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1、欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂Revision8B Unit 3基础过关类类类类别别别别课标课标课标课标考点要求考点要求考点要求考点要求词词词词汇汇汇汇拓拓拓拓展展展展1. south (adj.) _ 2. Europe (adj.)_3. internation (adj.) _4. dark (n.) _ 5. music (adj.)_6. mouse (pl.) _7. Australian (n.)_8. please (adj.) _ _ (n.)_11. rule (n.) _ 14. centre (adj.)_southernsouthernEuropeanEuropea

2、ninternationalinternational词汇篇词汇篇词汇篇词汇篇musicalmusicaldarknessdarknessmicepleased pleasant pleasurepleased pleasant pleasureAustralianAustralianrulerrulercentralcentral1.Thousands of _(tour) come to the Great Wall every year.2.At the_ (north) end of the road is a big factory.3.The old man _(die) the

3、other day.4.Dont dream of_ (get) good grades without hard work.5.You can receive the information by _(surf) the Internet.touristsnortherndiedgettingsurfing6. _(Australia) seasons are the opposite of _(we).7. Do you mind my _(smoke) here?8. Its my_ (please) to help others.9. Britain is a _(Europe) co

4、untry?10. When is the best time_ (visit) the USA?AustralianourssmokingpleasureEuropeanto visit重点重点重点重点短短短短语语语语1 1.换台换台_2.收发电子邮件收发电子邮件_3.搜索信息搜索信息_4.使用使用做做_5.在八小时内在八小时内_6.世界著名的贸易中心世界著名的贸易中心_7.数千数千_8.在在中心中心_9.因因出名出名_10.听说听说_11.二十世纪初二十世纪初_change the channelsend and receive emailssearch for the informati

5、onuseuse to do to do/use/use for doing for doingin eight hoursthe world-famous tradethe world-famous tradethousands ofthousands of短语篇in the centre ofin the centre ofhear of/abouthear of/aboutin the early the twentieth centurybe famous forbe famous for重点重点重点重点短短短短语语语语1212.在在底部底部_13.几天前几天前_14.梦想出名梦想出名

6、_15.实现梦想实现梦想_16.通过发送邮件与通过发送邮件与保持联系保持联系_17.继续往下继续往下_18.与与相反相反_19.不客气不客气_20.由由组成组成_21到此为止到此为止_at the bottom ofat the bottom ofthe other daythe other daydream of/about doing sth.realize onerealize ones dreams dreamkeep in touch withkeep in touch withby sending emailsby sending emailsfurther downfurther

7、 down短语篇the opposite of the opposite of my pleasuremy pleasurebe made up ofbe made up ofso much forso much forIV.翻译句子。翻译句子。1.这座房子坐落在小山顶上。这座房子坐落在小山顶上。Thehousestands_thehill.2.在另一个国家里住上一段在另一个国家里住上一段时间时间是令人兴是令人兴奋的事情。奋的事情。_inanothercountryforawhile.3.在这个镇的中心有个大公园。在这个镇的中心有个大公园。Thereisabigpark_thetown.4.你



10、slivedsince句句型型篇篇重点重点句型句型1.1.1.1.你注意到这页上端的你注意到这页上端的你注意到这页上端的你注意到这页上端的“TourTourTourTour”图标吗?图标吗?图标吗?图标吗? _ you _ the _ you _ the _ you _ the _ you _ the “TourTourTourTour” icon at the top icon at the top icon at the top icon at the top of the page? of the page? of the page? of the page?黑暗中巨大的

11、玻璃球下落是很令人兴奋的。黑暗中巨大的玻璃球下落是很令人兴奋的。黑暗中巨大的玻璃球下落是很令人兴奋的。黑暗中巨大的玻璃球下落是很令人兴奋的。 It is _ to see the huge glass It is _ to see the huge glass It is _ to see the huge glass It is _ to see the huge glass ball_ the _.ball_ the _.ball_ the _.ball_ the _.这是这是这是这是一个一天辛苦工作后放松的好地方。一个一天辛苦工作后放松的好地方。一个一天辛苦工作后放松的好

12、地方。一个一天辛苦工作后放松的好地方。 It is a good place _ _ after a It is a good place _ _ after a It is a good place _ _ after a It is a good place _ _ after a daydaydaydays work.s work.s work.s work.自二十世纪初,它就因它的剧院出名了。自二十世纪初,它就因它的剧院出名了。自二十世纪初,它就因它的剧院出名了。自二十世纪初,它就因它的剧院出名了。 It has_ _ _ its theatres It has_ _

