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1、1 / 6 Module6 Unit1 课文导学1.Tony is spending too much time playing the guitar, and he may fail his exams. 托尼花太多时间弹吉他,考试可能会不及格的。(1)spend.doing sth .花.,做某事如: His father spent two hours making this kite. 他爸爸花了两个小时制作这个风筝。(2)too much time太多时间注意: too much 修饰不可数名词,意为“太多”;too many 修饰复数可数名词。2.Tony s parents wa

2、nt to stop him enjoying music, although they have made a deal with him before. 托尼的父母想要阻止他玩音乐,虽然他们以前已经和他商量过。(1)stop sb (from) doing sth 阻止某人做某事类似的短语有:prevent sb. (from) doig sth 阻止某人做某事ban sb.(from) doing sth 禁止某人做某事如: The boss stopped the workers (from) leaving work early. 老板阻止工人早下班。(2)make a deal w

3、ith 商量;协议如: I ll make a deal with you. You make the trip downtown and I ll give you more money. 我想跟你商量。你到市区一趟,我给你多付钱。3.I want you get into the habit of doing your homework as soon as you come home from school. 我想让你养成一放学回家就做家庭作业的习惯。get into the habit of养成做某事如: He got into the habit of getting up earl

4、y in America.在美国他养成了早期的习惯。4.I can work in the library and I m also able to read books there. 我可以在图书馆干活儿,而且还能在那儿看书。be able to do sth .能够做某事;有能力做某事要点联想辨析: be able to 和 can be able to 和 can 都表示“能够” ,但二者有所不同。be able to 一般指个人能力所能做到的事情,有人称和数的变化, can 一般指客观情况下所能做到的事情,有can 和 could 两种形式。如: He was able to ride

5、 a bike when he was 8 years old.=He could ride a bike when he was 8 years old. 他八岁的时候就会骑自行车了。5.If you do all these other things instead of your homework, you won t have time to study. 如果这些你都做,而不做作业,你就没有时间学习了。instead of 而不是如: He stayed at home instead of going to the cinema last night. 昨晚他待在家里,而没有去看电

6、影。即学即练()1.I have homework to do, so I can t go to the cinema with you. A.too many B.too much C.much too ()2.He habit of eating less. A.gets into B.gets up C.get on ()3.She eats vegetables meat. Because they are good for her health. A.to B.instead of C.as soon as 4.我们花了三个小时才到达山顶。We to the top of the

7、mountain. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 6 页2 / 6 5.政府阻止工厂污染水源。The government the water. 6.你不能跟我们去游泳,真遗憾!You can t go swimming with us. 百分导学(一)词汇专练:根据所给的首字母提示,把句子补充完整。每空一词。1.They are learning to play the g . 2.There is a big final e at the end of the term. 3.They are playing th

8、e i aloud. 4.Let s make a d about the start time. 5.Please form a h to get up early. 6.What a s ! You missed the concert. 7.The c holds a meeting every day. 8.The teacher spreads k around the country. 9.He f in the exam even though he tried hard. 10.He c it hard before he accepted it. (二)单项选择。()1.Do

9、n t spend too much time computer games. It s bad for your eyes. A.play B.playing C.to play ()2.Our teacher wants us playing basketball because of the rain. A.to stop B.stop C.stopping ()3.If I get up earlier, I the airport on time. A.will reach B.reach C.have reached ()4.I would like to do some read

10、ing instead of online. A.chat B.to chat C.chatting ()5.I m sorry, there is a traffic accident on my way to work. A.and B.because C.but (三)完成句子。1.我妈妈花了两个小时才做好饭。My mother the meal. 2.老师阻止学生冲向饭堂。The teacher to the dining hall. 3.我想和你商量一下。我想花一百元买两件。I ll you. I d like to buy two for one hundred yuan. 4.我

11、们都不同意他的做法。We don t him. 5.在老师的帮助下他养成了大声朗读的习惯。He reading loudly with the help of the teacher. Unit2 1.If you tell him the truth now, you ll show that you are honest. 如果你告诉他真相,就会证明你是证实的。truth 意为“事实;真相” ,其形容词是true。truth 的常见搭配:tell the truth 讲真话;告诉真相。如: He was true to his job. 他忠于职守。You d better tell us

12、 the truth at once.你最好立刻告诉我们真相。2.Last week, my friend David came round with a new computer game and asked to play it on my dad s computer. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 6 页3 / 6 上周,戴维带了一个新的电脑游戏来,并要求在我爸爸的电脑上玩。come round 拜访(某人的家)如: Can we come round to your house together?我们今晚能到

13、你家去吗?3.I can only use it for my homework. 我只能用它来做作业。use 作动词,意为“利用;用;使用”use sth.for doing sth=use sth to do sth使用某物做某事如: May I use your pencil? 我能用你的铅笔吗?We use a pen for writing. 我们用钢笔写字。4.We copied it to the computer, and after we finished playing, we took it off the computer. 我们把它复制到电脑上,当我们结束游戏后,又把

14、它从电脑上卸载下来。(1)copy sth to sth 把某物复制到某物上如: You mustn t copy the article to your essay.你不准把这篇文章复制到你的论文上。(2)take off 卸载要点联想常见与 take 的搭配:take care of 照顾;照料take down 取下;放下;记下take a message for. 给.捎信take exercise 锻炼take hold of 抓住take off 脱掉take part in 参加take.out of. 把.从.取出来take turns 轮流5.He could no long

15、er find the documents anywhere! 他再也找不到他的文件了!no longer 不再如: You are no longer a child. You should go there alone. 你不再是个孩子了,你应当一个人去那儿。6.I did not tell him about the computer game because I did not want him to be angry with me. be angry with生某人的气如: He was never be angry with his parents. 他从没有生过父母的气。7.b

