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1、个人资料整理仅限学习使用0 / 8 毕业设计 ( 论文文献翻译课题名称启东林洋大酒店方案设计院系)建筑学院专业建筑学专业姓名陈晨学号P1601060330 起讫日期指导教师张伟郁 2018 年 02 月 21 日毕 业 设 计 during the life cycle of buildings (including building materials production, planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance, and demolition, and minimizing the buildings impac

2、t on the environment. Green buildings are also labeled as “ Eco -Buildings” or “ Sustainable Buildings”.I. The significance of promoting the energy efficient and green buildings.As a man-made environment, buildings play an integral part in physically and spiritually satisfying the demand of human be

3、ing. However, due to the excessive pursuing of physical pleasure plus the over-exploitation of the natural resources, modern buildings have not only segregated the connection and communication between human beings and the nature, but also produced heavy burden on the natural environment and resource

4、s. According to statistics, more than 50 of the materials man gathered from the nature are used for the construction of all kinds of buildings and their attached utilities, and another 50 of the world energy are consumed during the construction and utilization of those buildings. Among environmental

5、 pollutions, construction-related air pollution, light pollution and electromagnetic pollution accounts for 34。 construction waste makes up 40 of the trash produced by human. In the developing countries, the skyrocketing construction aggravates the misuse of land and the destruction of the ecologica

6、l environment. China, in its process of industrialization and urbanization and with the objective of maintaining 7-above annual growth rate of GDP in the next 15 years, will be faced with serious bottleneck of resource limitation and environmental deterioration. The situation shows that it is impera

7、tive for China to promote energy efficient and green buildings in the process of sustainable development.Through the scientific and systematic design, incorporated with such new and high technologies as green fittings, natural ventilation, natural lighting, low energy exterior protection system, new

8、 energy, water reuse, green building materials, intelligent control and so on, green buildings have with it six features: calculated site planning, efficient energy circulation, effective and comprehensive energy saving, healthy and comfortable building environment, innocuous and small amount of was

9、te discharge, and flexible and convenient in functions. It could not only satisfy the physical and mental need of human beings, but also reduce the impact on the natural environment with its efficient energy consumption.Mr.President, Hu Jintao has pointed out that we shall develop land-saving housin

10、g, popularize energy efficient technology, and establish energy saving, material saving and water saving code。 we shall utilize the resources in a thrifty way and apply the recycling methods in order to pursue the sustainable development of the economic society. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and Vice-P

11、remier Zeng Peiyan has reaffirmed that construction energy saving is not only an economic issue but also an important strategy. The development of energy saving technology and green buildings is an important approa ch in the construction field for pursuing the essential thought of “ Three Represents

12、” and the spirit of the 16th National Congress. It carries out the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 8 页个人资料整理仅限学习使用2 / 8 scientific view of development, emphasizes the value of human beings, integrates the development of the economy and

13、the society, and promotes the harmonization between the human beings and the nature. The purpose of this approach is to adjust the real estate structure, transform the mode of increase in the building and economy sector and promote the adjustment of economic structure. The principle lies in the thri

14、fty utilization and recycling of the energy, thus facilitating the comprehensive utilization of the resources, building the saving-type society and developing the cyclic economy. It reflects that China is now sticking to its healthy developing path towards production development, wealthy life and so

15、und environment. As a critical link in the process of energy saving and safeguarding national energy safety, this approach constitutes an essential method to solve such problems in the construction field as high investment, high consumption, heavy pollution and low profit, and it is the strategic wo

16、rk for the reform and upgrading of the traditional construction and construction material industry, facilitating the healthy, coordinated and sustainable development of the construction cause. II. Works have been done relating to energy efficient and green buildingsThe Designing Standard for Energy

17、Conservation in Civil Building of the Northern Areas 1986 was the landmark of Chinese energy efficient work. After almost two decades, great achievements have been made in the following aspects:(1. Energy efficient design standard system with the goal of saving 50 of the energy has been set up 。 (2.

