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1、成都市龙泉中学高英语组学案导学(高二下)Learning Plan For Senior Unit 12 Fact and Fantasy Unit 12 Fact and Fantasy 第一课时、学习内容: 1、Words and phrases 2、Warming up 3、Speaking 、学习目标: 1、能正确朗读并识记和正确运用下列重点单词和短语belief servant permanent aboard gentle phenomena hesitate make a living throw light on/upon turn out notbutmake an effo

2、rt to do2、掌握表达相信和怀疑的句型3、了解有关文化意识和相关背景知识、预习内容检查:1、用正确的信息填空:Jules Verne(1828-1905) is a F writer and a pioneer of the science f . a pioneer of the science f . His most famous books are 、and .Jules Verne published at least one book per year for over 40 years on a wide r of subjects. Although Verne wrot

3、e about exotic places, he travelled r little-his only balloon flight lasted twenty-four minutes. Verne s works i 65 novels, 20 short stories and essays and 30 plays. Verne died March 24, 1905. 2、按要求要求出下列单词或短语believe v. n. adj. serve v. n. (服务) n. (仆人、公务员)collision n. v. phenomenon n. pl. create v. n

4、. adj. 、学习过程:1、词汇学习(领读、听读,自我朗读并识忆)2、重点词汇的扩展及用法(略)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 21 页3、Warming up Say something about Jules Verne A quiz about scientific facts(P .9)4、Speaking Expressing beliefs and doubts (表达相信和怀疑)(Vide P .11)Pair work(P .10)、课堂定时测试( 10 分钟)1、单句改错(每小题1.5 分)Jules

5、 Verne died in 1905, long before any of his dreams came truly. Lt was on a night in November when I looked at the result of my work. All is needed for life on board comes from the ocean. Whenever you are in trouble, don t hesitate ask me for help. Jule s father sent him to Paris to study law, but th

6、erefore he developed his love for the theatre. 2、单选(每个 1 分)We wanted to get home before dark, but it didn t quite as planned. A、make out B、turn out C、go on D、come up Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year, a record 57.65 a barrel on April 4. A、have reached B、reaching C、to re

7、ach D、to be reaching The problem is not so difficult as we expected. lt is believed in a few days. A、setting B、being settled C、to be settled D、to have settled Suddenly there came a cry for help from the river, which attracted his . A、care B、concern C、eye D、attraction is your address, please? A、What

8、B、Where C、How D、Why 、学习反思:1、知识方面:2、态度方面:3、方法方面:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 21 页成都市龙泉中学高2010 级英语组学案导学(高二下)执笔人:汪良明审稿:汪良明廖云Unit12 Fact and fantasy第二课时、学习内容: Pre-reading, Reading, Post-reading 、学习目标:1、学习并掌握相关单词和短语;2、能在规定时间内读完材料并能回答相关问题(训练时间与效率);3、了解更多有关 Jules Verne的信息。、预习内容检查:1、

9、请写出下列英语词组:渐渐喜欢上谋生使某人记起某事着手做某事从那天起结果是,被证明2、请列出你所知道的发明及其作用(至少3 个)、学习进程:1、Revision 2、Pre-reading Look at the pictures and answer the following questions When was electricity discovered? How was it used in the following 200 years? In the early 19th century ,people had no idea what the inside of the eart

10、h might look like. Can you explain what we know about it today? 3、Group work(4 min) 4、Reading Fast-reading(5 min) Main information about the passage Jules Verne Year of birth Place of birth Year of death Major in Famous Works Reread the parsage carefully to further understand it. Choose the best ans

11、wer. 1) The passage is mainly about . A. the father of science fiction B. 20,000 leagues under the sea C. journey to the centre of the earth D. Jules Verne and his science fiction 2) We can infer that the science fiction can . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 21 页A. make people i

12、maginative and manage to realize their dreams B. make people amazed and frightened C. attract readers D. make people take an advantage browely 3) In the second paragraph, “a sea monster” is . A. a kind of matural phenomenon B. an animal that eat people and destroy ships C. people dressed in diving s

