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1、marketing strict internal cost control, business and innovation performance. -Increasing electricity access, price i ncrease, electricity supply is guaranteed. In 2012, the company with coal inventory, get rewards of Jiangsu provincial government power to 266 million kWh. Through the small and bilat

2、eral trade, access to electricity 1.695 billion kWh, seeking removal compensation when the power 50 million -kil owatt, 116% market share in Jiang su Province ranked first in the same capacity, the same type units. Compa ny closely tracked coal linkage policies on July 1 and August 20 respectively i

3、ncrease prices 2.08 minutes and 2.5 points, profitability increased significantly. 公. Job grading, remuneration of labour agreements into long -term contract workers compensation system, stimulating the enthusiasm of the staff. -Further strengthening of human resources management. Full implementatio

4、n of the performance appraisa l regulations, incentive effect. Complete the reserve cadreevaluation and selection, produced 10 primary reserve cadre s and 11 secondary reserve cadres. Implementation of operation staff induction ga ng system, 14 staff posts be pr omoted. Strengthening the cultivation

5、 of professional technical leaders, selected coverage 9 13 factory-level professional and te chnical leaders. To enha nce staff skills training, 8 staff technicians. Labor contract law compliance, contracts of up to 100%. -Star team-building to advance further. Establish a holding system implementat

6、ion, and promoting the whole team-building goals, strengthen group management. Team buildi ng into a performance review , promoting the construction of the star team depth. This year, respe ctively, 1 track, 4 team four star rated five-star by Datang and t he team. Four, insists on six cultural cons

7、truction of harmoni ous development, really good job of party constructi on and t he i ndependent Commission against corruption, strengthening the humanistic care and psychological counseling, the enterprise culture construction to a new level. -Building of enterprise culture is fruitful. Companie s

8、 adhere to the Shenhua lead of corporate culture, culture of responsibility at the core, to safety culture, a culture of learning, ethical culture, cost cult ure culture system-assiste d, through various cult ural integration, has boosted business ce ntre, this year has won the Chi nese cultural man

9、agement advanced unit, National Advance d Unit in the building of enterprise cult ure of reform and opening up 30 and other honorary titles. The liability of the company culture: solving management problems of corporate culture proje ct was awarded the CEC national electric power enterprise cult ure

10、 achievement award of excellence. The accident early warning and prevention system was rated as Chinas power of innovation management, innovation management of electric power enterprise in Jiangsu Province. -Party and the independent Commission against corruption continue s to strengthen. Was carrie

11、d out to maintain security, profit, maintain stability and promote harmonious development as the main content of the three guarantees theme practice activities and stressing party spirit, to conduct, for example campaign, party and further improvement of the level of work. Staff participating in the

12、 honest and clean culture construction seminars, staffs sense of probity and enha nced. Founded by honest inspectors team composed of 12 employees to broaden the channels of supervision. Adhere to establish four good leadership activities, staff satisfaction rate of 98% to the team. -Group work dyna

13、mic. Promoting the openne ss of factory Affairs, proposal for a love letter box, to the vital interests of the staff Trade Union delegation leader meeting of the 26 system to discuss a nd safeguard their democratic rights. Improve the organizational structur e of the mission, the work of strengtheni

14、ng. Organize maintenance labor emulation and health Cup competition, enhance the skills of staff. Organized a variety of cultural activities, physi cal and mental health care staff, to create a harmonious atmosphere. During the Wenchuan earthquake, donated all the company employees, to love, to supp

15、ort the disaster areas. This year, the company has won the Su . Cutting costs can be controlled, money should not be wasted management philosophy, management analysis, to improve management quality, improve cost control capacity a nd market competitiveness. Innovation of science and technology-scien

16、ce and technology innovation is to play the role of science and technology as the primary productive force, active use of new technologies, new materials, new processes, new equipment, increase investment in science and technology, strengthening scientific and te chnological training, speeding up tr

17、ansforming scientific and te chnological achi evements, forming a number of proprietary technology, enha nci ng core competitiveness. Resource-saving-the-resources saving enterprise was to reduce coal consumption, water consumption, electricity at the core, enhance the operation of lean management t

18、o realize low consumption, high efficiency, reduce production costs. Second is to strengthen the business, financial, material, information and the optimization of organization and management, saving the internal transaction costs. Harmonious development of harmonious development-is to construct a f

19、oreign environment for development. XING refers to the internal security firm and internal management of the internal management measures are effective, harmonious. Foreign currency means Enterprise coordinating development of homeopathy, well, get along with the neighbors better. (B) XX 2013 five e

20、nterprises building intrinsi c safety power company goals are : unplanne d outage 0 times. Class of disorders 0, 0 is equivalent forced outage rate. No personal injury acci dent, material and equipment accidents do not occur, no fire, no environme ntal poll ution acci dent. Enterprise integrated to

21、achieve zero ca ses of violation, zero acci dents, zero. Quality goal is: when generating capacity 7.5中南大学现代远程教育课程考试复习题及参考答案宪法学一、判断题 :1中华人民共和国对于因为政治原因要求避难的外国人,应当给予受庇护的权利。()2父母有抚养教育子女的义务,子女有赡养扶助父母的义务。()3享有法定权利的公民,一方面有权要求他人为一定行为或不为一定行为,另一方面也有权要求他人为一定行为或不为一定行为()4宪法规定, 全国人民代表大会代表不得担任国家行政机关、审判机关和检察机关的职务。

