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1、怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-1页- 从前有位可爱的公主Once upon a time there was a lovely princess. 但是她被可怕的魔法控制了But she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort. 只有真爱的初吻才可以打破这魔法which could only be broken by loves first kiss. 她被困在一个城堡里She was locked away in a castle. 由一只喷火龙看守着guarded by a terrible fire-breathing dragon. 有许

2、多勇敢的骑士曾经想过把她从这可怕的监狱中救走Many brave knights had attempted to free her from this dreadful prison, 但是没有一个成功but none prevailed. 她关在被喷火龙看守着的She waited in the dragons keep. 城堡里最高的房间里in the highest room of the tallest tower. 等待着真爱的初吻for her true love and true loves first kiss. 那是不会发生的Like thats ever gonna ha

3、ppen. 怪物史瑞克- 快 - 快- Go! - Go! - 我想它在里面吧? - 好的我们去吧 ! - Think its in there? - All right. Lets get it! 慢着 ! 你知道有什么后果吗? Whoa. Hold on. Do you know what that thing can do to you? 嗯 它会把你的骨头当面包吃Yeah, itll grind your bones for its bread. 哈哈实际上那会是一个巨人Yes, well, actually, that would be agiant. 不过青怪可能更糟糕Now, o

4、gres Theyre much worse. 它们会用你们的鲜皮做汤Theyll make a suit from your freshly peeled skin. - 不 - 挖出你的心肝- No! - Theyll shave your liver. 用你们的眼睛榨果汁Squeeze the jelly from your eyes! - 这样吃吐司面包会很好味道! - 退后退后怪物 ! - Actually, its quite good on toast. - Back! Back, beast! 我警告你Back! I warn ya! 好的Right. 你们还不快走就没有时机了

5、This is the part where you run away. 滚And stay out! 通缉神话之物Wanted. Fairy tale creatures. 好的这个满了All right. This ones full. 拉走Take it away! - 走 快点快点 - 下一个- Move it along. Come on! Get up! - Next! 给我你飞行的日子要结束了Give me that! Your flying days are over. 这是给女巫的20 块银子下一个 ! Thats 20 pieces of silver for the wi

6、tch. Next! - 起来快点- 20 块- Get up! Come on! - Twenty pieces. 在这里坐下精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-2页- Sit down there! 安静 ! Keep quiet! 笼子太小了This cage is too small. 请不要让我进去我不再固执了Please dont turn me in. Ill never be stubborn again. 我会改的给我多一次时机I can change. Please! G

7、ive me another chance! - 闭嘴- 哦 - 下一个- Oh, shut up. - Oh! - Next! - 什么东西 ? - 这是一个小木偶- What have you got? - This little wooden puppet. 我不是木偶我是一个真正的男孩Im not a puppet. Im a real boy. 5 先令给这个疯狂的玩具Five shillings for the possessed toy. - 拿走越远越好 ! - 老爸别让他们这么做- Take it away. - Father, please! Dont let them d

8、o this! - 下一个- 什么东西 ? - Help me! - Next. What have you got? - 呃 我有一个会说话的驴子- Well, Ive got a talking donkey. 好的这个值 10 个先令你可以证明一下吗? Right. Well, thats good for ten shillings, if you can prove it. 好的说吧伙计Oh, go ahead, little fella. 嗯? Well? 哦 它只是有点紧张Oh, oh, hes just Hes just a little nervous. 它真的是一个话匣子说

9、? Hes really quite a chatterbox. Talk, you bone headed dolt - 好了我听够了守卫 ! - 不 不 它能说话- Thats it. Ive heard enough. Guards! - No, no, he talks! 我能说话我爱说话He does. I can talk. I love to talk. 我是你见过的最能说话的驴子Im the talkingest damn thing you ever saw. - 把她带走- 不 不要- Get her out of my sight. - No, no! 我发誓它能说话I

10、swear! Oh! He can talk! 嘿 我会飞 ! Hey! I can fly! - 它会飞- 会飞 ! - He can fly! - He can fly! - 它说话了- 对了笨蛋- He can talk! - Ha, ha! Thats right, fool! 对 现在我是会飞会说话的驴子Now Im a flying, talking donkey. 你可能看过蝇子而且是一个很大的蝇子You might have seen a house fly, maybe even a super fly, 不过你肯定没有看过会飞的驴子but I bet you aint ne

11、ver seen a donkey fly. 哈哈Ha, ha! 哦Uh-oh. 捉住它Seize him! 它要逃了After him! Hes getting away! 这边转过来Get him! This way! Turn! 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-3页- 是你青怪You there. Ogre! 什么事 ? Aye? 奉弗瓜王之命授权我逮捕你们两个By the order of Lord Farquaad, I am authorized to place you b

12、oth under arrest. 送到一个指定地and transport you to a designated. resettlement facility. 是吗 ? 你们是什么军队? Oh, really? You and what army? 我可以跟你说话吗? Can I say something to you? 听着你确实有些本领了不起 ! Listen, you was really, really somethin back there. Incredible! 你在跟我说话吗? Are you talkin to me? Whoa! 是的我在跟你说话你刚刚在侍卫那里真的

13、很厉害Yes, I was talkin to you. Can I tell you that you was great back there? Those guards! 那些侍卫以为他们很棒然后你一出现砰! They thought they was all of that. Then you showed up, and bam! 都跑光了They was trippin over themselves like babes in the woods. 看到这样确实使我感觉很好That really made me feel good to see that. - 很棒真的 - 朋友

14、自由是很好的- Oh, thats great. Really. - Man, its good to be free. 现在跟你的朋友去庆祝你的自由好吗 ? Now, why dont you go celebrate your freedom with your own friends? Hmm? 但是我没有朋友But, uh, I dont have any friends. 我也不会自己一个人出去And Im not goin out there by myself. 嘿 等等我有一个很好的提议我跟你一起Hey, wait a minute! I got a great idea! I

15、ll stick with you. 你是一个令人惧怕青怪Youre a mean, green, fightin machine. 我们一起会吓跑经过我们的人Together well scare the spit out of anybody that crosses us. 噢 真吓人Oh, wow! That was really scary. 这很可怕如果这不起作用你的呼吸会起作用的If you dont mind me sayin if that dont work, your breath certainly will get the job done, 你需要些口香糖你喘气太臭

16、了 ! cause you definitely need some Tic Tacs or something, cause your breath stinks! 你几乎把我的鼻毛都烧着了You almost burned the hair outta my nose, 就像那次just like the time 烂草莓我那天放了很多屁Then I ate some rotten berries. I had strong gases eking out ofmy butt that day. 你为什么跟着我? Why are you following me? 我告诉你为什么Ill t

17、ell you why. 别唱了 ! Stop singing! 怪不得你没有朋友Its no wonder you dont have any friends. 噢 只有真正的朋友才会这么老实Wow. Only a true friend would be that truly honest. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-4页- 听着驴子看看我我是谁 ? Listen, little donkey. Take a look at me. What am I? 嗯Uh - 真高 ?

18、- 不! 我是个妖怪- Really tall? - No! Im an ogre. 你想一下拿着你的火把和草杈! You know. Grab your torch and pitchforks. 这不让你烦恼吗? Doesnt that bother you? 不Nope. - 真的 ? - 真的真的- Really? - Really, really. -噢 - 我喜欢你你叫什么 ? - Oh. - Man, I like you. Whats your name? 史瑞克Uh, Shrek. 史瑞克 ? 知道我喜欢你什么? Shrek? Well, you know what I li

19、ke about you, Shrek? 我不在乎别人怎么看我You got that kind of I dont care what nobody thinks of me thing. 我喜欢这个我敬佩这个史瑞克I like that. I respect that, Shrek. You all right. 瞧那里 ! 谁想住在那里 ? Whoo! Look at that. Whod want to live in a place like that? 那是我的家That would be my home. 很好 ! 很漂亮 ! Oh! And it is lovely! Just

20、 beautiful. 你是个相当不错的装饰设计家在预算有限的情况下你所干的令人惊叹! You are quite a decorator. Its amazing what youve done with such a modest budget. 我喜欢那块石头那是块不错的石头I like that boulder. That is a nice boulder. 我猜想你不常有客人I guess you dont entertain much, do you? 我喜欢一个人呆着I like my privacy. 我也是一样这是我们的另一个共同点You know, I do too. T

21、hats another thing we have in common. 我讨厌有人来Like, I hate it when you got somebody in your face. 来了就不肯走尴尬的沉默Youre trying to give them a hint, and they wont leave. Theres that awkward silence. - 我跟你住可以吗? - 什么 ? - Can I stay with you? - Uh, what? 让我跟你一起住好吗? Can I stay with you, please? - 当然 ! -真的 ? - O

22、f course! - Really? - 不! - 我不想回去 ! - No. - Please! I dont wanna go back there! 你不知道怪物的生活是什么样的也许你知道You dont know what its like to be considered a freak. Well, may be you do. 这就是为什么我们要在一起让我留下吧 ! But thats why we gotta stick together. You gotta let me stay! - 求求你 ! - 好的- Please! Please! - Okay! Okay! -

23、 但只能呆一晚上- 谢谢 ! - But one night only. - Ah! Thank you! - 你干什么不 不 - 这将会很有趣 ! - What are you No! No! - This is gonna be fun! 我们晚点儿睡一起讲故事精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-5页- We can stay up late, swappin manly stories, 早上我做华夫饼and in the mornin Im makin waffles. - 哦 -

24、我在哪里睡 ? - Oh! - Where do, uh, I sleep? 外头 ! Outside! 哇 那很酷Oh, well, I guess thats cool. 我的意思是我不了解你你也不了解我I mean, I dont know you, and you dont know me, 因此我想外头最好so I guess outside is best, you know. 我出去了Here I go. 晚安Good night. 我确实喜欢在外头我是驴子生来就喜欢外头I mean, I do like the outdoors. Im a donkey. I was born

25、 outside. 只有我一个人在外头Ill just be sitting by myself outside, I guess, you know. 一个人在外头By myself, outside. 只有我一个人这里除了我没有别人Im all alone Theres no one here beside me 我不是告诉你呆在外头吗? I thought I told you to stay outside. 我是在外头I am outside. 老头这比农场差远了不过还有什么方法呢? Well, gents, its a farcry from the farm, but what

26、choice do we have? 这不是家但还算不错Its not home, but itll do just fine. 多好的床What a lovely bed. - 抓到了- 我找到了些奶酪- Got ya. - I found some cheese. - 哦 - 真恶心 ! - Ow! - Biah! Awful stuff. - 是你吗戈德 ? - 你怎么知道是我? - Is that you, Gorder? - How did you know? 够了 ! 你在我的房子里干嘛? Enough! What are you doing in my house? 嘿Hey!

