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1、Unit 19 Modern agriculture 现代农业. 单词盘单词盘点点根据根据词词性和性和汉语汉语意思写出意思写出词汇词汇1._ (n. vt. vi) 进进口;引入口;引入; 进进口口货货;输输入入2. _ (n. ) 方法;方法;办办法;方法法;方法论论3. _ (n. ) 向向导导;有指;有指导导意意义义的事物的事物 (vt. ) 指指导导;管理;管理; 带领带领4. _ (n. ) 条件;状况条件;状况 importmethodguidecondition5. _ (vt. )移移动动;搬开;搬开6. _ (n. ) 产产量;量;产产物;物;农产农产品(品(vt. )生)生

2、产产,出,出产产 _ (n. )总产总产量;量;产产品品7. _ (n. )保保护护;防;防卫卫 _ (vt. )保保卫卫;保;保护护8. _ (n. )技技术术;技巧;方法;技巧;方法 _ (adj. )技技术术的;技的;技术术上的上的removeproduceproductionprotectionprotecttechniquetechnical9. _ (n. )发现发现;被;被发现发现的事物的事物 _ (vt. )发现发现;发觉发觉10. _ (adj. )实际实际的;的;实实践的;践的;实实用的用的 _ (n. )练习练习;实实践践discoverydiscoverpractica

3、lpractice【品品词词自自测测】根据所根据所给词给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空Children often want to get _ from their parents. In fact, how to _ oneself from danger is the most important. (protect)My mother often tells me that _ makes perfect, so she always asks me to put theories into_ . I am very grateful for my getting so many _ s

4、uggestions from her. (practice)protectionprotectpracticepracticepractical. 短短语语回放回放1. 违违背;背;对对不利不利 _ 2. 充分运用;充分利用充分运用;充分利用 _3. 引引进进;赚钱赚钱 _4. 在二十世在二十世纪纪八十年代八十年代 _5. 对对有害有害 _6. 依靠;依依靠;依赖赖; 取决于取决于 _go againstmake good/full/much use ofbring inin the 1980s/1980sbe harmful to/be bad fordepend on/rely on 7

5、. 做出做出发现发现 _8. 代表代表 _9. 换换句句话说话说 _10. 等等(表示列等等(表示列举举未尽)未尽) _and so onin other wordsstand formake a discovery. 句式句式扫扫描描1. _ on this arable land _ the farmers produce food for the whole population of China. (强强调调句型句型)2. _ (为为了尽可能了尽可能充充分分地地利利用用土土地地), two or more crops are planted each year where possib

6、le. It isthatTo make as much use of the land as possible3. _ food production is important_ (不不仅仅而且而且)taking care of the environment. 4. He collected information, _ (研究研究) it, did experiments and _ (学学习习) from the experience of farmers. Not onlybut aslostudiedlearnt【仿句自仿句自测测】根据下面句式仿写句子根据下面句式仿写句子“It i

7、s/was. . . that/who”强强调调句型句型仿写仿写: 正是在正是在这间这间木屋里木屋里这这位位伟伟大的科学家做的大的科学家做的实验实验。_It was in this wooden house that the great scientist carried out the experiment.as. . . as possible结结构构仿仿写写:我我认认为为孩孩子子应应该该和和父父母母尽尽可可能能长长时时间间地地生生活活在在一一起起。_I think children should live with their parents as long as possible. 核

8、核心心要要点点condition三年三年2考考not only. . . but also. . .三年三年2考考1. guide n. 指南;指南;导导游;向游;向导导;有指;有指导导意意义义的事物的事物 vt. 指指导导;管理;管理;带领带领 (1)a travel guide to. . . 旅游指南旅游指南a guide to. . . 手册手册(2)guidance n. 指指导导;辅导辅导;领导领导under the guidance of/under ones guidance 在在的指的指导导下下He guided the company through the difficu

9、lties. 他他带领带领公司渡公司渡过过了了难难关。关。 After that, what the teacher said served as a guide in my life. 从那以后,老从那以后,老师说师说的那番的那番话话成成为为了我人生的了我人生的处处事指南。事指南。_ _ _ , we finished the work smoothly. 在他的在他的带领带领下,我下,我们顺们顺利地完成了利地完成了这项这项工作。工作。Under his guidance2. condition n. 状状态态,健康状况,条件,健康状况,条件in good/poor condition 状况

10、良好状况良好/状况不佳状况不佳in condition 身体好,健康身体好,健康out of condition 身体不好,不健康身体不好,不健康on condition that 如果,条件是如果,条件是Ability is one of the conditions of success in life. 能力是人生成功的条件之一。能力是人生成功的条件之一。Walk to work every day and youll soon be back in condition. 每天步行去上班,你就会很快恢复健康的。每天步行去上班,你就会很快恢复健康的。Mike is out of condi