22、( )5民主是专政的保障,专政是民主的前提和基础。( )6根据现行宪法规定,任何组织和个人不得侵占、买卖、出租或者以其他形式非法转让土地。 ( )7国家机构形式所体现的国家整体和组成部分、中央和地方之间的关系,也是一种职权划分的关系。()8中华人民共和国副主席受主席委托,可以继任主席的职位。()9社会主义国家只能采取单一制的国家结构形式。()10党也必须在宪法和法律的范围内活动。()11宪法关系的一方通常总是国家或者国家机关。()12由司法机关监督宪法的实施源于美国。()13宪法是民主制度的法律化,就是说尽管古代就出现了“宪法”一词,但我们通常所说的宪法是在社会主义革命取得成功,有了民主的事实

23、以后才产生的。()14 “贿选宪法”即“袁记约法”。 ()15国家为了公共利益的需要,可以依照法律的规定对土地实行征用。()16政权组织形式是国家制度的核心。()17政体决定国家,国体适应政体。()18人民代表大会行使国家权力是通过会议的方式进行的。()19我国社会主义宪法的本质,决定了我国公民享有广泛的权利和自由,包括立法上的平等权和执法、守法上的平等权。()20在所有立宪国家,宪法的创制程序都比一般法律严格。()21宪法是阶级斗争中取得胜利的那个阶级的意志和利益的集中表现。()22我国历史上第一个宪法性文件是中国人民政治协商会议通过的共同纲领。()23在阶级社会中,国家的阶级性质同一定的经

24、济制度是紧密相联系的。()24公民的平等权在我国包括了公民在立法上的平等权。()25 我国的刑事犯罪分子也是公民。()26有了宪法就有了宪政。()27在我国,最高人民法院可以对宪法进行解释。()28所有国家的宪法都具有纲领性的特点。()29党委和同级人大的关系是上下级关系。()30村委会是基层政府的派出机关。()二、简答题:1资产阶级宪法产生有哪些条件?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 6 页marketing strict internal cost control, business and innovation pe

25、rformance. -Increasing electricity access, price i ncrease, electricity supply is guaranteed. In 2012, the company with coal inventory, get rewards of Jiangsu provincial government power to 266 million kWh. Through the small and bilateral trade, access to electricity 1.695 billion kWh, seeking remov

26、al compensation when the power 50 million-kilowatt, 116% market share in Jiang su Province ranked first in the same capacity, the same type units. Compa ny closely tracked coal linkage policies on July 1 and August 20 respectively increase prices 2.08 minutes and 2.5 points, profitability increased

27、significantly. 公. Job grading, remuneration of labour agreements into long -term contract workers compensation system, stimulating the enthusiasm of the staff. -Further strengthening of human resources management. Full implementation of the performance appraisa l regulations, incentive effect. Compl

28、ete the reserve cadreevaluation and selection, produced 10 primary reserve cadre s and 11 secondary reserve cadres. Implementation of operation staff induction ga ng system, 14 staff posts be pr omoted. Strengthening the cultivation of professional technical leaders, select ed coverage 9 13 factory-

29、level professional and te chnical leaders. To enha nce staff skills training, 8 staff technicians. Labor contract law compliance, contracts of up to 100%. -Star team-building to advance further. Establish a holding system implementation, and promoting the whole team-building goals, strengthen group

30、management. Team buildi ng into a performance review , promoting the construction of the star team depth. This year, respe ctively, 1 track, 4 team four star rated five-star by Datang and t he team. Four, insists on six cultural construction of harmoni ous development, really good job of party const

31、ruction and the i ndependent Commission against corruption, strengthening the humanistic care and psychological counseling, the enterprise culture construction to a new level. -Building of enterprise culture is fruitful. Companie s adhere to the Shenhua lead of corporate culture, culture of responsi

32、bility at the core, to safety culture, a culture of learning, ethical culture, cost cult ure culture system-assiste d, through various cult ural integration, has boosted business ce ntre, this year has won the Chi nese cultural management advanced unit, National Advance d Unit in the building of ent

33、erprise cult ure of reform and opening up 30 and other honorary titles. The liability of the company culture: solving management problems of corporate culture proje ct was awarded the CEC national electric power enterprise cult ure achievement award of excellence. The accident early warning and prev

34、ention system was rated as Chinas power of innovation management, innovation management of electric power enterprise in Jiangsu Provnce. -Party and the independent Commission against corruption continue s to strengthen. Was carried out to maintain security, profit, maintain stability and promote har

35、monious development as the main content of the three guarantees theme practice activities and stressing party spirit, to conduct, for example campaign, party and further improvem ent of the level of work. Staff participating in the honest and clean culture construction seminars, staffs sense of prob

36、ity and enhanced. Founded by honest inspectors team composed of 12 employees to broaden the channels of supervision. Adhere to establish four good leadershi p activities, staff satisfaction rate of 98% to the team. -Group work dynamic. Promoting the openness of factory Affairs, proposal for a love l

37、etter box, to the vital interests of the staff Trade Union delegation leader meeting of the 26 system to discuss a nd safeguard their democratic rights. Improve the organizational structure of the mission, the work of strengthening. Organize maintenance la bor emulation and health Cup competition, e

38、 nha nce the skills of staff. Organized a variety of cultural activities, physical and mental health care staff, to create a harmonious atmosphere. During the Wenchuan earthquake, donated all the company employees, to love, to support the disaster areas. This year, the company has won the Su . Cutti

