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1、薄氏腹针疗法的薄氏腹针疗法的临床应用临床应用Dr. ZhiYun Bos Abdominal Acupuncture Therapy and its Clinical Application 概述概述Summary: Abdominal Acupuncture Therapy腹针腹针腹针腹针Abdominal AcupunctureAbdominal Acupuncture是通过刺激腹部穴位,调节脏腑失衡来治疗全身疾病的一种方法。是以神阙调控系统为核心的针灸疗法It is a method that treats the whole body diseases through the stim

2、ulation of the acupoints on the abdomen, and through the regulation of the zang fu imbalances. It is an acupuncture therapy that takes ShenQue (RN8) modulation system as its core.概述概述Summary: Abdominal Acupuncture Therapy内因性疾病,或久病及里的慢性病、疑难病内因性疾病,或久病及里的慢性病、疑难病适应症IndicationsIllness due to internal cau

3、se, chronic illness that develops into internal diseases, and difficult to treat diseases. 腹针适应症腹针适应症适应症:内因性疾病,或久病及里的慢性病、疑难病。如中风后遗症患者肢体功能恢复,椎基底动脉供血不足,抑郁症,功能性便秘,代谢性疾病,更年期综合症,肩周炎,网球肘,颈椎病,腰椎病等 腹针的禁忌症腹针的禁忌症一切原因不明的急腹症急性腹膜炎肝脾肿大引起的脐静脉曲张腹腔内肿瘤并广泛转移大月份孕妇长期慢性病而致体质极度衰弱者,当慎针肝脾肿大患者不宜深刺上腹部以神阙到中庭分为8寸下腹部以神阙到曲骨分为5寸腹针

4、穴位的取穴方法腹针穴位的取穴方法(2) Method of Point Location in Abdominal Acupuncture In the epigastrium, mark 8 cun between ShenQue (RN8) and In the epigastrium, mark 8 cun between ShenQue (RN8) and ZhongTing (RN16).ZhongTing (RN16).In the lower abdomen, mark 5 cun between ShenQue (RN) and In the lower abdomen, ma

5、rk 5 cun between ShenQue (RN) and QuGu (RN2).QuGu (RN2).腹部的横寸,传统针灸以双侧的乳中穴之间的距离分为8寸腹针疗法以神阙到平行的腹侧的外缘定为6寸腹针穴位的取穴方法腹针穴位的取穴方法(2) Method of Point Location in Abdominal Acupuncture In conventional acupuncture, horizontally there are 8 cun between In conventional acupuncture, horizontally there are 8 cun be

6、tween the bilateral RuZhong (ST17).the bilateral RuZhong (ST17).In abdominal acupuncture, horizontally there are 6 cun from In abdominal acupuncture, horizontally there are 6 cun from ShenQue (RN8) to the lateral edge of the abdomen.ShenQue (RN8) to the lateral edge of the abdomen. 取穴规范取穴规范 Norm of

7、Acupoint Selection传统针灸取穴以正中线确定为任脉,因此取穴时,以正中线为标记任脉为中心标记Take the Ren meridian as the center markIn conventional acupuncture, the midline is the Ren In conventional acupuncture, the midline is the Ren meridian. The midline is the marking line for acupoint meridian. The midline is the marking line for a

8、cupoint selection.selection. 取穴规范取穴规范 Norm of Acupoint Selection腹针是把腹白线作为任脉的体表标志腹针取穴时,必须对腹白线进行准确的辨认,以免取穴的失误In selecting acupoints in abdominal acupuncture, make sure In selecting acupoints in abdominal acupuncture, make sure the to locate precisely the abdominal white line, so as not to the to locat

9、e precisely the abdominal white line, so as not to make any errors in selecting the acupoints.make any errors in selecting the acupoints.In abdominal acupuncture, the Ren meridian is located at In abdominal acupuncture, the Ren meridian is located at the abdominal white line on the body surface.the

10、abdominal white line on the body surface.腹针常用穴位腹针常用穴位 Commonly Used Abdominal Acupuncture Points中中 脘脘 RN12 RN12 脐中上脐中上4 4寸,任脉上寸,任脉上 下下 脘脘RN10 RN10 脐中上脐中上2 2寸,任脉上寸,任脉上水水 分分RN9 RN9 脐中上脐中上1 1寸,任脉上寸,任脉上神神 阙阙RN8 RN8 脐中央脐中央气气 海海RN6 RN6 脐中下脐中下1.51.5寸,任脉上寸,任脉上关关 元元RN4 RN4 脐中下脐中下3 3寸,任脉上寸,任脉上腹针常用穴位腹针常用穴位 Com

