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1、Unit4-Making-the-newsUnit4-Making-the-news词汇解读词汇解读1.delighted .adj. 快乐的;欣喜的快乐的;欣喜的 delighted to do something 乐意做某事乐意做某事Sandy will be delighted to see you. delighted (that)Im delighted that we have settled the matter. delighted with/by/at对感到满意She was delighted with her new home. I am delighted by the

2、 result.即学即练(1)我儿子对乘飞机去北京感到十分高兴。_(2)我们为你的成功而感到高兴。_2.assist .vt.(1).assist sb.with sth. .帮助某人某事帮助某人某事(2).assist sb.to do sth.帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事(3).assist (sb.) in (doing) sth. .帮助(某人)做某事帮助(某人)做某事帮助;援助帮助;援助即学即用即学即用( (1)1)好词典会帮你理解英文。好词典会帮你理解英文。 A good dictionary will _learn English. (2)(2)美国直升机参与了救援。美国直升机参

3、与了救援。 U.S.helicopters _the rescue effort. assist you toassisted inassistance n.帮助;援助帮助;援助assistant n.助手,助理助手,助理eageradj.渴望的;热切的渴望的;热切的*例句:(1)Sheiseagerforsuccess.她渴望成功。(2)Sheiseagertopleaseherboss.她急于想让老板高兴。(3)Tomwaseagerforyoutocometohisparty.汤姆渴望你来参加他的派对。归纳总结:(1)渴望得到某物(2)急切地想做某事;渴望做某事(3)渴望某人做某事即学即

4、练学生渴望新知识。_(2)这些疯狂的歌迷急切地想见Jay。_我们渴望周末休息一下。_3.concentrate vt. 集中,全神贯注于(多和集中,全神贯注于(多和on/upon连用)连用)vi. 聚集聚集 concentrate (ones attention, mind, efforts, thoughts ) on (doing) sth.全神贯注全神贯注, 精神集精神集中中,致力于致力于 有这么多噪音我不能全神贯注于我的学习。有这么多噪音我不能全神贯注于我的学习。 I cant concentrate on my study with all the noise going on. 他

5、集中精力在他的科学研究上。他集中精力在他的科学研究上。He concentrates his mind on his scientific research.我们必须竭尽全力来改善教育。我们必须竭尽全力来改善教育。这群人聚集在城市的中心。这群人聚集在城市的中心。concentration n. 专心;聚集专心;聚集We must concentrate our efforts on improving education. The crowds concentrated in the center of the city.4.acquire .vt. 获得,取得,得到获得,取得,得到acqui

6、sition .n. 获得获得,习得习得,获得物获得物Eg: I managed to acquire two tickets for the concert.The company has acquired a new office building in Guangzhou.他在十六岁时养成了抽烟的坏习惯。他在十六岁时养成了抽烟的坏习惯。He acquired a bad habit of smoking at the age of 16.5.assess .vt.评估评估;评定评定eg:its difficult to assess the effects of thesechanges

7、.很难评估这些改变的影响很难评估这些改变的影响他们为这个房子估价他们为这个房子估价8万英镑万英镑assessment .n.评价;评定评价;评定assess sth.sb. (as sth)评价,评定(性质,质量)评价,评定(性质,质量)assess sth.(at sth)估算,估计(数量,价值)估算,估计(数量,价值)6.inform .vt. 告知,通知告知,通知 inform sb of/about(doing) sth 通知某人(做)某事通知某人(做)某事eg:1)Did you inform them of the progress of the work?2) inform sb

8、. that . 告知某人告知某人 3)Well keep you informed. 我们将随时向你我们将随时向你报告情况。报告情况。 4) be well informed about sth.精通某事,对精通某事,对某事消息灵通某事消息灵通你把工作进程告诉他们了吗?你把工作进程告诉他们了吗?我们很遗憾的通知你你的申请未被接受。他通知我们他要离开。7.depend on/upon 取决于取决于,依靠依靠(赖赖),确确(坚坚)信,需要信,需要eg:1)Whether you can pass the exam depends on how hard you work. 2)Children

9、depend on their parents for living. 3)You should depend on yourself instead of others. 你能否通过考试取决于你有多努力。你能否通过考试取决于你有多努力。儿童依靠父母生活。儿童依靠父母生活。你应该依赖自己,而不是依赖别人。你应该依赖自己,而不是依赖别人。4)Im depending on you finishing it ahead of time. 我肯定你会提前完成任务的。我肯定你会提前完成任务的。-思维拓展思维拓展 depend on sth./sb.=rely on sth./sb. 取决于某取决于某事

10、事/某人某人 depend on sb. to dodoing 坚信坚信/确信某人做确信某人做. .case:情况,病例,案例Hetookthecasetothecourt.拓展Incase:假使,免得,以防万一Incaseof假使.万一.Innocase:绝不Inanycase无论如何Hetakesthetorchincaseitgetsdarkbeforehereturns.Incasewefail,wewontloseheart.IncaseofrainIhaveanumbrella.8.accuse .vt.指责;谴责;控告指责;谴责;控告 accuse sb.of (doing)st

