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1、精品资料欢迎下载现在完成时讲解一基本结构:助动词have/has+ 过去分词(done) 二句型 :否定句:主语+have/has + not+ 过去分词+其他 . 一般疑问句:Have/Has+ 主语 +过去分词+其他 . 简略答语 : Yes, 主语+ have/has.(肯定 ) No, 主语+ havent/hasnt.(否定 ) 三用法( 1)现在完成时表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果I have spent all of my money (so far).( 含义是 :现在我没有钱花了.) Guo zijun has (just/already) come. (

2、含义:郭子君现在在这儿) My father has gone to work.( 含义是 :我爸爸现在不在这儿) ( 2)现在完成时可以用来表示发生在过去某一时刻的,持续到现在的动作(用行为动词表示)或状态(be 动词表示)常与for ( +时间段),since( +时间点或过去时的句子)连用. for+ 时段 since+过去一个时间点(译为:自从 以来) since+时段 +ago since+从句(过去时) It is+时段 +since+ 从句(过去时)Mary has been ill for three days. I have lived here since 1998. 四h

3、as gone (to),has been (to), has been (in) 的区别Have/Has gone(to) :去了 (现在不在说话现场) Where is your father ? He has gone to Shanghai. Have/Has been (to) :去过(已不在去过的地方)My father has been to Shanghai. Have/has been in:呆了多久(还在所呆的地方)My father has been in Shanghai for two months. /since two months ago. 五现在完成时的标志1

4、.现在完成时的含义之一是过去完成的动作对现在仍有影响,用以下四大标志词可以表达这种含义 : * 以 already, just 和 yet 为标志He has already got her help.他已得到她的帮助。He has just seen the film.他刚刚看过这场电影。He hasnt come back yet.他还没有回来。* 以 ever 和 never 为标志This is the best film I have ever seen.这是我曾经看过的最好的一部电影。He has never been to Beijing.他从没有到过北京。* 以动作发生的次数为

5、标志He says he has been to the USA three times. 他说他已经去过美国三次了。* 以 so far (到目前为止)为标+before He has got to Beijing so far.到目前为止他已到了北京。She has passed the exam so far.到目前为止她已经通过了考试。2.过去已经开始的动作一直延续到现在, 甚至有可能继续延续下去,我们可以从动作“ 延续 ” 的特性和 “ 时间 ” 点段的区分入手,进一步学习现在完成时。* for+ 时段 since+过去一个时间点(过去从句)为标志精选学习资料 - - - - - -

6、 - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 7 页精品资料欢迎下载注意:1)现在完成时不能单独与过去的时间状语连用, 如 yesterday, last week, three years ago 等 ; 2)不能与when 连用2.现在完成时往往同表示不确定的过去时间状语连用六过去分词1 、规则动词:规则动词的过去分词的构成规则与规则动词的过去式的构成规则相同。四点变化规则:(1) 、一般动词,在词尾直接加“ ed ” 。work-worked-worked ,visit-visited-visited (2) 、以 “ e ” 结尾的动词,只在词尾加“ d ” 。

7、live-lived-lived , (3) 、以 “ 辅音字母+ y ” 结尾的动词,将y 变为i ,再加 “ ed ” 。study-studied-studied ,cry-cried-cried (4)、重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加“ ed ” 。stop-stopped-stopped , drop-dropped-dropped 2 、 不规则动词:AAA型原型过去式过去分词burst burst burst hurt hurt hurt let let let cast cast cast cost cost cost cut cut cut hi

8、t hit hit put put put set set set shut shut shut spread spread spread read read read read 原形发音为/ri:d/, 过去式和过去分词发音为/red/ AAB型beat beat beatenABA型become became becomerun ran run come came come 特殊情况ABB 型bring brought brought buy bought bought build built built burn burnt burnt catch caught caught dig d

9、ug dug feel felt felt fight fought fought find found found hear heard heard hold held held keep kept kept lay laid laid lead led led lose lost lost make made made meet met met sell sold sold shoot shot shot sit sat sat 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 7 页精品资料欢迎下载stand stood stood

10、 sweep swept swept teach taught taught tell told told think thought thought win won won ABC 型begin began begun blow blew blown break broke broken choose chose chosen draw drew drawn drive drove driven drink drank drunk fly flew flown forgive forgave forgiven forget forgot forgotten freeze froze froz