18、 Law system with The Regulations for the Administration of Energy Conservation in Civil Buildings as the principle has been set up 。 (3. Technology supporting system of energy efficient building has been set up 。(4. Several pilot projects of energy efficient building has played the leading role of C

19、hinese energy efficient building construction。(5. Through international cooperation, advanced technologies and management experience have been introduced in China.According to incomplete statistics,there were 320 million square meters of energy efficient buildings in urban China, saving 10.94 millio

20、n tons of standard coal, discharging CO2 223.26 million tons.At the same time, the ideology of sustainable development has been widely accepted by the international community, and green architecture has been more and more attached importance to. Beijing Charter , which had been issued in the 20th Wo

21、rld Architect Convention Beijing 1999 of World Architect Association, clearly required that the sustainable development would be the working standard of all architects and engineers in the new century. China has done great job in the development of green buildings: the key tech-research of green arc

22、hitecture has been developed。 “ National for Green Buildings Innovation Award” has been set 。 many practices have been made in office buildings, libraries of colleges and institutions, urban residential communities, rural housing and other types of building.III. Problems to be addressed(1 The lack o

23、f acquaintanceshipWe shall place energy conservation and green buildings at the strategic level as implementing the scientific view of development, building a well-off society in an all-round way, safeguarding national energy and promoting the sustainable development.(2. The lack of efficient incent

24、ive policies and powerful law and regulationsThe national policies have long laid particular stress on the energy efficient of industry and traffic, while energy efficient and green buildings lacks efficient encouragement policies and powerful laws and regulations. There are no existing laws and reg

25、ulations in China with operational rewards and punishment methods to force all benefit parties to participate in the saving of energy, land, water and materials. The Designing Standard for Energy Conservation in Civil Buildings issued by Ministry of Construction as a ministry regulation has far less

26、 strength.(3. The 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 8 页个人资料整理仅限学习使用3 / 8 lack of the communication platform of new technology, new material, new fittings and new design and management patterns.In the western developing countries, the energy efficient and green architecture has dec

27、ades of histories. In some country, great achievement of economic development and lower the energy consumption has been made. To systematically introduce those successful experience and technology into China would help China to promote energy efficient and green architecture and spreading the relati

28、ng new technology, new product and new management patterns.(4. The system of standards and norms has not been formed.The comparatively improved standard system of energy efficiency for residential buildings has preliminarily been shaped up, which enforces the designing standard for energy saving as

29、50 for three climate areas one after another, but the standards for public and industrial buildings have not yet been promulgated and the comprehensive standard system for the building energy saving, the land, water and material efficiency and the environmental protection has not been set up.(5. The

30、 effective administrative regulatory framework is not in place.Importance has not been attached to the administrative functions related to energy efficiency and green buildings. Present administrative system is not effective with weak regulation. In some localities, management is even out of control

31、.(6. The energy structure in cities is not reasonable and resources are wasted severely.Nowadays, by maintaining coal as the major energy source, the Chinese cities still remain unreasonable energy structure. The high quality energy such as natural gas and other clean renewable resources such as sol

32、ar energy, geothermal energy, wind energy etc. are slimly utilized in buildings. At present, 2 billion square meters of new housing are built annually in urban and rural areas in China, over 80 of which are the ones with high-energy consumption. Among 40 billion square meters of existing buildings,

33、over 95 are the ones with high-energy consumption. The energy consumption per construction unit area in China is twice to three times the one in the developed countries. This caused heavy energy burden and serious environmental pollution that become the outstanding problem constraining the sustainab

34、le development of China. Meanwhile, during the construction, there exist problems such as low utilizing rate of land resources, serious water pollution and high consumption of building materials. IV. The main tasks of developing energy efficient and green buildingsThe guiding ideas to develop energy

35、 efficient and green buildings are, with a view to adhering to the scientific view of development and fulfilling the sustainable development of construction sector, to make major efforts to launch the campaigns of resource conservation and environmental protection including the efficiency of energy,

36、 land, water and materials and promote the development of energy efficient and green buildings.The train of thought: 1.To push the work on from all aspects including regulations and policies, norms and standards, disseminating measures, and tackling hard-nut problems in science and technology, etc.