39、ng costs can be controlled, money should not be wasted management philosophy, management analysis, to improve management quality, improve cost control capacity and market competitiveness. Innovation of science and te chnology-sci ence and technology innovation is to play the role of science and tech

40、nology as the primary productive force, active use of new technologies, new materials, new processes, new equipment, increase investment in science a nd technology, strengthe ning scientific and technologica l training, speeding up transforming scientific and te chnological achievements, forming a n

41、umber of proprietary technol ogy, enha nci ng core competitiveness. Resource-saving-the-re sources saving enterprise was to reduce coal consumption, water consumption, electricity at the core, enhance the operation of lean management to realize low consumption, high efficiency, reduce production cos

42、ts. Second is to strengthen the business, financial, material, information and the optimization of organization and management, saving the internal transaction costs. Harmonious development of harmonious development-is to construct a foreign environme nt for development. XING refers to the internal

43、security firm and internal management of the internal management measures are effective, harmonious. Foreign currency means Enterprise coordinating development of homeopathy, well, get along with the neighbors better. (B) XX 2013 five enterprises bui lding intrinsic safety power company goals are: u

44、nplanned outage 0 times. Class of disorders 0, 0 is equivalent forced outag e rate. No personal injury accident, material and equipment accidents do not occur, no fire, no environmental poll ution acci dent. Enterprise integrated to achieve zero ca ses of violation, zero acci dents, zero. Quality go

45、al is: when generating capacity 7.52 2全国人大常委会的职权有哪些?3单一制的特点有哪些?4简述公民与人民的区别。5简述联邦制的基本特点。6论述我国公民权利义务的一致性。7简述全国人民代表大会的职权。8简述 2004 年宪法修改的主要内容。三、论述题 :1评述我国单一制与民族区域自治、特别行政区的关系。2试分析我国选举制度优越性与局限性。3试从“纵”与“横”两方面来分析我国国家形式。4试述我国宪法监督体制及实效。四、案例分析题:1. 据报道,江苏省的一个镇领导职务严重超编,现有正副镇长和党委书记30 多人,针对这一现象,江苏省有关部门决定推出公务员退出制治理

46、。问: (1)设立国家机关的根据及宗旨是什么?它有什么特点?(2)该镇正副镇长和党委书记多达30 多人的现象违背了宪法的什么原则?2. 中华人民共和国国务院221 号令:根据1990 年 4 月 4 日第七届全国人民代表大会第三次会议通过的 全国人民代表大会关于设立香港特别行政区的决定, 中华人民共和国香港特别行政区区域图已经于1997 年 5 月 7 日国务院第56 次常务会通过,现予以公布问 : (1)国务院的性质是什么?(2) 宪法第89 条规定的内容是什么? (3)全国人大和国务院的关系是什么?3. 材料一: 2004 年 4 月,某市 10 届人大常委会第 3 次会议对 关于某市再就

47、业工程实施情况的报告进行审议。经审议后,常委会组成人员对报告表示不满意,并决定通知市政府,要求其重新研究再就业工作,并于 5 月底以前将报告修改好后,再向市人大常委会报告。材料二: 2005 年 1 月 25 日 ,某省 9 届人大 3 次会议部分代表对省环保局处理企业排污的决定进行了质询。在质询代表对首次质询结果不满意的情况下,又于次日进行第二次质询。 在两次质询结束后,参加质询的代表对质询结果很不满意,遂向大会提交了关于建议省政府撤换王某省环保局副局长职务的报告。问题:(1)上述两则材料中,人大或者人大常委会的行为是否合宪?(2) 如何看待我国的人民代表大会制度?4. 2001年 2 月

48、9 日开始召开沈阳市人大会议,对市中级人民法院和市人民检察院的上年度工作报告进行审议表决。在所有的508 名代表中, 出席闭幕会议的代表474 人,只有218 人对法院的报告投了赞成票。赞成票没有超过半数,法院的工作报告未被通过。而沈阳市人民检察院的工作报告也仅仅以270 人的微弱多数过关。2001 年以来,在这个城市发生精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 6 页marketing strict internal cost control, business and innovation performance. -Incr

49、easing electricity access, price i ncrease, electricity supply is guaranteed. In 2012, the company with coal inventory, get rewards of Jiangsu provincial government power to 266 million kWh. Through the small and bilateral trade, access to electricity 1.695 billion kWh, seeking removal compensation

50、when the power 50 million-kilowatt, 116% market share in Jiang su Province ranked first in the same capacity, the same type units. Compa ny closely tracked coal linkage policies on July 1 and August 20 respectively increase prices 2.08 minutes and 2.5 points, profitability increased significantly. 公

51、. Job grading, remuneration of labour agreements into long -term contract workers compensation system, stimulating the enthusiasm of the staff. -Further strengthening of human resources management. Full implementation of the performance appraisa l regulations, incentive effect. Complete the reserve

52、cadreevaluation and selection, produced 10 primary reserve cadre s and 11 secondary reserve cadres. Implementation of operation staff induction ga ng system, 14 staff posts be pr omoted. Strengthening the cultivation of professional technical leaders, selected coverage 9 13 factory-level professiona

53、l and te chnical leaders. To enha nce staff skills training, 8 staff technicians. Labor contract law compliance, contracts of up to 100%. -Star team-building to advance further. Establish a holding system implementation, and promoting the whole team-building goals, strengthen group management. Team

