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1、计算机专业留学个人陈述计算机专业留学个人陈述falltheareasofcomputerscience,parallelprocessing fascinates me the most.he term first came tome when read the book omputer rganization & esign:the ardware/oftware nterface as part of myomputerrchitecture course. y teaching me how the performance ofcomputers can be improved thro

2、ugh pipelining and parallelprocessing, the book reshaped my thinking in computer science.y lab experience deepened my understanding of parallelprocessing. n my third year, worked on a project with r. omatsu, chief researcher of okyo esearch aboratory and r. oseki, one of r. omatsu&apos&aposscolleagu

3、es. heprojectwastointroduce the architecture supports that can allow compilerstoderivemoreparallelismfromprograms. hesearchitecture supports include three designs , a conditionalexecution mechanism to execute instructions without normalconditionaljumpinstructions ,speculativeexecutionmechanism, and

4、a dynamic memory disambiguation mechanism toexecute memory access instructions simultaneously.sundergraduate students seldom get to be involved in actual1 1 / 3 3research, took full advantage of the opportunity ofworking in the lab. particularly enjoyed the seminarsheld twice a week as part of the l

5、ab work.t these seminars , engaged in in-depth discussions withaster&apos&apossstudents under r.omatsu&apos&aposs seasoned guidance.he lab experience is adding weight and insights to mygraduation paper n mprovement of oftware pipeliningusingoopransformations.nthispaper, willintroduce a translation a

6、lgorithm using loop interchange andloop skewing. his algorithm can minimize the initiationinterval of loop nest to improve the performance of softwarepipelining.hrough my lab experience and other research, havedevelopedalong-termprofessionalobjective :theadvancement of the parallel processing techno

7、logy.hile have strong faith in this technology, also know itslimitations as it is today. ome sequential algorithmscan&apos&apostbeeasilytranslatedintofastparallelalgorithms and most compilers can only distribute works ononeplatform. notherunsettledproblemisthatprogramming parallel computers is now s

8、till a manual work.ut even the modern language(like ava, +) can do2 2 / 3 3someautomatictranslationwork.facompilercanbedeveloped to translate and distribute work into differentplatforms, personal computers will be able to work likemainframe computers at a fraction of the mainframes&apos&aposcosts.hi

9、swillmakeitpossibletoconnectallthecomputers in the world and speed up all the processes.o help take the parallel processing technology beyondwhat is capable of today , have to undertake more advancedstudies. his, believe, can only be accomplished in aquality graduate program like yours. plan to purs

10、ue amaster&apos&aposs degree with a concentration on parallelingand distributing compilers, operating systems or computer*works, a combination thereof. ith the trainingthatgoes into such an advanced degree , think will be ableto take great strides towards fulfilling my professionalobjective. hen do, think will be standing on thecutting-edge of the computer science.3 3 / 3 3



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