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1、新概念英新概念英语第一册第一册75-76课件件sneakerslipper sandlehigh heelsuncomfortable单词学习单词学习ago adv. 以前以前buy(bought) v. 买买pair n. 双,对双,对fashion n. (服装)流行式样(服装)流行式样Uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的不舒服的wear(wore) v. 穿着穿着ago adv. 以前以前ago 用于一般过去时;从现在的以前用于一般过去时;从现在的以前before 只能用于过去完成式;是从过去的只能用于过去完成式;是从过去的某一点算起某一点算起我三天前去的伦敦。我三天前去的伦敦

2、。 I went to London three days ago.她她30分钟前离开的。分钟前离开的。 She left 30 minutes ago. buy bai v. 买买 bought-bought我妹妹每周都买一件新裙子。我妹妹每周都买一件新裙子。 My sister buys a new dress every week.我上周在巴黎买了一件外套。我上周在巴黎买了一件外套。 I bought a coat in Paris last month.拓展:拓展:buy的反义词:的反义词:sell v.卖卖sold-soldsell sb sth=sell sth to sb for

3、+money 以以钱卖给某人某物钱卖给某人某物He sold his brother his car for 10,000 yuan.=He sold his car to his brother for 10,000 yuan.他以他以10000块把他的车卖给了他的哥哥。块把他的车卖给了他的哥哥。 pair p n. 双,对双,对a pair of glasses 一副眼镜一副眼镜a pair of shoes 一双鞋子一双鞋子a pair of jeans 一条牛仔裤一条牛仔裤a pair of trousers 一条裤子一条裤子a pair of socks 一双袜子一双袜子tow pa

4、irs of chopsticks 数词数词+量词量词+of+名词名词 如:如: fashion n. (服装的)流行式样(服装的)流行式样 fn be in fashion 是流行的是流行的今年流行这种颜色今年流行这种颜色 This color is in fashion this year.be out of fashion 不流行不流行 This color is out of fashion this year. uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的不舒服的 nkmftbl She feels uncomfortable in tight boots. 她穿紧身的靴子觉得不舒

5、服。她穿紧身的靴子觉得不舒服。 wear v. 穿着穿着 w wear/wore/worn/ 这位女士穿着一件很漂亮的裙子。这位女士穿着一件很漂亮的裙子。 The lady is wearing a beautiful dress.wear 表穿着的状态That girl wears a pink shirt every day.put on 表穿上的动作 Please put on your coat. be dressed in 穿着衣服,侧重打扮The lady was dressed in a funny coat and a large hat at the party last n

6、ight.listen and answer1.What does the lady want?2.What size does the lady want?3.Why woman always wear uncomfortable shoes?课文讲解课文讲解1.Do you have any shoes like these? like 像一样。介词。Do it like this.照这样做 I wont do it like you.我不会像你一样做这事情2.What size?=What size do you want?用来询问服装,鞋子,手套等的尺寸,即什么号码size: S-sm

7、all M-middle L-large XL-extra large3.What colour?=What colour do you want?用来询问颜色3.But my sister bought this pair (of shoes) last month. 省略句。but 可是,但是,不过。连词,表转折。bought是buy的过去式。last month是一般过去时的标志。双,对,副:a pair of shoes/socks/jeans/trousers/glasses/scissors(看作单数) two pairs of .(看作复数)4.Did she buy them

8、here? She bought them here. 【回想】一般过去时的陈述句变一般疑问句的方法。这里的them代指the shoes,所以是复数。如果用单数,可以说Did she buy this pair here?5.We had some shoes like those a month ago, but we dont have any (shoes like those) now. 前半句话意义完整,后半句话承前省略。前半句话是一般过去时(.ago),后半句话是一般现在时(now)。 前半句话是肯定句(some),后半句话是否定句(any)。5、Can you get a pa

9、ir for me, please? get本义是得到、获得,在这里是取、拿的意思本义是得到、获得,在这里是取、拿的意思(口语)。(口语)。get还可以有多种别的意思还可以有多种别的意思例如:例如:get a book from library 借(书)。借(书)。for 为、给为、给, 介词。介词。for me 介宾短语,所以介宾短语,所以me用用了宾格。了宾格。6.I am afraid that I cant .= I am afraid that I cant get a pair for you.在英语中,一般是名词或代词做在英语中,一般是名词或代词做宾语宾语,宾语一般,宾语一般是跟

10、在动词或介词后。是跟在动词或介词后。 I want an apple. Put on it!由一个句子由一个句子来充当宾语,就是来充当宾语,就是宾语从句宾语从句。7.Women always wear uncomfortable shoes!1) always总是。频率副词,是一般现在时的标志词。总是。频率副词,是一般现在时的标志词。2) wear v. 穿穿/戴着(状态戴着(状态) 过去式,过去分词过去式,过去分词 _ = _3)否定前缀否定前缀 un un 部分形容词加上前缀部分形容词加上前缀unun可以构成反义词可以构成反义词healthy unhealthypleasant unpleasantlucky unlucky Lesson 76When did you.? 你什么时候你什么时候.?谢谢观赏谢谢观赏



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