54、buildi ng into a performance review , promoting the construction of the star team depth. This year, respe ctively, 1 track, 4 team four star rated five-star by Datang and t he team. Four, insists on six cultural construction of harmoni ous development, really good job of party construction and the i

55、 ndependent Commission against corruption, strengthening the humanistic care and psychological counseling, the enterprise culture construction to a new level. -Building of enterprise culture is fruitful. Companie s adhere to the Shenhua lead of corporate culture, culture of responsibility at the cor

56、e, to safety culture, a culture of learning, ethical culture, cost cult ure culture system-assiste d, through various cult ural integration, has boosted business ce ntre, this year has won the Chi nese cultural management advanced unit, National Advance d Unit in the building of enterprise cult ure

57、of reform and opening up 30 and other honorary titles. The liability of the company culture: solving management problems of corporate culture proje ct was awarded the CEC national electric power enterprise culture achievement award of excellence. The accident early warning and prevention system was

58、rated as Chinas power of innovation management, innovation management of electric power enterprise in Jiangsu Province. -Party and the independent Commission against corruption continue s to strengthen. Was carried out to maintain security, profit, maintain stability and promote harmonious developme

59、nt as the main content of the three guarantees theme practice activities and stressing party spirit, to conduct, for example campaign, party and further improvement of the level of work. Staff participating in the honest and clean culture construction seminars, staffs sense of probity and enhanced.

60、Founded by honest inspectors team composed of 12 employees to broaden the channels of supervision. Adhere to establish four good leadershi p activities, staff satisfaction rate of 98% to the team. -Group work dynamic. Promoting the openness of factory Affairs, proposal for a love letter box, to the

61、vital interests of the staff Trade Union delegation leader meeting of the 26 system to discuss a nd safeguard their democratic rights. Improve the organizational structure of the mission, the work of strengthening. Organize maintenance la bor emulation and health Cup competition, e nha nce the skill

62、s of staff. Organized a variety of cultural activities, physical and mental health care staff, to create a harmonious atmosphere. During the Wenchuan earthquake, donated all the company employees, to love, to support the disaster areas. This year, the company has won the Su . Cutting costs can be co

63、ntrolled, money should not be wasted management philosophy, management analysis, to improve management quality, improve cost control capacity and market competitiveness. Innovation of science and te chnology-sci ence and technology innovation is to play the role of science and technology as the prim

64、ary productive force, active use of new technologies, new materials, new processes, new equipment, increase investment in science a nd technology, strengthe ning scientific and technologica l training, speeding up transforming scientific and te chnological achievements, forming a number of proprieta

65、ry technol ogy, enha nci ng core competitiveness. Resource-saving-the-re sources saving enterprise was to reduce coal consumption, water consumption, electricity at the core, enhance the operation of lean management to realize low consumption, high efficiency, reduce production costs. Second is to s

66、trengthen the business, financial, material, information and the optimization of organization and management, saving the internal transaction costs. Harmonious development of harmonious development-is to construct a foreign environme nt for development. XING refers to the internal security firm and

67、internal management of the internal management measures are effective, harmonious. Foreign currency means Enterprise coordinating development of homeopathy, well, get along with the neighbors better. (B) XX 2013 five enterprises bui lding intrinsic safety power company goals are: unplanned outage 0

68、times. Class of disorders 0, 0 is equivalent forced outag e rate. No personal injury accident, material and equipment accidents do not occur, no fire, no environmental poll ution acci dent. Enterprise integrated to achieve zero ca ses of violation, zero acci dents, zero. Quality goal is: when genera

69、ting capacity 7.53 的一系列腐败案被揭露出来,原副市长、 政协副主席、 检察院检察长、 法院副院长纷纷落马,这是代表们对法院报告不满意的主要原因。半年后, 法院的整改工作初见成效,重新提请审议的关于沈阳市中级人民法院整改情况和2001 年工作安排的报告以395 票获得通过。问: (1)本案体现了人大怎样的宪法地位?(2)人大能否否决法院的工作报告? 5. 某市一位女副市长因工作出色深受市民拥护。但到了退休年龄后,她发现根据国家有关部门规定的男女不同的离退休年龄,与她同岁的男性副市长仍可多工作三年。她认为, 根据宪法的男女平等原则,对男女规定不同的离退休年龄的规定是违反了宪法平

70、等原则,于是以男女不同离退休年龄规定违反宪法为由,向全国人大常委会提出了违宪审查的建议,要求对行政法规与行政规章进行合宪性审查。问: (1)在这个案件中当事人是否有权提出违宪审查建议?(2)在该案中当事人的什么权利受到了侵犯?(3)为什么不通过合法性审查,直接进入合宪性审查?除以个人的名义提出违宪审查建议外,还有哪些救济途径?(4) 立法法规定的程序在哪些方面还要进一步完善?6.1998年湖北省武汉市九届人民代表大会第三次会议上,市政府作了关于下岗职工再就业 报告,但因该报告中有许多数据过分夸张、虚报现象严重而未得到与会代表的肯定。该工作报告未被通过和批准,引起社会关注。问: (1)此事例的性

71、质是什么?(2)市政府工作报告中反映的问题的性质是什么?(3)市人大没有通过和批准市政府工作报告的宪法依据是什么?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 6 页marketing strict internal cost control, business and innovation performance. -Increasing electricity access, price i ncrease, electricity supply is guaranteed. In 2012, the company with c