11、monly Used Abdominal Acupuncture Points商商 曲曲KD17 KD17 下脘旁开下脘旁开0.50.5寸寸气气 穴穴KD13 KD13 关元旁开关元旁开0.50.5寸寸滑肉门滑肉门ST24 ST24 水分旁开水分旁开2 2寸寸天天 枢枢ST25 ST25 神阙穴旁开神阙穴旁开2 2寸。大肠募穴寸。大肠募穴外外 陵陵ST26 ST26 阴交穴旁开阴交穴旁开2 2寸寸大大 横横SP15 SP15 神阙穴旁开神阙穴旁开3.53.5寸寸腹针常用穴位腹针常用穴位 Commonly Used Abdominal Acupuncture Points气气 旁旁气海旁开气海旁

12、开0.50.5寸寸上风湿点上风湿点滑肉门旁开滑肉门旁开0.50.5寸寸, ,上上0.50.5寸寸上风湿外点上风湿外点滑肉门旁开滑肉门旁开1 1寸寸QiPang: 0.5 Cun lateral to QiHai (RN6)QiPang: 0.5 Cun lateral to QiHai (RN6)ShangFengShi ShangFengShi (Upper RheumaticUpper Rheumatic) point: 0.5 cun Lateral and point: 0.5 cun Lateral and superior to HuaRouMen (ST24)superior t

13、o HuaRouMen (ST24)ShangFengShiWai (Upper Rheumatic lateral)Point: 1 cun lateral to ShangFengShiWai (Upper Rheumatic lateral)Point: 1 cun lateral to HuaRouMen (ST24)HuaRouMen (ST24)腹针常用穴位腹针常用穴位 Commonly Used Abdominal Acupuncture Points下风湿点下风湿点气海旁开气海旁开2.52.5寸寸下风湿下点下风湿下点石门旁开石门旁开3 3寸寸XiaFengShi (Lower

14、Rheumatic) point: 2.5 cun lateral to QiHai XiaFengShi (Lower Rheumatic) point: 2.5 cun lateral to QiHai (RN6)(RN6)XiaFengShiXia (Lower Rheumatic inferior) point: 3 cun XiaFengShiXia (Lower Rheumatic inferior) point: 3 cun lateral to ShiMen (RN5)lateral to ShiMen (RN5)腹针针具的选择腹针针具的选择 Needle Size 型号型号N

15、eedle Size分型分型 Type适应症适应症 indications34# (0.22mm-50mm)A1肥胖型Thicker头痛,面神经麻痹,颈椎病,肩周炎Headache, facial paralysis, cervical spondylosis, frozen shoulder34# (0.22mm-40mm)A2正常型Normal网球肘,腕管综合症,腰椎病,坐骨神经痛 Tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrom, lumbago, sciatica34# (0.22mm-30mm)A3消瘦型Thinner骨关节病,风湿性关节炎,类风湿性关节炎等疼痛

16、性疾病 osteoarthropathy, rheumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other pain disorders.留针时间和疗程留针时间和疗程留针时间一般为2030分钟对于病程短和体质较差的病人,留针时间稍短对于病程长和体质较好的病人,留针时间相对长一些腹针的治疗疗程为610次之间一般疾病6次为一疗程,慢性病10次为一疗程治疗的第13次,连续针灸,每日一次;第3次以后,隔日针灸一次 落枕落枕 Stiff Neck落枕落枕(stiffneck):即颈部伤筋,是指急性单纯性颈项强痛、活动受限的一种病症。头多向患侧歪斜,可出现肩部和上臂

17、疼痛,颈项部压痛明显Stiff Neck, is the injury to the neck ligaments. It is an acute symptom with simple stiff pain and mobility obstruction to the neck. The head deviates to the affected side, pain occurs at the shoulder and upper arm area. There is evident pain when press is applied to the neck.中脘(深刺)商曲(患侧,浅

18、刺)滑肉门(患侧,中刺) 落枕腹针处方落枕腹针处方 AA Formula for stiff Neck ShangQu (KD17, Affected side, S), ShangQu (KD17, Affected side, S), ZhongWan(RN12, D),ZhongWan(RN12, D),HuaRouMen (ST24, Affected side, M).HuaRouMen (ST24, Affected side, M). 肩周炎肩周炎 Frozen Shoulder (Periarthritis of Shoulder)肩周炎:肩关节周围肌肉、肌腱、韧带及关节囊损伤