27、不 不 不! Oh, no, no, no. - 死女人不能放在桌子上- 但床已经被占了! - Dead broad off the table. - Where are we supposed to put her? The beds taken. 啊? Huh? 什么 ? What? 我住在沼泽地里我出告示我 我是个可怕的妖怪 ! I live in a swamp. I put up signs. Im a terrifying ogre! 我怎么才能有点儿隐私呢? What do I have to do to get a little privacy? - 啊! - 不- Aah!

28、- Oh, no. 哦 不要Oh, no. 不 不! No! No! 什么 ? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-6页- What? - 停下- 别推- Quit it. - Dont push. 你们在我的沼泽地里干什么? What are you doing in my swamp? 沼泽沼泽沼泽Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! 哦 亲爱的Oh, dear! 哇Whoa! 好 出去你们都出去都走开 ! All right, get out of here. All of you

29、, move it! 快点儿快! Come on! Lets go! Hapaya! Hapaya! Hey! - 快点儿快! - 不- Quickly. Come on! - No, no! 不是那里不是那里No, no. Not there. Not there. 哦Oh! 别看我我没有邀请他们Hey, dont look at me. I didnt invite them. 天哪没人邀请我们Oh, gosh, no one invited us. - 什么 ? - 我们被迫来到这里- What? - We were forced to come here. - 谁强迫你们 ? - 弗瓜

30、王- By who? - Lord Farquaad. 他连吹带唬签署了搬迁布告He huffed und he puffed und he. signed an eviction notice. 好的All right. 听着有人知道弗瓜王现在在哪里吗? Who knows where this Farquaad guy is? 我知道他在哪里Oh, I do. I know where he is. 还有人知道在哪里能找到他吗? Does anyone else know where to find him? - 没人知道 ? - 我知道 ! - Any one at all? - Me!

31、 Me! - 谁知道 ? - 选择我 ! - Anyone? - Oh! Oh, pick me! 我知道 ! 我知道 ! 我! Oh, I know! I know! Me, me! 好Okay, fine. 注意所有的神话故事人物Attention, all fairy tale things. 别再享受了欢送已经正式结束了Do not get comfortable. Your welcome is officially worn out. 实际上我马上就要去见弗瓜王这个家伙In fact, Im gonna see this guy Farquaad right now. 把你们从我的

32、地里赶走哪来哪去 ! and get you all off my land and back where you came from! 你! Oh! You! 你跟我来Youre comin with me. 这正是我喜欢听到的All right, thats what I like to hear, man. 史瑞克和驴子两个朋友一起去冒大险Shrek and Donkey, two stalwart friends, off on a whirlwind big-city adventure. 我喜欢I love it! - 又上路了史瑞克跟我唱歌- 噢 不- On the road a

33、gain Sing it with me, Shrek. - Hey. Oh, oh! 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-7页- 我急不可待要上路了I cant wait to get on the road again 我刚刚没说什么What did I say about singing? - 我可以吹口哨儿吗? - 不- Can I whistle? - No. - 哼歌吗 ? - 行 哼吧- Can I hum it? - All right, hum it. 够了他要开口了Tha

34、ts enough. Hes ready to talk. 跑 跑 赶快跑Run, run, run, as fast as you can. 你抓不到我我是个姜饼人! You cant catch me. Im the ginger bread man! - 你是个魔鬼- 我不是你是- Youre a monster. - Im not the monster here. You are. 你和其他的神话故事垃圾毒坏了我完美的世界You and the rest of that fairy tale trash, poisoning my perfect world. 他们都到哪里去了? N

35、ow, tell me! Where are the others? 吃我 ! Eat me! 我设法公平地对待你们这些东西Ive tried to be fair to you creatures. 现在我的耐心消失了! 告诉我不然Now my patience has reached its end! Tell me or Ill 不 别动我的糖浆扣子! No, no, not the buttons. Not my gumdrop buttons. 谁把他们藏起来了? All right then. Whos hiding them? 好 我告诉你你知道松饼人吗? Okay, Ill t

36、ell you. Doyou know the muffin man? - 松饼人 ? - 松饼人- The muffin man? - The muffin man. 对 我知道松饼人她住在特鲁里街? Yes, I know the muffin man, who lives on Drury Lane? 她跟松饼人结婚了Well, shes married to the muffin man. - 松饼人 ? - 松饼人 ! - The muffin man? - The muffin man! 她跟松饼人结婚了Shes married to the muffin man. 主人 ! 我们

37、找到了 ? My lord! We found it. 你还等什么 ? 把它拿进来Then what are you waiting for? Bring it in. 哦Oh! - 魔镜- 别告诉他 ! - Magic mirror - Dont tell him anything! 别! No! 晚安Evening. 镜子镜子墙上的镜子Mirror, mirror, on the wall. 这不是最完美的王国吗? Is this not the most perfect kingdom of them all? 严格地讲你不是国王Well, technically youre not a

38、 king. 西龙涅斯Uh, Thelonius. - 你说什么 ? - 我说你还不是国王- You were saying? - What I mean is, youre not a king yet. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-8页- 但你可以成为国王你只要和公主结婚就行了But you can become one. All you have to do is marry a princess. 接着说Go on. 那么放松坐下吧我的主人So,just sit back a

39、nd relax, my lord, 因为你就要会见当今最合格的未婚女子了because its time for you to meet todays eligible bachelorettes. 她们来了 ! And here they are! 一号倍受精神折磨她被关在遥远的王国Bachelorette numberone is a mentally abused shut-in from a kingdom far, far away. 她喜欢吃寿司和洗热水浴She likes sushi and hot tubbing anytime. 她的爱好还包括为她的两个坏姐姐清理卫生Her

40、hobbies include cooking and cleaning for her two evilsisters. 请大家欢送灰姑娘! Please welcome Cinderella. 二号是位身穿斗篷的姑娘她来自奇妙的国土Bachelorett enumber two is a cape-wearinggirl from the land of fancy. 她与七个男人一起生活但她很不简单Although she lives with seven other men, shes not easy. 吻她冰凉的嘴唇看看她的激情有多么强烈Just kiss her dead, fr

41、ozen lips and find out whata live wire she is. 快来为白雪公主鼓掌吧! Come on. Give it up for Snow White! 最后但当然不是最差的And last, but certainly not least, 一位来自火山岩浆围绕城堡bachelorette number three is a fieryred head. 被龙看守的红发姑娘from a dragon-guardedcastle surrounded by hotboiling lava! 但别因此而灰心But dont let that cool you

42、off. 她是个上了膛的手枪喜欢喝皮钠 -可拉达Shes a loaded pistol who like spina coladas and getting caught in the rain. 你去救她菲奥纳公主Yours for the rescuing, Princess Fiona! 是一号 ? So will it be bachelorette number one, 还是三号 ? bachelorette number two or bachelorette number three? - 二号 ! - 三号 ! 三号 ! - Two! Two! - Three! Three

43、! - 二号 ! - 三号 ! 三号 ! - Two! Two! - Three! 三? 一 ? 三? Three? One? Three? 选三号吧主人 ! Three! Pick number three, my lord! 好 好 三号 ! Okay, okay, uh, number three! 弗瓜王你挑选了菲奥纳公主Lord Farquaad, youve chosen Princess Fiona. If you like pina coladas 菲奥纳公主Princess Fiona. 她是十全十美的Shes perfect. 我只想找一个All I have to do

44、is just find someone 我应该说一下儿晚上的事精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-9页- But I probably should mention the little thing that happens at night. - 我会跟她结婚的- 日落后- Ill do it. - Yes, but after sunset 安静 ! 我要让菲奥纳公主成为王后Silence! I will make this Princess Fiona my queen, 杜洛克最终

45、将有一个十全十美的国王and DuLoc will finally have the perfect king! 队长集合你最好的士兵Captain, assemble your finest men. 我们就要举行比武大会了Were going to have a tournament. 就在那里那是杜洛克But thats it. Thats it right there. Thats DuLoc. 我说过我会找到的I told ya Id find it. 那么那一定是弗瓜王的城堡了So, that must be Lord Farquaads castle. 就是那里Uh-huh. T

46、hats the place. 你看他是不是在弥补什么? Do you think maybe hes compensating for something? 等等 ! 等一下儿史瑞克Hey, wait. Wait up, Shrek. 快点儿宝贝儿我们晚了Hurry, darling. Were late. Hurry. 嘿Hey, you! 等等我不会吃掉你的Wait a second. Look, Im not gonna eat ya. 我只是我只I just I just 很安静Its quiet. 太安静了Too quiet. - 人都到哪里去了? - 你看看这个 ! - Wher

47、e is everybody? - Hey, look at this! 我们再来一遍! Wow! Lets do that again! 不 不 不 不! No. No. No, no, no! No. 勇敢的骑士Brave knights. 你们是世界上最优秀最聪明的人You are the best and brightest in all the land. 今天你们中的一个将证明Today one of you shall prove himself 你想挨揍 ? All right. Youre going the right way for a smacked bottom. 对

48、不起Sorry about that. 冠军将得到荣誉不 特权That champion shall have the honour no, no the privilege. 去从龙严密的看守中to go forth and rescue the lovely Princess Fiona. 救出可爱的菲奥纳公主from the fiery keep oft he dragon. 如果由于什么原因冠军没有成功If for any reason the winner is unsuccessful, 亚军将接着去完成the first runner-up will take his place