72、oal inventory, get rewards of Jiangsu provincial government power to 266 million kWh. Through the small and bilateral trade, access to electricity 1.695 billion kWh, seeking removal compensation when the power 50 million-kilowatt, 116% market share in Jiang su Province ranked first in the same capac

73、ity, the same type units. Compa ny closely tracked coal linkage policies on July 1 and August 20 respectively increase prices 2.08 minutes and 2.5 points, profitability increased significantly. 公. Job grading, remuneration of labour agreements into long -term contract workers compensation system, st

74、imulating the enthusiasm of the staff. -Further strengthening of human resources management. Full implementation of the performance appraisa l regulations, incentive effect. Complete the reserve cadreevaluation and selection, produced 10 primary reserve cadre s and 11 secondary reserve cadres. Imple

75、mentation of operation staff induction ga ng system, 14 staff posts be pr omoted. Strengthening the cultivation of professional technical leaders, select ed coverage 9 13 factory-level professional and te chnical leaders. To enha nce staff skills training, 8 staff technicians. Labor contract law com

76、pliance, contracts of up to 100%. -Star team-building to advance further. Establish a holding system implementation, and promoting the whole team-building goals, strengthen group management. Team buildi ng into a performance review , promoting the construction of the star team depth. This year, resp

77、e ctively, 1 track, 4 team four star rated five-star by Datang and t he team. Four, insists on six cultural construction of harmoni ous development, really good job of party construction and the i ndependent Commission against corruption, strengthening the humanistic care and psychological counselin

78、g, the enterprise culture construction to a new level. -Building of enterprise culture is fruitful. Companie s adhere to the Shenhua lead of corporate culture, culture of responsibility at the core, to safety culture, a culture of learning, ethical culture, cost cult ure culture system-assiste d, th

79、rough various cult ural integration, has boosted business ce ntre, this year has won the Chi nese cultural management advanced unit, National Advance d Unit in the building of enterprise cult ure of reform and opening up 30 and other honorary titles. The liability of the company culture: solving man

80、agement problems of corporate culture proje ct was awarded the CEC national electric power enterprise cult ure achievement award of excellence. The accident early warning and prevention system was rated as Chinas power of innovation management, innovation management of electric power enterprise in J

81、iangsu Provnce. -Party and the independent Commission against corruption continue s to strengthen. Was carried out to maintain security, profit, maintain stability and promote harmonious development as the main content of the three guarantees theme practice activities and stressing party spirit, to

82、conduct, for example campaign, party and further improvem ent of the level of work. Staff participating in the honest and clean culture construction seminars, staffs sense of probity and enhanced. Founded by honest inspectors team composed of 12 employees to broaden the channels of supervision. Adhe

83、re to establish four good leadershi p activities, staff satisfaction rate of 98% to the team. -Group work dynamic. Promoting the openness of factory Affairs, proposal for a love letter box, to the vital interests of the staff Trade Union delegation leader meeting of the 26 system to discuss a nd saf

84、eguard their democratic rights. Improve the organizational structure of the mission, the work of strengthening. Organize maintenance la bor emulation and health Cup competition, e nha nce the skills of staff. Organized a variety of cultural activities, physical and mental health care staff, to creat

85、e a harmonious atmosphere. During the Wenchuan earthquake, donated all the company employees, to love, to support the disaster areas. This year, the company has won the Su . Cutting costs can be controlled, money should not be wasted management philosophy, management analysis, to improve management

86、quality, improve cost control capacity and market competitiveness. Innovation of science and te chnology-sci ence and technology innovation is to play the role of science and technology as the primary productive force, active use of new technologies, new materials, new processes, new equipment, incr

87、ease investment in science a nd technology, strengthe ning scientific and technologica l training, speeding up transforming scientific and te chnological achievements, forming a number of proprietary technol ogy, enha nci ng core competitiveness. Resource-saving-the-re sources saving enterprise was

88、to reduce coal consumption, water consumption, electricity at the core, enhance the operation of lean management to realize low consumption, high efficiency, reduce production costs. Second is to strengthen the business, financial, material, information and the optimization of organization and manag

89、ement, saving the internal transaction costs. Harmonious development of harmonious development-is to construct a foreign environme nt for development. XING refers to the internal security firm and internal management of the internal management measures are effective, harmonious. Foreign currency mea

90、ns Enterprise coordinating development of homeopathy, well, get along with the neighbors better. (B) XX 2013 five enterprises bui lding intrinsic safety power company goals are: unplanned outage 0 times. Class of disorders 0, 0 is equivalent forced outag e rate. No personal injury accident, material

91、 and equipment accidents do not occur, no fire, no environmental poll ution acci dent. Enterprise integrated to achieve zero ca ses of violation, zero acci dents, zero. Quality goal is: when generating capacity 7.54 参考答案宪法学模拟考试试卷答案要点一、判断题:1错 2错 3对 4错 5错 6错 7对 8错 9错 10对 11对 12对 13错 14错15对 16错 17错 18对

92、 19错 20错 21 对 22错 23对 24错 25 对 26错 27错28错 29错 30错二、简答题:1参考教材:经济、政治和文化思想三个条件答出各1 分;分析给2 分。见教学课件。2参考教材:答出全部职权给满分;缺少一个扣1 分。见教材P190-192。3参考教材:回答出四个要点并分析展开每个各1 分,概括总结1 分。见教材P123。4参考教材:公民与人民的概念各05 分。四个要点各05 分:公民是法律概念,人民是政治概念;公民含义比较稳定,而人民概念在不同时期有不同内容;人民是群体概念,而公民既可以是个体,也可以是群体概念;公民概念大于人民概念。四个要点展开分析各05分。5参考教材