13、uits D. a naval vessel( 船) that can operate under water as well as on the surface 4) “The Nautilus” is unusual because A. its strongB. its splendidC. it can dive into the sea D. all of the above 5) I n the last paragraph, the centre of the earth is . A. nothing but magma(岩浆)and water B. a big lake C

14、. coal and stone D. a wonderful world Read the passage aloud and translate the following sentences. 1) At the beginning of 20,000 leagues Under the Sea, one of his most famous novels, ships are disappearing all over the world and it is believed to be caused by a sea monster. 2)In their efforts to su

15、rvive, they find them selves on the surface of the monster itself, which turns out to be a submarine. 、课堂定时练习:(10min)1、Post-reading on P13 2、Ex2 on P90 、学习反思:1、知识方面:2、态度方面:3、方法方面:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 21 页成都市龙泉中学高2010 级英语组学案导学(高二下)Learning Plan for Senior II 执笔人:苏彬审稿:汪

16、良明内容: (一) 、教材 P 15 The Story of Dr Frankstein (二) 、教材 P 92 Mr. Cavor s Flying Machine 目标:通过完成这两篇短文的阅读练习,巩固和熟练运用略读和查读等英语阅读技巧并且正确文中出现的几个长句和难句。预习以及检查:熟读并且能正确写出课本P 167 中从 Frankstein到 brainstorm 中的单词(注意词的近义词,前后缀等联想) 。学习过程:1、复习测试(按要求完成单词或者短语并写出中文意思) (时间:5 分钟分数:10 分)throw on: brilliant: (名词形式):l bour: phen

17、omenon: (复数形式):hesit te: (名词形式):hesitate to do: cut up: (另外写出两个含有cut 的短语)curtain: 2、完成两篇课文阅读(一) 、教材 P 12 Jules Verne: The Father of Science Fiction (二) 、教材 P 92 Mr. Cavor s Flying Machine课堂定时测试:(限时阅读并且完成下列练习)(一) 、教材 P 12 Jules Verne: The Father of Science Fiction(时间:10 分钟 分数:10 分)根据课文选出最佳答案1. I thin

18、k I had a life when I was a child. A. sad B. most happy C. lonely D. unhappy 2. What does the sentence “I had to look for a road without having a map” mean?A. I didnt have a map when I looked for the road.B. I wanted to find the way with a map. C. I had to learn the secrets of heaven and earth witho

19、ut any help. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 21 页D. I couldnt find the way because I lost my map.3. I was interested in . A. language B. law C. medicine D. principle of life 4. We can coclude from th e passage that the authors work was . A. successful B. perfect C. incomplete D.

20、 a failure 翻译下列英文句子(时间:15 分钟分数: 10 分)1. Instead of childrens play and adventure, I was driven by a desire to learn.(Para.1)2. My father was not scientific, so I had to look for a road without having a map. (Para. 1) 3. However, I found all that was taught at university very disappointing and decided

21、 that I would pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of nature. (Para. 2) 4. When I found this amazing power place within my hands, I hesitated a long time thinking how I should use it. (Para. 4) 5. It was with these feelings that I began the creatio

22、n of a human being. (Para. 5) (二) 、教材 P 92 Mr. Cavor s Flying Machine (时间: 10 分钟分数: 10分) 根据课文选出回答问题1. What is Cavorite from the passage? 2. What can it do? 3. What can we do with the materials such as glass and metals according to the passage? 4. For which problem does Mr Cavor still need to find a

23、solution? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 21 页翻译下列英文句子(时间:15 分钟分数: 10 分)1. When I first met Mr Caovr, he was about to finish building the machine in which he planned to travel to the moon. (Para. 1) 2. (课文第三段)家庭作业:导与练 P 23 介词和副词填空学习反思:Period 4 内容: (一) 、教材 P 12 (二) 、教材 P 15 这两篇文章