13、_ its theatres It has_ _ _ its theatres It has_ _ _ its theatres since _ _ _ century.since _ _ _ century.since _ _ _ century.since _ _ _ century.你曾经听说过你曾经听说过你曾经听说过你曾经听说过 “MemoryMemoryMemoryMemory”这首歌吗?这首歌吗?这首歌吗?这首歌吗? Have you ever _ _ the song Have you ever _ _ the song Have you ever _ _ the

14、 song Have you ever _ _ the song “MemoryMemoryMemoryMemory”? ? ? ?它是由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰组成。它是由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰组成。它是由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰组成。它是由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰组成。 It is _ _ _ England, It is _ _ _ England, It is _ _ _ England, It is _ _ _ England, Scotland,Scotland,Scotland,Scotland, Wales and Northe

15、rn Ireland. Wales and Northern Ireland. Wales and Northern Ireland. Wales and Northern Ireland.Have noticedHave noticedexciting falling darknessto relaxto relaxbeen famous forbeen famous forthe early twentieththe early twentiethheard ofheard ofmade up ofmade up of重重点点句句型型6.6.你曾经梦想没有护照周游世界吗?你曾经梦想没有护照

16、周游世界吗? Have you _ _ _ around the world without a passport?Have you _ _ _ around the world without a passport?7. 7. 通过上网旅游你可以实现你们的梦想?通过上网旅游你可以实现你们的梦想? You can _ _ _ _ _ an online tour.You can _ _ _ _ _ an online tour.8.8.悉尼在澳大利亚的东南海岸。悉尼在澳大利亚的东南海岸。 Sydney is _ _ _ _ of _.Sydney is _ _ _ _ of _.9.9.悉尼歌

17、剧院看起来像一个有很多帆的船。悉尼歌剧院看起来像一个有很多帆的船。 The Opera House looks like a ship _ _ _.The Opera House looks like a ship _ _ _.10.10.你介意向我展示如何开始网上旅行吗?你介意向我展示如何开始网上旅行吗? Would you _ _ me _ _ _ this online tour?Would you _ _ me _ _ _ this online tour?dreamt of travellingdreamt of travellingrealize your dream by tak

18、ingrealize your dream by takingon the south-east coast Australiaon the south-east coast Australiawith many sailswith many sailsmind showing how to startmind showing how to start语法语法篇篇概念概念:一般过去时表示在过去某个时间发生的动词或存在的状态,也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。e.g. He came here yesterday.现在完成时表示过去的动作(或状态)对现在产生的影响和结果e.g. He has br

19、oken his bottle.一般过去时和现在完成时的区别:1)构成不同Tom went to London last year.Lily has been to London twice.一般过去时的谓语动词用过去式过去式,现在完成时的谓语用“助动词have /has +过去分词” 一般过去时和现在完成时的区别:2)用法不同:现在完成时是表示过去的动作与现在的联系,主要说明的是现在的情况和状态;而一般过去时则强调动作发生在过去某一时间,与现在不发生联系.e.g. 1.We havent seen him since last year. 我们自从去年以来一直未见到他。 (现在还未见到)2.

20、We didnt see him last year. 我们去年没见到他。(现在不一定未见到)一般过去时和现在完成时的区别:3)所用时间状语不同 :一般过去时常与具体的时间状语连用,现在完成时常与模糊的时间状语连用,或无时间状语。一般过去时的时间状语 yesterday, once, last week, . ago, in 1980, in October, just now等具体的时间状语。 现在完成时的时间状语 for, since, so far, ever, never, just, yet, till, up to now, always等不确定的时间状语。 一般过去时和现在完成时

21、的区别:1.IsTomdoinghishomework?No,he_hishomeworkalready.(finish)2.DoyouknowMissKing?No,butI_herbefore.(hearof)3.Whataboutthefilm?Sorry,Idontknow.I_ityet.(see)hasfinishedhaveheardofhaventseen4. _ you ever _ to the Great Wall? No, never. ( go)5. How does he get on with his classmate? Oh, he _ a lot these

22、 days. (change)6. Help yourself , please. No, thanks. Im full. I _ just _ three eggs.(eat)haveeatenhaschangedHavebeen写作篇写作篇Online shopping近几年来,网购已经变得很流行了。它比外出购物更容易。请根据以下提示,以“Online shopping”为题写一篇80词左右的英语短文。1)更容易、更快 2)越来越多的人喜欢网购3)省时间,不必出家 4)有各种各样的东西供选择5)但长时间在电脑旁边对眼睛不好6)有些东西不想看上去那么好7)网上一些商店不诚实8)网上购物要更加小心 可适当发挥Goodbye!



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