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1、Agenda?Opensolaris Overview?Solaris Introduction?Solaris Introduction?Multithread process modelu t tead p ocessode?Dtrace and Mdb Intro and DemoOpensolaris OverviewOpensolaris Overviewp p开放源代码首创行动组织开放源代码首创行动组织?Open Source Initiative Association (OSIA)?Open Source Initiative Association (OSIA)?非盈利的组织

2、,是美国的非盈利的组织,是美国的Bruce Perens 和和Eric S. Raymond 等人于等人于1998年在美国加州发年在美国加州发起设立的起设立的起设立的起设立的?倡导“开放源代码首创行动” (倡导“开放源代码首创行动” (Open Source 简称简称)其目的就是要让开放源其目的就是要让开放源Initiative,简称简称OSI),其目的就是要让开放源其目的就是要让开放源代代码软件的发展有一个更好的土壤。码软件的发展有一个更好的土壤。代代经经OSIA认证的开放源代码软件的软件认证的开放源代码软件的软件许可证许可证?The GNU General Public License (

3、GPL)?The GNU Library or Lesser Public License (LGPL)?The GNU Library or Lesser Public License (LGPL)?The BSD license?The MIT license?The MIT license?The Mozilla Public License v. 1.0 (MPL)ThIBM P bliLi?The IBM Public License?The Apache Software License?The Sun Internet Standards Source License (SISS

4、L)?The Intel Open Source License?The Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1)?The Nokia Open Source License?等二十几种等二十几种GPL规定的权利规定的权利?为了任何目的的运行该程序为了任何目的的运行该程序?为了任何目的的运行该程序为了任何目的的运行该程序?有自由获得源代码的权利,并在此基础上研究有自由获得源代码的权利,并在此基础上研究程序是如何运行的,并可为了个人的目的改变程序是如何运行的,并可为了个人的目的改变该程序该程序该程序该程序?有自由散发该复制件的权利有自由散发该复制件的权利?有自由改



7、aris相关的专相关的专?Sun授权开发者可以使用与授权开发者可以使用与Solaris相关的专相关的专利(约利(约600项)项)开放的步骤开放的步骤?免费使用免费使用?免费使用免费使用?开放源代码开放源代码Solaris开放的内容开放的内容?一一千万行源代码千万行源代码?千万行源代码千万行源代码?Solaris 10耗资耗资5亿美元亿美元?内容包括:内容包括:作系核作系核- 操- 操作系作系统内统内核核- - 网络网络网络网络- 系统库- 系统库- 命令- 命令Solaris IntroductionSolaris IntroductionIntroduction?What is Solari

8、s?What is Solaris?Sun Microsystems, Inc.?A complete operating environment, built on a modular, dynamic kernel,y?SOE- Solaris Operating Environment?3 major components:?SunOS- the kernel?Windowing desktop environment, CDE default, OpenWindows still included. Gnome, KDE?Open Networking ComputingA brief

9、 history?BSD UNIX ?1982, Sun UNIX 0.7,?1983 SunOS 1.01992 SOS 4 1 3?1992 SunOS 4.1.3?1992 Solaris 2.0?1998 Solaris 72000 S li 8?2000 Solaris 8?2001 Solaris 9?2005 Solaris 10, OpenSolarisSolaris Kernel FeaturesM l i hd d P M d l?Multithreaded Process Model?Multithreaded kernel?Preemptive kernel?Multi

10、ple Scheduling Classespg?Including real-time support?Tightly Integrated File System & ?Tightly Integrated File System & Virtual Memory?64-bit kernel?32-bit and 64-bit application support?Resource Management?Resource Management?Service Management & Fault Handling?Integrated Networking?Integrated Netw

11、orkingSolaris kernel overview Solaris 10 Feature?Solaris Containers (Zones)?允许允许一一个个Solaris系统内划分多个分区系统内划分多个分区,分别独立运行分别独立运行Solaris实例实例?允许个允许个Solaris系统内划分多个分区系统内划分多个分区,分别独立运行分别独立运行Solaris实例实例?Predictive Self Healing?可预测性自我修复技术,使可预测性自我修复技术,使Sun系统和服务在出现软硬件故障时得到系统和服务在出现软硬件故障时得到最大可用性,此功能在最大可用性,此功能在Sun高端服务

