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1、综合英语第四册unit3-Alienation-and-the-Internet-lead-inWarm-up Quiz Computer and the Internetl1:Make sure you _ your computer before you leave the office. lclose lshut down lrestart llock up 2Free Template from l2:How long are you going to be _ the computer? latlin lto lon If you are using the computer, th

2、en, you are “on it”.3Free Template from lOh no! This stupid computer has _ again! lcrashed lbroken down lhad an accident lfailed4Free Template from l 4:I can spend the whole weekend just _ the net. lsailing lswimming lsurfing lwindsurfing5Free Template from l5:Now we have broadband, were _ to the in

3、ternet 24 hours a day. ljoined llinked lconnected lattached 6Free Template from l6:To open a file, just _ on it with the mouse. lpress lcluck lhit lclick 双击:double-click7Free Template from Give definitions to words and phrasesla. broadcastinglb. to flood something / somewherelc. tinned foodld. to ca

4、tch onle. evidencelf. linguisticlsending out sounds and pictures using radio waves lto fill an area or space with a large amount of something e.g. waterlfood which is in a metal container or canlto become popular lsomething that makes you believe that something exists or is truelconnected to languag

5、e or the study of language8Free Template from c. Complete the definition of spam with the words in the box.lSpam is the word for the _ messages and _ that come into your _ in-box.lThese messages come in _ amounts and you do not ask to _ them.llarge unwanted receive advertisements email9Free Template

6、 from d. At the end of part one of his talk, Professor Crystal asks, “But why the word spam for this sort of thing?” Which of the following explanations of the original meaning of spam do you think is correct?la. Spam is a type of poor quality meat that used to be very commonlb. Spam is the rubbish

7、left on the beach after the sea has gone downlc. Spam is the stuff which collects in the bottom of your bag e.g. small coins, pieces of paper, pen lids etc.ld. Spam is the advertisements for pizza restaurants etc. which are posted through your door10Free Template from la. Its not my cup of tea . I p

8、refer rock music.lb. Stop beefing about doing the shopping . Its your turn, so just do it.lc. I was so scared my legs turned to jelly.ld. He is in a pickle now, how will he escape?le. The new computer game is selling like hot cakes.lf. Immigration is a political hot potato at the moment.lg. He is su

9、ch a hammy actor, I think he ruins the filmli. To complain about somethinglii. To become weak and wobblyliii. To perform in a very artificial wayliv. To sell very quicklylv. To not be a personal preferencelvi. To be in a difficult situationlvii. To be a controversial issue, to be something no-one wa

10、nts to deal with11Free Template from 12Free Template from 13Free Template from Discuss these questions with other studentsl1. Can you think of examples of Internet that you use in the following fields?l Daily lifel Study or workl Entertainmentl Communicationl Others l(Hints:l E-mail; instantlAccess

11、Information; encyclopedia; search engines lShopping; credit card lOnline Chat; stay in touch with Downloading; free )14Free Template from l2. Does the internet have any problems? Give more detailsAddict; neglect; take its toll on (have a very bad effect on); health; time; household chores; familyCri

12、me; violencePersonal Information; credit card; codePornography 色情(或淫秽)作品; Spam; clog up阻塞; Virus threat; be prone to; attack; crash15Free Template from 16Free Template from 17Free Template from 18Free Template from Every coin has two sidesMake a list of advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.1

13、9Free Template from AdvantagesIt gives us easy access to a lot of information we need;1 1It makes communications faster and more effective without the hindrance of physical distance;2 2It makes our life more colorful with various kinds of entertainment; 3 3It makes life convenient.4 4.5 520Free Temp

14、late from Possible Possible unintended unintended negative negative consequencesconsequencesIt can make us feel addicted to it and take a lot our time with which we can do something more important.The virtual world it offers can make us forget who we really are and develop an unrealistic attitude to

15、wards lifeWe can be deceived by someone in the cyberspace with ill intentionsCommunications on the Internet is far from being safe because of the viruses and occasional breakdown of the computer system.Disadvantages.21Free Template from A compositionthe Internet: pros and conslOpening (your opinion)

16、lOutline+ details/ exampleslConcluding (reiterate your opionion )22Free Template from l4. Do you go on line every day? What do you often do on the Internet?l5. Are you an Internet buff? For how many hours a day do you think a person has to stay on-line before he or she is reckoned to be an Internet

17、buff? 23Free Template from 24Free Template from 25Free Template from lTo assess your level of addiction, answer the following questions using this scale: l 1 = Rarely. 罕见l2 = Occasionally. 偶尔l3 = Frequently. 常有l4 = Often. 经常l5 = Always. 总是 l 0=Does not appliedQuestionnaire 26Free Template from l1. H

18、ow often do you find that you stay on-line longer than you intended? l2. How often do you neglect household chores to spend more time on-line? l3. How often do you prefer the excitement of the Internet to intimacy with your partner? l4. How often do you form new relationships with fellow on-line use

19、rs? 27Free Template from l5. How often do others in your life complain to you about the amount of time you spend on-line? l6. How often do your grades or school work suffer because of the amount of time you spend on-line? l7. How often do you check your e-mail before something else that you need to

20、do? l8. How often does your job performance or productivity suffer because of the Internet? 28Free Template from l9. How often do you become defensive or secretive when anyone asks you what you do on-line? l10. How often do you block out disturbing thoughts about your life with soothing thoughts of

21、the Internet? l11. How often do you find yourself anticipating when you will go on-line again? l12. How often do you fear that life without the Internet would be boring, empty, and joyless? 29Free Template from l13. How often do you snap, yell, or act annoyed if someone bothers you while you are on-

22、line? l14. How often do you lose sleep due to late-night logins? l15. How often do you feel preoccupied with the Internet when off-line, or fantasize about being online? l16. How often do you find yourself saying just a few more minutes when online? 30Free Template from l17. How often do you try to

23、cut down the amount of time you spend on-line and fail? l18. How often do you try to hide how long youve been on-line? l19. How often do you choose to spend more time on-line over going out with others? l20. How often do you feel depressed, moody, or nervous when you are off-line, which goes away on

24、ce you are back on-line? 31Free Template from lAfter youve answered all the questions, add the numbers you selected for each response to obtain a final score. The higher your score, the greater your level of addiction and the problems your Internet usage causes. Heres a general scale to help measure

25、 your score:32Free Template from l20 - 49 points: You are an average on-line user. You may surf the Web a bit too long at times, but you have control over your usage.l50 -79 points: You are experiencing occasional or frequent problems because of the Internet. You should consider their full impact on

26、 your life.l80 - 100 points: Your Internet usage is causing significant problems in your life. You should evaluate the impact of the Internet on your life and address the problems directly caused by your Internet usage.33Free Template from lAfter you have identified the category that fits your total

27、 score, look back at those questions for which your scored a 4 or 5. Did you realize this was a significant problem for you? For example, if you answered 4 (often) to Question #2 regarding your neglect of household chores, were you aware of just how often your dirty laundry piles up or how empty the

28、 refrigerator gets?lSay you answered 5 (always) to Question #14 about lost sleep due to late-night logins. Have you ever stopped to think about how hard it has become to drag yourself out of bed every morning? Do you feel exhausted at work? Has this pattern begun to take its toll on your body and your overall health? l34Free Template from 谢谢观赏谢谢观赏



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