路Repetitive (chronic)Causes unknown反复出现的长期的未知原因List of tags标签清单标签清单Tags attached 附上的标签Tags removed 去掉的标签Action行动行动Solving of theProblem问题的解决Team Leader +BTU Leader +GroupTeam Leader +BTU Leader +Maintenance +Aut. Maint. Resp. Step 1:

47、 initial cleaning 步骤1:初步清洁 Step 1 Initial Cleaning 步骤1-初步清洁In this phase the operators, after receiving the training on safety, how to clean, which tools to use for the activities and how to pay attention in order not to create damages to the machine, they can start the initial cleaning. Its importa

48、nt to remove all the dirt, find all defects, anomalies and hidden broken things placing AM tags where the problems are.为为了不了不给给机器机器带带来来损损坏,此坏,此阶阶段中的操作工在受到平安,怎段中的操作工在受到平安,怎样样清洗,活清洗,活动动中使用哪种工具,如何注意培中使用哪种工具,如何注意培训训后,他后,他们们可以开始可以开始进进行清洗了。除去行清洗了。除去贴贴上上AM标签标签地方的所有地方的所有污污垢,找出所有缺陷,异物和垢,找出所有缺陷,异物和隐隐藏的藏的损损坏坏东

49、东西很重要。西很重要。BeforeBefore之前之前之前之前AfterAfter之后之后之后之后 Step 1 Initial Cleaning 步骤1-初步清洁 Step 1 Initial Cleaning 步骤1-初步清洁Output输输出出- List of all the anomalies assigning responsibilities and deadlines.列出所有的异物,指明归属责任和截止时间- Quantification of cost benefits of the step量化此步中的成本收益- Suggestions建议- Hours of traini

50、ng and/or OPLs培训和/或单点课程的时间- Plan of AM activities for cleaning AM清洁活动的计划Team团团队队The activity involves all the operators of the Model Area and it is guided by the Pillar leader. At the launch of the first AM activity, its recommendable that the plant manager is present and actively participates, to c

51、reate involvement and to give the right commitment.此活动中包括了示范区内的所有操作工,由支柱领导指导。第一个AM活动开展时,可以推荐厂长出席并积极参加,呼吁人们参加并给出适当的评论。Tools工工具具AM tags must be used placing them near the individualized anomalies or can be used to suggest an improvement. AM标签可被放在个别异物旁或被用于提出改善建议。The AM tags, usually, are blue if solved

52、 by operators and red if solved by maintenance people.该AM标签若是由操作工解决的就是蓝色,若是维修人员解决的就是红色。KPIs 关键业绩关键业绩指标指标- Number of AM tags per week ( consider that for an average complex machine, the number of tags after two/three weeks of activities of cleaning and inspection in order to be considered a success,

53、it should be around 300/400 tags.)每周的AM标签数(对于复杂程度一般的机器,考虑其2到3周的清洁检查活动后的标签数量,为了成功,标签数应为300到400左右。)- Implementation rate (Tags)执行比率(标签)- Number of quick kaizens快速改善数量- Savings on technical cleanings技术清洁方面的节省- Regarding the calendar: hrs/week, hrs/week of overtime for AM activities关于记录表:AM活动超时的时间(小时/周)

54、Remarks备注备注-Organize the activities without interference with production organizing the stoppages or organizing when the machines are stopped (night shift, Saturdays, Sundays)组织停产活动,组织停顿或在机器停止时组织(夜班,周六,周日)- Assure maximum involvement of the people on the shop floor : e.g. Painting the floor of the m

55、odel area white so that everyone can “see” the sources of dirt and so that everyone understands the responsibility of keeping the workplace clean.确保车间人数最大量的参加:如,将示范区喷为白色,以便大家都能看到污垢来源,并让大家明白保持工作场所清洁的义务。- Go deep in the analysis of each component to understand the necessity to lubricate even involving

56、 the vendor. We are usually convinced that what we lubricate is enough but if we go in detail we find out that there is many other things to lubricate.深入分析每个零件,明白上油的必要性,即便是联系卖方。通常我们都相信我们所上的油足够了,但是再仔细看来,还有许多其它东西要上油Step 2 Countermeasures against sources of contamination步骤2-去除污染来源的对策Individualize the s