24、中的重难点。目标:熟练运用这两篇文章中所出现的高考重点单词短语和句子预习以及检查:导与练 P 23 介词和副词填空学习过程:一、检查核对导与练P 23 介词和副词填空答案(时间:5 分钟 分数: 10 分)二、课文重点和难点答疑: (时间: 25分钟)课堂定时测试:(时间: 10 分钟分数:20 分)用短语的适当形式填空 : lay the foundation of; throw light on; cut up; remind of; turn out; set out; make a living; in public; 1. The hostess the cake and gave

25、everybody a slice; 2. To everybodys surprise, the fashionable young lady to be thief; 3. Their findings the burial customs of the Indian tribes of that area; 4. Students are often the importance of the correct way of learning; 5. He his success by study and hard work. So what he has achieved isnt un

26、expected; 6. She soon after dark and arrived home an hour later; 7. I dislike it when others laugh at me or speak ill of me behind; 8. Though hes rich now, Mr Jones once by selling newpapers. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 21 页成都市龙泉中学高2010 级英语组学案导学(高二下)Unit 12 Period Five(第五课时

27、) 执笔人:廖云审稿:汪良明廖云一、Contents (学习内容)Grammar: Word Formation (II) 构词法( II)派生二、Goals(学习目标)掌握并能正确使用构词法知识。三、Learning guide(学习指南)导与练 P21 语法专递1、常见否定前缀(dis-, in-, mis-, un-, non-); 2、表特定意义前缀 (re-, co-, mini-, over-, super-, post-, vice-, tele-, fore-, self-, sub-, auto-, inter-, anti-);3、改变词性的前缀( en-) ;4、改变词性

28、的后缀(名:-al, -ation, -ee, -ist, -er, -ess, -ment, -ness ; 形:-able, -ive, -some, -less, -ly, -ous, -ish, -ern, -y ; 动:-en, -fy, -ize;副:-ly, -wards) 。四、Preview(预习练习)1、请选出不同类的单词,并说明原因。1) trainee; interviewee; educator; employee 2) postcard; post-liberation; post-office; post-man 3) incomplete; informal;

29、indoor; incorrect 4) waiter; cooker; typewriter; mixer 5) enlarge; widen; strengthen; sharpen 2、词形转化1) wound (形容词)2) beautiful (名词)3) advice (动词)4) early (副词)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 21 页5) safe (名词)6) health (形容词)3、用所给单词的适当形式填空1) Scientists have in sending the sixth sate

30、llite into space. (success) 2) We must do the experiment . ( care) 3) English is used in the world. (wide) 4) The book has been out when I got to the bookstore. (sale) 5) Don t be afraid of . (difficult) 五、定时练习( 3 minutes) Student s Book 2B, P.14 Word study六、Instant exercises (当堂巩固练习)(5 minutes)Stud

31、ent s Book 2B, P.14 Grammar 1, 2七、Homework (课后作业)1、熟读导与练 P21“ 语法专递 ” ,记住常见的前缀和后缀。2、完成双语报 28 期 B3 版,巩固练习 1,2 八、Reflection(学习反思)1=Not comfortable 2=Need more practice 3=Comfortable 4=Very comfortable Comfort level Understand and develop skills in word Formation. 1 2 34 I learnt . I would like to know

32、more about . I m still not sure about . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 21 页成都市龙泉中学高2010 级英语组学案导学(高二下)Unit 12 Period Six (第六课时)执笔人:廖云审稿:汪良明廖云一、Contents (学习内容)Integrating skills: 1. Reading 2. Practise creative writing 二、Goals (学习目标)1、读、理解 “The story of Dr Frankenstein”,并勾划出优秀的短语

33、、句子。2、借鉴 Reading 中的语、句尝试写一篇科幻故事。三、定时练习Reading (7 minutes) 四、Instant exercises ( 当堂练习 ) Writing (25 minutes) 写作项目 写一篇科幻故事题目要求 让你的想像力飞往2040 年,用英语描述那时一天的情景,内容要点如下:1、早上 7 点醒来,赶紧起床,机器人做早饭,自己去冲澡。2、7:30出别墅,驱车去开会。车为电脑控制,时速180千米,交通很顺畅。3、11点左右散会,出会议室,呼吸新鲜空气。鸟语花香,一派美景。4、下午,飞往兰州会见负责太空移民中心的Tom Peterson先生。Tom 说,如