19、或退行性改变,导致慢性非特异性炎症肩周疼痛,功能受限,50岁以上,女多于男Frozen Shoulder: Non-specific inflammation due to injury or degenerating change of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, joint capsule of the shoulder peripheral region.Pain of the shoulder periphral region, with obstruction of shoulder functionl. Mostly seen in peopl

20、e over 50 years old, more females than males. 分期分期 Stages早期(也称做疼痛期,早期(也称做疼痛期,2-3个月以内)以疼痛为主,日轻夜重;个月以内)以疼痛为主,日轻夜重;中期(也称做粘连期,中期(也称做粘连期,3个月以上)以功能障碍来主,外展、外旋及个月以上)以功能障碍来主,外展、外旋及后伸等动作受限最明显后伸等动作受限最明显晚期(也称做缓解期,半年至一年以上)临床表现肩部疼痛不甚晚期(也称做缓解期,半年至一年以上)临床表现肩部疼痛不甚, 多多可见肩部肌肉萎缩。可见肩部肌肉萎缩。Early stage: (painful period, l

21、asts 2-3 months) pain is evident, light during the day and severe at night.Mid-stage: (adhesion period, exceeds 3 months) patient mainly encounter functional obstruction. Abduction, lateral rotation and dorsiflexion is evidently impaired.Later stage: (mitigating period, over half a year to over a ye

22、ar) clincally patient dont feel much pain on the shoulder, but is mostly seen shoulder muscle atrophy.中脘(深刺)商曲(中刺,健侧)滑肉门(浅刺患侧)肩周炎腹针处方肩周炎腹针处方 Abdominal Acupuncture Formula for Frozen ShoulderZhongWan(RN12, D), ZhongWan(RN12, D), ShangQu(KD17, healthy side, M),ShangQu(KD17, healthy side, M), HuaRouMen

23、(ST24, affected side, HuaRouMen(ST24, affected side, M).M). 网球肘网球肘 Tennis Elbow网球肘:或叫肱骨外上髁炎,是一种肘部常见疾病。是一种附着在肱骨外上髁的肌腱炎Tennis elbow, also known as radio-humeral epicondylitis. It is a disease that is often seen. It is a tendinitis of the external humeral epicondyle. 网球肘网球肘 Tennis Elbow因手臂伸肌与屈肌肌力承受能力不一

24、致,过度使用使伸肌受伤害。网球运动员反手击球Due to the difference of bearing capacity of muscle strength between the arm extensor and flexor muscles, the excessive use injures the extensor muscle. Tennis player hits the ball with backhand causes this disorder.中脘(深刺)商曲(健侧,中刺)滑肉门(患侧 中刺)上风湿点(患侧,浅刺) 网球肘腹针处方网球肘腹针处方 Abdominal

25、Acupuncture Formula for Tennis Elbow ZhongWan (RN12, D), ZhongWan (RN12, D), ShangQu (KD17, healthy side, M), ShangQu (KD17, healthy side, M), HuaRouMen (ST24, affected side, M), HuaRouMen (ST24, affected side, M), ShangFengShi point (affected side, S)ShangFengShi point (affected side, S)腕管综合征腕管综合征

26、Carpal Tunnel Syndrom腕管综合征:是指人体正中神经在腕管内受到压迫所产生的症状,食指中指疼痛、麻木和拇指肌肉无力感累积性创伤疾病Carpal tunnel syndrome, is a syndrome caused by the pressure on the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. The main symptom is pain and numbness of the index finger and the middle finger, and myasthenia of the thumb.Acumulated tra

27、umatic injury.中脘(D)商曲(健M)滑肉门(患M)上风湿点(患S)上风湿外点(患S) 腕管综合征腹针处方腕管综合征腹针处方 Abdominal Acupuncture for Carpal Tunnel Syndroml lZhongWan(RN12, D) ZhongWan(RN12, D) l lShangQu(KD17, healthy side, M)ShangQu(KD17, healthy side, M)l l HuaRouMen(ST24, affected side, M) HuaRouMen(ST24, affected side, M)l lShangFen

28、gShi point(upper rheumatic ShangFengShi point(upper rheumatic point, affected side, S), point, affected side, S), l lShangFengShiWai point(upper ShangFengShiWai point(upper rheumatic lateral point, affected side, S)rheumatic lateral point, affected side, S) 病例分享病例分享 Case Study病例分享Case Study Thank You!



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