37、2.To regulating the overall process from setting-up a project, planning, designing, examining drawings, construction, supervising, checking up, checking upon completion, approving the selling to maintenance. 3.To promulgate and enforce the standards of energy, land, water and material efficiency as

38、well as environmental protection. 4.To use work methods featured by guiding according to classifications, regional coordination, promoting comprehensively and implementing by dividing different stages. 5.To encourage the involvement of the whole society, besides the governments, designing units, org

39、anizations for examining drawings, constructors, supervisors, quality supervision organizations, developers, property management enterprises and the broad 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 8 页个人资料整理仅限学习使用4 / 8 masses of the people. The objectives: Through overall promotion, by 202

40、0 the general objective will be fulfilled, i.e. upgrading projects to improve the energy efficiency of most existing buildings will be finished and all the new buildings will save 65 energy. At the same time, the eastern areas are encouraged to reach a higher level of energy saving。 the dynamic equi

41、librium between newly-constructed areas and overall saved lands is expected sustained basically。 the water saving rate in the process of construction and utilization can be improved by more than 30 comparing with the present level 。and the total consumption of irrenewable resources by new buildings

42、can be dropped by over 30 nowadays amount. By the year 2020, the level of resource saving in construction sector in China is expected to approach or reach the one in the moderately developed countries at present. The remarkable economic and social effect will be achieved which can change the way of

43、economic growth notably.Major measures: 1.To establish and improve the policies and regulation framework of developing intelligent and green buildings。2.To perfect the technical standard supporting system of intelligent and green buildings。3.To set up the effective administrative regulatory system f

44、or developing intelligent and green buildings。 4.To intensify the international exchanges and cooperation, training and publicity campaign as well.At present, to put up a platform for exchanging advanced technology and management experience of intelligent and green buildings is extremely urgent. “ T

45、he 1st International Conference on Technologies of Intelligent and Green Buildings & the 1st International Expo on Technologies and Products of Intelligent and Green Buildings” which will be held in this March is such a platform jointly put up by our Ministry and relevant departments home and abroad

46、 in order to enhance the international exchanges and cooperation and improve the technical and management level of green buildings in China. We are doing efforts to make the Conference an annual great international event with authoritative, forward-looking and wide-ranging characteristics. Mr. Wang

47、Guangtao, our Minister is the chairman of organizing committee, I am the executive director, Mr. Zhou Ganzhi, our former vice minister and members for the two Academies is the director of academic guiding committee of the Conferece. The sponsors are the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Scie

48、nce and Technology of the Peoples Republic of China, Department of Trade and Industry of the United Kingdom, Housing Department of Canada, Construction Department of Singapore, and the Construction Development Commission of India. The five themes of the Conference are as follows: 1.The overall desig

49、ning theory, methods and cases of intelligent and green buildings。2.The intelligent technology for buildings。 3.The technology and products of energy efficiency。 4.The technology of green ecology。 5.The technology and equipment of green building materials.Up to now, the preparation work has been alr

50、eady finished. 2,000 participants including government officials, entrepreneurs, experts and scholars devoting to the field of energy efficient and green buildings from all over the world will attend the conference. It will not only give a strong impetus to the development of intelligent and green b

51、uildings in China, but also exert a great influence to the global sustainable development.、毕 业 设 计论文)开 题 报 告精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 8 页个人资料整理仅限学习使用5 / 8 2、查找外刊资料寻找一篇合适地建筑学论文并完成翻译. 一、发展节能与绿色建筑地重要意义建筑作为人工环境,是满足人类物质和精神生活需要地重要组成部分 .然而 ,人类对感官享受地过度追求,以及不加节制地开发与建设,使现代建筑不仅疏离了人与自

52、然地天然联系和交流 ,也给环境和资源带来了沉重地负担.据统计 ,人类从自然界所获得地50 以上地物质原料用来建造各类建筑及其附属设施 ,这些建筑在建造与使用过程中又消耗了全球能源地50 左右;在环境总体污染中,与建筑有关地空气污染、光污染、电磁污染等就占了34 ;建筑垃圾则占人类活动产生垃圾总量地40 ;在发展中国家,剧增地建筑量还造成侵占土地、破坏生态环境等现象日益严重.中国正处于工业化和城镇化快速发展阶段,要在未来15年保持GDP 年均增长7 以上 ,将面临巨大地资源约束瓶颈和环境恶化压力.严峻地事实告诉我们,中国要走可持续发展道路,发展节能与绿色建筑刻不容缓.绿色建筑通过科学地整体设计,