34、果通过体检,你就可以前往月球定居。注意: 1、要点齐全; 2、行文连贯; 3、避免逐字翻译; 4、词数 120 左右。探究策略 大多数人都读过科幻故事, 但是你尝试过撰写科幻故事吗?本单元练习的是创造性写作。首先应分析故事发生的先后顺序以及涉及到的内容。然后要准备适当的词汇和句型,并考虑用何种时态。具体步骤如下:1、根据已给的提示把握题目要求的大意,理清文章的脉络。按故事发生的时间先后顺序使自己的作文有一个清晰的思路。并初步思考要用到的词汇、句型及时态等。2、用简单句写出每句话的主要内容(发生了什么),可以保证不遗漏要点。3、对每句话的主题句进行扩写,补充每句话的次要内容(时间、地点、方式、原

35、因等) ,基本保证短文对词汇数量的要求。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 21 页4、按时间发展先后整理成文。运用必要的连接词,承上启下,使全文紧凑。5、对照各句看是否覆盖所有内容要点,检查全文定稿。自主操练 villa n. 别墅computer-programmed 计算机编程的take a shower 淋浴 in charge of 负责五、Homework (作业)1、完成写作任务2、复习 Unit 12 单词、短语六、Reflection (学习反思)1=not comfortable 2= Need mor

36、e practice 3= comfortable 4= very comfortable Comfort level Practise creative writing. 1 2 3 4 I learnt I would like to know more about I m still not sure about 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 21 页成都市龙泉中学高2010 级英语组学案导学(高二下)Unit 13 The Water Planet Learning Plan For Senior II 执笔

37、人:汪良明苏彬审稿:廖云Unit 13 The Water Planet (Period 1) I 学习内容:1. Words and Phrases 2. Warming up 3. Speaking II 学习目标: 1、能正确朗读并识记和正确运用下列重点单词和短语benefit transport range unique relative freezing pure gramme mass float decrease absord stable sensitive steady trust nursery recreation benefit fromtake advantage g

38、ive off a variety of III 预习内容检查:按要求写出下列单词和短语1. benefit v. adj. 2. transport n. n. 3. relative adj. n. 4. pure adj. adv. 5. sensitive adj. v. 6. trust v. adj. IV 学习过程:1、词汇学习(领读,听读,自我朗读并识记)2、重点词汇的扩展及用法(完成练习导与练P 24)3. Warming up (1) Say what you know about water which we use everyday. (2) Say some expe

39、riments with water 4. Speaking (1) Make students be free to talk about water. (P 19) eg: How is the water being used? What are some disadvantges of using water in this way? V 课堂定时检测:单词拼写(时间:5min 分值: 10)(1) He will b from the new way of doing business. (2) Water freezes at 0 . That is to say, the f p

40、oint of water is . (3) Each persons fingerprints are (独一无二的)(4) You shouldnt be so (敏感的)to criticism. (5) There is a (关系)between the moon and the tides VI 学习反思(1)知识方面(2)识记方面精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 21 页成都市龙泉中学高2010 级英语组学案导学(高二下)Learning Plan For Senior II 执笔人:汪良明苏彬审稿:廖云U

41、nit 13 The Water Planet (Period 2) I 学习内容: Pre-reading, reading, post-reading II 学习目标: 1、学习并掌握相关单词和短语;2、在规定时间内读完材料并能回答相关问题(训练时间与效率)III 预习内容检查1、请写出下列英语词组一直,一路上释放,放出对加以利用召集,打电话种类繁多的分解,失败2、请列出与水有关的特性或水的用途(至少3 个)IV 学习进程:(课堂定时练习)1. Pre-reading on P 19: Work in pairs in 3 ninutes 2. Reading: Fast-reading(

