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1、unit4vangohnunit4vangohnN.person appointed to perform religious duties and ceremonies in Christian Churchperson who buys and sells a particular productperson who goes away from home to teach people about his/her religion person of high rank, positionexcellent piece of arta period of ten yearswhat is

2、 generally said or believed about the abilities, qualitiesa special shop which shows works of arts, and sells thempriestdealermissionarysuperiordecademasterpiecereputationfamegalleryN.a special way of doing something, a trend, a fashionthe movements of a brush or pen in your handan event when many w

3、orks of arts or products are gathered together in one place, and people can come and see themclearnessfeelingsstylestrokeexhibitionclarityemotionsV.Look back and summarize itbe worthy ofreceive support from,rely onlike and respect someone or somethingexplain, communicatereviewdeservedepend onadmiree

4、xpressAdj.Not showing objects or people in a realistic way at allconnected with moneyable to be seennormal sensible, madabstractfinancialvisiblesanePhrases:Cultural Centerart criticreview ones life and workthe worlds most famous painterdeserve a reputation forhear ofart dealer1. 文化中心文化中心2. 艺术评论家艺术评论

5、家3.回顾回顾的生的生活和工作活和工作4.世界最著名的画家世界最著名的画家5.对对声誉当之无愧声誉当之无愧6.听说听说7.画商画商8.画画画画9.信任梵高的能力信任梵高的能力10.自杀自杀produce paintingsbelieve in Van Goghs abilitytake ones own lifecommit suicidekill oneself11.一个难相处的人一个难相处的人12.与与争执争执13.1888年下半年年下半年14.精神病医院精神病医院15.割掉割掉16.思维的清醒思维的清醒17.站队站队18.文化盛事文化盛事19.文化中心文化中心20.失去机会失去机会21.

6、观观/欣赏杰作欣赏杰作22.非常崇拜非常崇拜a difficult manquarrel withargue within late 1888mental hospitalcut offthe clarity of thinkingstand in the queuecultural eventCultural Centermiss the chanceview the masterpiecesadmire sb tremendously23.值得考虑值得考虑/尊敬尊敬24.应得的惩罚应得的惩罚25.应受奖励应受奖励/惩罚惩罚26.多产的作家多产的作家27.生产汽车生产汽车28.胜过胜过/比比

7、好好/强强29.不如不如30.优越感优越感31.沉溺于沉溺于32.放弃这个职业放弃这个职业33.抛妻弃子抛妻弃子34.切断供给切断供给deserve consideration/respectdeserved punishmentdeserve well /ill ofproductive writermake/produce/manufacture carsbe superior tobe inferior tothe sense of superiorityabandon oneself to/be obsessed withabandon the careerabandon ones w

8、ife and childrencut off supplies35.精神错乱精神错乱36.身心痛苦身心痛苦37.智力测验智力测验38. 转向转向/皈依宗教皈依宗教39.插队插队mental disorderphysical and mental pain and sufferingsmental testturn to religionjump the queueCultural CentreCultural CentreCultural Eventreview n. book/film reviewart reviewreviewv.-look back and summaries sth

9、review the past-go overview last weeks lessons-observereview situationVan Gogh deserves the reputation/fame he now possesses.The soldier deserved honor/respect because of his sacrifice for his country.The team deserves to win.deserve well/ill of sththe deserving poor/applicant.值得同值得同情的情的deserve-be w

10、orthThe piece of music deserves listening to.The piece of music deserves to be listened toThe music is worth listening to.The music is worthy of being listened to.The music is worthy to be listened toProduce/manufacture-production-product-productive-productivityproduce carsproduce a great deal of la

11、ughtersuperiorbe superior/inferior to be senior/ junior tothe sense of superiorityreputationShe has the reputation of being a dad manShe has quite a reputation for being amusing He was not a success in his lifetime.hear of/about-hear fromHe worked in an art dealers company, but he must have disliked

12、 it, because he left.He couldnt have seen me, for I was not there.Someone in the house must be ill, for a doctor has just come out.abandon-leave sbChildren were abandoned by their parents.-give upIn his early days, he abandoned medicine for literature.abandon oneself to sth-be obsessed withHe abando

13、ned himself to despair.Theo , the only person who believed in his ability to paint believe in sb/doing sth-be sure someone existsDo you believe in God/ghosts?Believe in doing sthThey believe in letting children make their own mistakes.Believe it or notSeeing is believing.argueThe couple next door ar

14、e always arguing.I argued that we needed a large office.争辩,据理力争争辩,据理力争He was so upset thatFeel/be upset about/at sth with sbFeel/be upset to doThe news upset him.Upset/disturb/destroy the balance of naturemental/physicalmental disease/hospital/disorder/patientphysical health/appearanceTo develop men

15、tally andphysicallySanenot madInsanemadSanityExpress sth to sbHis action expressed his love to me more than any words could do.Express oneselfHe is still unable to express him self in English.Does he deserve the fame (he now possesses)?possess-possession/property/belongingsHe never possessed much mo

16、ney, but he always possessed good friends.tremendouslyDramaticallyHe was making a tremendous effort to appear calm.realistic-realityHe has a realistic drawing of a horseAbstract idea/concept/knowledgeN. 摘要摘要-summaryvisible-invisibleStars are only visible when the sky is dark.Be visible to sb/sthThis star is invisible to the naked eyes.in the queue/jump the queue结束结束



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