49、. 如此类推and so on and so forth. 你们中间有些人可能会死但这是我愿意做出的牺牲Some of you may die, but its a sacrifice I am willing to make. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-10页- 比武现在开始 ! Let the tournament begin! 哦Oh! 那是什么 ? What is that? - 真丑死人了 ! - 这可不怎么样- Its hideous! - Ah, thats not

50、very nice. - 不过是头驴子- 嗯? - Its just a donkey. - Huh? 骑士们新计划 ! Indeed. Knights, new plan! 杀死那个妖怪的人将被授予冠军! 进攻 ! The one who kills the ogre will be named champion! Have at him! - 抓住他 ! - 现在快! 等等- Gethim! - Oh, hey! Now come on! Hang on now. 去! 抓住他 ! Go ahead! Get him! 我们可以喝酒解决吗? Cant wejust settle this

51、over a pint? 杀死这个野兽 ! Kill the beast! 不? 那么好吧No? All right then. 来吧 ! Come on! - 我 我 - 嘿 史瑞克让我来 ! 让我来 ! - Me, me, me - Hey, Shrek, tag me! Tag me! 给他坐电椅 ! The chair! Give him the chair! 哦 啊啊Oh, yeah! Ah! Ah! 谢谢 ! 十分感谢 ! Thank you! Thank you very much! 我一直呆到周四尝尝牛肉 ! Im here till Thursday. Try the vea

52、l! Ha, ha! 我可以下命令吗主人 ? Shall I give the order, sir? 不 我有个更好的主意No, I have a better idea. 杜洛克的人们他就是我们的冠军! People of DuLoc, I give you our champion! - 什么 ? - 祝贺你青怪- What? - Congratulations, ogre. 你赢得了从事一个伟大高尚的任务荣誉Youve won the honour of embarking on a great and noble quest. 任务 ? 我的任务就是要寻求归还我的沼泽地Quest?

53、Im already on a quest, a quest to get my swamp back. - 你的沼泽地 ? - 对 我的沼泽地 ! - Your swamp? - Yeah, my swamp! 你把那些家伙扔在那里! Where you dumped those fairy tale creatures! 确实Indeed. 是的妖怪我们做个交易All right, ogre, Ill make you a deal. 你为我完成任务我就把沼泽地还给你Go on this quest for me, and Ill give you your swamp back. 恢复原

54、状 ? Exactly the way it was? 恢复到粘泥覆盖的原始模样Down to the last slime-covered toad stool. - 那些擅自占据者呢? - 全部搬走- And the squatters? - As good as gone. 什么样的任务? What kind of quest? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-11页- 你要去跟龙作战Let me get this straight. Youre gonna go fight a

55、 dragon. 救出公主然后回到沼泽地去and rescue a princess just so Farquaad will give you back a swamp. 你现在没有沼泽地了因为弗瓜王塞了些怪物进去which you only dont have because he filled it full of freaks in the first place. - 这不对吗 ? - 也许驴子不会讲话是有道理的- Is that about right? - Maybe theres a good reason donkeys shouldnt talk. 你为什么不把你的魔力都

56、用在他身上? I dont get it. Why dont you just pull some of that ogre stuffon him? 包围他的堡垒Throttle him, lay siege to his fortress, 碾碎他的骨头夹面包吃妖怪所有的本领grind his bones to make your bread, the whole ogre trip. 我知道Oh, I know what. 也许我可以砍掉全村人的头Maybe I could have decapitated an entire village. 把他们挂在长矛上and put their

57、 heads on a pike, 拿把刀割开他们的脾喝他们的脾液gotten a knife, cut open their spleen and drink their fluids. 你看怎么样 ? Does that sound good to you? 不 真的不怎么样Uh, no, not really, no. 告诉你妖怪比你想像的复杂For your information, theres a lot more to ogres than people think. - 举个例子- 例子 ? - Example? - Example? - 好妖怪就像洋葱- 它们辣臭 ? - O

58、kay, um, ogres are like onions. - They stink? - 不 - 让你流泪 ? - 不! - Yes No! - They make you cry? - No! 你把它们放在阳光下它们都会变黄 ? You leave them out in the sun, they get all brown, start sproutin little white hairs. 是层 ! No! Layers! 洋葱有很多多层Onions have layers. 妖怪多层 ! 洋葱多层Ogres have layers! Onions have layers. 你

59、明白吗 ? 我们都有好多层You get it? We both have layers. 你们都有好多层Oh, you both have layers. Oh. 可并不是人人都喜欢洋葱You know, not everybody likes onions. 蛋糕 ! 大家都喜欢蛋糕! Cake! Everybody loves cakes! Cakes have layers. 我不管大家喜欢什么I dont care. what everyone likes. 妖怪不像蛋糕Ogres are not like cakes. 你知道大家还喜欢什么? 冻糕You know what els

60、e everybody likes? Parfaits. 你试过问别人: 吃冻糕Have you ever met a person, you say, Lets get some parfait, 他答复 : 不 我不喜欢冻糕? they say, No, I dont like no parfait? - 冻糕味道好极了- 没有 ! - Parfaits are delicious. - No! 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-12页- 你这个愚蠢讨厌的驴子You dense, i

61、rritating, miniature beast of burden! 妖怪像洋葱 !行了吧Ogres are like onions! End of story. 再见回头见Bye-bye. See ya later. 冻糕也许是这个星球上最可口的东西Parfaits may be the most delicious thing on the whole damn planet. 我想我宁愿听你哼歌You know, I think I preferred your humming. 你有餐巾纸吗 ? 我这里一塌糊涂Do you have a tissue or something?

62、Im makinga mess. 冻糕这个词让我流口水了Just the word parfait make me start slobbering. 史瑞克 ! 是你干的吗 ? Ooh! Shrek! Did you do that? 你放屁之前得通知一声You gotta warn somebody before you just crack one off. My mouth was open. 相信我驴子如果是我你早就薰死了Believe me, Donkey, if it was me, youd be dead. 是硫磺石Its brimstone. - 我们一定快到了- 对 硫磺

63、石- We must be getting close. - Yeah, right, brimstone. 别告诉我硫磺石我知道我闻到了什么不可能是硫磺石Dont be talking about its the brimstone. I know what I smell. It wasnt no brimstone. 也没有什么石头It didnt come off no stone neither. 确实够大的了但看一下位置Sure, its big enough, but look at the location. 史瑞克 ? 记得你说过妖怪有好多层吗? Uh, Shrek? Uh,

64、 remember when you said ogres have layers? 没错Oh, aye. 我有点儿事要坦白Well, I have a bit ofa confession to make. 驴子没有好多层我们的恐惧都表现在袖子上Donkeys dont have layers. We wear our fear right out there on our sleeves. - 等等 ! 驴子没有袖子- 你明白我的意思- Wait a second. Donkeys dont have sleeves. - You know what I mean. 你不能对我说你怕高Yo

65、u cant tell me youre afraid of heights. 在沸腾岩浆湖摇晃的桥上走我不舒服Im just a little uncomfortable about being on a rickety bridge over a boiling lake of lava! 别怕驴子我就在你身边Come on, Donkey. Im right here beside ya, okay? 帮助和鼓励你For emotional support, 我们一起来通过一次迈一婴儿小步well just tackle this thing together one little ba

66、by step at a time. - 真的 ? - 真的真的- Really? - Really, really. - 这样我感觉好多了- 往前走- Okay, that makes me feel so much better. - Just keep moving. - 别往下看- 别往下看别往下看- And dont look down. - Okay, dont look down. Dont look down. 别往下看往前走别往下看Dont look down. Keep on moving. Dont look 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结

67、 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-13页- down. 史瑞克 ! 我在往下看 ! Shrek! Im lookin down! 我过不去了 ! 请放了我吧 ! Oh, God, I cant do this! Just let me off, please! - 你已经走了一半了! - 我知道那部分安全! - But youre already halfway. - But I know that halfis safe! 好 我没有时间你回去吧Okay, fine. I dont have time for this. You go back.

68、 - 史瑞克 ! - 等等 ! - Shrek, no! Wait! -Just, Donkey - 我们交换一下儿位置- 别这样 ! - Lets have a dance then, shall we? - Dont do that! 对不起别哪样 ? Oh, Im sorry. Do what? - 这样 ? - 对 那样- Oh, this? - Yes, that! 怎么了 ? 就这样好Yes? Yes, do it. Okay. 不 史瑞克No, Shrek! - 不! 停下 ! - 你说就这样 ! 我在这样做啊- No! Stop it! - You said do it! Im

69、 doin it. 史瑞克我要死了我要死了Im gonna die. Im gonna die. Shrek, Im gonna die. 哦Oh! 这就行了驴子这就行了Thatll do, Donkey. Thatll do. 酷Cool. 那么喷火的家伙在哪里? So where is this fire breathing pain in the neck anyway? 在里面等我们来救她Inside, waiting for us to rescue her. 我说的是那条龙史瑞克I was talkin about the dragon, Shrek. 你怕吗 ? You afra

70、id? 不怕但No, but Shh. 嗯 我也不怕Oh, good. Me neither. 害怕并不是过错Cause theres nothin wrong with bein afraid. 害怕是对陌生环境的敏感反应Fears a sensible response to an unfamiliar situation. 陌生的危险环境Unfamiliar dangerous situation, I might add. 有一条喷火的龙With a dragon that breathes fire and eats knights and breathes fire, 害怕并不意味

71、着你是胆小鬼it sure doesnt mean youre a coward if youre a little scared. 我确信史瑞克不是胆小鬼I sure as heck aint no coward. I know that. 驴子两件事好吗 ? Donkey, two things, okay? 闭 嘴Shut. up. 闭嘴去看看能不能找到楼梯Now go over there and see if you can find any stairs. 楼梯 ? 我以为我们在找公主Stairs? I thought we was lookin for the princess.