42、5min): True or False questions: 1) Life on our planet began in the ocean 3 million years ago. 2) The water molecule is made up of two oxygen atoms and one hydrogen atom. 3) The salinity of sea water only affects its weight. 4) If a substance has a density of 2000kg/m3, it will sink under water. 5) A

43、ll animals and plants are sensatitive to in sudden changes in temperature. While- reading (8min): 1) Finish the chant in Post-reading on P21 2) Find out the main idea of each paragraph Para1: Para2: Para3: Para4: Para5: Para6: Post-reading: 课文缩写填空(导与练 35页)V 学习反思:1、知识方面:2、方法方面:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - -

44、- 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 21 页成都市龙泉中学高2010 级英语组学案导学(高二下)Teaching Plan for Senior 2 执笔人:苏彬审稿:薛咏梅王学蓉Unit 13 Period 3 内容: (一) 、教材 P 21 Nature s Nursery: Estuaries (二) 、教材 P 99 Life in the ocean 点击高考(学习目标) :通过完成这两篇短文的阅读练习,巩固和熟练运用略读和查读等英语阅读技巧并且正确文中出现的几个长句和难句。预习以及检查测试:改错学习过程:1、复习测试(改错)(时间: 5 分钟分数: 10

45、 分)(1) What is it which gives water its unique properties? whichwhat (2) The salinity of the oceans is about 35 parts per thousand, meant that there are about 35 grams of dissolved solids in one kilo of water. meantwhich means meantmeaning (3) If I learned German well, I will read the book in the or

46、iginal. will- would (4) Salt has a low frozen point and is heavier pure water. frozen- freezing (5) The nutrients in whatever fall into the ocean will quickly become available to other living creatures. fall- falls 2、完成两篇课文阅读(一)教材 P 21 Nature s Nursery: Estuaries (二)教材 P 99 Life in the ocean 点击高考阅读测

47、试:(限时阅读并且完成下列练习)(一)教材 P 21 Nature s Nursery: Estuaries 阅读限时测试:根据课文选出最佳答案(时间:10分钟分数: 10 分)1. Oceans are to life what are to nurseries. A. rivers B. farms C. forests D. estuaries 2. Estuaries are great places for nature s young ones because . A. They can have fun and all kinds of food there. B. They l

48、ike being there. C. They can be safe there. D. They have all kinds of food and don t have to worry about the enemies. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 21 页3. The following are all the benefits of estuaries except . A. washing the pollutants into the oceans B. absorbing pollutant

49、s from water coming from inland sources C. making the pollutants sink to the bottom D. attracting the animals to eat pollutants (二)材料 P 99 Life in the ocean (时间: 10 分钟分数: 10 分)1. Marine scientists divide the oceans into five zones according to of the oceans. A. positions B. depth C. warmth D. places

50、 where animals live 2. The animals living in the zone can make light with their body. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth 3. The animals living in the zone are black or red. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth 4. The whale sperm can go to the fourth zone by . A. changing its color B. slowing its

51、 heartbeat C. holding its breath longer D. going down and up very quickly 点击高考:书面表面翻译测试:翻译下列英文句子(时间:15 分钟分数: 10 分)1. An estuary is the body water where a river meets the ocean. (Para.1) 2. This mixing of fresh and salt water creates a unique environment filled life of all kinds- a zone between the l

52、and and the sea. (Para.1) 3. The diversity of life in estuaries is incredible- birds, fish, marine mammals, and other species all come here to live, feed and reproduce. (Para. 2) 4. Estuaries are also important because they absorb nutrients from water coming inland sources, thus cleaning our water.