57、ources of contamination and the hard access zones. 个别加以考虑污染来源和硬的接触区Find countermeasures for the sources of contamination and the hard access zones.找出污染来源和硬接触区对策。Reduce time for cleaning, inspection and lubrication.清洁,检查和上油的时间减少。Step 2 countermeasures against sources of contamination 步骤2-去除污染来源的对策Pla

58、te coverLow cost, easy to apply本钱低,易于应用Box typeLow cost, veryEffective本钱低,很有效Change the materialto plastic, rubber orsheet steel将材料变成塑料制品,橡胶或钢板Step 2 Countermeasures against sources of contamination 步骤2-去除污染来源的对策BeforeBefore之前之前AfterAfter之后之后Installation of tray to collect chips and oil from machini

59、ng 安装托盘来收集加工时安装托盘来收集加工时漏出的碎片和油漏出的碎片和油Contamination with chips and oil from machined parts机械零件上的碎片和油渍机械零件上的碎片和油渍污染污染Cleaning Time Reduction清洁时间的减少清洁时间的减少Machine: COMAU Transfer Line Area: Gear Box机器:机器:COMAU 传递线区域:传动箱传递线区域:传动箱Before之前之前After之后之后Other results:其它结果:其它结果:Cleaning Time (Minutes/day)Probl

60、em: difficult access due tothe shape of the covers问题:由于盖子的形状而难以接近Countermeasure: installation ofmesh covers with safety devices对策:对策:安装平安装置安装平安装置-网状盖子网状盖子-53%EXAMPLEStep 2 Countermeasures against sources of contamination 步骤2-去除污染来源的对策-Extension to 6 similar transfer machines 延伸至6种类似的转移机器- Eliminatio

61、n of floor slickness消除地板的光滑消除地板的光滑Step 2 Countermeasures against sources of contamination Action Plan步骤2-去除污染来源的对策-行动方案Step 2 Countermeasures against sources of contamination 步骤2-去除污染来源的对策Step 2 Countermeasures against sources of contamination 步骤2-去除污染来源的对策Output输出输出- List of all the sources of cont

62、amination and countermeasures for their the elimination. 列出所有的污染来源并找出相应的清除对策Team团队团队- The activity involves all the operators of the Model Area and it is guided by the Pillar leader.该活动包括示范区的所有操作工,且由支柱领导指导。Tools工具工具- Quick kaizens: PDCA activities of problem solving 快速改善:解决问题的PDCA活动KPIs关键业绩指标关键业绩指标-

63、 Number of implemented countermeasures individualized.个别加以考虑的对策的实施数量- Cleaning time reduction清洁时间的减少- Lubrication time reduction.上油时间的减少- Inspection time reduction.检查时间的减少- Cost benefit analysis of the step.此步的成本收益分析- Breakdown trend on the critical machines重要机器的损坏趋势Remarks备注备注- In the cost benefit

64、analysis, take in consideration also the reduction of the cleaning time of the technical cleanings executed by external contractors.在成本收益分析中,也考虑由外商执行的技术清洁时间的减少。- Calculate also the savings coming from the reduction of materials and energy directly linked with the sources of contamination (eg. Oil ec

65、c.)也计算直接联系到污染来源的材料和能源的减少。(如:油等)Step 3 Initial standards 步骤3-初步标准 Create initial standards for cleaning, inspection, lubrication, tightenings, visual controls, that allow the operations with less time and efforts ( specificating which part of the machine, time, frequency, gauge setting management, as

66、signement of tasks and responsibilities.为清洁,检查,上油,固定,可视化控制创立初步标准,用较少的时间和努力进行操作,指明机器的某个局部,时间,频率,设置管理的标准尺,任务和责任的分配。 Improve the effectiveness of the standards introducing visual management. 提高介绍可视化管理标准的有效性。 Reduce to zero all breakdowns due to lack of basic conditions (lack of AM) of the critical mach

67、ines.将由于关键机器缺乏根本条件缺乏自主维修造成的故障减为零。Problem问题问题 ONE POINT LESSON (OPL)单点课程单点课程Comp. by: .Date of training培训日期培训日期Trainer培训者培训者Pupil学生学生Improvement改善改善 Date:15/07/03Basic knowledge基本知识基本知识Topic: FLOW METERS visual control of operating range话题:流动表话题:流动表-操作范围的可视化的控制操作范围的可视化的控制Plant: M.F.O.U.:ENGINESBTU: 1