72、 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-14页- 她在楼上在最高塔内最高的房间里The princess will be up the stairs in the highest room in the tallest tower. - 你怎么知道她在那里? - 我从书上看到的- What makes you think shell be there? - I read it in a book once. 酷 你对付龙我来找楼梯Cool. You handle the dragon. Il

73、l handle the stairs. 等我找到楼梯我也要抽它们的屁股Ill find those stairs. Ill whip their butt too. 它们并不知道该去哪里Those stairs wont know which way theyre goin. 我要走难走的路Im gonna take drastic steps. 别打搅我我是爬楼梯老手Kick it to the kerb. Dont mess with me. Im the stair master. 我已经征服楼梯了踏上一步就没有问题了Ive mastered the stairs. I wish I

74、had a step right here. Id step all over it. 至少我们知道公主在哪里但哪里Well, at least we know where the princess is, but wheres the 喷火龙 ! Dragon! 驴子留神 ! Donkey, look out! 抓住你了 ! Got ya! 哇 哇 哇Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! 哦 啊啊Oh! Aah! Aah! 哦 不 不No. Oh, no. No! 你的牙齿真大Oh, what large teeth you have. 我是说闪亮的牙齿你也许经常听人这么夸奖I mean, w

75、hite, sparkling teeth. I know you probably hear this all the time from your food, 但你一定漂白了因为你的笑很耀眼but you must bleach, cause that is one dazzling smile you got there. 我闻到了是薄荷味吗 ? Do I detect a hint of minty freshness? 你知道吗 ? 你是条雌龙 ! And you know what else? Youre Youre a girl dragon! 当然 ! 我是说当然你是雌龙Oh,

76、 sure! I mean, of course youre a girl dragon. 你散发着女性的美Youre just reeking of feminine beauty. 你怎么了 ? 眼里掉进东西了? Whats the matter with you? You got something in your eye? 噢Ooh. Oh. Oh. 我真的愿意留下但Man, Id really love to stay, but, you know, Im, uh 我有气喘病如果你吐烟圈我会受不了的Im an asthmatic, and I dont know if itd wor

77、k out if youre gonna blow smoke rings. 史瑞克 ! Shrek! 不 史瑞克 ! 史瑞克 ! No! Shrek! Shrek! 史瑞克Shrek! 哦 哦Oh! Oh! 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-15页- - 醒醒 ! - 什么 ? - Wake up! - What? 你是菲奥纳公主吗? Areyou Princess Fiona? 是 我在等待一个勇敢的骑士来救我I am, awaiting a knight so bold as to

78、 rescue me. 很好我们走吧 ! Oh, thats nice. Now lets go! 等等骑士先生But wait, Sir Knight. 这是我们第一次见面This being our first meeting. 这不该是一个非常浪漫的时刻吗? Should it not be a wonderful, romantic moment? - 是 对不起女士没时间- 你在干什么 ? - Yeah, sorry, lady. Theres no time. - Hey, wait. What are you doing? 你应该抱起我You should sweep me of

79、f my feet. 冲出远处的窗户落在你勇敢的马上out yonder window and down a rope onto your valiant steed. 你有很多时间计划这些是不是 ? Youve had a lot of time to plan this, havent you? 嗯Mm-hmm. 但我们得品尝这个时刻! But we have to savour this moment! 你该给我背段壮丽的诗You could recite an epic poem for me. 叙事史诗 ? 14行诗 ! A ballad? A sonnet! - 5 行打油诗 ?

80、或是别的 ! - 我并不这样认为- A limerick? Or something! - I dont think so. 至少我该知道英雄的名字吧? Can I at least know the name of my champion? 我叫史瑞克Um, Shrek. 史瑞克先生Sir Shrek. 我祈求你把这个手帕当作我感谢的象征I pray that you take this favour as a token of my gratitude. 谢谢Thanks! 你没有杀死龙? You didnt slay the dragon? - 这在我们的计划内- 来! - Its on

81、 my to do list. - Now come on! 但不该这样 ! But this isnt right! 你应该像其他骑士一样在他们被烧死前冲锋陷阵挥剑拔刀You were meant to charge in, sword drawn, banner flying. 所有的骑士都应该这样Thats what all the other knights did. 在他们被烧成焦炭之前对吧? Yeah, right before they burst into flame. 这不是问题所在Thats not the point. Oh! 你去哪里 ? 出口在那边儿Wait. Whe

82、re are you going? The exits over there. 我要救我的驴子Well, I have to save my ass. 你是什么骑士? What kind of knight are you? 独一无二的骑士One of a kind. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-16页- 慢点儿慢点儿宝贝儿Slowdown. Slowdown, baby, please. 时间久了才能全面了解一个人I believe its healthy to get to k

83、now someone over a long period of time. 就叫我老古板吧Just call me old fashioned. 我不想仓促拥有肉体关系I dont want to rush into a physical relationship. 我感情上还没有投入这Im not emotionally ready for a commitment of, uh, this 伟大是我要找的字Magnitude really is the word Im looking for. 伟大这是不想要的肉体关系Magnitude Hey, that is unwanted ph

84、ysical contact. 你在干什么 ? Hey, what are you doing? 让我们回头一步一步地来Okay, okay. Lets just back up a little and take this one step at a time. 我们真的应该先做个朋友或者笔友We really should get to know each other first as friend sorpenpals. 我经常在路上旅行但我喜欢接收明信片Im on theroada lot, but I just love receiving cards 我确实想留下但Id reall

85、y love to stay, but 别这样 ! 这是我私人的尾巴Dont do that! Thats my tail! Thats my personal tail. 你要去掉 ? 你要用它做什么? Youre gonna tear it off. I dont give permission What are you gonna do with that? 现在 ! 不行不! Hey, now. No way. No! No! 不 不 不 不No, no! No. No, no, no! No! Oh! - 嗨 公主 ! - 它会说话 ! - Hi, Princess! - It ta

86、lks! 对 让他闭嘴得用窍门Yeah, its getting him to shut up thats the trick. 哦Oh! 好 你们俩朝出口前进 ! Okay, you two, head for the exit! 我来对付龙Ill take care of the dragon. 快跑Run! 你成功了 ! 你救了我 ! You did it! 真令人惊叹你You rescued me! Youre amazing. Youre 你太伟大了你是Youre wonderful. Youre. 我得承认有点儿怪a little unorthodox Ill admit. 但你的

87、行为伟大心底纯洁But thy deed is great, and thine heart is pure. 我将永远感激你I am eternally in your debt. 没有高贵的马哪里有勇敢的骑士? And where would a brave knight be without his noble steed? 我希望你听到了这些话她说我是高贵的马! I hope you heard that. She called me a noble steed. She think Im a steed. 战斗打赢了The battle is won. 精选学习资料 - - - -

88、- - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-17页- 你可以摘掉头盔了好骑士先生You may remove your helmet, good Sir Knight. - 不? - 为什么不 ? - Uh, no. - Why not? 我的头发被压扁了I have helmet hair. 求你我想看看救我人的脸Please. I wouldst look upon the face of my rescuer. 不 不 你不想No, no, you wouldnt st. 可你怎么吻我 ? But how will yo

89、u kiss me? 什么 ? 这不在工作的要求里What? That wasnt in the job description. 也许是个奖赏Maybe its a perk. 不 是命运你一定要知道是怎么回事No, its destiny. Oh, you must know how it goes. 一个被关在塔楼里由龙看守的公主A princess locked in a tower and be set by a dragon. 被一个勇敢的骑士搭救了is rescued by a brave knight, 然后他们分享了真爱的第一个吻and then they share tru

90、e loves first kiss. 和史瑞克 ? 你想等等Hmm? With Shrek? You think Wait. 你以为他是你的真爱? Wait. You think that Shrek is your true love? 是啊 ! Well, yes. 你以为史瑞克是你的真爱!? You think Shrek is your true love! 这有什么好笑的? What is so funny? 我不是你喜欢的类型Lets just say Im not your type, okay? 你是你救了我Of course, you are. Youre my rescu

91、er. 现在摘掉你的头盔Now Now remove your helmet. 这不是个好主意Look. I really dont think this is a good idea. - 就把头盔摘掉- 不- Just take off the helmet. - Im not going to. - 摘掉现在 ! - 不! - Take it off. - No! - 现在 ! - 好! - Now! - Okay! 别发火听从你的命令阁下Easy. As you command, Your Highness. 你 你是个青怪You Youre an ogre. 你以为我像王子一样漂亮?

92、 Oh, you were expecting Prince Charming. 嗯 对 是这样的Well, yes, actually. 不 都搞错了Oh, no. This is all wrong. 你不应该是个青怪Youre not supposed to be an ogre. 公主我是被弗瓜王派来救你的Princess, I was sent to rescue you by Lord Farquaad, okay? 是他想跟你结婚Hes the one who wants to marry you. 那他为什么不来救我? Then why didnt he come rescue

93、 me? 好问题到那里后你去问他Good question. You should ask him that when we get there. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-18页- 但我该被真爱的人搭救But I have to be rescued by my true love, 而不是被妖怪和他的宠物搭救not by some ogre and his his pet. 再也不是高贵的马了So much for noble steed. 你使我的工作更麻烦了Youre n

94、ot making my job any easier. 对不起你的工作不是我的问题Im sorry, but your job is not my problem. 你去告诉弗瓜王如果他想体面地救我You can tell Lord Farquaad that if he wants to rescue me properly, 我就在这里等他Ill be waiting for him right here. 我不是个送信的我是个送货的Hey! Im no ones messenger boy, all right? Im a delivery boy. 你不敢You wouldnt da

95、re. - 把我放下 ! - 你来吗驴子 ? - Put me down! - Ya comin, Donkey? 我就在你后面Im right behind ya. 放下我不然你将自食其果! Put me down, or you will suffer the consequences! 这太没有尊严了! 放下我 ! This is not dignified! Put me down! 现在又有个问题Okay, so heres another question. 有个女人她喜欢你但你不喜欢她Say theres a woman that digs you, right, but you

