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1、Book 6 Unit 4 Global WarmingReadingThe earth is becoming warmer But does it matter?教学目标教学目标 1) Enable students to know how global warming comes about and whether it matters. 2) Get students to learn the specific words or expression to express their opinions about global warming.教学方式教学方式: brainstorm

2、and group work具体实施措施具体实施措施: 1) 介绍温室与温室效应介绍温室与温室效应 2) 分组,分任务进行对课文的处理,包括篇章结分组,分任务进行对课文的处理,包括篇章结 构、观点呈现、段落大意和词句归纳等。构、观点呈现、段落大意和词句归纳等。 3) 小组报告和总结指导。小组报告和总结指导。 4) 小组制作小组制作PPT,进行成果展示。,进行成果展示。教学用具教学用具 a computer and a projectorBook 6 Unit 4 Global Warming1. What do you know about global warming?2. How does

3、 global warming come about?3. How is the relation between global warming and our life? Before readingBackground knowledge about global warming1.What is a greenhouse and its function?2.What are greenhouse gases and their effect? Before readingBackground knowledge about global warmingWhat is the green

4、house made and used for?What is this?a greenhouse A greenhouse is made of glass or plastic and is used for growing plants, especially during cold weather. How does a greenhouse work? The air inside is warm because the glass traps the heat from the sun and keeps it from escaping. This makes the green

5、house heat up and so the plants can grow throughout the cold period. What are the “greenhouse gases”? In the atmosphere surrounding the earth there are gases called “greenhouse gases”, including carbon dioxide, methane (甲烷甲烷, 沼气沼气) and water vapor. What do you think greenhouse gases do? They trap th

6、e heat of the sun and keep the air surrounding the earth warm. Reading The Earth Is Becoming Warmer But Does It Matter?1. What kind of article is it?2. What factors (因素因素) will you consider before you begin reading this article?3. What will you learn from this article?4. How are you carrying out you

7、r reading?5. What reading strategies are you going to use?读前思考读前思考1. Article structure and characteristics. 1) How is this article organized? 2) What are the characteristics of this article?2. The Writers opinion (opinions in the article) or the writers intention. 1) How does the writer show his opi

8、nion or intention? 2) What are the opinions in the article? 3. The study of words, expressions and sentences. 4. Main idea in each paragraph and summary.Group tasks在介绍温室与温室效应之后,安排好阅读任务,让学生进行小组阅读活动。以下的PPT均为学生的小组阅读活动成果展示,学生从自己的角度来对这篇科普性文章进行阅读,老师只是进行必要的指导。Unit4 Global Warming 1. Article structure and c

9、haracteristics. 2. The Writers opinion (opinions in the article) or the writers intention. 3. Main idea in each paragraph and sum 4. The study of words, expressions and sentences.mary.1. Article structure and characteristics. How is this article organized? The writer put forward a question.Then he s

10、hows us graph1, which is about temperature difference from long-term average. Next he shows us about the greenhouse gases that cause this change and the importance of these gases. Later, he shows us graph2, which is about carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997. Graph2 was made by

11、 Charles Keeling. And all scientists accept this data. It will cause temperature to increase. But the attitudes of scientists towards this rise are completely different. However, the writer doesnt show his opinion about this.What are the characteristics of this article? The characteristic of the art

12、icle is to raise a question for us to think about at first, then it shows two graphs and some opinions of the scientists to explain so that people can understand the information about the Global Warming more straight. Finally,the writer gives some questions to make readers think about the answer by

13、themselves.Unit4 Global Warming 1. Article structure and characteristics. 2. The Writers opinion (opinions in the article) or the writers intention. 3. Main idea in each paragraph and sum 4. The study of words, expressions and sentences.mary.2、The Writers opinion (opinions in the article) or the wri

14、ters intention.From the article, we can learn two kinds From the article, we can learn two kinds of opinions about whether greenhouse of opinions about whether greenhouse effect is beneficial or not. However, it effect is beneficial or not. However, it still remains a question, which nobody still re

15、mains a question, which nobody understands exactly, including the writer. understands exactly, including the writer. Theres a view all the scientists agree Theres a view all the scientists agree on: The increase in the earths on: The increase in the earths temperature is due to the burning of temper

16、ature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce produce energy.1) What are the opinions in the article? 2) How does the writer show his opinion or intention?After knowing how the global warming After knowing

