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1、九年级年级动词时态讲解 动词的构成1.be 动词2.助动词3.情态动词4.系动词5.实义动词 be 动词nbe动词的几种形式1)am is are2)was were3)being4)Been be动词的用法1.与名词、数词、形容词、介词连用1)I am a doctor.2)He is ten.3)They are tired.4)The cat is under the table.be动词的用法 2.There be 句型1)用于不可数名词和可数名词单数之前There is a pen on the desk.There is some water in the glass.2)用于复数

2、名词之前There are some sheep in the hill.3)用于一般将来时There is going to be a film in our school next Sunday.4)用于一般过去时There was a book on the desk yesterday.注意:请根据时态和句中的名词选择适当形式。be动词的用法3.Be 动词在时态中的运用1)在现在进行时中 We are talking.2)在过去进行时中 We were talking at this time yesterday. 助动词n助动词的几种形式1)do /dont 2)Does/ does

3、nt3)Did/ didnt4)will /wont5)have havent /has hasnt/had hadnt 助动词的用法 1.对句子进行否定和疑问1)Do you get up early every day?2)I didnt have lunch yesterday.3)Will you be back soon?4)He hasnt finished the work yet.2.在反意疑问句中1)He works in a school,doesnt he?2)She has never been there,has she?3.在倒装句中1)They helped th

4、e farmers , so did we.2)I wont visit the famous singer,neither will he.情态动词1.共同特点1)情态动词后面跟动词原型2)无论否定、疑问、倒装句、或反意疑问句都用情态动词3)只有时态变化,没有人称变化 情态动词2.解释1)can / could在表示请求允许的时候两者和互换, could比can语气更委婉。Can I help you?Could you open the window?在表示有能力作某事时,could是can的过去式。I can swim.I could swim at the age of five.情态

5、动词 2.解释2)Must /have toMust 表示主观意愿,否定句用Mustnt,否定回答用needntI must go now.You mustnt play in the street.Must I clean the room now?No,you neednt.have to表示客观条件的限制的“不得不”,它有时态和人称变化,需要助动词来否定和疑问。I dont have to carry the big box.He had to wash his clothes.情态动词2.解释3)May 表示请求别人允许。May I use your bike?表示可能性。He may

6、 be a teacher.He may live in this building. 北京新干线学校中考专家组提供系动词 1.我们所学过的系动词是1)Get,turn,be come,be动词2)感观动词look,sound,smell,taste,feel2.系动词只和形容词连用,构成系表结构1)I feel hungry.2)The day gets longer and longer.3)He looked happy.实义动词1.实义动词指的是有具体行为意思的动词。2.实义动词在句中可以做谓语动词和非谓语动词。3.做谓语动词的用法 动词会有四种形式:单三,现在分词,过去式,过去分词

7、北京新干线学校中考专家组提供实义动词注意:掌握四种形式的变化规律1)He works in the office.2)We are dancing together.3)I caught a cold last week.4)She has watered the flower. 实义动词4.做非谓语动词的用法(指出现在谓语动词之后的动词,它受前面谓语动词的限制) 动词会有三种形式:1)原型(do)2)动名词(doing)3)不定式(to do) 实义动词1)用原型:a)let sb.dob)make sb.doc)help sb.(to)dod)had better do 实义动词2)用动名

8、词:a)like doingb)enjoy doingc)finish doingd)介词之后用动名词 be good at doingwhat about doingthank you for doing 实义动词 3)用不定式:a)want to dob)decide to doc)plan to dod)would like to doe)learn to dof)tell sb.( not)to dog)ask sb.(not) to do实义动词n注意下列词不同形式的不同用法: remember doing/to do forget doing/to do stop doing/to

9、 do go on doing/to do 时态 n一般现在时n一般将来时n一般过去时n现在进行时n现在完成时n过去进行时n过去将来时n过去完成时一般现在时1.表示一般情况和经常发生的动作。2.时间状语为1)every day 或 every 引导的时间状语2)often,always,usually 北京新干线学校中考专家组提供一般现在时3.动词碰到第三人称单数时,要加 “s”1)work - works2)辅音字母和“y”结尾的词,如carry - carries3)以s、x、ch、sh结尾的加“es”,如wash - washes4)go - goes5)do - does6)have

10、- has 一般现在时4.例句1)He goes to school on foot every day.2)We often have supper at home.3)She doesnt do her work every Sunday. 现在进行时 1.表示正在发生的动作。2.时间状语:now /Look /Listen3.由be动词动词ing构成4.动词变化加ing1)clean - cleaning2)以不发音“e”结尾的,去掉字母“e”,再加ingmake - making3)重读闭音节的单词,双写最后一个字母,再加ingswim - swimming现在进行时4.例句1)The

11、 boys are playing now.2)Look! They are planting trees.3)Listen! He is singing. 一般将来时1.表示将来发生的动作。2.时间状语: 1)next 引导的词组2)tomorrow 引导的词组3)the day after tomorrow3.动词变化:will + 动词原型4.例句1)I will visit you tomorrow.2)He wont come back next week. 一般过去时1.指过去发生的动作或事情2.时间状语:1)yesterday 引导的词组2)ago 引导的词组3)last 引导的

12、词组4)the day before yesterday 一般过去时3.动词变化:动词变成过去式,动词加“ed”4.Play - played1)辅音字母和“y”结尾的词,如carry - carried2)重读闭音节的单词,双写最后一个字母,再加edstop - stopped3)不规则动词见书后动词表 一般过去时4.例句1)He bought a book yesterday.2)I watched a match last week.3)He left here two days ago. 现在完成时 1.动词变化 动词变成过去分词加ed1)Play - played2)辅音字母和“y”

13、结尾的词,如carry - carried3)重读闭音节的单词,双写最后一个字母,再加edstop - stopped4)不规则动词见书后动词表2.动词由have(has)+ 过去分词 构成现在完成时 3.表示动作已经完成1)He has left .2)I have already had a rest.4.表示动作不仅已经完成,还要持续(在这个用法当中,动词要用延续性动词,与for引导的一段时间和since引导的短语连用)1)He has been away for two days. 2)I have already taught in this school since 1990.3)

14、The bird has been dead for a month.4)We have made lots of friends since we came here. 过去进行时 1.指在过去的某一个时间正在发生的动作。2.时间状语1)at this time yesterday2)at five oclock yesterday afternoon3.动词由be动词+动词ing形式构成4.例句He was watching TV at this time yesterday.过去将来时1.指对过去的某一个时间来讲,将要发生的动作。2.动词由would+动词原型构成。3.例句He would go to the park the next day.He said he would work hard next term. 过去完成时 1.指对过去的某一个时间来讲,已经发生的动作。2.动词由had+过去分词构成。3.例句she had borrowed a book before she went to the park.We had learned many new words by the end of last term.



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