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1、Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking.Section BSection B“文明习惯知多少文明习惯知多少”知识竞知识竞赛赛谁有魔力眼游戏规则:看动图,并用英语说出谁有魔力眼游戏规则:看动图,并用英语说出你从中看到的好的你从中看到的好的/坏的生活习惯。坏的生活习惯。玩游戏,认习惯玩游戏,认习惯put litter into the dustbindo morning exercisesget up earlybrush your teethwash your handsread in the sunthrow litter aroundstay up

2、 lateget up latekeep fingernails long 看图片,给建议看图片,给建议You shouldnt/mustnt throw litter aroundYou shouldnt/mustnt看图片,给建议看图片,给建议You should/must put litter into the dustbin.You should/must看图片,给建议看图片,给建议You shouldnt/mustnt spit in public.You shouldnt/mustnt看图片,给建议看图片,给建议You should/must brush your teeth tw

3、ice a day.You should/must看图片,给建议看图片,给建议You should/must wash your hands before meals.You should/must 辩习惯,分好坏辩习惯,分好坏(mark H (healthy) or U(unhealthy))Liao Yi often goes to school without breakfast.( )Yuan Rui drinks lots of water every day.( )Xiao Meihua always studies late into the night.( ) Yang Yi

4、gets up at 10 oclock on weekends.( )Li Jinjie plays computer games a lot.( )Miss Zhang usually takes a walk after the meal.( )Mr. Liu likes smoking very much.( )HHsmoke/smuk/ v. & n. 吸烟,烟吸烟,烟smoking n. 吸烟吸烟 smoker n 吸烟的人吸烟的人What do you think of smoking?They think smoking can help them relax and make

5、 them look cool.Is smoking good or bad for our health?Is smoking good or bad for our health?Its bad for our health.Smoking makes people cough.The teeth & fingers become yellow.Smoking is bad for our lungs.It can even cause cancer.even /i:vn/ adv. 甚至,即使甚至,即使cancer/kns/ n. 癌,癌症癌,癌症 article/:tikl/ 文章,物

6、品文章,物品n. The article says smoking is also bad for your family members health.So everyone should give up smoking.放弃放弃give up sth./doing sth. 放弃某事放弃某事/做某事做某事Eg. I wont give up my study.Eg.I like singing. I wont give it up.smokesmokingsmokerevencancerarticlegive up/smuk/ v. & n. 吸烟,烟吸烟,烟/smuki / n. 吸烟吸

7、烟/smuk/ n. 吸烟的人吸烟的人/i:vn/ adv. 甚至,即使甚至,即使/kns/ n. 癌,癌症癌,癌症/:tikl/ n. 文章,物品文章,物品放弃放弃Wang JunfengMarias fatherWhat is Wang Junfeng doing? Why does Marias father like smoking ? Why does Maria want to ask her father to give up smoking? He is reading an article about smoking in the newspaper.Because he t

8、hinks smoking can help him relax.Because smoking is bad for our lungs and it can even cause cancer.1bListen to 1a and answer the following questions. 1cWatch the flash and fill in the blanks. Wang Junfeng is reading an _ about smoking in the newspaper . Marias father _ because he thinks smoking can

9、help him _. But the article says smoking is _ for our lungs and it can even _ cancer. Marias going to ask her father to _ _ smoking.articlesmokesrelaxbadcause give upMaria: Hi, Wang Junfeng! Youd better not _. Its bad for your eyes.Wang: Im reading an article _ Does your father smoke, Maria?Maria: Y

10、es, he thinks _.Wang: But you know, smoking _his health.Maria: Yes, his teeth are yellow and he often coughs.Wang: Thats too bad. Look, the article says smoking is bad for our lungs and it can _Maria: Oh! How terrible! I must _ May I borrow your newspaper and _Wang: Sure. read in the sun. about smok

11、ing in the newspaper.smoking can help him relax.is bad foreven cause cancer.ask him to give up smoking.show it to my father?根据提示,复述根据提示,复述1a._ 在太阳下看书在太阳下看书 _ 要求某人做要求某人做_ 致癌致癌help sb. relax _ 在报纸上在报纸上 把把给某人看给某人看 _团队合作,英汉互译。团队合作,英汉互译。read in the sunask sb. to do cause cancer帮助某人放松帮助某人放松in the newspape

12、rshow to sb.1234758196选取其中一个数字,并做对相应的练习,选取其中一个数字,并做对相应的练习,你就能得到相应的分数。你就能得到相应的分数。I would never _ (放弃放弃) my dream.1give up(加加5分分)(吸烟吸烟) _ is bad for our health.2Smoking(加加1分分)He can_ (甚至甚至) remember what he did ten years ago.3even(加加1分分) Yesterday I read an _ (文章文章) about keeping healthy.4article(加加3分

13、分)His grandfather died of _ (癌症癌症) .5cancer(加加2分分)_(在太阳下读书在太阳下读书) is bad for your eyes.6Reading in the sun(加加5分分) I want to _ (把我的新书展示给把我的新书展示给) my best friend .7show my new book(加加3分分) He got this important news _ _(在报纸上在报纸上) .8in the newspaper(加加3分分)The teacher _ (要求他要求他.) finish his homework on t

14、ime.9asks him to(加加5分分)Smoking is bad for our lungs,Smoking is bad for our health,Smoking can even cause cancer,I love my mom, I love my dad,I will do my best,Never smoke in my rest. 观察以下图片,联系你的生活实际,用观察以下图片,联系你的生活实际,用should/must/shouldnt/mustntshould/must/shouldnt/mustnt拟写几条拟写几条文明建议。文明建议。 为了支持文明城区的创建,请为了支持文明城区的创建,请你制作一张禁烟的海报或者拟写一你制作一张禁烟的海报或者拟写一条禁烟的标语。条禁烟的标语。



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