68、05OP. 110 SAIMP GRINDINGaOperating range highlighted with indication in red (incorrect operating range) and green (correct operating range)用红色突出不正确的操作范围,绿色突出正确的操作范围用红色突出不正确的操作范围,绿色突出正确的操作范围Signature签名签名:INCORRECT OPERATING RANGE不适当的操不适当的操作范围作范围CORRECT OPERATING RANGE正确的操作正确的操作范围范围No. 17exampleStep 3

69、 Initial standards 步骤3-初步标准Mark most important bolts so as to immediately detect, with an inspection, any loosening (when the bolt is loose the paint line is sectioned)标记最重要的螺栓以便立即进行检查出一切松动当螺栓松动时,油漆线就会被截成段Make the machines easy to inspect使机器易于检查使机器易于检查Step 3: define inspection, cleaning and lubricat

70、ion standards步骤3:定义检查,清洁和上油标准Vibration振动Temperature温度Visual control reduces the time necessary for inspecting errors 可视化控制减少检查错误的必要时间可视化控制减少检查错误的必要时间Number of belts带子的数量Wear, dirt, dust磨损,污垢,灰尘Tension张力1. MAKE HIDDEN INSPECTION POINTS VISIBLE使隐藏的检查点可视化使隐藏的检查点可视化2.LOCATE INSPECTION POINTSAT EYE HEIGH

71、T以视觉高度定位查找检查点以视觉高度定位查找检查点3.MAKE HIDDEN PARTS VISIBLE使隐藏零件可视化使隐藏零件可视化Step 3: define inspection, cleaning and lubrication standards步骤3:定义检查,清洁和上油标准Improvement of visual control 可视化控制的改善可视化控制的改善Improve plant visibility in order to facilitate maintenance:为了便于维修,提高工厂的可视性:-Use colors and labels用颜色和标签-Disp

72、lay fluid levels显示液面高度-Make belt and gear movements visible使运输带和齿轮运转可视化-Display temperatures, operating ranges, flows of coolants, etc.显示出温度,操作范围,冷却液的流动等。BEFORE之前之前AFTER之后之后GEAR MOTOR SARMAS BTU 6DIFFICULT TOCHECK CORRECTOIL LEVEL INGEARED MOTOR很难检查减速电机很难检查减速电机中正确的油位中正确的油位FAST, SAFECHECKING OFCORREC

73、T OIL LEVEL对油位的准快对油位的准快速,平安检查速,平安检查Step 3: define inspection, cleaning and lubrication standards步骤3:定义检查,清洁和上油标准D = DailyW = Weekly (Saturday)M = MonthlyBM = every 2 monthsSM = every 6 monthsA = AnnualDEPT. 09PAGE 1 OF 2INSTRUC.: MBU1 030ISSUED BY:APPR.:AUTONOMOUS MAINTENANCE PLANMACHINE: CL.L. SAIM

74、P-FORREST TG. 3830PROCESS: REDUCT. BOX/SEMISC. RINVIICleaning of tool trolley清洗工具车Cleaning of area inside machine清洗机内地方Cleaning of water tank 清洗水箱Cleaning of pallet 清洗托盘Cleaning inside tool crib and outside 清洗工具箱内外Reading scale axis X - Y Z 阅读比例轴XYZReplace oil filter + central oil cartr.Replace oil

75、cooling air filterFilter, electrical cabinetCheck on reading scaleCheck tach. dyn. brushes, motorsCheck efficient ground connectionCheck motor take-off Y axisClean inside electrical panelCheck elec. and overrun limit switchesReplacement spindle motor filtersINSPECTION CLEANINGElim. dirt and chipsEli

76、m. dirt and chips-Eliminate chipsPrevent leaks Avoid corrosionPrevent machine stoppagePrevent machine stoppageImprove suctionAvoid reading errorsPrevent machine stoppageSafetySafetyPrevent machine stoppageSafetyMachine safetyAir compr. suct./pist.Brush-shove. BrushAspire liquidsBrush or suction devi