53、(Para. 4) 5. Estuaries also contribute to the economy through tourism and fishing. 家庭作业:学习反思:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 21 页成都市龙泉中学高2010 级英语组学案导学(高二下)Teaching Plan for Senior 2 执笔人:薛咏梅审稿:汪良明廖云Unit 13 The Water Planet Period 4 一、学习内容: Language points in Reading & Integratin

54、g skills 1. Phrases: range from to, all the way, be made up of, that is, freezing point, break down, mix with, be measured in, take advantage of, keep steady, manage to, be sensitive to, up to. 2. Structures: whatever , ; that is,二、学习目标: 1. To get students to know how to describe estuaries and their

55、 functions. 2. To help students to master the use of words and phrases. 三、预习内容检查:Finish the blanks according to the passage on Page 22-23.(共 8 分)Estuaries are bodies of water along coasts that are (形成) when fresh water from rivers with salt water from the ocean. In estuaries, the fresh river water i

56、s blocked from streaming into the open ocean by either surrounding mainland, or islands. This mixing of fresh and salt water a unique environment with life of all kindsa zone between the land and sea known as an estuary. The estuary gathers and holds a of life giving nutrients from the land and from

57、 the ocean, forming an ecosystem that contains more creatures than any other on the earth. Estuaries are also important for human beings. They protect water quality by pollutants from water coming from inland sources. They are centers for (娱乐) and education. Estuaries, in short, are treasures. 四、学习过

58、程:(一)朗读课文,完成下列短语。1、有生命的地方2、从到之间变化3、分解4、适宜5、利用6、以计算7、对敏感8、保持稳定9、增加给10、由组成(二)重点短语及句型讲与练(结合导与练P25-31)五、课堂定时测试: Multiple choices.(共 15 分,10 分钟)( )1. Temperature here 10 to 30. A. comes from B. changes from C. turns from D. ranges from ( )2. The water in oceans also keeps the temperature of the earth ste

59、ady heat. A. To absorb and release B. by absorbing and resealing 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 21 页C. without absorbing and releasing D. in absorbing and releasing ( )3. The old lady is to what others say. A. stable B. available C. sensible D. sensitive ( )4. Oil has the of f

60、loating on water. A. property B. medium C. disadvantage D. capacity ( )5. I know the money is safe, I shall not worry about it. (2003 Beijing) A. Even though B. Unless C. As long as D. While ( )6. I m sorry, sir, those shoes are not in your size. A. dense B. pure C. available D. solid ( )7. The good

61、 policy a lot to the economic development. A. gives B. contributes C. cause D. benefits ( )8. , mother will wait for him t have dinner together. A. However late is he B. However he is late C. However is he late D. However late he is ( )9. The river water goes 350 kilometers out to sea. A. pure B. ne

62、w C. sweet D. fresh ( )10. A left-luggage office is a place where bags be left for a short time, especially at a railway station. (2003 MET) A. should B. can C. must D. will ( )11. Six players can a volleyball team while a football team is eleven players. A. make up; made up B. make up of; made up C

63、. make up; made up of D. make up of; made up of ( )12. His coming our happiness. A. added B. added up(合计) C. added to (增加) D. added for ( )13. They say your report doesn t the fact. But I don t them this point. A. agree to; agree with; at B. agree on; agree to; on C. agree on; agree on; on D. agree

64、with; agree with; on ( )14. There s coffee and tea; you can have . Thanks. (2003 NMET) A. either B. each C. one D. it ( )15. What surprised me was not what he said but he said it. (2004 Hubei) A. the way B. in the way that C. in the way D. the way which 六、课后作业:1、熟读并记住导与练P 24 单词与短语。2、预习导与练 P 32 语法专递:

65、情态动词,记住can, must等的一般用法。七、学习反思:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 21 页成都市龙泉中学高2010 级英语组学案导学(高二下)Teaching Plan for Senior 2 执笔人:薛咏梅审稿:汪良明廖云Unit 13 The Water Planet Period 5 一、学习内容:语法情态动词二、学习目标:掌握并正确使用情态动词三、预习内容检查:听写导与练 P 24短语四、学习过程:1、学习导与练 P 32语法专递:情态动词了解其一般用法。2、分辨情态动词的功能。可能性 Possib