12、器上得到了支持,以后会支持高端服务器上得到了支持,以后会支持x86平台平台?Zetabyte File system (ZFS)?Zetabyte File system (ZFS)?海量的日志文件系统,具有相当于现有文件系统海量的日志文件系统,具有相当于现有文件系统160亿倍的容量亿倍的容量?支持支持128位寻址空间,可以支持位寻址空间,可以支持Zbyte级(级(1G个个GB!)的文件系统)的文件系统轻松管理跨区卷轻松管理跨区卷自动在读写数据时校验错误自动在读写数据时校验错误?轻松管理跨区卷轻松管理跨区卷,自动在读写数据时校验错误自动在读写数据时校验错误?Sun Studio 10?Sola

13、ris和和Linux平台上的平台上的C+、Frotran开发环境开发环境?Sun Java Studio Creator可视化开发环境可视化开发环境?综合开发综合开发/调试调试/部署功能部署功能?包括包括 Sun Java System Application Server 8 平台版软件平台版软件?包括包括 Sun Java System Application Server 8 平台版软件平台版软件?Solaris Dynamic Tracing (dtrace)?Solaris Modular Debugger(mdb)gg)The Process ModelThe Process Mo

14、delThe Process Model?Solaris Kernel is Multi-threaded?Solaris Kernel is Multi threaded?Kernel level threads (kthreads) are the unit of concurrency within the kernelof concurrency within the kernel?Scheduling, synchronization are kernel-level (kthread) concepts(kthread) concepts?Processes are a combi

15、nation of state and one or more user threadsone or more user threads?Process threads are abstracted upon kernel thdthreads?Single threaded processes have just one thdthreadThe Process Model?Processesan abstraction that contains the execution ?an abstraction that contains the execution environment fo

16、r a user program ?consists of a virtual memory environment (an ?consists of a virtual memory environment (an address space), program resources, and at least one thread of executionHardware context?Hardware context?The processor state, which is CPU architecture dependent.dependent.?In general, the st

17、ate of the hardware registers (general registers, privileged registers)?Maintained in the LWP?Software context?Address space, credentials, open files, resource limits, etc stuff shared by all the threads in a processpMulti-threaded Solaris Kernel?kernel services and tasks ?are executed as kernel thr

18、eads ?Kernel threads ?Kernel threads ?have an execution state and context that includes a global priority and that includes a global priority and scheduling class?the unit of concurrency within the t e ut o co cue cytt ekernel?Scheduling, synchronization g,y?are kernel-level (kthread) concepts?user

19、process is a container?user process is a container?defines much of the execution context for its threads.for its threads.Nucleus of the Solaris kernel threads model?Kernel threads?The object that gets scheduled and executed on a processor?User threads?The user-level (non-kernel) thread ?The user lev

20、el (non kernel) thread state maintained within a user process.?Process ocess?The executable form of a program; the execution environment for a user program.?Lightweight process (LWP)ggp()?The kernel-visible execution context for a user thread.The Lightweight Process (LWP) ?the attribute of a LWP?the

21、 attribute of a LWP?Resource utilization counters and microstate accounting informationmicrostate accounting information?The sum total of all LWPs resource usage is stored in the process usage is stored in the process ?Most of the LWP structure members i t t t t ll d t exist to support system calls

22、and to maintain hardware context information?An LWP blocked on a system call does not cause the entire process to blockProcess, LWP, and Kthread Linkage?Kernel maintains system-wide linked lists of yprocesses, LWPs and kthreads?Relationship links maintained at every levelpyConceptual View of a Proce

23、ss?Proc structure?define the context and ti execution environment?uarea is ?uarea is embedded in the process structureit is not is not maintained as a t separate structure.process ?process kernel Stack in the Stack in the LWPProcess Execution EnvironmentProcess State Diagram?For the most part, for e

24、ach process state, ?For the most part, for each process state, there is a corresponding kthread state?Somewhat misleading - kthreads change ?Somewhat misleading kthreads change state, not processesThread StatesProcess and Kernel Thread States?Kthread creation is not flagged as a distinct state gg- t

25、hey go right to TS_RUN?Kthread structures are flagged as TS_FREE when the proc or kthread/LWP is terminated?This allows the kernel to maintain a cache of free kthread/LWP structureskthread/LWP structuresThe Multithreading Model RevolutionTwo level Thread Model (M:N thread model)?Pros:?Fast user thre