11、tion because he never takes any exercise. 迈迈克身体不好,因克身体不好,因为为他从不他从不锻炼锻炼。 The house is_ _ _ . It needs to be repaired. 那房子已破旧了。需要那房子已破旧了。需要维维修了。修了。You may borrow the book, _ _ _ you do not lend it to anyone else.你可以借你可以借这这本本书书,条件是你不能再借,条件是你不能再借给别给别人。人。in poor conditionon condition that【真真题链题链接接】 2010辽

12、辽宁宁,31I agree to his suggestion _ the condition that he drops all charges. A. By B. in C. on D. to【解解析析】选选C。考考查查介介词词用用法法。句句意意:我我同同意意他他的的建建议议,条条件件是是他他放放弃弃所所有有指指控控。介介词词on 和和the condition that在在一一起起相相当当于于一一个个连连词词,引引导导条条件件状状语语从从句句,意意思思是是“条条件件是是,以以为为条条件件”。3. remove vt. 搬开,移搬开,移动动;脱掉,摘掉;去掉,开除;脱掉,摘掉;去掉,开除

13、remove. . . from. . . 从从搬开,移搬开,移动动remove ones coat 脱掉外衣脱掉外衣remove all doubts 消除所有疑消除所有疑虑虑remove a man from office 免免职职They removed my name from the name list. 他他们们把我的名字从名把我的名字从名单单上除掉了。上除掉了。I recognized him after he removed his dark glasses. 他摘掉墨他摘掉墨镜镜后我才后我才认认出他来。出他来。Students _ several desks _ anothe

14、r classroom. 学生学生们们从另外一从另外一间间教室里搬来了几教室里搬来了几张书张书桌。桌。removedfrom【助助记记】4. in other words 换换句句话说话说I am not used to the way you speak to me. In other words, I dont want to continue our conversation. 我我不不习习惯惯于于你你对对我我讲讲话话的的方方式式。换换句句话话说说,我我不不想想继继续续我我们们的的对话对话了。了。He doesnt feel good. In other words, he is ill

15、. 他感他感觉觉不舒服。不舒服。换换句句话说话说,他生病了。,他生病了。【拓展拓展】翻翻译译以下短以下短语语:in a word _have a word with sb. _have words with sb. _keep ones word _总总而言之而言之和某人和某人说话说话和某人吵架和某人吵架遵守遵守诺诺言言5. It is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of China. 就是在就是在这这些耕地上中国些耕地上中国农农民民为为全国的人口生全国的人口生产产食物。食物

16、。 本本句句是是一一个个强强调调句句型型。强强调调句句型型可可对对句句中中除除谓谓语语动动词词外外的的任任何何成成分分进进行行强强调调,其其结结构构为为:“It is(was)+被被强强调调部部分分+that(who). . . ”。如果被。如果被强强调调部分是部分是“人人”,则则可用可用who或或that。I met John in the street yesterday. 我昨天在街上遇我昨天在街上遇见见了了约约翰。翰。 It was I who/that met John in the street yesterday. (强强调调主主语语) It was John that/who

17、I met in the street yesterday. (强强调调宾宾语语) It was in the street that I met John yesterday. (强强调调地地点点状状语语,不可以用不可以用where) It was yesterday that I met John in the street. (强强调调时时间间状状语语,不可以用不可以用when) 【点津点津】使用使用强强调调句型句型应应注意的注意的问题问题: (1)强强调调主主语语时时,从从句句谓谓语语动动词词的的人人称称和和数数要要与与被被强强调调的的部部分一致(即与原主分一致(即与原主语语一致)。一

18、致)。 (2)如如果果对对not. . . until 时时间间状状语语进进行行强强调调时时,not必必须须移移到到until前前边边。 It is I who/that _ (be) your true friend. 我才是你真正的朋友。我才是你真正的朋友。 _ _ _ _ the meeting had begun _ he arrived. 直到会直到会议议开始他才到。开始他才到。【想一想想一想】强强调调句句型型与与定定语语从从句句结结合合在在一一起起考考查查是是高高考考的的重重点点,且且为为学学生生的易混点。如何的易混点。如何对这对这两者两者进进行区分?行区分? amIt was n

19、ot until that【拓展延伸拓展延伸】强强调调句型与定句型与定语语从句的区分:从句的区分:1)强强调调句句型型最最大大的的特特点点就就是是把把it is/was. . . that/who去去掉掉之之后后仍仍为为一一个个完完整整的的句句子子。如如:It was at eight oclock that the football match would be broadcast live. 去去掉掉it was. . . that之之后后仍仍为为一一个个完完整整的的句句子子:The football match would be broadcast live at eight ocloc

20、k. 2)强强调调句句型型中中只只有有that/who,不不会会出出现现定定语语从从句句中中的的which, whose, when, where等等词词。3)如如果果强强调调时时间间和和地地点点,需需要要特特别别注注意意被被强强调调部部分分是是否否有有介介词词。It was at the corner of the street that they fought with each other. (强强调调句句)It was the corner of the street where they fought with each other. (定(定语语从句)从句)6. Not only

