九年级英语上册 Module 2 Computers vs humans Unit 5 The human brain Workbook课件 (新版)牛津上海版

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1、Computers Computers vsvs humans humans5 5The human brainWorkbookCONTENTS CONTENTS PAGEPAGEVocabularyVocabularyGrammarGrammarListeningListeningReadingReadingWritingWritingA AA AB BA AC C* *B BD DB BVocabularyVocabularyA Complete these sentences with the words in the box.2-12-12-11 12 2improve remembe

2、r colourful afterwards lostimprove remember colourful afterwards lost1The poor old man _ his daughters address and telephone number. He couldnt contact her.2Shall we do the cleaning first and go shopping _?3Music makes our lives more _.4At the international conference, experts will discuss how to _

3、the environment.5Jim looks worried because he cant _ where he has put his keys.1The woman _ her son because he behaved badly at the dinner table.2I havent been to Singapore, but I _ its an interesting place.3I am not good at History. My _ is very poor. I cant remember important dates.4The East Yanan

4、 Road Tunnel is an important _ between Puxi and Pudong in Shanghai.5There are several _ for improving your English. One of them is to watch English-language TV programmes.6There was a car crash in my street which _ two people. Luckily, they were not badly hurt.7The new film is very exciting. It has

5、a very _ ending.8If you go camping, it is _ to take some food and water.*B Read the clues below and fill in the missing words or phrases from this unit. Change the forms if necessary.2-22-22-21 12 2GrammarGrammar4-14-14-11 12 23 3A Aif sentences: actions with definite resultsCommon errorIf it will r

6、ain tomorrow, we wont have a picnic._ Adverbial clauses ()4 4 Match the clauses in Column A and Column B to make if sentences below. Put the verbs in brackets in the simple present tense. The first one has been done for you.4-24-24-21 12 23 34 44-34-34-31 12 23 31_2_3_4_4 44-44-44-41 12 23 35_6_7_8_

7、4 4B Bif sentences: actions with possible resultsCommon errors1If Ill swim every day this summer, Ill be very healthy.1 _2What do you do if you can take a holiday next week?2 _ 3-13-13-11 12 23 3 Complete these conversations. Make questions using the guide words. Then write answers using suitable wo

8、rds in the box with will. The first one has been done for you.3-23-23-21 12 23 3(will not say) anything(will not say) anything(will study) harder(will study) harder(will play) him again tomorrow(will play) him again tomorrow(will help) in her fathers office(will help) in her fathers office1what/you

9、(do) if you (get)/a low mark/test?A_BIf _ _.2if Ann (not get)/a summer job/what/she (do)?A_B_ if _.3if James (beat) you/at tennis today/what/you (do)?A _BIf _ _.4what/you (say) if Amy (not invite) you/to the party?A_B_ if _.3-33-33-31 12 23 3C CUsing if not and unless5-15-15-11 12 23 34 4Common erro

10、rUnless you see a dentist, your teeth will not be very painful._ 5 5C1 Match the clauses in Column A and Column B to make sentences with if or unless. Add commas where necessary. The first one has been done for you.5-25-25-21 12 23 34 45 55-35-35-31 12 23 34 41_2_3_4_5 55-45-45-41 12 23 34 45_6_7_8_

11、5 5*C2 Complete these warnings with the words in italics and in brackets. Add other words and commas where necessary. The first one has been done for you.5-55-55-51 12 23 34 45 51 Stop talking! (have to leave the library)_ unless _!2 Pay me back today! (never lend you money again)Unless _!3 Put on y

12、our sunglasses! (hurt your eyes)Unless _!4 Study hard! (fail the exam)_ unless _!5 Stop your dog barking! (call the police)_ unless _!D DReview exercise Complete the conversation below with if not, unless and the words in brackets. Put the verbs in the correct tense.1 12 22-12-12-1Shelly:Well, its F

13、riday afternoon, but Ill have to study all weekend.Virginia: Me too, Shelly! My maths teacher said today, (1)_ you _ (not/work) harder, you _ (get) a very low mark in the exam.Shelly:My maths teacher told me something much worse. She said, Im not sure, but I think you (2)_ (fail) the exam _ you _ (n

14、ot/do) your homework carefully every day.1 12 22-22-22-2Virginia: But its not only Maths! Im sure I (3)_ (fail) the English exam _ I _ (study) much harder.Shelly:English is my only good subject. I try to read one book in English every week. (4)_ I _ (finish) a book, I always _ (feel) happy, and my E

15、nglish _ (get) better too.Virginia: I love watching TV. Thats my problem! (5)_ I _ (spend) less time watching TV, I _ (do) very badly in all my exams. Im not sure yet, but I (6)_ (stop) watching TV _ I _ (not/pass) the maths exam.1This is an advertisement to ask more people to try the T / FMagic Mem

16、ory Manager.2Thousands of people have tried the special method. T / F3People who have tried the method are disappointed T / Fwith the results.4The method will teach people how to memorize T / Fnumbers only.5If you keep on trying the new method for three weeks, T / Fyou will notice amazing results.6Y

17、ou need to phone for information if you want to try T / Fthe amazing new method.ListeningListeningA Listen to the recording about the Magic Memory Manager and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Circle T or F.2-12-12-11 12 2B Listen to the recording again and complete the answ

18、ers to the questions below.2-22-22-21 12 21What kind of people can try the Magic Memory Manager?People who need to _.2How many people have tried the special method?_ have.3How do people who have tried the special method feel about the results?They _.4What does the method teach people to do?It teache

19、s them how to _ and to _.5What will happen to people if they use the special method according to the advertisement?They will _.ReadingReading Read the passage and answer the following questions.3-13-13-11 12 23 3Your brain weighs about 1.4 kg. Inside your brainare billions of cells. Each cell is a t

20、housand timesmore powerful than a computer!The active part of your brain is called the grey matter. This part stores information and gives instructions to the rest of your body. Most scientists believe that we use about 1% of our grey matter. That is why our memory system is poorer than a computer.S

21、cientists think that some parts of our brains can grow bigger if we use them a lot. For example, they found that parts of a taxi drivers brain got bigger because he had to memorize all the streets in a city!We do not lose our memory completely. We never forget who we are or what our names are. We ma

22、y forget what happened after a car accident, for example, but our memories usually come back later.We can remember smells better than we can remember words or pictures. Certain smells can help us remember things from the past. This is because the part of our brains that remembers smells is close to

23、the part that stores memories.3-23-23-21 12 23 31How heavy is a human brain?_2Which is more powerful, a cell or a computer?_3What stores information and gives instructions to the rest of thebody?_4What can we do to make some parts of our brains bigger?_5Why can we remember smells better than we can

24、remember wordsor pictures?_3-33-33-31 12 23 3WritingWriting When something dramatic or amazing happens in your life, you will always remember it. Have you had such experiences? Write a story for your school newspaper. The following questions may help you.2-12-12-11 12 2lWhat day is the most unforgettable of your life?lWhat happened that day? Where did it happen?lHow did you feel about it?lHas it changed your life?2-22-22-21 12 2A day to remember_



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