26、ad create and destroy?No system call required for synchronization?Fast context-switching?Cons:Co s?Complex, and tricky programming modelprogramming model?Signal deliveryTwo-level model challenges?Asynchronous signal handling?Asynchronous signal handling?user thread that is not masking a posted signa

27、l may not be on an LWP when the system may not be on an LWP when the system attempts to deliver the signal?Scheduling latency ?Scheduling latency ?waiting for the threads library scheduler to link a user thread to an available LWPa user thread to an available LWP?Concurrency issue?Maintain a suffici

28、ent number of LWPs such that ?Maintain a sufficient number of LWPs such that the process does not have runnable user threads waiting for an execution resource (an g(LWP). Single-level Thread Model(1:1 Thread Model)?Every user level hd hlthread has an lwp, and a kthread ?Kernel level ?Kernel level sc

29、heduling?More expensive ?More expensive thread create/destroy, hiisynchronization?More responsive scheduling scheduling, synchronizationMdb and DtraceMdb and DtraceMDB 简介简介?Modular Debugger?Modular DebuggerSolaris中一个通用调试器中一个通用调试器?可以用来查看动态运行的系统可以用来查看动态运行的系统,也可以基于系统崩溃以后的也可以基于系统崩溃以后的?可以用来查看动态运行的系统可以用来查




33、ockstat(1M)intrstat(1M)a.db.dlockstat(1M)dtrace(1M)D program source filesDtrace consumerslibdtrace(3LIB)dt(7D)userlandDtracekerneldtrace(7D)fasttrapvminfosysinfoDtrace providerssyscallpsdtyfbtprofileDTrace脚本脚本内容内容脚本脚本示例示例1:tfork.d/ bi /d#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s#pragma D option flowindentsyscall:fork1:e

34、ntry./tfork.d -c “sh -c ls”CPU FUNCTION 0 - fork1 0- cforkprobeyy/ pid = $target /self-trace = 1;0 - cfork 0 - secpolicy_basic_fork 0 - priv_policy 0 trace /0 holdlwps 0 - schedctl_finish_sigblock 0- schedctl finish sigblocksyscall:fork1:return0 pokelwps 0 - pokelwps 0 trace /self-trace = 0;0- cfork

35、exit(0);0 cfork 0 - fork1 0 :ps!grep more :ps!grep moreR 2473 2465 2473 2455 0 0x42004000 d3e6e1c8 more d3e6e1c8 $ More , , q, n, c, a ? More space , cr , q, n, c, a ?Dtrace and Mdb Experience Demo 1 0xd37a0768 $ d3e6e1c8 $ More , , q, n, c, a ? 9a9 =D2473 :ps !grep 2473R 2473 2465 2473 2455 0 0x420

36、04000 d3e6e1c8 more Dtrace and Mdb Experience Demo 1 9a9 $ d3e6e1c8:print proc_tp_lockp = 0xd2997400。p_wcode = 0p_exec = 0xd7c2e9c0p_as = 0xd570ba28。 d3e6e1c8:print struct proc。p_pidflag = 0p_wdata = 0p_exec = 0xd7c2e9c0。p tlist = 0xd4808000p_tlist = 0xd4808000。 d4808000:print kthread_t t_link = 0t_

37、stk = 0xd6109fact_startpc = 0t_bound_cpu = 0t_affinitycnt = 0_yt_bind_cpu = 0xfffft_flag = 0x1002。Dtrace and Mdb Experience Demo d4808000:print kthread t d4808000:print kthread_t 。t lwp = 0xd4414120t_lwp = 0xd4414120t_procp = 0xd3e6e1c8。t sysnum = 0x3t_sysnum = 0x3。 d4414120:print klwp t d4414120:pr

38、int klwp_tlwp_pcb = pcb fpu = pcb_fpu = fpu_regs = kfpu_u = 。Dtrace and Mdb Experience Demo d4414120:print klwp_tlwp_ru = d4414120:print klwp_tlwp_ru = minflt = 0minflt = 0majflt = 0nswap = 0minflt 0majflt = 0nswap = 0inblock = 0inblock = 0oublock = 0msgsnd = 0inblock = 0oublock = 0msgsnd = 0msgrcv = 0msgrcv = 0nsignals = 0 nvcsw = 0x2msgrcv = 0nsignals = 0 nvcsw = 0x1nivcsw0x1nivcsw = 0x1sysc = 0x9bioch = 0x2c90nivcsw = 0x1sysc = 0x79ioch = 0x2a0c。Dtrace and Mdb Experience Demo



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