66、ility: can/could, may/might 必然性 Certainty: must, will, should 能力 Ability: can/could, be able to 许可 Permission: can/could, may/might 请求 Requests: can/could, will/would 必须 Necessity: must, have to, have got to, need 建议 Advice: should, ought to, had better 五、课堂定时测试(1) 导与练 P 34语法专练(共 15 分,10 分钟)(2)高考链接。

67、(共 10 分,10分钟)( )1. You must phone every week. Yes. I . A. must B. have to C. will D. should ( )2. Why did you throw the bottle out of the window? You someone. A. might hurt B. could have hurt C. would have hurt D. must have hurt 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 21 页( )3. It s ne

68、arly eight o clock. Bruce be here at any moment. A. must B. need C. should D. can ( )4. That be Jane ringing up. It s too early. A. mustn t B. couldn t C. wouldn t D. can t ( )5. When he was there, he go to the coffee shop at the corner after work every day. A. would B. should C. had better D. might

69、 ( )6. Is John coming by train? He should, but he not. He likes driving his car. A. must B. may C. can D. need ( )7. John, look at the time. You play the piano at such a late hour? A. Must B. Can C. May D. Need ( )8. Why! I get you on the phone. We basketball on the playground when you phoned. A. di

70、dn t; must be playing B. couldn t; must be playing C. couldn t; must have played D. didn t; must have been playing ( )9. What s the matter with the man hanging his head there? Well, if you know, he was caught stealing my bike. A. must B. may C. can D. shall ( )10. Shall I give you a ride as you live

71、 so far away? Thank you. A. It couldn t be better B. Of course you can C. If you like D. It s up to you 六、课后作业:完成 Student Times 30期 B3 版语法小测七、学习反思:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 21 页成都市龙泉中学高2010 级英语组学案导学(高二下)Teaching Plan for Senior 2 执笔人:薛咏梅审稿:汪良明廖云Unit 13 The Water Planet Pe

72、riod 6 一、学习内容:写作与单元复习二、学习目标:能运用本单元所学词汇完成写作任务。三、预习内容检查:Student Times 30期 B3 版语法小测四、学习过程:(一)高考链接(共5 分,5 分钟)( )1. I m sorry to arrive late but the car on the way. A. broke down B. broke up C. broke off D. broke out ( )2. with his brother, he is not so clever. A. To compare B. Compared C. Comparing D. C

73、ompare ( )3. Actually, girls can be they want to be just like boys. Whether it is a pilot or a general manager. A. wherever B. however C. whatever D. whoever ( )4. What would you do if you got, ,a million dollars? A. tell B. talk C. speak D. say ( )5. Who do you think is the greatest writer ? A. liv

74、ely B. alive C. living D. live (二)复习本单元重要短语句型,为写作做准备。五、课堂定时测试(共25 分,20 分钟)Writing: RIVER POLLUTED 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 21 页Numerous dead fish can be found floating on the surface of the Haihe River, the symbol of Tianjin city, because of serious pollution this summer

75、. In a report, Tianjin Evening News called on residents (居民) to help protect the river against pollution. -From China Daily 这是摘自中国日报的一则短讯。读后请写一篇100 字左右的短评。内容如下:1、像中国日报所报道的此类河水污染情况,这不只发生在海河,在全国不少地区也存在。2、众所周知,环境( environment)污染对人类危害极大。现在越来越多的人开始认识到这个问题的严重性。3、我国政府正在努力采取措施(take measures )与污染做斗争。我们相信我们一定

76、会取得斗争的胜利。写作提示: 1、要点齐全; 2、行文连贯; 3、避免逐字翻译; 4、词数 100字左右。自主操练River pollution as China Daily reports exists not only in the Haihe River but also in some other places of our country. As we all know, environmental pollution does great harm to human beings. Now more and more people have come to realize how

77、serious this problem is. Our government is doing its best to take measures to flight against pollution. We ve done a good deal of work, but there s still a long way to go. We must keep on fighting until we find ways to protect the environment from being polluted, and do away with pollution. We are sure that we ll win the battle. 六、课后作业:完成写作,预习 14 单元单词。七、学习反思:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 21 页



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