96、 dont really like her that way. 怎么才能容易地摆脱她而不让她受伤害呢? How do you let her down real easy so her feelings arent hurt, 而你也不会她所伤害或吃掉? butyou dont get burned to a crisp and eaten? 就告诉她她不是你真爱的人You just tell her shes not your true love. 当发现了真爱时每个人都明白会Everyone knowest what happens when you find your 嘿Hey! 越早赶

97、到杜洛克越好The soonerwe get to DuLoc the better. 你会喜欢那里的那里很美丽 ! Youre gonna love it there, Princess. Its beautiful! 我的未婚夫弗瓜王怎么样? 他长得什么样? And what of my groom to be? Lord Farquaad? Whats he like? 我这样来说吧公主Let me put it this way, Princess. 像弗瓜王那样的人很少Men of Farquaads stature are in short supply. 我不知道有人很少瞧见他I

98、 dont know. There are those who think little of him. 停下你俩都停下Stop it. Stop it, both of you. 你们是在嫉妒你们没法跟弗瓜王比Youre just jealous you can never measure up to a great ruler like Lord Farquaad. 对 也许你说得对公主Yeah, well, maybe youre right, Princess. 但明天见到他时你最好亲自量量他But Ill let you do the measuring when you see h

99、im tomorrow. 明天 ? 要等那么久啊 ? Tomorrow? Itll take that long? - 我们停下露营吧? - 不 那会更久精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-19页- - Shouldnt we stop to make camp? - No, thatll take longer. - 我们接着走吧- 但树林里可能有强盗- We can keep going. - But theres robbers in the woods. 停下 ! 露营现在听起来不

100、错! Whoa! Time out, Shrek! Campings starting to sound good. 我比这个森林里任何的东西都更可怕Hey, come on. Im scarier than anything were going to see in this forest. 我要找个地方露营! I need to find somewhere to camp now! - 哎!过来- 史瑞克我们可以找个更好的地方- Hey! Over here. - Shrek, we can do better than that. 我认为这对一位公主并不合适I dont think t

101、his is fit for a princess. 不 不 太完美了它只不过需要一点家的气氛No, no, its perfect. It just needs a few homey touches. 家的气氛 ? 像什么 ? Homey touches? Like what? 一扇门 ? 好吧绅士晚安A door? Well, gentlemen, I bid thee good night. 睡前我跟你讲个故事吧我会讲You want me to read you a bedtime story? I will. 我说晚安 ! I said goodnight! 史瑞克你在做什么 ?

102、Shrek, what are you doing? 我只是你知道哦别担忧I just You know Oh, come on. 我只是开玩笑的I was just kidding. 呃 那个那是斯洛白克And, uh, that one, thats Throwback, 是唯一一个吐过三个麦地的妖怪the only ogre to ever spit over three wheatfields. 对 好Right. Yeah. 哎 你能看星象说出我的未来吗? Hey, can you tell my future from these stars? 星象不能告诉我们未来它们告诉我们故事

103、The stars dont tell the future, Donkey. They tell stories. 看 布拉纳特臭气Look, theres Bloodnut, the Flatulent. - 你可以猜出为什么它很出名- 你在编造- You can guess what hes famous for. - I know youre making this up. 不 看 它在那里No, look. There he is, 猎人都被它臭跑了and theres the group of hunters running away from his stench. 它们只是一群

104、小星星That aint nothin but a bunch of little dots. 有时候事情不像外表上看起来那么简单Sometimes things are more than they appear. 呃? Hmm? 算了吧Forget it. 哎 史瑞克回到沼泽地之后我们做什么? Hey, Shrek, what we gonna do when we get our swamp anyway? 我们的沼泽地? Our swamp? 你知道我们救了公主You know, when were through rescuing the 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - -

105、 - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-20页- princess. 我们 ? 驴子不是我们没有我们We? Donkey, theres no we. Theres no our. 那是我的沼泽地Theres just me and my swamp. 我要做的第一件事就是在我的领土建一个十英尺高的围墙The first thing Im gonna do is build a ten-foot wall around my land. 你伤害了我史瑞克You cut me deep, Shrek. 你刚刚深深的伤害了我You cut

106、me real deep just now. 你知道我在想什么吗? You know what I think? 我想围墙只是为了堵人I think this whole wall thing is just a way to keep somebody out. - 不 你怎么想 ? - 你在隐瞒什么吗? - No, doya think? - Are you hidin something? 别介意驴子Never mind, Donkey. 哦 这是另一个洋葱的问题不是吗 ? Oh, this is another one of those onion things, isnt it? 不

107、 这是一个不该谈的事情No, this is one of those drop it and leave it alone things. - 为什么你不想说这个? - 为什么你想 ? - Why dont you want to talk about it? - Why do you want to? - 为什么你要封闭你自己? - 我没有- Why are you blocking? - Im not blocking. - 哦 是的你有- 驴子我警告你- Oh, yes, you are. - Donkey, Im warning you. - 你想堵住谁 ? - 所有人 ! 行了吧

108、? - Who you trying to keep out? - Everyone! Okay? 哦 我们现在有所进展了Oh, now were gettin somewhere. 哦 看在圣彼得的面上Oh! For the love of Pete! 你的问题是什么? 你对世界有什么不满吗? Whats your problem? What you got against the whole world? 不是我有什么不满知道吗 ? Im not the one with the problem, okay? 是世界遗弃了我Its the world that seems to have

109、a problem with me. 人们看见我就会说:啊救命快跑People take one look at me and go, Aah! Help! Run! 一个愚蠢而又丑陋的怪物A big, stupid, ugly ogre! 他们不了解我就下了结论They judge me before they even know me. 这就是为什么我最好离开Thats why Im better off alone. 你知道什么 ? You know what? 当我们见面是我不认为你是一个愚蠢而又丑陋的怪物When we met, I didnt think you was just

110、a big, stupid, ugly ogre. 是的我知道Yeah, I know. 那 呃 天上有驴子吗 ? So, uh, are there any donkeys up there? 是的那里有是个多嘴Well, theres, um, Gabby, 麻烦的小驴子the Small and Annoying. 好的我现在看到了那个大的闪闪发光的就在那里那里的那个吗 ? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-21页- Okay, I see it now. The big shin

111、y one, right there. That one there? - 那是月亮- 哦 是的- Thats the moon. - Oh, okay. 再让我看看Again. Show me again. 镜子镜子让我再看看她让我看到公主Mirror, mirror, show her to me. Show me the princess. 哼Hmph. 啊十全十美Ah. Perfect. 嗯 你知道我喜欢这样Mmm, yeah, you know I like it like that. - 对 宝贝我说过我喜欢这样- 驴子醒醒- Come on, baby. I said I lik

112、e it. - Donkey, wake up. - 呃 什么 ? - 起来了- Huh? What? - Wake up. - 什么 ? - 早上好- What? - Good morning. 你喜欢吃什么样的蛋? How do you like your eggs? - 早安公主! - 这是怎么回事 ? - Good morning, Princess! - Whats all this about? 昨天我们一开始相处得有点不太好We kind of got off to a bad start yesterday. 我想补偿你一下I wanted to make it up to y

113、ou. 毕竟是你救了我After all, you did rescue me. Uh 谢谢了Uh, thanks. Well 快点吃我们还有大段路在前头呢Well, eat up. Weve got a big day ahead of us. 史瑞克 ! Shrek! 什么啊 ? 这是个赞美What? Its a compliment. 我总是说 不吐不快 的Better out than in, I always say. Well 在公主面前可不该这样失态的Well, its no way to behave in front of a princess. - 谢谢- 她和你一样粗鲁-

114、 Thanks. - Shes as nasty as you are. 你知道吗 ? 你确实和我想象中的不太一样You know, youre not exactly what I expected. Well 也许在你了解了一个人之前是不该对他乱下结论的Well. Maybe you shouldnt judge people before you get to know them. La liberte! Hey! ( 法语 : 自由万岁 !) La liberte! Hey! 公主 ! Princess! 你要干什么 ? What are you doing? 安静些mon cheri

115、e( 法: 亲爱的 ) 因为我是你的救星 ! Be still, mon cherie, for I am your saviour! 我正救你离开这头绿色的. And I am rescuing you from this green - .怪兽- Hey! - beast. - Hey! 那是我的公主! 去找你自己的吧! Thats my princess! Go find your own! 拜托怪物 ! 你没看见我现在很忙吗? Please, monster! Cant you see Im a little busy here? 听着老友我不知道你认为自己是谁! Look, pal,

116、 I dont know who you think you are! 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-22页- Oh! 当然 ! Oh 真是失礼了 ! Oh! Of course! Oh, how rude. 请允许我来自我介绍一下Please let me introduce myseIf. Oh 手足们 ! Oh, Merry Men! 伙计这帮人渣可真讨厌! Man, that was annoying! Oh 你这个小 . Oh, you little. Um 可以走了吗Um

117、, shall we? 保持联系Hold the phone. Oh! Whoa whoa whoa 等我一下Oh! Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on now. - 你从哪学来的? - 学什么 ? - Where did that come from? - What? 那个啊 ! 刚刚那里真令人吃惊 ! That! Back there. That was amazing! 你从哪学到的啊? Where did you learn that? Well 当你单独生活时Well. When one lives alone, uh 你必须得学点本领以防万一. uh, one ha

118、s to learn these things in case theres a. - 你屁股上有支箭! - 什么 ? - Theres an arrow in your butt! - What? - Oh 你能帮助看看吗? - Oh no 这都是我的错- Oh, would you look at that? - Oh, no. This is all my fault. - 真的很对不起- 为什么 ? 出什么事了 ? - Im so sorry. - Why? Whats wrong? - 史瑞克受伤了- 史瑞克受伤了史瑞克受伤了 ? Oh no Shrek 你可千万别死啊! - Shr

119、eks hurt. - Shreks hurt. Shreks hurt? Oh, no, Shreks gonna die. - 驴子我没事- 你不可以这样子对我我还年轻你别死啊 ! - Donkey, Im okay. - You cant do this to me. Im too young for you to die. 快抬起你的腿转动你的头大力咳两声Keep your legs elevated. Turn your head and cough. - 有谁会 Heimlich 急救法啊 ? - 驴子 ! 冷静点- Does anyone know the Heimlich? -

120、 Donkey! Calm down. 如果你想帮Shrek 就到树林里去找有红色刺的蓝色花If you want to help Shrek, run into the woods and find me a blue flower with red thorns. 蓝色花、红色刺Okay 我马上去蓝色花、红色刺蓝色花、红色刺Blue flower, red thorns. Okay, Im on it. Blue flower, red thorns. 不要死Shrek 如果你见到长隧道出现千万别走进光里面! Dont die, Shrek. If you see a long tunne

121、l, stay away from the light! - 驴子 ! - Oh yeah 好的蓝色花、红色刺. - Donkey! - Oh, yeah. Right. Blue flower, red thorns. - 蓝色花、红色刺- 那种花是用来干什么的? - Blue flower, red thorns. - What are the flowers for? - 用来支开驴子的- Ah - For getting rid of Donkey. - Ah. 现在你不要动我帮你把箭拔出来Now you hold still, and Ill yank this thing out.