11、en give gave given grow grew grown know knew known ride rode ridden rise rose risen ring rang rung shake shook shaken sing sang sung sink sank sunk swim swam swum throw threw thrown write wrote written七瞬间动词(buy, die, join, come, go, leave, join )不能直接与for since 连用。要改变动词buy-have borrow -keep come/arri

12、ve/reach/get to-be in go out-be out leave -be away begin-be on finish-be over open-be open close -be closed die-be dead 1.have 代替 buy My brother has had( 不能用has bought) this bike for almost four years. 2、用keep 或 have 代替 borrow I have kept( 不能用have borrowed) the book for quite a few days. 3、用be 替代 be

13、come How long has your sister been a teacher? 4、用have a cold 代替catch a cold Tom has had a cold since the day before yesterday. 5、用 wear 代替put on b) 用 “be 形容词” 代 终止性动词1、 be married 代 marry 2、 be ill 代 fall (get) ill 3、 be dead 代 die 4、 be asleep 代 fall (get) asleep 5、 be awake 代 wake/wake up 6、 be go

14、ne 代 lose, die, sell, leave 7、 be open 代 open 8、 be closed 代 close/shut 9、 be missing(gone, lost)代 lose c)用 “be 副词 ” 代终止性动词1“be on”代 start, begin 2“be up”代 get up 3“be back(to) ” 代 return to, come back to, go back to 4“be here (there) ” 代 come(arrive, reach, get) here 或 go (arrive, reach, get) there

15、 等等d) 用 “be 介词短语” 代终止性动词精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 7 页精品资料欢迎下载1. “be in/at +地点 ” 代替 go to /come to 2.用 be in the army 代替 join the army 3. “be in/at +地点 ” 代替 move to 常用瞬间动词变延续性动词表:1. have arrived at/in sw. got to/reached sw. come/gone/moved to sw. have been in sw./at 相应的介词2.

16、 have come/gone back/returned have been back 3. have come/gone out have been out4. have become have been5. have closed / opened have been close/open6. have got up have been up;7. have died have been dead;8. have left sw. have been away from sw.9. have fallen asleep/got to sleep have been asleep ;10.

17、 have finished/ended/completed have been over ;11. have married have been married ;12. have started/begun to do sth. have done sth. ;13. have begun have been on14. have borrowed/bought have kept/had 15. have lost haven t had16. have put on have worn 17. have caught /get a cold have had a cold;18. ha

18、ve got to know have known19. have/has gone to have been in20. have joined/have taken part in the league/the Party/the army have been a member of/ have been in/have been the Party s member/the league member/the soldier 现在完成时练习(一 ) A)选用 have, has填空 : 1.I _ told him the news. 2.She _ come back from sch

19、ool. 3.You _ won the game. B)按要求改写下列各句: 4.They have bought a computer.(改成否定句 ) _ 5.He has lost his book. (先改成一般疑问句,再作肯定与否定回答) _ C) 单项选择6. -Where have you _, Kate? -Ive _ to the bank. A. gone, goneB. been, beenC. gone, beenD. been, gone 7. Her grandfather _ for two years. A. diedB. has diedC. has bee

20、n deadD. has been died 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 7 页精品资料欢迎下载8. Its six weeks _ I met you last. A. whenB. sinceC. beforeD. for 9. Tom and Jack have arrived at West Hill Farm already. A. have gotB. have gone toC. have been toD. have reached 现在完成时练习(二)一、单项选择。1、 Both his paren

21、ts look sad . Maybe they _whats happened to him . (呼和浩特). knew . have known . must know .will know 2、He has _ been to Shanghai , has he ? . already .never .ever . still 3、Have you met Mr. Li _?. just . ago .before . a moment ago 4、The famous writer _ one new book in the past two years . . is writing

22、 .was writing .wrote .has written 5、Our country _ a lot so far . Yes . I hope it will be even _ . . has changed ; well . changed ; good . has changed ; better . changed ; better 6、Zhao Lan _already _in this school for two years . . was ; studying . will ; study . has ; studied . are ; studying 7、We

23、_ Xiao Li since she was a little girl . . know . had known . have known . knew 8、Harry Potter is a very nice film .I_ it twice . . will see . have seen . saw .see 9、These farmers have been to the United States . Really ? When _ there ? . will they go . did they go . do they go . have they gone 10、_

24、you _ your homework yet ? Yes . I _ it a moment ago . . Did ; do ; finished . Have ; done ; finished . Have ; done ; have finished . will ; do ; finish 11、 His father _ the Party since 1978 . . joined . has joined . was in . has been in 12、Do you know him well ? Sure .We _ friends since ten years ag