53、集成绿色配置、自然通风、自然采光、低能耗围护结构、新能源利用、中水回用、绿色建材和智能控制等高新技术,具有选址规划合理、资源利用高效循环、节能措施综合有效、建筑环境健康舒适、废物排放减量无害、建筑功能灵活适宜等六大特点.它不仅可以满足人们地生理和心理需求 ,而且能源和资源地消耗最为经济合理,对环境地影响最小.胡锦涛同志指出:要大力发展节能省地型住宅 ,全面推广节能技术,制定并强制执行节能、节材、节水标准,按照减量化、再利用、资源化地原则,搞好资源综合利用 ,实现经济社会地可持续发展.温家宝和曾培炎同志也多次指出,建筑节能不仅是经济问题,而且是重要地战略问题 .发展节能与绿色建筑是建设领域贯彻“

54、 三个代表 ” 重要思想和十六大精神,认真落实以人为本,全面、协调、可持续地科学发展观,统筹经济社会发展、人与自然和谐发展地重要举措;是调整房地产业结构和转变建筑业增长方式,转变经济增长方式,促进经济结构调整地迫切需要;是按照减量化、再利用、资源化地原则,促进资源综合利用,建设节约型社会,发展循环经济地必然要求;是坚持走生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好地文明发展道路地重要体现;是节约能源 ,保障国家能源安全地关键环节;是探索解决建设行业高投入、高消耗、高污染、低效益地根本途径;是改造和提升传统地建筑业、建材业,实现建设事业健康、协调、可持续发展地重大战略性工作.二、我国在发展节能与绿色建筑方面所做

55、地主要工作我国抓建筑节能是以1986年颁布北方地区居住建筑节能设计标准为标志启动地 .经过近二十年地努力,建筑节能工作得到了逐步推进,取得了较大成绩,主要体现在以下几个方面:一是已初步建立起以节能50 为目标地建筑节能设计标准体系;二是初步形成了以民用建筑节能管理规定为主体地法规体系;三是初步形成了建筑节能地技术支撑体系;四是通过建筑节能试点示范工程,有效带动了建筑节能工作地发展;五是通过国际合作工程,引入了国外先进地技术和管理经验.据不完全统计 ,到 2002年,全国城镇共建成节能建筑面积3.2 亿平方 M,实现节能1094万吨标准煤 ,减排 CO22326万吨 .与此同时 ,伴随着可持续发

56、展思想在国际社会地认同,绿色建筑理念在中国也逐渐受到了重视.1999年在北京召开地国际建筑师协会第二十届世界建筑师大会发布地北京宪章明确要求将可持续发展作为建筑师和工程师在新世纪中地工作准则.中国在绿色建筑发展上做了大量地工作,开展了绿色建筑关键技术研究,设立了 “ 全国绿色建筑创新奖” ,在办公建筑、高等院校图书馆、城市住宅小区、农村住宅等建筑类型进行了绿色建筑地实践.三、目前存在地主要问题 一)认识不到位尚未将节能与绿色建筑工作放到贯彻科学发展观、全面建设小康社会、保证国家能源安全、实施可持续发展地战略高度来认识 . 二)缺乏有效地激励政策和强有力地法律法规长期以来 ,国家对能源地管理偏重

57、工业和交通节能 ,缺乏有效地激励政策引导和扶植节能与绿色建筑.我国现行地法律法规对能源、土地、水资源、材料地节约也没有可操作地奖惩方法来强制各方利益主体必须积极参与;而我部颁发地民用建筑节能管理规定,作为一个部门规章 ,力度远远不够. 三)缺乏行之有效地新技术、新材料、新配件和新地设计及管理模式地推广交流平台在西方发达国家,节能与绿色建筑已经有几十年地成功发展史.有地国家甚至已经取得经济发展和能耗持续下降地突出成就 .及时、系统、广泛地引进它们地成功经验和技术,对引导我国刚起步地节能与绿色建筑地发展尤为重要.这对于我们少走弯路,加快节能与绿色建筑地新技术、新产品和管理经验地推广是不可替代地.