17、how the global warming comes about, we also want to explore comes about, we also want to explore whether it matters. But what will global whether it matters. But what will global warming cause?warming cause?Dr. Janice Foster thinks we cant predict Dr. Janice Foster thinks we cant predict the climate

18、 well enough to know what to the climate well enough to know what to expect, but it could be very serious.expect, but it could be very serious.On the contrary, in George Hambleys On the contrary, in George Hambleys opinion, its a positive thing, with whose help, opinion, its a positive thing, with w

19、hose help, plants will grow quicker, crops will produce plants will grow quicker, crops will produce more, encourage a greater range of animals.more, encourage a greater range of animals.Only time will tell, the effects of global Only time will tell, the effects of global warming, after all, no one

20、knows now.warming, after all, no one knows now.Unit4 Global Warming 1. Article structure and characteristics. 2. The Writers opinion (opinions in the article) or the writers intention. 3. Main idea in each paragraph and sum 4. The study of words, expressions and sentences.mary.3、Main idea in each pa

21、ragraph and summary.Paragraph1: Give us a question about how global warming come about and whether it matter.Paragraph2:The earth is becoming warmer because of human activity.Paragraph3:All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earths temperature is due to the burning of fossil f

22、uels like coal ,nature gas and oil to produce energy.Paragraph4:The levels of carbon dioxide have increased greatly over the last 100 to 150 yearsParagraph5:All scientists agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide.Paragraph6:The a

23、ttitudes of scientists towards this rise are completely different.Paragraph7: The writer doesnt show his view about global warming but leaves us to think about it.Unit4 Global Warming 1. Article structure and characteristics. 2. The Writers opinion (opinions in the article) or the writers intention.

24、 3. Main idea in each paragraph and sum 4. The study of words, expressions and sentences.mary.4、The study of words, expressions and sentences.Paragraph1-Paragraph1-31、Random(adj/n):at random2、Come about:=take place=happen=break out,无被动3、phnomenon:复phenomena4、Subscribe to:订阅、申请、同意赞成 n:subscriber Subs

25、cription5、quantities of=a quantity of 前者做主语谓语动词用复数,后者用单数6、tend:tend to7、That probably does not seem much to you or me, but it is a rapid increase when compared to other natural changes. 这是一个由when 引导的时间状语从句,省略了it is 原句应为That probably does not seem much to you or me, but it is a rapid increase when it

26、 is compared to other natural changes. 8、Without the greenhouse effect ,the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is .这是一个含蓄虚拟语气句。常用的还有but for 意味要不是,原句的意思是如果没有这种温室效应,地球的温度将比现在还要低33摄氏度左右。9、There is on doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity tha

27、t has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon (1)前两个that引导的是同位语从句,因为there is no doubt在结构上虽完整但在语意上有缺陷所以需要同位语从句将语意补充完整。(2)第三个that是强调句,因为去掉it is和that后 human activity has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon 是个完整的句子。Paragraph4-59.It was a

28、scientist called Charles Keeling,who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997. 解析: it was.who 为强调句型 who 引导定语从句10.accurate:accuracy 准确性;准确程度 11.result in 后接结果 相当于 lead to result from 后接原因12.measurement:measure V.测量 ;估量 n.措施 ;方法;程度 take sbs measure

29、ment 给某人量尺寸Paragraph6-713.oppose be oppose to 主动 be oppose by 被动14.range range fromto 在内变化 out of range 超出范围 a greater/full/wide range of+可数名词复数 表示 “多种多样的”15.consequence .名词 Consequent 形容词 Consequently 副词 in consequence of =because of in consequence=as a resultTake the consequences of 自作自受16.state v

30、.声明,说明It was stated that 据称 17.trend v./n.当动词 trend to do sth. 趋向于做某事 读后读后对学生的成果进行总结与评价;引导学生对global warming进行思考:我们对global warming的态度是什么?我们能做什么?课后总结课后总结尝试让学生对课文进行小组合作阅读,是发挥学生自主学习的重要环节,但与此同时老师要给予阅读目标指导。从学生的报告与PPT呈现可以看出,学生的表现超出意料,这说明我们的学生只要得到正确的指导就能发挥出自己的学习与合作的主动性,并且能够展示自己的水平。教师要学会放手让学生自己去寻找问题,解决问题,不能再采取满堂灌的方法。课后和学生讨论并完善他们的阅读成果,精益求精。



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