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1、The-Leaning-Tower-of-The-Leaning-Tower-of-Pisa(1)Pisa(1)比萨斜塔(意大利语:Torre pendente di Pisa或Torre di Pisa,英语:Leaning Tower of Pisa)是意大利比萨城大教堂的独立式钟楼,于意大利托斯卡纳省比萨城北面的奇迹广场上。广场的大片草坪上散布着一组宗教建筑,它们是大教堂(建造于1063年13世纪)、洗礼堂(建造于1153年14世纪)、钟楼(即比萨斜塔)和墓园(建造于1174年),它们的外墙面均为乳白色大理石砌成,各自相对独立但又形成统一罗马式建筑风格。比萨斜塔位于比萨大教堂的后面。1比

2、萨斜塔从地基到塔顶高58.36米,从地面到塔顶高55米,钟楼墙体在地面上的宽度是4.09米,在塔顶宽2.48米,总重约14453吨,重心在地基上方22.6米处。圆形地基面积为285平方米,对地面的平均压强为497千帕。倾斜约10%,即5.5度,偏离地基外沿2.3米,顶层突出4.5米。1173年首次发现倾斜中文名 比萨斜塔外文名 Torre pendente di Pisa或Torre di Pisa(意大利)建筑位置 意大利托斯卡纳省比萨城英文名 The Leaning Tower of Pisa地理坐标 4343 23N,1023 47E建造时间 1173年8月完工时间 1372年高 度 地

3、面到塔顶高55米倾斜角度 5.5度至今历史 840年lMade of _.lAbout _ parts.lHeight is _ metres.lPeople said it was _ at first, but later it became _.l_ take you to the top, or you can walk up _ steps.lThe tower is repainted every _ years.lAmount of paint used: _ tonnes.lAmazing things at the tower: a man once _ down all t

4、he steps.lIn _, two people jumped down with parachutes.Questioning about the details of the Eiffel Tower1889iron18,000320uglypopularLiftsseven1,79245cycled1984When was the Eiffel Tower built by Gustave Eiffel? Built by Gustave Eiffel in _.Location: _Purpose of building:_Materials: _Appearance: (外观)外

5、观) _ _Where is the Leaning Tower of Pisa?In ItalyBell tower for Pisa Cathedral.MarbleLeaning to one sidev The Tower of Pisa was built to be the most beautiful bell tower in all of Italy. (Paragraph 1, Line 1)v It is the bell tower for Pisa Cathedral. (比萨大教堂)比萨大教堂)v However, not only is the marble to

6、wer beautiful, it is perhaps the strangest tower in the world.v It leans to one side and looks like it is going to fall over.and going to fall overIn August 1173Nearly 200 years54.5 metresA very beautiful viewGravity and falling objects When did the building of the tower begin?v The building of the

7、tower began in August 1173v It is 54.5 metres tall with 294 steps up to the bell chamber.v From the top, there is a very beautiful view.v Italian scientist, Galileo, once did his famous experiments about gravity and falling objects from the top of the tower. (地心引力和(地心引力和自由落体)自由落体)and took nearly two

8、 hundred years to complete.Location: _Purpose of building:_Materials: _Appearance: (外观)外观) _ _In ItalyBell tower for Pisa Cathedral.MarbleLeaning to one sideand going to fall overIn August 1173Nearly 200 years 54.5 metresA very beautiful viewGravity and falling objects TalkTimeABCSet ATo make the to

9、wer straight again.Leaning speed: _Engineers have reduced the lean by 50 centimetresWhy did the builders add more floors to the tower?By about 1 millimetre every yearWhy is the tower now safe for the next 300 years?How fast did the tower continue to lean?Set BOn 7 January 1990Ground beneath it was s

10、inking (在(在之下)之下)Date officially reopened: _ (正式地)(正式地)When was the tower closed to the public?Why did the tower begin to lean?16 June 2001When was the tower officially reopened?Set C.7th floor finished: _Floors: _Italian scientist.When was the 7th floor finished?In 1319How many floors are there in

11、the Tower of Pisa?8What is Galileo?Location: North ChinaLength: over 6,000 kilometresHeight: 7.5 metres (25 feet)Materials: earth, brick and stoneYears started: 7th Century BC (公元前公元前)Years joined: Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC)Purpose of wall: keep out invaders (侵略者侵略者)More about it: _ The Great Wall of

12、ChinaLocation:Length: Height:Materials:Years started:Years joined: Purpose of wall: The Great Wall of China is located in North China.It is over 6,000 kilometres long and has an average height of 7.5 metres.It was started in the 7th Century BC and was joined together during the Qin Dynasty from 221

13、to 206 BC.It is made of earth, brick and stone.The purpose of the wall was to keep out invaders.More about it: It is one of the seven great wonders of the world and is visited by people from all over the world.Time for writing!1.Read the passage about the Tower of Pisa in detail and get more information to complete the supplementary exercises.2.Search for more information from the internet and complete your own passage about the Great Wall of China.Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!结束结束



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