21、food production is important but also taking care of the environment. 不不仅仅粮食生粮食生产产是重要的,而且保是重要的,而且保护环护环境也很重要。境也很重要。本本句句的的not only. . . but also. . . 意意为为“不不但但,而而且且”,连连接接并并列列结结构构,其其中中also可可以以省省略略,而而only也也可可以以换换成成merely, just, simply。(1)not only. . . but also. . . 应连应连接两个相接两个相对对称的并列成分。称的并列成分。(2)not onl

22、y. . . but also. . . 连连接接两两个个主主语语时时,谓谓语语动动词词要要和和与其最近的主与其最近的主语语保持人称和数的一致。保持人称和数的一致。(3)当当not only. . . but also. . . 连连接接两两个个分分句句,且且not only放放在在句句首首时时,第第一一个个分分句句应应使使用用倒倒装装语语序序;而而but also后后面面的的句句子子仍仍用用陈陈述述语语序。序。He is not only arrogant but also selfish. 他不但傲慢,而且自私。他不但傲慢,而且自私。Not only the students but al

23、so their teacher _ enjoying the film. 不不仅仅学生学生们们在欣在欣赏这赏这部影片,他部影片,他们们的老的老师师也在欣也在欣赏这赏这部影片。部影片。Not only did he dislike the way we spoke, but he disliked the way we dressed. 他不但不喜他不但不喜欢欢我我们说话们说话的方式,而且也不喜的方式,而且也不喜欢欢我我们们着装的方式。着装的方式。is【真真题链题链接接】2009海海南南,31The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not

24、 only _, but students became more interested in the lessons. A. saved was teachers energyB. was teachers energy savedC. teachers energy was savedD. was saved teachers energy【解解析析】选选B。考考查查not only的的倒倒装装。句句意意:电电脑脑在在教教学学中中加加以以使使用用。结结果果,不不但但节节省省了了老老师师的的精精力力,而而且且学学生生们们对对学学习习也也更更感兴趣了。感兴趣了。not only置于句首,其所在

25、分句用部分倒装。置于句首,其所在分句用部分倒装。1. protection n. 保保护护,防,防卫卫(1)provide protection for. . . 为为提供保提供保护护give. . . protection against. . . 保保护护免受免受under the protection of. . . 在在保保护护之下;之下; 托托照照顾顾 (2)protect vt. 保保护护,防,防护护protect. . . from/against. . . 保保护护免受免受Fortunately, the typical property insurance policy pr

26、ovides some protection for you. 幸运的是,一些典型的幸运的是,一些典型的财产财产保保单为单为你提供了一些保你提供了一些保护护。He lived under the protection of a strong and brave chief. 他在一位他在一位坚坚强强勇猛的首勇猛的首领领保保护护下生活。下生活。Doctors think it might also help _ _ infections. 医生医生认为认为它也可能会帮助免受感染。它也可能会帮助免受感染。Wearing dark glasses can _ your eyes _ the sun.

27、 戴墨戴墨镜镜可以保可以保护护你的眼睛不受阳光刺激。你的眼睛不受阳光刺激。protect againstprotectfrom2. He collected information, studied it, did experiments and learnt from the experience of farmers. 他收集信息加以研究,他收集信息加以研究,进进行行试验试验,学,学习农习农民的民的经验经验。 句中的句中的collected, studied, did和和learnt为为并列并列谓语动词谓语动词。I cycled in front of him, got off my bi

28、cycle and laid it down on the road in front of his car so that he couldnt drive off. 我我骑骑到到他他前前面面,下下了了车车,把把车车放放在在他他的的汽汽车车前前面面,让让他他无无法法开开走。走。The way a person_ , _ his or her arms, or moves his or her hands can also give us information about his or her feelings. 人的站姿、抱臂方式和手人的站姿、抱臂方式和手势势也会告也会告诉诉我我们们他或她

29、的想法。他或她的想法。 【点点津津】并并列列成成分分表表示示几几个个动动作作接接连连发发生生,有有先先后后顺顺序序,并并列列成分的形式要保持一致。成分的形式要保持一致。 standsfolds(1)protect. . . from/prevent. . . from的用法的用法(2)method和和means, approach, way等同等同义词义词的辨析的辨析1.2012德德州州模模拟拟Social attention should be paid _ our earth from _ . A. to prevent; being pollutedB. to prevent; poll

30、utingC. to preventing; being pollutedD. to preventing; polluted【解解析析】选选C。pay attention to中中to为为介介词词,后后面面跟跟名名词词或或者者动动名名词词,prevent. . . from在在句句中中表表示示“防防止止地地球球受受污污染染”,根根据据句意可知句意可知from后应该接动名词被动式。后应该接动名词被动式。2. 选词选词填空(填空( method/means/way/approach)We express ourselves by _ of speech. To scare a bird is not the _ to catch it. This is a good _ to learning English. I worked out the maths problem with a different_ . meanswayapproachmethod



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