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1、人教PEP版英语六下Recycle1课件之一Stillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望教学目标教学目标知识目标知识目标: 本单元是复习单元本单元是复习单元,是重在通过听是重在通过听,说说,读读,写的方式复现写的方式复现学生已有的知识学生已有的知识,达到复习巩固达到复习巩固,综合运用的目的综合运用的目的.特别是培养学生特别是培养学生的读的读,写能力写能力能力目标能力目标: 通过任务的运用通过任务的运用,注重培养学生解决问题的能力注重培养学生解决问题的能力(如如make a pla

2、n, ask the way etc.)结构功能结构功能:本单元复习两条线索交叉贯穿其中本单元复习两条线索交叉贯穿其中: 按话题功能按话题功能: 分为旅行前分为旅行前-旅行中旅行中-旅行后旅行后;按照语法结构按照语法结构: 复习一般将来时复习一般将来时,一般现在时和一般过去时一般现在时和一般过去时. Before travellingIn TravellingAfter travelling (Review the future tense)(Review the present tense)(Review the past tense)Recycle 1Before travelling1.

3、 To know the cities P522. Make a trip planReview (Book 7)Where are you going?When are you going?How are you going?What are you going to do? (Review the future tense)任务: 招兵买马目的:给学生提供一个平台运用已学句型描述各个城市,为下一 步制定旅游计划做好铺垫,并培养学生通过各种渠道收集资料的能力.教学过程:1.学生展示旅游城市的小海报. 2.介绍旅游城市情况, 其他人可以提问 3.填表 4.汇报 Kun Ming is a pr

4、etty city. Its “spring city”. Its always warm there. There is the stone forest, Dianchi lakeThere are so many beautiful places. Come and have a look.Where to go? How to go? With whom?What to do? On Labor Day. Im going toIn Traveling 1.At the airport 2. (P53 Good to know)任务: 机场小常识目的: 1.了解机场的常见标志, 能说明

5、其意义. 2.了解登机的程序.教学流程: 1. 出示机场的常见标志,让学生猜猜它们的意思. 2. 听录音排序,教师进行说明标识的正确意义和 登机的程序. 3. 听一段Announcement,选择正确的登机票(boarding pass).At the airportEscalator Down向下自动扶梯shop商 店Check In登 记 处WC洗手间Safety Check 安 检Waiting for boarding候 机候机候机boarding登 机At the airportCheck In登 记 处Safety Check 安 检Waiting for boarding候 机b

6、oarding登 机名字名字NameName中国中国 航空公司航空公司经济舱经济舱 Economy Class Economy Class登机牌登机牌 Boarding Pass Boarding Pass航班号航班号Flight Flight 登机口登机口GateGate座位号座位号SeatingSeating目的地目的地ToTo日期日期DateDate9D24Kunming1MayCA 6260A名字名字NameName中国中国 航空公司航空公司经济舱经济舱 Economy Class Economy Class登机牌登机牌 Boarding Pass Boarding Pass航班号航班

7、号Flight Flight 登机口登机口GateGate座位号座位号SeatingSeating目的地目的地ToTo日期日期DateDate3C24Kunming1MayCA 1471C名字名字NameName中国中国 航空公司航空公司经济舱经济舱 Economy Class Economy Class登机牌登机牌 Boarding Pass Boarding Pass航班号航班号Flight Flight 登机口登机口GateGate座位号座位号SeatingSeating目的地目的地ToTo日期日期DateDate2A42Kunming1MayCA 1471BIn Travelling

8、2. Lost ones way (P57-58,Review the present tense)1.At the airport 2. (P53 Good to know)-Where are you going? Im going to.-How can I get there? Go straight; turn left/right at Its on your left/right; Its north/east/west/south of 任务1: 合理安排路线 在同一个时间段里要去三个不同的地方, bank,restaurant 和 bookstore. 目的: 培养听和说的能

9、力,和合理统筹的能力.技能: Listening and speaking过程: 1.出示一张地图,请学生说出可能的路线. 2. 选出最佳路线.The little girl: Look, there is a hospital next to the zoo. Walk along the street, you can find the Super Hotel on your left. Keep turning left at the hotel, and then go straight. There is a post office in the front. The cinema

10、is south of the post office!The boy: Walk east, and then turn right. There is a clothes store on your left. Go straight ahead, you can find a post office on the right. Then turn right, the cinema is on your left. Its south of the post office.任务任务: : 写短信写短信走到半路的时候走到半路的时候, ,一位朋友发来短信想与我同去一位朋友发来短信想与我同去,

11、 ,可他不知怎么走可他不知怎么走, ,请你帮我给他发条短信告诉他路请你帮我给他发条短信告诉他路线线. .目的目的: :过程过程:1.:1.出示一张旅游地图出示一张旅游地图. .2.2.看图说可能的路线看图说可能的路线. .3.3.写路线的短信写路线的短信. .4.4.看看哪条是最佳路线看看哪条是最佳路线. .Can you write this message?Travelling 2. Lost ones way (P57-58,Review the present tense)1.At the airport 2. (P53 Good to know)3. Buy presents (P5

12、9-60 Review phonetic)After travelling(Review the past tense)1.Record 2. (Chant, Song, Diary, Newspaper, Travel DV )2. Communication (Letter, Postcard, City AD)May 14thDear diary,Today was a good day and also a bad day. We went to the hotel by taxi. The driver told us many things about Kunming. I was

13、 excited about the trip. We went into the hotel but I didnt have my backpack. I ran back to the taxi. The driver was gone.I lost my backpack in the taxi.The driver told me many things about Kunming.Mikes DiaryGood news:Bad news:That afternoon dad and I took a bus to the police station. There were ma

14、ny backpacks there. A policeman showed us three backpacks. One was bigger than mine. One was smaller than mine. The third backpack looked like mine, but it was not. Mine was heavier. I wanted to cry. The policeman said he would help us. We waited on the chair . Here is the good news. A man came into

15、 the police station. He had my backpack. I was so excited to see the taxi driver again. He told me to enjoy my visit to Kunming. I can have a good trip now! Mike My Trip to Harbin I went to Harbin with my family last weekend. Harbin was nice in winter. It was covered with snow everywhere. I like the

16、 snowy mountains best. They are so beautiful. They look like the creamy cakes. I put on my scarf, my gloves and my coat, but I still got a cold. We played with snow. My brother and I made a huge snowman. My parents helped us. Then we went skating. Its not easy. We fell down all the time. But we were

17、 very happy.Dear _,This post card shows you a picture from my _. We went to _. It was _. I _ _._We had a good time!Jessy My Trip to Harbin I went to Harbin with my family last weekend. Harbin was nice in winter. It was covered with snow everywhere. I like the snowy mountains best. They are so beauti

18、ful. They look like the creamy cakes. I put on my scarf, my gloves and my coat, but I still got a cold We played with snow. My brother and I made a huge snowman. My parents helped us. Then we went skating. Its not easy. We fell down all the time. But we were very happy Harbin?How was the weather?Wha

19、t happened?Good news?Bad news?Dear _,This post card shows you a picture from my _. We went to _. It was _. I _._We had a good time!Jessy I went on a trip. I went on a trip. What did you do ? What did you see? I went to Beijing. I saw the sky. I went to the Great Wall. I saw the mountains. I went on a trip. I went on a trip. What did you buy ? Did you have fun ? I bought a CD . The food was tasty. I bought a painting . There was lots of fun.



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