11、h.因因指责或控告某指责或控告某人人 Eg:The police accused him of murder. Who accused you of such a thing. He was accused of robbing the bank.他被指控偷了一辆汽车。一些西方人控告他们种族歧视。(racism)_accuse, charge, blame 词义辨析词义辨析accuse sb. of ( doing ) sth. - 指控指控charge sb. with ( doing ) sth.-指控指控blame sb. for ( doing ) sth. -责备责备 他被指控偷了一

12、辆汽车。他被指控偷了一辆汽车。He was accused of stealing a car.He was charged with stealing a car.9.soastodosth.(1)表示目的,表示目的,“以便以便”其否定形式为其否定形式为soasnotto.作目的状语时可以用作目的状语时可以用inorderto代替代替Thetestpapersarekeptsecretso as topreventcheating.Goinquietlyso as not towakeupthebaby.(2)表示结果表示结果,“结果是结果是”Heshotatthebirdso as tos

13、hootit.10. demand.v. (强烈强烈)要求,需要,查问要求,需要,查问 demand sth. of sb. Some children demand too much of their parents.(同义词同义词) require; need This sorts of work demands great patience. demand that(从句中从句中should可省略可省略) He demands that he be told /demands to be told everything.11.ahead of .adv/adj. 在前;向前;提前在前;向

14、前;提前(1) 指时间或空间的指时间或空间的“在在之前之前”:He is always ahead of the age. 他总是走在时代的前面。他总是走在时代的前面。(2)用于用于 ahead of time, 意为意为“提前提前”或或“提提早早”: The work was done ahead of time. 工作提前完成了。工作提前完成了。 (3)表示表示“比比强强 (高高)” (主要用作表语主要用作表语):Hes ahead of me in English. 他的英语比我强。他的英语比我强。12.approve .vt. 赞成赞成(与与of 连用连用);认可认可;批批准准;通过通

15、过 approval .n. 赞成、同意、认可赞成、同意、认可 on approval (指货物指货物)不满意可以退换的不满意可以退换的 approving adj. 赞许的、认可的赞许的、认可的你可以参加这个班你可以参加这个班, 如果你母亲同意的话。如果你母亲同意的话。1)You can join the class if your mother approves. 你作出了一个好决定你作出了一个好决定, 我衷心地表示赞同。我衷心地表示赞同。3) She received many approving glances. 她赢得了很多赞许的目光。她赢得了很多赞许的目光。4) I dont ap

16、prove of smoking in bed.我不赞我不赞成躺在床上吸烟。成躺在床上吸烟。2) You made a good decision, and I thoroughly approve it. 13. process .vt.加工,处理,审阅;加工,处理,审阅; .n.过程,程序,步骤过程,程序,步骤eg:1)Please process the film. 请把胶卷冲洗一下。请把胶卷冲洗一下。 审阅你的申请书也许要花几个星期的时间。审阅你的申请书也许要花几个星期的时间。 3)Building a car is a long process. 制造一辆小汽车是一个很长的工序。制造

17、一辆小汽车是一个很长的工序。 4)Changes are in process. 变化正在发生。变化正在发生。 2)It may take a few weeks for your application to be processed. 教育制度的改革将是一个艰苦的过程。教育制度的改革将是一个艰苦的过程。Reforming the education system will be a difficult process. In process:在进行中在进行中In the process of :在在.的过程中的过程中1. I was _ (very pleased) at/by your

18、news.2. I think you showed _ (值得赞 扬的) self-control in your answer.3. Its un_ to have adult conversation like that with such a young child.4. The army arrived to _ (help) in the search.5. You must _ (offer) your application before January 1st.QuizIII:Fillintheblanks.delightedadmirableunusualassistsub

19、mit6. Chris, youre a nurse, so can I ask your _ (专业的) opinion on bandaging ankles? 7. She sounded very _ (热切的) to meet you.8. Most of the countrys population is _ (聚集) in the north.9. This tennis tournament is open to both a_ and professionals.10. We should _ (取得) more firsthand information.professi

20、onaleagerconcentratedamateursacquire11. Examinations are not the only means of as_ a students ability.12. Why wasnt I _ (告知) about this earlier?13. Theres no way I can meet that _ (最后期限).14. It wasnt my fault. Dont worry, Im not _ (指责) you.15. Im sure he says these things _ (intentionally) to annoy

21、me.assessinginformeddeadlineaccusingdeliberately16. Many experts remain _ (doubting) about/of his claims.17. I feel so _ (内疚的) about forgetting her birthday.18. She faces the di_ of disobeying her father or losing the man she loves.19. You cant give in to childrens _ (requests) all the time.20. She

22、was only 19 when her first novel was _.scepticalguiltydilemmademandspublished1. _ (对摄影我不仅只是感兴趣), but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills. 2. _ (你只有提出了许多不同的问题之后) will you acquire all the information you need to know.Not only am I interested in photographyOnly if you ask many di

23、fferent questionsQuizIV:Translation.3. I cant _ (全神贯注于) my work when Im tired.4. You can _ (依靠) him. 5. He _ (被指控) giving false witness. 6. The book will be indexed (编索引) in the next edition _ (为了) make it more useful. concentrate ondepend onwas accused ofso as toGoodbye!Thankyouforyourattention!结束结束



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