93、:回答出联邦制的4 个特点并分析,每个1 分;概括总结1 分。6参考教材:概述我国公民权利义务一致性。(2 分)具体围绕四个分论点论述及其展开每个 3 分,共 4 分。总结1 分。7参考教材: (1) 修改宪法和监督宪法的实施(2) 制定和修改国家基本法律(3) 国家重大事项决定权 (4) 监督其他国家机关权(5) 对中央国家机关组成人员的选举、决定和罢免权(6) 其他应当由最高权力机关行使的职权. 详见教材P293-295. 8参考教材:概述(1 分) ,四个要点及其展开各1 分:三个代表入宪;私有财产权入宪、人权入宪;政治文明入宪等。答出全部要点给满分;缺少一个扣1 分。三、论述题1参考教

94、材:回答出单一制、民族区域自治与特别行政区的概念各1 分;阐述我国单一制的国家结构的内涵3 分;比较民族区域自治与特别行政区在自治方面的特色5 分;民族区域自治与特别行政区虽然是我国特色,但仍然是在单一制的前提下,是单一制的补充。答出给 4 分。2参考教材:这是基本理论知识问题,同时也是一道理论联系实际的综合性题目。重点是结合第三章和现实来谈,回答出我国选举制度优越性及分析各给5 分;对局限性的列出及分析给 5 分;联系实际则有5 分。本题目主要考学生学习的基本理论掌握程度与分析问题的能力,是一道开放性的题目,参考教材、其他教材或国内外研究成果,甚至自己论证能够自圆其说也可以。3参考教材:国家

95、结构形式的含义及我国国家结构形式单一制(“纵”的方面) ,答出概念2 分、我国国家结构形式4 分;政权组织形式含义及我国政权组织形式以人大为核心的五大国家机关(“横”的方面) ,答出概念2 分、我国政权组织形式4 分;结合我国实际分析国家形式特色3 分。本题是一道综合性题目,重点是结合第三章和第四章来谈,当然认真看过书本的同学则发现这是宪法学 教材的重大核心问题,当然也是基本理论体系问题。详见教材第三章和第四章。4参考教材:回答出权力机关全国人大及其常委会对宪法实施监督,总结有中国特色的监督体制,答出8 分;联系实际对现行监督体制的缺陷及原因分析,答出 7 分。本题要求有一精选学习资料 - -

96、 - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 6 页marketing strict internal cost control, business and innovation performance. -Increasing electricity access, price i ncrease, electricity supply is guaranteed. In 2012, the company with coal inventory, get rewards of Jiangsu provincial government power t

97、o 266 million kWh. Through the small and bilateral trade, access to electricity 1.695 billion kWh, seeking removal compensation when the power 50 million-kilowatt, 116% market share in Jiang su Province ranked first in the same capacity, the same type units. Compa ny closely tracked coal linkage pol

98、icies on July 1 and August 20 respectively increase prices 2.08 minutes and 2.5 points, profitability increased significantly. 公. Job grading, remuneration of labour agreements into long -term contract workers compensation system, stimulating the enthusiasm of the staff. -Further strengthening of hu

99、man resources management. Full implementation of the performance appraisa l regulations, incentive effect. Complete the reserve cadreevaluation and selection, produced 10 primary reserve cadre s and 11 secondary reserve cadres. Implementation of operation staff induction ga ng system, 14 staff posts

100、 be pr omoted. Strengthening the cultivation of professional technical leaders, selected coverage 9 13 factory-level professional and te chnical leaders. To enha nce staff skills training, 8 staff technicians. Labor contract law compliance, contracts of up to 100%. -Star team-building to advance fur

101、ther. Establish a holding system implementation, and promoting the whole team-building goals, strengthen group management. Team buildi ng into a performance review , promoting the construction of the star team depth. This year, respe ctively, 1 track, 4 team four star rated five-star by Datang and t

102、 he team. Four, insists on six cultural construction of harmoni ous development, really good job of party construction and the i ndependent Commission against corruption, strengthening the humanistic care and psychological counseling, the enterprise culture construction to a new level. -Building of

103、enterprise culture is fruitful. Companie s adhere to the Shenhua lead of corporate culture, culture of responsibility at the core, to safety culture, a culture of learning, ethical culture, cost cult ure culture system-assiste d, through various cult ural integration, has boosted business ce ntre, t

104、his year has won the Chi nese cultural management advanced unit, National Advance d Unit in the building of enterprise cult ure of reform and opening up 30 and other honorary titles. The liability of the company culture: solving management problems of corporate culture proje ct was awarded the CEC n

105、ational electric power enterprise culture achievement award of excellence. The accident early warning and prevention system was rated as Chinas power of innovation management, innovation management of electric power enterprise in Jiangsu Province. -Party and the independent Commission against corrup

106、tion continue s to strengthen. Was carried out to maintain security, profit, maintain stability and promote harmonious development as the main content of the three guarantees theme practice activities and stressing party spirit, to conduct, for example campaign, party and further improvement of the

107、level of work. Staff participating in the honest and clean culture construction seminars, staffs sense of probity and enhanced. Founded by honest inspectors team composed of 12 employees to broaden the channels of supervision. Adhere to establish four good leadershi p activities, staff satisfaction