77、ceRags and liquidDegr. scale w. alcoholReplaceReplaceReplaceVisualEmery paper. + sprayTesterAmmeterRags and solventBlowing and sprayWrench, etc.WWSMWSMSMATMMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMOperat.Operat.CompanyOperat.2 oper.Maint.Maint.Maint.Operat.Maint.Maint.Maint.Maint.Maint.Maint.Maint.YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES

78、YESYESYESYESYESYESYES2525-17400(200)(60)(30)(15)(60)(180)(15)(60)(30)(60)(45)WHATWHYHOWWHENWHOTimeExampleStep 3: define inspection, cleaning and lubrication standards步骤3:定义检查,清洁和上油标准Step 3 Initial standards 步骤3-初步标准Output输出输出- Autonomous maintenance standard/plan. Contains: the name of the machine,

79、the component subdivision, the cleaning standard, inspection and lubrication for each component, the methods and the tools to utilize, the frequency, the responsibility, the daily plan ( its important that the details of the plan are daily and not weekly and that on the plan are written only the bre

80、akdowns that are due to lack of basic conditions (lack of AM).自主维修标准/计划,包含:机器名称,零件细分,清洁标准,每个零件的检查和上油,使用方法和工具,频率,责任,日常计划(重要的是计划的细节是日常的不每周的,计划中仅记下由于基本条件缺乏(自主维修缺乏)造成的故障)Team团队团队- The activity involves all the operators of the Model Area and it is guided by the Pillar leader.这项活动涉及到示范区所有的操作者并由支柱领导指导。Too

81、ls工具工具- OPL, SOP, AM plan 单点课程,标准操作程序,自主维修KPIs关键业绩指标关键业绩指标- Cost benefits of the standards/plan 标准/计划的成本收益- Cost benefits of the activities done from step 0 to step 3 步骤0到步骤3内执行活动的成本收益- Breakdown trend on the critical machines.关键设备上的损坏趋势Remarks备注备注In order to evaluate the cost/benefits of the activi

82、ties done from step 0 to step 3 its necessary to:为了评估步骤0到3的活动的成本/收益,必须要:-Verify, for each machine under AM, the economical loss reduction improvement signalized by Cost Deployment;核实每个自主维修下的机器的由成本部署指出的经济损失减少改善- Consolidate the savings of the technical cleanings executed by external contractors;巩固由外商

83、执行的技术清洁节省- Define and calculate the hours of maintenance manpower saved by transferring the cleaning, inspection and lubrication standards to the operators;定义并计算人力维修时间,这些时间是将清洁,检查和上油标准转移给操作工节省的- Calculate the costs of AM in terms of manpower, machine stoppages, tools, materials and training;就人力,机器故障

84、,工具,材料和培训计算自主维修成本- Specific AM machine classification of the machines and components (AA, A, B, C) , include in the classification the data regarding breakdowns due to lack of basic conditions that are signalized on the AM plan.机器和零件的具体自主维修机器分类(AA, A, B, C) ,包括关于由于基本条件缺乏造成的故障的分类数据,这些基本条件是AM指出的。Step

85、4 General Inspection 步骤4-全面检查The objective of the first three steps is to avoid the deterioration of the machinery and the maintenance of the basic conditions (cleaning, inspection and lubrication).前三步的目标是为了防止机器磨损和维修根本条件清洁,检查和上油Step 4 is fundamental for the training of the operators on the technical

86、 characteristics of the machines, in order to increase their ability of discovering the malfunctionings and, with the help of the specialists, elaborate a general inspection plan. In this step the training regarding quality aspects of the machine and of the product, in terms of parameters of the mac

87、hine that can influence the quality, is also important .第四步是操作者对机器的技术特性的培训根底,为了增加他们发现故障的能力,在专家的帮助下,阐述了一种全面检查方案。此步中的关于机器和产品质量方面的培训也是很重要的,机器参数同样也影响质量。Step 4 Activities (1/2) 步骤4-活动(1/2) Develop competencies of the operators in terms of the quality of the product and what is the impact of the machine o

88、n the quality of the product.开发操作工产品质量方面的能力及机器对产品质量的影响是什么。Bring all the machines at the maximum of the conditions putting them under a general inspection plan.使所有机器到达全面检查下的最大条件。Implement modifications on the machines in order to facilitate the controls and to make them easier.为了实施控制,使之变得更容易,执行机器修改。D