25、o . . were . have been . have become . have made 13、How long have you _ here ? About two months . . been . gone . come . arrived 14、Hurry up! The play _ for ten minutes . has begun . had begun . has been on . began 15、 It _ ten years since he left the army . . is . has . will . was 16、 Miss Green is

26、nt in the office . she_ to the library . .has gone . went .will go . has been 17、My parents _ Shandong for ten years . . have been in . have been to . have gone to . have been 18、The students have cleaned the classroom, ? A. so they B. don t they C. have they D. haven t they19、 has Mr. White been a

27、member of Greener China since he to China? A. How soon, comes B. How often, got C. How long, came D. How far, arrived 20、 His uncle_ for more than 9 years.A. has come here B. has started to work 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 7 页精品资料欢迎下载C. has lived there D. has left the univer

28、sity 二、句型转换。1、He has never surfed, ?(改成反意疑问句)2、They have been here since 2000. (对划线部分提问) _they been here? 3、The old man _ last year. Hefor a year . (die) (动词填空)4、This factory opened twenty years ago.(同义句转换 ) This factory _ for twenty years. 5、Miss Gao left an hour ago. ( 同义句转换 ) Miss Gao _ _ _ _ an

29、hour ago. 6、Her mother has been a Party member for three years . (同义句)Her mother _ the Party three years _ . 7、The Green Family moved to France two years ago. ( 同义句转换 ) _ two years _ the Green family moved to France. 8、The bus has arrived here. It arrived ten minutes ago. ( 把两个句子合并成一个句子) _ 三、汉译英。1、

30、吉姆已做完作业,他现在有空了。2、 他昨天收到一封信。3、 我父亲以前到过长城。4、 她还没有看过那部新电影。5、 她去过上海。6、 他这些天上哪儿去了?参考答案:一、单项选择。1、现在完成时主要强调过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,或过去发生的动作还未结束,一直持续到现在或将来,重点在于对现在的影响。这种考查难度较大,往往无时间状语,需要从上下文分析、推理才行。故上两侧根据上下文分析、推理,正确答案是。2、现在完成时常与already(已经), just(刚刚,正好),ever(曾经), never(从来,也不;从不),before(以前), yet(仍然)等连用。故2 应选 B。3、C 4、

31、现在完成时常与recently(近来), so far(到目前为止),in the past/“ last + 一段时间 ” 等时间状语连用。因为上述短语表示的是从现在起往前推算的一段时间,句中的动作是从过去某一时间或时刻开始持续到现在的。故4 应选 D。5、C 6、现在完成时时常与“ for + 时间段或since +过去时间点 ” 连用(含从句,从句过去时)。故6应选 C。7、C 8、现在完成时还与once (一次), twice(两次), three times(三次), several times (几次)等表示重复次数的词语连用。故8 应选 B。9、现在完成时与一般过去时容易混淆,就

32、是因为它们所表示的动作都发生在过去,但二者又有区别:一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的事、存在的状态或经常发生的动作,说话的侧重点在于陈述一件过去的事情,与现在没有关系;现在完成时表示与现在有关系的发生在过去的动作,它不与表示过去的时间状语(如yesterday , last week , a moment ago 等)连用。故9 的正确答案为B。10、B 11、现在完成时中,非延续性动词不能与for 和 since引导的表示一段时间的状语连用,通常是用相应的延续性动词来代替。故11 的正确答案依次为:D。12、B 13、 A 14、C 15、A。16、“ have/has gone to +

33、地点 ” 表示 “ 某人去了某地(还未回来)” ,指主语所指的人不在这儿。“ have/has been in + 地点 ” 表示 “ 在某地呆了多长时间” ,常与表示时间的状语连用。“ have/has been to +地点 ” 表示 “ 曾经去过某地(但现在已不在那儿)。” 故 16 的正确答案为A。17、A 18、D 19、C 20、 C 二、句型转换。1、has he? 2 、How long 3、died, has been dead 4、has been open 5 、 has been away 6、joined;ago 7、It is, since 8、 The bus h

34、as been here for ten minutes. 三、汉译英。1、Jim has finished doing his homework already. He is free now. 2、He received a letter yesterday. 3、My father has been to the Great Wall before. 4、She hasnt seen the new film yet. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 7 页精品资料欢迎下载5、She has been to Shanghai. 6、Where has he been these days ?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 7 页



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