108、rate of 98% to the team. -Group work dynamic. Promoting the openness of factory Affairs, proposal for a love letter box, to the vital interests of the staff Trade Union delegation leader meeting of the 26 system to discuss a nd safeguard their democratic rights. Improve the organizational structure

109、of the mission, the work of strengthening. Organize maintenance la bor emulation and health Cup competition, e nha nce the skills of staff. Organized a variety of cultural activities, physical and mental health care staff, to create a harmonious atmosphere. During the Wenchuan earthquake, donated al

110、l the company employees, to love, to support the disaster areas. This year, the company has won the Su . Cutting costs can be controlled, money should not be wasted management philosophy, management analysis, to improve management quality, improve cost control capacity and market competitiveness. In

111、novation of science and te chnology-sci ence and technology innovation is to play the role of science and technology as the primary productive force, active use of new technologies, new materials, new processes, new equipment, increase investment in science a nd technology, strengthe ning scientific

112、 and technologica l training, speeding up transforming scientific and te chnological achievements, forming a number of proprietary technol ogy, enha nci ng core competitiveness. Resource-saving-the-re sources saving enterprise was to reduce coal consumption, water consumption, electricity at the cor

113、e, enhance the operation of lean management to realize low consumption, high efficiency, reduce production costs. Second is to strengthen the business, financial, material, information and the optimization of organization and management, saving the internal transaction costs. Harmonious development

114、of harmonious development-is to construct a foreign environme nt for development. XING refers to the internal security firm and internal management of the internal management measures are effective, harmonious. Foreign currency means Enterprise coordinating development of homeopathy, well, get along

115、 with the neighbors better. (B) XX 2013 five enterprises bui lding intrinsic safety power company goals are: unplanned outage 0 times. Class of disorders 0, 0 is equivalent forced outag e rate. No personal injury accident, material and equipment accidents do not occur, no fire, no environmental poll

116、 ution acci dent. Enterprise integrated to achieve zero ca ses of violation, zero acci dents, zero. Quality goal is: when generating capacity 7.55 定分析和结合实际(其中5 分做这方面要求) 。如果有课外学习的理论知识予以鼓励,这是创新教育的基本要求。四、案例分析题1 答: (1)在我国,国家机关是为实现国家权力和职能而设立的,其宗旨是全心全意为人民服务,因而它应该是精简、高效和充满活力的。(2)我国宪法第27 条规定 : “一切国家机关实行精简的原

117、则”,并且规定要“不断提高工作质量和工作效率”。本案例中, 一个镇正副镇长和党委书记就有30 多人, 必然产生机构重叠、臃肿、职责不明、办事效率低下的弊病,这也是违背宪法精神的。 2 答: (1)我国宪法第85 条规定:“中华人民共和国国务院,即中央人民政府,是最高国家权力机关的执行机关,是最高国家行政机关。”(2) 宪法第89 条规定国务院有批准省、自治区、直辖市的区域划分的职权。(3)在我国,全国人民代表大会是最高国家权力机关,国务院从属于全国人民代表大会,通过领导和管理各方面的行政工作来执行全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会通过的法律和决议。 国务院依照全国人大的决议,通过并公布了 中华人民

118、共和国香港特别行政区区域图 ,充分体现了国务院在宪法规定范围内行使职权,也体现了我国宪法在现实生活中的权威性和最高法律效力。3 答: (1) 据我国现行宪法和法律的规定,题目材料中人大或者人大常委会的行为是有充分依据的。 人民代表大会是我国的国家权力机关,国家行政机关从属于人民代表大会。在材料1 中, 根据我国宪法的规定,县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会常务委员会“监督本级人民政府、 人民法院和人民检察院的工作。”“地方各级人民政府对本人民代表大会负责并报告工作。 ”因此该市人大常委会可以要求市政府再次修改报告,并再次向人大常委会报告。在材料 2 中,根据宪法和法律的规定,全国人大 30 名以上

119、代表,地方人大 10 名以上代表可以对政府部门或工作人员提出质询。代表对质询结果不满意,可以再次质询。 此外人大代表还具有任免权,有权对不合适的人员进行罢免。(2)人民代表大会制度是我国的根本政治制度,也是我国实现社会主义民主的基本形式。全国人民代表大会是国家的最高权力机关,地方各级人民代表大会则是地方各级国家权力机关。国家行政机关和审判机关、检察机关都由同级人民代表大会产生,对其负责, 受其监督。尽管人民代表大会制度已经或者正在为广大人民群众行使当家作主权力发挥着极为重要的作用,但也还存在诸多问题,因此还须进一步强和完善。4 答: (1)人大是我国的国家权力机关。其他国家机关均由其产生,对其

120、负责。(2)人大能否否决法院的工作报告,关键看人大与法院之间的关系,同时也要注意法院审判权的相对独立性。否决工作报告的做法及其后的法律后果尚需法律明确。5 答: (1)根据宪法 、 立法法的规定,当事人有权提起。(2)平等权与劳动权。(3) 直接进入合宪性审查的条件是,宪法有规定但没有相关法律的情况下,行政法规、规章的相应规定违反宪法。(4) 立法法还应在提起违宪审查的资格、受理之后的审查期间、审查程序等方面作进一步的完善。6 答: (1)这是一起国家权力机关行使监督权的典型事例。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 6 页m