89、o countermeasures in order to avoid breakdowns.为了防止故障,要采取对策。Step 4 Activities (2/2) 步骤4-活动(2/2) Minimize short stoppages, observing and maintaining the operational standards.使小停顿最小化,观察并维护操作标准。Take countermeasures against bad regulations to avoid short stoppages.为了防止小停顿,对不良校准采取对策。Train the operators

90、on basic knowledge of the equipment in order to improve their maintenance ability.为了提高维修能力,给操作工进行设备根本知识培训。Formulating work standards to help the maintenance in terms of cleaning, inspection and lubrication with less effort and time.用较少的努力和时间说明工作标准来帮助清洁,检查和上油方面的维护。Take countermeasure against small de

91、fects on the materials and equipment.采取对策处理材料和设备上的小毛病。Increase the ability to inspect by using the inspections manual.通过使用检查手册来增加检查能力。Increase the effectiveness of the inspections introducing visual controls.增加介绍可视化控制检查的有效性。Step 5 Autonomous Inspection 步骤5-自主检查Scope of this step is to give instructi

92、ons on the performance of the operations of the process and to give the methods to manage abnormal phenomena in order to improve the reliability by means of development of the operators competencies. The objective of this step is also to avoid duplication or omission of an inspection by integrating

93、the foreseen standards for each machine and the inspection standards of the whole process or area.此步的目的是给出操作程序性能说明,给出管理异常现象,这是为了通过开发操作工的能力提高可靠性。此步的目的也是为了通过将每个机器的预知标准和整个程序或区域中的检查标准一体化,来防止重复检查或遗漏。Step 5 Activities 步骤5-活动 Provide instructions on the process performances and the operations and the metho

94、ds to manage the abnormal phenomena in order to improve the reliability and to have competent operators on the process.为了提高可靠性,实现能胜任此程序的操作工,提供管理异常现象的程序性能,操作和方法说明。Define clear guidelines for production and maintenance in order to achieve zero breakdowns, zero defects and reduction of micro-stoppages.

95、为了实现零故障,零缺陷和小停顿的减少,定义明确的生产和维修指导方针。Prevent duplication or omission of controls incorporating the provisional standards of cleaning and inspection of each machine inside the periodical maintenance standards for the whole process or area.预防重复控制或遗漏,该控制能够将对每个机器清洁,检查的临时标准融入整个程序或整个区域的定期维护标准中。Review the sta

96、ndards for cleaning, inspection and lubrication.审查清洁,检查和上油标准。Step 6 Improvement of standards (WO and housekeeping) 步骤6-标准改善工作场所组织和设备管理和保养The scope of this step is to reduce the variations of cycle time creating procedures and clear standards for a secure Autonomous Maintenance and improving the proc

97、edures for setup and working processes. The scope of this step is as well to create a self management system of the flows of the workstations, spare parts, tools, final products and information.此步的活动范围是减少周期时间的变化,该周期时间能创造出平安自主维护的程序和明确的标准,能改善调整和工作方法的程序。同样此步可以创立工作站流程,备用零件,工具,最终产品和信息的自身管理系统。Step 6 Activ

98、ities 步骤6-活动Realize maintenance for quality and safety creating clear procedures and standards for Autonomous Maintenance.实现质量和平安维护,创立明确的自主维护程序和标准Reduce the WIP.减少WIP Creating a self management system of the flows of the workstations, spare parts, tools, final products and information.创立一个工作站,备用零件,工

99、具,最终产品和信息流程的自身管理系统。Take countermeasures against changes in takt time.Step 7 Full-scale application of the Autonomous maintenance system 步骤7-全面贯彻自主维护系统The scope of this step is to improve the activities and standardize the improvements aligned with the objectives of the plant and to reduce the costs eliminating the wastes generated on the workplace. 此步是为了改善活动,使与工厂目标一致的改善标准化,为了减少工作场所去除浪费的本钱。Further improvement of the machines with an accurate maintenance data collection (eg. MTBF) and analyzing them.用正确的维修数据收集如:平均故障间隔时间进行深入的机器改善并进行分析。



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