122、 Ow! Hey! 别这么大力拔Ow! Hey! Easy with the yankin. - 对不起但是一定得拔出来的- No 温柔点精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-23页- - Im sorry, but it has to come out. - No, its tender. 现在继续吧Now, hold on. - 你这样做只会越帮越忙的- 别动啊 ! - What youre doing is the opposite of help. - Dont move. - 听着

123、先暂停- 你能不 . - Look, time out. - Would you. Okay 那你说我们该怎样来? Okay. What do you propose we do? 蓝色花、红色刺蓝色花、红色刺. Blue flower, red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns. 这本来是很简单的事如果我不是色盲的话! This would be so much easier if I wasnt colour-blind! - 蓝色花、红色刺- Ow! - Blue flower, red thorns. -

124、Ow! 坚持住史瑞克 ! 我来了 ! HoId on, Shrek! Im comin! Ow! 受不了啦Ow! Not good. Okay Okay 我差不多能看见箭头了Okay. Okay, I can nearly see the head. - 这只是时 . - Ow! Ohh! - Its just about. - Ow! Ohh! Ahem Ahem. 什么也没发生我们只是要uh. Nothing happened. We were just, uh. 听着如果你们想单独相处的话只需要开句声就行了Okay? Look, if you wanted to be alone, al

125、l you had to do was ask,Okay? Oh 拜托 ! 那是我最不想干的事情Oh, come on! Thats the last thing on my mind. 公主只不过是要.Ugh! The princess here was just. Ugh! - Ow! - Hey 那是什么 ? - Ow! - Hey, whats that? 那是 .那是血吗 ? Thats. Is that blood? 在这里公主There it is, Princess. 你的未来在等你Your future awaits you. - 那是杜洛克吗 ? - 是的我知道- That

126、s DuLoc? - Yeah, I know. 你知道史瑞克认为弗瓜王在弥补什么You know, Shrek thinks Lord Farquaads compensating for something, 我想说的是他有一个哦which I think means he has a really Ow! 呃 我 呃Um, I, uh - 我猜我们最好上路吧- 好的- I guess we better move on. - Sure. 但是史瑞克 ? But, Shrek? 我 我很担忧驴子Im Im worried about Donkey. - 什么 ? - 我说你看他- What

127、? - I mean, look at him. - 他看起来很不好- 你在说什么 ? 我很好- He doesnt look so good. - What are you talking about? Im fine. 他们总是这么说然后他们就倒下了Thats what they always say, and then next thing you know, youre on your back. - 死去- 你知道她是对的- Dead. - You know, shes right. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 23

128、页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-24页- 你看起来气色不好你想坐下休息一会吗? You look awful. Do you want to sit down? - 给你来点茶- 我原来不想说- Ill make you some tea. - I didnt want to say nothin, 我的脖子很疼而且我要是像这样转头瞧but I got this twinge in my neck, and when I turn my head like this, look. 哦! 看见了 ? Ow! See? - 谁饿了吗 ? 我要去找点吃的- 我去找材火- Whos hung

129、ry? Ill find us some dinner. -Ill get the firewood. 你去哪里 ? 伙计我的脚趾失去感觉了! Hey, where you goin? Oh, man, I cant feel my toes! 我没有感觉了 ! I dont have any toes! 我想我需要一个拥抱I think I need a hug. 嗯Mmm. 嗯 很好吃真的Mmm. This is good. This is really good. - 这是什么 ? - 草老鼠- What is this? - Uh, weedrat. 是烧烤的Rotisserie st

130、yle. 别开玩笑了No kidding. 真的很美味Well, this is delicious. 炖着吃也很香Well, theyre also great in stews. 我不是吹牛我做的炖草老鼠一流Now, I dont mean to brag, but I make a mean weedrat stew. 我想明天的晚餐应该会有点不同吧I guess Ill bedining a little differently tomorrow night. 也许你可以来沼泽看我Maybe you can come visit me in the swamp sometime. 我会

131、做各种美味给你Ill cook all kinds of stuff for you. 沼泽蛤蟆汤生鱼眼饼你就说吧Swamp toad soup, fish eye tartare you name it. 我想我会喜欢的Id like that. 呃 公主 ? Um, Princess? 是的史瑞克Yes, Shrek? 我 我想I, um, I was wondering. 你Are you 你吃吗 ? Are you gonna eat that? - 伙计很浪漫不是吗 ? 看日出- 日出 ? - Man, isnt this romantic? Just look at that su

132、nset. - Sunset? 哦 不! 我是说太晚了Oh, no! I mean, its late. - 太 太晚了- 什么 ? - I-Its very late. - What? 等一下我明白是怎么回事了Wait a minute. I see whats goin on here. - 你害怕黑夜是吗 ? - 是的 ! - Youre afraid of the dark, arent you? - Yes! 是的是这样我怕你知道我最好进去Yes, thats it. Im terrified. You know, Id better go inside. 精选学习资料 - - -

133、- - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 24 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-25页- 没什么公主我以前也怕黑Dont feel bad, Princess. I used to be afraid of the dark, too, until 不 等等我还是怕黑Hey, no, wait. Im still afraid of the dark. 晚安Good night. 晚安Good night. 哦! Ohh! 现在我知道发生了什么Now I really see whats goin on here. 你知道什么 ? Oh, what are

134、you talkin about? 我什么也没有听见但是我是动物我有直觉I dont even wanna hear it. Look, Im an animal, and I got instincts. 我知道你们互相爱慕对方我能感觉的到I know you two were diggin on each other. I could feel it. 你疯了我只是把她带给弗瓜王Youre crazy. Im just bringing her back to Farquaad. 别 史瑞克清醒点吧Oh, come on, Shrek. Wake up and smell the pher

135、omones. - 没什么好说的告诉她你的感觉- 我- Just go on in and tell her how you feel. - I 没什么好说的还有即使我要跟她去说Theres nothing to tell. Besides, even if I did tell her that, 你知道well, you know 我还是不会去的因为and Im not sayin I do cause I dont 她是一位公主而我是shes a princess, and Im 一个妖怪 ? An ogre? 是的一个妖怪Yeah. An ogre. - 你去哪里 ? - 去找些柴火-

136、 Hey, where you goin? - To get. more firewood. 公主 ? Princess? 菲奥娜公主吗? Princess Fiona? 公主你在哪里 ? Princess, where are you? 公主 ? Princess? 这里不好玩我不是在玩游戏Its very spooky in here. I aint playing no games. - 啊! - 哦 不! - 不 救命 ! - Aah! - Oh, no! - No, help! - 嘘! - 史瑞克史瑞克史瑞克- 不 没什么事了没事了- Shh! - Shrek! Shrek! Sh

137、rek! - No, its okay. Its okay. - 公主在哪里 ? - 驴子我就事公主- What did you do with the princess? - Donkey, Im the princess. - 啊! - 是我在这个身体里- Aah! - Its me, in this body. 哦 我的上帝 ! 你吃了公主Oh, my God! You ate the princess! - 你能听到我吗 ? - 驴子 ! - Can you hear me? - Donkey! - 听着保持呼吸 ! 我会把你弄出来的- 不! - Listen, keep breath

138、ing! Ill get you out of 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 25 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-26页- there! - No! - 史瑞克史瑞克史瑞克- 嘘- Shrek! Shrek! Shrek! - Shh. - 史瑞克- 是我- Shrek! - This is me. 公主 ? Princess? 发生什么事了 ? 你怎么What happened to you? Youre, uh, uh, 变样了uh, different. - 我变丑了对吧 ? - 哦 是的- Im ugly, o

139、kay? - Well, yeah! 是因为你吃的东西吗? 我知道不该吃那些东西Was it something you ate? Cause I told Shrek those rats was a bad idea. - 我说是因为你吃的东西- 不- You are what you eat, I said. Now - No. 我 我从记事起就这个样了I Ive been this way as long as I can remember. 你什么意思 ?我从未见过你这个样子What do you mean? Look, I aint never seen you like this

140、 before. 日落后才会这样It only happens when the sun goes down. 白天一个样晚上一个样By night one way, by day another. 这是一个规律This shall be the norm. 知道得到真爱人的吻untiI you find true loves first kiss. 然后变成他的模样and then take loves true form. 啊真美我还不知道你会写诗Ah, thats beautiful. I didnt know you wrote poetry. 这是诅咒Its a spell. 我小的

141、时候When I was a little girl, 一个巫婆诅咒了我a witch cast a spell on me. 每天晚上我就会变成这个样Every night I become this. 一个可怕而又丑陋的怪兽This horrible, ugly beast! 我被放进一间高塔等待真爱来救我I was placed in a tower to await the day my true love would rescue me. 这就是为什么明天日落前要跟弗瓜王结婚Thats why I have to marry Lord Farquaad tomorrow. 在他见到我