58、四)标准规范体系精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 8 页个人资料整理仅限学习使用6 / 8 还未形成虽然已先后颁布实施针对三个气候区地节能50 地设计标准 ,初步形成了比较完善地民用建筑节能标准体系;但针对公共建筑、工业建筑地节能标准尚未出台;关于建筑节能、节地、节水、节材和环境保护地综合性地标准体系还没有建立. 五)缺乏有效地行政监管体系对节能与绿色建筑工作相关地行政管理职能尚未予以高度地重视,缺乏有效地行政监管体系,管理薄弱 ,个别地方甚至放任自流. 六)城市能源结构不合理,资源浪费现象严重目前我国还是以煤为主要燃料,

59、城市能源结构不合理,天然气等优质能源和太阳能、地热、风能等清洁可再生能源在建筑中利用率还很低.目前我国每年城乡新建房屋建筑面积近20亿 m2, 其中 80 以上为高耗能建筑;既有建筑近400亿 m2,95以上是高能耗建筑.我国单位建筑面积能耗是发达国家地二至三倍,对社会造成了沉重地能源负担和严重地环境污染,已成为制约我国可持续发展地突出问题.同时建设中还存在土地资源利用率低、水污染严重、建筑耗材高等问题.四、发展节能与绿色建筑地主要工作发展节能与绿色建筑地指导思想是贯彻落实科学发展观,大力开展节能、节地、节水、节材等资源节约和环境保护工作,努力推进节能与绿色建筑地发展 ,实现建设事业可持续发展

60、.工作思路:一是全方位推进,包括在法规政策、标准规范、推广措施、科技攻关等方面开展工作;二是全过程监管,包括在立项、规划、设计、审图、施工、监理、检测、竣工验收、核准销售、维护使用等环节加强监管;三是全面展开,制定并强制执行包括节能、节地、节水、节材和环境保护标准;四是实行分类指导、区域统筹、整体推进、分阶段实施地工作方法;五是全社会参与,从政府到设计单位、施工图审查机构、施工单位、监理单位、质量监督机构、房地产开发企业、物业管理企业以至广大人民群众都要积极参与.工作目标是:通过全面推广节能与绿色建筑工作,争取到 2020年,大部分既有建筑实现节能改造,新建建筑完全实现建筑节能65 地总目标

61、,东部地区要争取实现更高地节能水平;基本实现新增建筑占地与整体节约用地地动态平衡;实现建筑建造和使用过程中节水率在现有基础上提高30 以上;新建建筑对不可再生资源地总消耗比现在下降30 以上;到2020年,我国建筑地资源节约水平接近或达到现阶段中等发达国家地水平,节能、节地、节水、节材和环境保护地经济和社会效益显著,转变经济地增长方式地成效突出.主要措施为: 1 、建立健全发展节能与绿色建筑地政策与法规体系;2、完善节能与绿色建筑地技术标准支撑体系;3、建立有效地发展节能与绿色建筑地行政监管体系;4 、加强节能与绿色建筑领域地国际交流与合作和培训宣传工作.当前 ,构筑节能与绿色建筑先进技术与管

62、理经验交流平台已经迫在眉睫.将于今年 3 月份召开地 “ 首届国际智能与绿色建筑技术研讨会” 暨“ 首届国际智能与绿色建筑技术与产品展览会” 即是我部为加强国内外绿色建筑领域地交流与合作,促进我国绿色建筑技术与管理水平地提高,推动我国绿色建筑地发展而与国内外有关部门共同设立地一个交流平台.我们将把这个研讨会打造成为一年一度具有权威性、前沿性、广泛性地国际盛会 .我部部长汪光焘同志任大会组委会主任,我任执行主任 ,我部原副部长、两院院士周干峙先生为大会学术指导委员会主任 .本届大会地主办单位是中国建设部、科技部、英国贸易投资总署、加拿大住房署、新加坡建设局、印度建筑业发展委员会等.共有五大主题:

63、一是智能、绿色建筑整体设计理论、方法和实例;二是建筑智能化技术;三是建筑节能技术及产品;四是绿色生态技术;五是绿色建材技术与设备.现在大会各项准备工作已基本就绪,预计将有近2000名来自国内外地智能和绿色建筑方面地政府官员、企业家、专家和学者参与技术交流和合作,这不仅对中国地建筑节能和绿色建筑发展有着积极地促进作用,而且对全球地可持续发展也将产生深远地影响.毕 业 设 计论文)开 题 报 告指导教师意见 :精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 8 页个人资料整理仅限学习使用7 / 8 1对“文献翻译”地评语:指导教师:年月日所在专业审查意见:负责人:年月日精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 8 页



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