121、arketing strict internal cost control, business and innovation performance. -Increasing electricity access, price i ncrease, electricity supply is guaranteed. In 2012, the company with coal inventory, get rewards of Jiangsu provincial government power to 266 million kWh. Through the small and bilate

122、ral trade, access to electricity 1.695 billion kWh, seeking removal compensation when the power 50 million-kilowatt, 116% market share in Jiang su Province ranked first in the same capacity, the same type units. Compa ny closely tracked coal linkage policies on July 1 and August 20 respectively incr

123、ease prices 2.08 minutes and 2.5 points, profitability increased significantly. 公. Job grading, remuneration of labour agreements into long -term contract workers compensation system, stimulating the enthusiasm of the staff. -Further strengthening of human resources management. Full implementation o

124、f the performance appraisa l regulations, incentive effect. Complete the reserve cadreevaluation and selection, produced 10 primary reserve cadre s and 11 secondary reserve cadres. Implementation of operation staff induction ga ng system, 14 staff posts be pr omoted. Strengthening the cultivation of

125、 professional technical leaders, select ed coverage 9 13 factory-level professional and te chnical leaders. To enha nce staff skills training, 8 staff technicians. Labor contract law compliance, contracts of up to 100%. -Star team-building to advance further. Establish a holding system implementatio

126、n, and promoting the whole team-building goals, strengthen group management. Team buildi ng into a performance review , promoting the construction of the star team depth. This year, respe ctively, 1 track, 4 team four star rated five-star by Datang and t he team. Four, insists on six cultural constr

127、uction of harmoni ous development, really good job of party construction and the i ndependent Commission against corruption, strengthening the humanistic care and psychological counseling, the enterprise culture construction to a new level. -Building of enterprise culture is fruitful. Companie s adh

128、ere to the Shenhua lead of corporate culture, culture of responsibility at the core, to safety culture, a culture of learning, ethical culture, cost cult ure culture system-assiste d, through various cult ural integration, has boosted business ce ntre, this year has won the Chi nese cultural managem

129、ent advanced unit, National Advance d Unit in the building of enterprise cult ure of reform and opening up 30 and other honorary titles. The liability of the company culture: solving management problems of corporate culture proje ct was awarded the CEC national electric power enterprise cult ure ach

130、ievement award of excellence. The accident early warning and prevention system was rated as Chinas power of innovation management, innovation management of electric power enterprise in Jiangsu Provnce. -Party and the independent Commission against corruption continue s to strengthen. Was carried out

131、 to maintain security, profit, maintain stability and promote harmonious development as the main content of the three guarantees theme practice activities and stressing party spirit, to conduct, for example campaign, party and further improvem ent of the level of work. Staff participating in the hon

132、est and clean culture construction seminars, staffs sense of probity and enhanced. Founded by honest inspectors team composed of 12 employees to broaden the channels of supervision. Adhere to establish four good leadershi p activities, staff satisfaction rate of 98% to the team. -Group work dynamic.

133、 Promoting the openness of factory Affairs, proposal for a love letter box, to the vital interests of the staff Trade Union delegation leader meeting of the 26 system to discuss a nd safeguard their democratic rights. Improve the organizational structure of the mission, the work of strengthening. Or

134、ganize maintenance la bor emulation and health Cup competition, e nha nce the skills of staff. Organized a variety of cultural activities, physical and mental health care staff, to create a harmonious atmosphere. During the Wenchuan earthquake, donated all the company employees, to love, to support

135、the disaster areas. This year, the company has won the Su . Cutting costs can be controlled, money should not be wasted management philosophy, management analysis, to improve management quality, improve cost control capacity and market competitiveness. Innovation of science and te chnology-sci ence

136、and technology innovation is to play the role of science and technology as the primary productive force, active use of new technologies, new materials, new processes, new equipment, increase investment in science a nd technology, strengthe ning scientific and technologica l training, speeding up tra

137、nsforming scientific and te chnological achievements, forming a number of proprietary technol ogy, enha nci ng core competitiveness. Resource-saving-the-re sources saving enterprise was to reduce coal consumption, water consumption, electricity at the core, enhance the operation of lean management t

138、o realize low consumption, high efficiency, reduce production costs. Second is to strengthen the business, financial, material, information and the optimization of organization and management, saving the internal transaction costs. Harmonious development of harmonious development-is to construct a f

139、oreign environme nt for development. XING refers to the internal security firm and internal management of the internal management measures are effective, harmonious. Foreign currency means Enterprise coordinating development of homeopathy, well, get along with the neighbors better. (B) XX 2013 five

140、enterprises bui lding intrinsic safety power company goals are: unplanned outage 0 times. Class of disorders 0, 0 is equivalent forced outag e rate. No personal injury accident, material and equipment accidents do not occur, no fire, no environmental poll ution acci dent. Enterprise integrated to ac

141、hieve zero ca ses of violation, zero acci dents, zero. Quality goal is: when generating capacity 7.56 (2)市政府工作报告中“许多数据过分夸张”,不仅是工作态度问题,也是能否严格依法行政的问题。(3)我国现行宪法第99 条规定 : 地方各级人民代表大会审查和批准本行政区域内的国民经济和社会发展计划、预算以及它们的执行情况的报告;有权改变或撤销本级人民代表大会常务委员会不适当的决定,而市人大没有通过和批准市政府的工作报告,则体现了国家权力机关对行政机关的监督和制约。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 6 页



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