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1、The map of chinaThe capital of Ningxia is Yingchuan.Five treasures of Ningxia宁夏五宝宁夏五宝No 1 :The red treasure -Gouqi(枸杞)(枸杞)No 2 : The yellow treasure -Gancao(甘草)(甘草)No 3 : The blue treasure -Helan stones(贺(贺兰石)兰石)No 4 : The white treasure -Tanyangpi(滩羊皮滩羊皮)No 5 : The black treasure -Facai(发菜)(发菜)No 1

2、 : the red treasures-Gouqi(枸杞)(枸杞) NingxiaGouqigrainbig,full,showround,lessseedandmeatthick,tastesweet.TheGouqiofNingxiahasthemostnutritionalvalueintheworld.The people of all ethnic groups in Ningxia is proud of this specialty .枸杞粒大、饱满,显长圆形,籽少肉厚,味甘甜,宁夏枸杞具有很高的营养价值,宁夏各族人名都以这个特产为荣 No 2 : The yellow tre

3、asure -Gancao(甘草)(甘草) Many live in dry, half dry desert grassland, desert marginal and loess hilly area , and it is Known as the king of all the medicine .(甘草多生长在干旱、半干旱的荒漠草原、沙漠边缘和黄土丘陵地带,被称为众药之王。)No 3 : The blue treasure -Helan stones(贺(贺兰石)兰石) Take Ningxia HeLan stone, you will get you love . (人们将贺兰

4、石称爱情石和吉祥石,并把它当做爱情的信物和幸运的象征。带上宁夏贺兰石,寻求今生的最爱!)a story of Helan Stone In the ancient helan country, there was a princess called Helan Tan,she not only beautiful , but also kind-hearted.She did not listen to the king and married with a man who was unworthy . 传说古贺兰国有位公主叫坦依贺兰,她不但貌美如花,而且心地善良。坦依贺兰不顾王室反对与身份卑

5、微的武士阿拿结为夫妻。 She also encouraged brave young men and women of the tribes (部族) to pursue their love and happiness . At last , the man was dead and Tan was cry day and night , she tears turned into a handsome shiny (晶莹的)colored stone - Helan stone. 她还鼓励部族的青年男女勇敢的追求自己的爱情和幸福。后来阿拿在抵御外族的侵略中战死沙场。坦依贺兰守护在爱人的身

6、边日夜祈祷,流下的眼泪化作清秀晶莹的彩色石头贺兰石。 To Commemorate the love betweenTan and her To Commemorate the love betweenTan and her husband , they called ithusband , they called it love stone and auspicious love stone and auspicious stonestone,and use it as a keepsake of his love and and use it as a keepsake of his lo

7、ve and symbol of good symbol of good luck luck .It is believed that .It is believed that HelanHelan stone is stone is spiritual stone, spiritual stone, andand trust trust HelanHelan stone not only stone not only cancan achieve their aspirations, achieve their aspirations, promote the resonance of pr

8、omote the resonance of lovers, but also lovers, but also cancan improve peoples fortune. improve peoples fortune. 为纪念公主和阿拿的爱情,人们将贺兰石称爱情为纪念公主和阿拿的爱情,人们将贺兰石称爱情石和吉祥石,并把它当做爱情的信物和幸运的象石和吉祥石,并把它当做爱情的信物和幸运的象征。人们相信贺兰石是种极有灵性的石头,相信征。人们相信贺兰石是种极有灵性的石头,相信贺兰石不但能达成自己的愿望,促进恋人们心灵贺兰石不但能达成自己的愿望,促进恋人们心灵共鸣,而且能够改善人的运程共鸣,而且

9、能够改善人的运程。 It is said that if someone can stack up seven Helan stones,he will won his lover. 传说如果有人能将七块贺兰石叠起,就会遇到自己命中注定的缘份。No 4 : The white treasure -Tanyangpi(滩羊皮滩羊皮)TanYangPi is soft, flexible, sleek , much is white, also have a few black, The main producing area of it is ningxia yinchuan , Yanchi

10、, Zhongwei.(滩羊皮毛长,柔软,灵活,光润,毛色多为纯白色,也有少数为纯黑色,主要产于宁夏银川,盐池,中卫,)No 5 : The black treasure -Facai(发菜)(发菜) Facai growth in the wild mountains , have the extremely high edible value and medical value. In Chinese the partial tone of it is “facai ” , if you eat Facai you will have a lot of money . (发菜生长在野山峻岭之上,有极高的食用价值和医用价值。其谐音“发财。吃发菜,发大财!)The scenic of Ningxia Sand lake(沙湖沙湖)Sand slope(沙坡头) Moon lake(月亮湖)108tower(108塔)Western xia tombs(西夏王陵)花儿End Thanks!



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