142、以前before the sun sets and he sees me. 像这样like this. 好的好的镇静看 这一点也不坏All right, all right. Calm down. Look, its not that bad. 我不会撒谎你是丑但不会太丑Youre not that ugly. Well, I aint gonna lie. You are ugly. 你只是夜晚丑但是史瑞克却时刻如此But you only look like this at night. Shreks ugly 24-7. 但是驴子我是一位公主But, Donkey, Im a princ

143、ess, 这不是一位公主该有的长相and this is not how a princess is meant to look. 公主你不跟弗瓜王结婚怎么样? Princess, how bout if you dont marry Farquaad? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 26 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-27页- 我必须I have to. 只有真爱的人的吻才能解除咒语Only my true loves kiss can break the spell. 但是你是一个善良的怪兽But, you kno

144、w, um, youre kind of an ogre, 而且史瑞克你们有很多共同点and Shrek well, you got a lot in common. 史瑞克 ? Shrek? 公主我首先你好吗 ? Princess, I Uh, hows it going, first of all? 好?我很好Good? Um, good for me too. 我很好Im okay. 我看到这些花想到你因为花很漂亮I saw this flower and thought of you because its pretty and 我不怎么喜欢但是我想你会喜欢因为你很漂亮well, I

145、dont really like it, but I thought you might like it cause youre pretty. 但是我仍然很喜欢我But I like you anyway. Id uh, uh 我遇到麻烦了好的我们走吧Im in trouble. Okay, here we go. 我不能随便嫁人的I cant just marry whoever I want. 看着我驴子Take a good look at me, Donkey. 我是说真的I mean, really, 谁会爱上一个丑八怪? who could ever love a beast s

146、o hideous and ugly? 公主和丑八怪不能在一起Princessand ugly dont go together. 这就是为什么我不能跟史瑞克在一起Thats why I cant stay here with Shrek. 我唯一的时机就是跟我真爱的人结婚My only chance to live happily ever after is to marry my true love. 你不明白吗驴子 ? Dont you see, Donkey? 我必须这么做Thats just how it has to be. 这是解除咒语的唯一方法Its the only way

147、to break the spell. - 你至少告诉史瑞克真相吧- 不! - You at least gotta tell Shrek the truth. - No! 你不能说一个字没有人知道这个秘密You cant breathe a word. No one must ever know. 如果要保密为什么要告诉我? Whats the point of being able to talk if you gotta keep secrets? 答应我不说发誓Promise you wont tell. Promise! 好的好的我不会告诉他但是你可以说All right, all

148、right. I wont tell him. But you should. 我知道在此结束之前我需要接受治疗I just know before this is over, Im gonna need a whole lot of serious the rapy. 瞧 我的眼睛在抽搐Look at my eye twitchin. 告诉他不告诉他I tell him, I tell him not. 告诉他不告诉他I tell him, I tell him not. 告诉他I tell him. 史瑞克 ! 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - -

149、 - - -第 27 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-28页- Shrek! 史瑞克有些事我想Shrek, theres something I want 史瑞克Shrek. - 你还好吧 ? - 非常好 ! - Are you all right? - Perfect! 空前良好Never been better. 我 我不有些事情我要告诉你I I dont Theres something I have to tell you. 你不用告诉我任何事情公主You dont have to tell me anything, Princess. - 我昨晚听的够多的了什么- 你听见我

150、的谈话了 ? - I heard enough last night. - You heard what I said? 每一个字Every word. 我想你能理解I thought youd understand. 我理解Oh, I understand. 就像你说的谁会爱上一个丑八怪? Like you said, Who could love a hideous, ugly beast? 但是我以为这对你不重要But I thought that wouldnt matter toyou. 是吗 ? 重要Yeah? Well, it does. 准时到达Ah, right on tim

151、e. 公主我给你带来个小玩意Princess, Ive brought you a little something. 我错过了什么吗? 我错过了什么吗? Whatd I miss? Whatd I miss? 是谁说的 ? 不可能事驴子Who said that? Couldnt have been a donkey. 公主Princess Fiona. 按照承诺给我地契As promised. Now hand it over. 好的妖怪你沼泽地的地契已经写好了Very well, ogre. The deed to your swamp, cleared out, asagreed. 在

152、我改变主意之前拿走吧Take it and go before I change my mind. 原谅我公主让你吃惊了Forgiveme, Princess, for startling you, 但是你也让我吃惊了but you startled me, 我从没有见过这么耀眼的美丽for I have never seen such a radiant beauty before. 我是弗瓜王I am Lord Farquaad. 弗瓜王 ? 哦 不 不 不Lord Farquaad? Oh, no, no. 原谅我王 我正要Forgive me, my lord, for I was j

153、ust saying. 简短的告别a short. farewell. 真善良你不必对那个妖怪那么客气That is so sweet. You dont have to waste good manners on the ogre. 它不懂什么是感情Its not like it has feelings. 你是对的它不懂No, youre right. It doesnt. 公主美丽洁白无暇的公主Princess Fiona, beautiful, fair, flawless Fiona. 我向你求婚I ask your hand in marriage. 精选学习资料 - - - -

154、- - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 28 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-29页- 你愿意做我的新娘吗? Will you be the perfect bride for the perfect groom? 王 我愿意没有什么Lord Farquaad, I accept. Nothing would make 我来计划我们明天就举行婚礼! Excellent! Ill start the plans, for tomorrow we wed! 不 我是说No! I mean, uh, 为什么要等 ? why wait? 让我们在今天日落以前就结婚Le

155、ts get married today before the sun sets. 哦 着急了是吧 ? 你是对的Oh, anxious, are we? Youre right. 越快越好有很多事情要做The sooner, the better. Theres so much to do! 酒宴乐队客人名单Theres the caterer, the cake, the band, the guest list. 队长列出客人名单 ! Captain, round up some guests! 再见妖怪Fare-thee-well, ogre. 史瑞克你在干什么 ? 是你让她走得Shre

156、k, what are you doing? Youre letting her get away. - 是吗 ? 那又怎么样呢 ? - 史瑞克有些事你应该知道- Yeah? So what? - Shrek, theres something about her you dont know. 我昨晚跟她谈了一夜她是Look, I talked to her last night. Shes 我知道你跟她昨晚谈了一夜你们事好朋友不是吗 ? I know you talked to her last night. Youre great pals, arentya? 如果你们那么要好你为什么不跟

157、着她走? Now, if you two are such good friends, why dont you follow her home? 史瑞克我想跟着你Shrek, I I wanna go with you. 我告诉过你你不能跟我回家我没有说过吗? I told you, didnt I? Youre not coming home with me. 我要一个人 ! 我的沼泽 ! 我的 ! 没有其它人! I live alone! My swamp! Me! Nobody else! 明白吗 ? 没有其它人 ! Understand? Nobody! 特别不要无用可怜烦人的和会说

158、话的驴子Especially useless, pathetic, annoying, talking donkeys! - 但是我想知道- 你想知道什么 ? - But I thought - Yeah. You know what? 你的想法错了You thought wrong! 史瑞克Shrek. 我听见一个秘密I heard there was asecret chord 是戴维说的来让王高兴That David played and it pleased the Lord 但是你不是真正想要音乐But you dont really care formusic, doya 就像第四

159、第五I tgoes like this the fourth, the fifth 镜子倒下主人离开The minor fall the major lift 困惑的国王The baffled king composing hallelujah 亲爱的我很早就在那里精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 29 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-30页- Baby, Iv been here before 我知道我走过的每一个房间I know this room Ive walked this floor 我过去常常一个人住在认识你之

160、前I used to live a lone before I knew you 我看到你的旗帜Ive seen your flag on the marblearch 但是爱情不是胜利的标志But love is not a victory march 他是冷酷的和消灭的Its a cold and its a broken hallelujah 我在爱情学会的东西And all lever learned from love 就是如何射中别人Is how to shoot at someone 射中青睐你的人Who out drew you 这就是你今晚听到的喊叫And its not a

161、 cry you can hear at night 是见不了光的某个人Its not somebody whos seen the light 他是残酷的和消灭的Its a cold and its a broken hallelujah 驴子 ? Donkey? 你在干什么 ? What are you doing? 我想对每一个人你要学会认识墙I would think, of all people, you would recognize a wall when you see one. 对Well, yeah. 但是墙应该围绕着我的沼泽而不是穿过But the walls suppo

162、sed to go around my swamp, not through it. 是这样的这是你的一半那是我的一半It is around your half. See, thats your half, and this is my half. 哦 你的一半Oh! Your half. Hmm. 对 我的一半我帮助你救了公主Yes, my half. I helped rescue the princess. 我做了一半的工作我应该得到一半的战利品I did half the work, I get half the booty. 现在把那个大石头给我就是像你脑袋的那个Now hand

163、me that big old rock, the one that looks like your head. - 退后 ! - 不 你后退- Back off! - No, you back off. - 这是我的沼泽- 我的- This is my swamp! - Our swamp. - 松手驴子 ! - 不 你松- Let go, Donkey! - You let go. - 蠢驴子 ! - 臭妖怪 ! - Stubborn jack ass! - Smelly ogre. 好吧 ! Fine! - 回来我还没有说完- 但是我已经跟你说完了- Hey, come back her

164、e. Im not through with you yet. - Well, Im through with you. 跟你在一起你总是我 我 我Uh-uh. You know, with you its always, Me, me, me! 猜是什么 ! 该我了 ! Well, guess what! Now its my turn! 闭上嘴听我说 ! So you just shut up and pay attention! 你对我总是很刻薄You are mean to me. 你侮辱我而且我做的事你不领情You insult me and you dont appreciate

165、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 30 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-31页- anything that I do! 你总是把我推来推去Youre always pushing me around or pushing me away. 是吗如果我对你这么坏你为什么还要会来? Oh, yeah? Well, if I treated you so bad, how come you came back? 因为我们是朋友朋友是会原谅彼此的Because thats what friends do! They forgive

166、 each other! 也许你是对的驴子Oh, yeah. Youre right, Donkey. 我原谅你背叛了我I forgive you. for stabbin me in the back! 你把自己包裹了好几层你害怕你自己的感觉Ohh! Youre so wrapped up in layers, onion boy, youre afraid of your own feelings. - 走开 ! - 你又那么做了- Go away! - There you are, doing it again just like you did to Fiona. 就像对公主一样她喜欢