16、ut at least you will show that you are honest. 但你至少能证明你是诚实的。least adj. 意为“至少的;最小的”,是 little 的最高级,其比较级为less. at least 至少反义词: at most 至多如: He often talks most and does least.他总是说得最多,做得最少。即学即练()1.He asked his father to the game from the computer. A.take up B.take off C.take on ()2.He laughed at others

17、when the teacher told him not to do so. A.no longer B.no long C.not more 3.教室里至少有一百人。There are one hundred people in the classroom. 4.即使你犯错了,也请跟我们讲真话。Please , though you made a mistake. 5.当他是一个小孩时,他总问一些问题并尝试一些新的想法。When he was a child, he was always asking questions and new ideas. 百分导练(一)词汇专练:根据所给的汉语

18、或首字母提示,把句子补充完整。每空一词。1.You always have r for being late for school. 2.Don t be afraid to tell the t when you go wrong. 3.He wants to be an (工程师) in the future. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 6 页4 / 6 4.You must remember to pay the (账单;账款). 5.His father is (修理;修补)the car in the g

19、arden. 6.Don t be (生气的;愤怒的)with your kid. He is only a baby. 7.The house is the (最少的;最小的)expensive of all. 8.He is an (诚实的;老实的)boy. Please trust him. 9.I don t know w we can get there on time or not. 10.If you o to do some housework, he will realise that you are very sorry. (二)单项选择()1.Diana never pl

20、ays games her father s computer. A.in B.on C.for ()2.Barbara always copies games the school computers. A.as B.with C.onto ()3.Don t worry about Mike. He will to study. A.do his best B.go wrong C.feel terrible ()4.If Mike tells the truth, his mother won t him. A.be proud of B.be angry with C.worries

21、about ()5.If he does more sports, he . A.is strong B.will be thin C.will be strong (三)完成句子1.他从来不告诉我们真相。He was never . 2.他们决定会议结束后就出发。They after the meeting. 3.我想试验一下这台机器。I would like to the machine. 4.有了你的陪伴,我不再害怕了。I am with you beside. 5.一日三餐之中,晚餐我吃得少。I for dinner among three meals each day. Unit3

22、语法导学if 从句( 2)1.由 if/when 和 until引导的条件状语从句,表示某种条件,主句则表示因这种条件而产生的影响或结果。如果主句用一般将来时,或“情态动词+动词原形”的结构,从句要用一般现在时代替一般将来时。如: I will give the book to her as soon as she comes back. 她一回来,我就会把书给她。He ll go to see your father when he reaches Beijing tomorrow. 明天他到达北京时,将会去看望你父亲。We ll go out for a walk if it is fin

23、e tomorrow.如果明天天气好,我们将出去散步。She won t go to bed until her mother returns home. 直到妈妈回家,她才会睡觉。I won t go to his party if my wife isn t invited. 如果我的太太没有受邀请,我就不去参加他的聚会。2.要注意区分判断由if 和 when 引导的宾语从句和状语从句。如: I don t know if he will come. If he comes, I will tell you. (宾语从句) (状语从句)我不知道他是否会来。如果他来了,我就告诉你。He wa

24、nts to know when the weather will be fine. When it is fine tomorrow, he will go for a walk. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 6 页5 / 6 (宾语从句)(状语从句)他想知道何时天气会好起来。如果明天天气好,他就去散步。判断方法 :(1)从整个句式看。状语从句一般可以放在主句的前面或后面(个别除外),宾语从句只能放在主句的位于动词之后。(2)从引导词看。If 充当宾语从句的连接词时,相当于whether,意为“是否” ;If 充当

25、状语从句的连接词时,意为“如果” 。When 充当引语从句的连接词时,意为“什么时候”,相当于 what time ,充当状语从句的连接词时,意为“当.的时候”(3)从时态看。 If 和 when 作连接词引导宾语从句时,从句的位于动词的时态应根据主句时态作相应变化。充当从属连词时,if 引导条件状语从句,when 引导时间状语从句,若主句的谓语动词用一般将来时,则从句的时态应用一般现在时表示将来。(4)标点符号由主句决定,如主句是陈述句、祈使句、则用句号;如果是疑问句则用问号。如: I heard she had been to the Great Wall.我听说她去过长城。Can you

26、 tell me which bus I should take? 你能告诉我我应该乘坐哪一辆公共汽车吗?即学即练()1.He says that he his lessons. A.works hard B.will work hard at C.worked hard to ()2.If Mike to bed late, his mother will feel better. A.stop to going B.stops going C.stops to go ()3.- ?-I feel terrible about something. A.What s up B.How old

27、 are you C.What about ()4.Don t my study and I will do my best. A.worry B.be worried about C.be worried ()5.My teacher will help you. A.be able to B.be C.able to 百分导练(一)短语翻译1.快点2.出错3.看太多电视4.得高分5.拒绝做某事6.在某人去 .的路上7.在.的末端8.节约9.对.觉得抱歉10.警告某人关于某事(二)单项选择()1.Lingling often helps her sister schoolwork. A.fo

28、r B.on C.with ()2.Steve decided his homework before he went to play. A.to finish B.finishing C.finish ()3.They the teacher didn t notice anything. A.proved B.realised C.made sure ()4.If you active, you will be much healthier. A.will be B.are C.were ()5.If you don t take more exercise, you on weight.

29、 A.will put B.put C.have put 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 6 页6 / 6 ()6.If Mike well, his parents will be proud of him. A.study B.studies C.helping ()7.If she terrible, she will go to bed early. A.feels B.will feel C.feel ()8.He never refused others even though he was busy. A.to help B.help C.helping ()9.My parents warned me not working too hard. A.about B.to C.on ()10.We haven t who made our computer go wrong. A.found B.looked C.found out 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 6 页



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