167、你也许是爱你All she ever do was like you, maybe even love you. 爱我 ? 她说我是一个丑八怪Love me? She said I was ugly, a hideouscreature. 我听见你们两个的谈话了I heard the two of you talking. 她不是说你She wasnt talkin about you. 她不是说你还有别人She was talkin about, uh, somebody else. 她不是说我 ? She wasnt talking about me? 那她说的是谁 ? Well, the

168、n who was she talking about? 我不会说一个字反正你也没有兴趣听Uh-uh, no way. I aint saying anything. You dont wanna listen to me. - 真的吗 ? 真的吗 ? - 驴子 ! - Right? Right? - Donkey! - 不! - 好吧- No! - Okay, look. 抱歉还好吗 ? Im sorry, all right? 抱歉Im sorry. 好吧我是一个愚蠢而又丑陋的妖怪I guess I am just a big, stupid, ugly ogre. 你能原谅我吗? Can

169、 you forgive me? 这就是作为朋友应该的对吗 ? Hey, thats what friends are for, right? 正确朋友 ? Right. Friends? 朋友Friends. 这样啊So, um, 公主是怎么说我的what did Fiona say about me? 你为什么问我你应该去问她What are you asking me for? Why dont you just go ask her? 婚礼 !我们别错过这个The wedding! Well never make it in time. 别急有志者事竟成Ha-ha-ha! Never

170、fear, for where theres a will, theres a way, 我有方法and I have a way. 驴子 ? Donkey? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 31 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-32页- 我猜这是我动物的魅力I guess its just my animal magnetism. 你 过来Aw, come here, you. 别这样没有人喜欢拍驴子屁的All right, all right. Dont get all slobbery. No one likes a

171、 kiss ass. 好 上来抓紧All right, hop on and hold on tight. 还没来得及寄安全带I havent had a chance to install the seat bets yet. 呜Whoo! 杜洛克的人们People of DuLoc, 我们今天到这来we gather here today. 来见证to bearwitness. - 我们王国的联合- 呃- to the union. - Um - 为我们的新国王- 打搅一下- of our new king - Excuse me. 我们能不能跳到我愿意? Could we just sk

172、ip ahead to the I dos? 继续Go on. 走吧高兴点需要你时我会吹口哨的Go ahead, have some fun. If we need you, Ill whistle. How about that? 史瑞克等等等等 ! Shrek, wait, wait! Wait a minute! - 你要做那件事对吗 ? - 你在说什么 ? - You wanna do this right, dont you? - What are you talking about? 你在等待一句台词Theres a line you gotta wait for. 等待牧师说现在

173、说否则永远保持沉默The preachers gonna say, Speak now or forever hold your peace. - 这时你说我反对- 我没有时间听你说- Thats when you say, I object! - I dont have time for this! 等等你等我说完Wait. What are you doing? Listen to me! - 你爱那个女人吗? - 是的- Look, you love this woman, dont you? - Yes. - 你想牵她的手对吗 ? - 是的- You wanna hold her? -

174、 Yes. - 让她高兴 ? - 是的- Please her? - Yes! 那你就要去去 尝试一种温柔Then you got to, got to try a little tenderness - 女人都喜欢这种浪漫! - 是的完全正确- The chicks love that romantic crap! - All right! Cut it out. - 这家伙什么时候会说这个了? - 我们得查一下- When does this guy say the line? - We gotta check it out. 以我的权力And so, by the powervested

175、 in me, - 你看见什么了 ? - 全城的人都在- What do you see? - The whole towns in there. - 我宣布你们为夫妻- 他们在祭坛上- I now pronounce you husband and wife, - Theyre at the altar. - 国王和王后- 他已经说了- king and queen. - Mother Fletcher! He already said it. 看在圣彼得的面上Oh, for the love of Pete! 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - -

176、- - -第 32 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-33页- 我反对 ! I object! 史瑞克 ? Shrek? 现在他会做什么? Oh, now what does he want? 大家过得很愉快是吗? Hi, everyone. Havin a good time, are ya? 我喜欢杜洛克首先I love DuLoc, first of all. - 这里很干净- 你来这里干什么? - Very clean. - What are you doing here? 没有人想要你来参加婚礼Really, its rude enough being alive when

177、no one wants you, 你来这里已经很无礼了公主but showing up uninvited to a wedding - 我想跟你谈谈- 你想说什么 ? - I need to talk toyou. - Oh, now you wanna talk? 有一点晚但是如果你原谅我Its a little late for that, so if youll excuse me 但是你不能嫁给他为什么呢 ? - But you cant marry him. - And why not? 因为因为他娶你只是为了当上国王Because Because hes just marryi

178、ng you so he can be king. 愤怒 !公主别听他的Outrageous! Fiona, dont listen to him. - 他不是你的真爱- 你懂爱吗 ? - Hes not your true love. - And what do you know about true love? 嗯 我 我Well, I Uh - 我是说- 这真是有意思- I mean - Oh, this is precious. 妖怪爱上了公主The ogre has fallen in love with the princess! 哦 神啊Oh, good Lord 公主和妖怪An

179、 ogre and a princess! 史瑞克这是真的吗 ? Shrek, is this true? 谁管呢 ?真有趣 ! Who cares? Its preposterous! 公主我的爱人吻完后我们就能得到永远的幸福Fiona, my love, were but a kiss away from our happily ever after. 吻我 ! Now kiss me! Mmmm! 白天一个样晚上一个样By night one way, by day another. 我想给你看我晚上的样子I wanted to show you before. 哦Well, uh, 这

180、能解释一切that explains a lot. 真恶心Ugh! Its disgusting! 士兵士兵Guards! Guards! 我命令你们把他们赶走l order you to get that out of my sight now! Get them! - 把他们两个都赶走- 不 不- Get them both! - No, no! 这不会改变任何事情这个婚姻任然有效我任然是国王This hocus-pocusalters nothing. This marriage is binding, and that make smeking! - 瞧 瞧 - 不 放开我史瑞克 !

181、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 33 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-34页- - See? See? - No, let go of me! Shrek! - 不! - 别光站在那里一群笨蛋- No! - Dont just stand there, you morons. 躲开 !公主 ! Get out of my way! Fiona! 啊! Arrgh! 我要让你懊悔和我见面我要让你受尽折磨Ill make you regret the day we met. Ill see you drawn and quar

182、tered! - 到时候你会求我杀了你- 不 史瑞克 ! - Youll beg for death to save you! - No! Shrek! - 至于你我的妻子- 公主 ! - And as for you, my wife, - Fiona! 我会把你锁到高塔中来渡过你的余生Ill have you locked back in that tower for the rest of your days! 我是国王I am king! 我有权命令我至高无上我至I will have order! I will have perfection! I will have 啊! Aaah

183、! - 啊! - 好吧任何人别动- Aah! - All right. Nobody move. 我有一条龙而且会毫不犹豫的使用I got a dragon here, and Im not afraid to use it. 我是头发怒的驴子Im a donkey on the edge! 盛大的婚礼他们不会持久对吗 ? Celebrity marriages. They never last, do they? 去把史瑞克Go ahead, Shrek. 呃 公主 ? Uh, Fiona? 是的史瑞克 ? Yes, Shrek? 我 我爱你I I love you. 真的吗 ? Reall

184、y? 真的真的Really, really. 我也爱你I love you too. 啊! Aawww! 直到你找到真爱并得到他的吻Until you find true loves first kiss. 然后变成他的模样and then take loves true form. 变成他的模样变成他的模样Take loves true form. Take loves true form. 公主 ? Fiona? 公主Fiona. 你还好吗 ? Are you all right? 是的很好Well, yes. 但我不明白But I dont understand. 你应该更漂亮Im su

185、pposed to be beautiful. 你很漂亮But you are beautiful. 我希望是一个幸福的结局I was hoping this would be a happy ending. 我想爱情是神话故事中唯一真实的东西精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 34 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-35页- I thought love was only true in fairy tales 哦! Oy! 对别人有意义但是对我没有Meant for someone else but not for me 爱

186、情不会光临我Love was out to get me 好似是这样Thats the way it seemed 失望袭击着我的梦想Disappointment haunted all my dreams 但是当我看到她的脸And then I saw her face 现在我是一个信徒Now Im a believer 不仅是个踪迹And not a trace 从不疑心Of doubt in my mind - 我恋爱了- 哦 啊- Im in love - Ooh ahh 我是一个信徒我离不开她Im a believer I couldn t leaveher 如果我试了If I tr

187、ied 神会保佑我保佑每一个人God bless us, every one. 一起来吧当我看见她的脸Come on, yall! Then I saw her face Ha-ha! 现在我是一个信徒听! Now Im a believer Listen! 不是踪迹Not a trace 从不疑心Of doubt in my mind 我恋爱了Im in love Ooh-ahh 我是个信徒Im a believer I couldnt leave her if I tried - 哦 - 哦- Ooh! - Uh! 当我看见她的脸Then I saw her face 我是一个信徒Now

188、Im a believer Hey! 不是踪迹Not a trace Uhh! Yeah. 从不疑心再来一次Of doubt in my mind One more time! 我恋爱了Im in love Im a believer 大家一起来Come on! 我相信我相信我相信我相信我相信I believe, I believe I believe, I believe, I believe, hey 跟我一起唱Y all sing it with me! I 相信Believe 后面的人I believe People in the back! - 相信- 我信- I believe -

189、 Im a believer 相信I believe 我相信I believe 我相信I believe 哦 非常有趣精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 35 页,共 36 页怪物史瑞克1 中英文对白-36页- Oh, thats funny. Oh. Oh. 我不能呼吸我不能呼吸了I cant breathe. I cant breathe. 我相信自我感觉I believe in self-assertion 命运有时会改变Destiny or as light diversion 现在好似青睐我了Now it seems Ive got my head on straight 我是一个丑八怪一个妖怪Im a freak an apparition 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 36 页,共 36 页



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