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1、第1页/ 共5页教学过程课前检测预/复习情况:优良 可 差 备注:作业完成:数量/ ,质量/ ,存在问题:课前测试1. They go to church on Sunday.(肯定回答) _ 2.They walk to school every morning. (否定回答)_ 3. It is a beautiful park. (肯定回答) _ 4. It is a big map. (否定回答)_ 精讲精析一、一般疑问句1、为含 be 动词或情态动词的一般疑问句,其结构为:be + 主语 + 其它部分?情态动词 + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其它部分?肯定回答用“Yes,主语情态动词

2、. ”,否定回答用“No,主语情态动词 +not. ”。be 或情态动词和not 可用缩写形式,主要有isn t ,arent ,wasnt ,werent ,cant ,mustnt ,neednt 等。Eg1. 问句: Is this your English book?肯答: Yes ,it is. 否答: No,it isnt. Eg2. 问句: Are these your English books?肯答: Yes ,they are. 否答: No,they arent. Eg3. 问句: Can you speak English? 肯答: Yes ,I can. 否答: No

3、,I can t. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 5 页第2页/ 共5页注意例句 1 和例句 2,在回答时必须将thisthat与 thesethose分别变为 it和 they 。例 1:1. It is a lovely dog. (肯定回答)_ 2. She is a lovely girl. (否定回答)_ 3. He is my father. (肯定回答)_ 练习 1:1. They are Lily s cousins. (肯定回答) _ 2. We are classmates. (否定回答)_ 3.

4、I am a doctor. (肯定回答)_ 4. There is a bird in the tree. (否定回答) _ 小口诀: 一调二改三问号肯变一般很容易,Be 动词提前,其他照序,遇到I/we 变成 you,遇到 my 变成 your,句首要大写,句末改问号。2、含行为动词(或称为实义动词)的一般疑问句,其结构为:助动词 + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其它?肯定回答用“ Yes, 主语 + dodoes.”,否定回答用“No, 主语 +dondoes not.”。助动词也常用缩写形式,主要有 dont , doesn t ,didn t 等。Eg1. 问句: Do your par

5、ents like English?肯答: Yes ,they do. 否答: No,they don t. 例 2:1. His father likes English. _ 2. I like to read English. _ 3. I go to school on foot. _ 4. He likes robots. _ 练习 2:5. His father goes to work by bus. _ 6.He has a dog. _ 7. He does his homework. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -

6、第 2 页,共 5 页第3页/ 共5页_ 小口诀: 一加二改三问号肯变一般疑很容易,无Be 家族 do 或 does加首位,后面动词用原形,遇到I/we 变成 you,遇到 my 变成 your,句首要大写,句末改问号。练习 3:1. His father is an English teacher. _ 2. These cats are crying. _ 3. They can swim. _ 4. I like to read English. _ 5. I go to school on foot. _ 6._ you a girl? A.Am B.Is C.Are D.Do 7._

7、 she running now? A.Does B.Is C.Are D.Do 8._ he have short hair? A.Does B.Is C.Are D.Do 9._ Elva like apples? A.Does B.Is C.Are D.Do 10._ the baby crying? A.Does B.Is C.Are D.Do 11._ he your father? A.Does B.Is C.Are D.Do巩固提升1. There are many stars in the sky. _ 2. They are good friends. _ 3. This i

8、s my parents. _ 4. That is your ruler. _ 5. There are many books on the desk. _ 6. His birthday is on the twentieth of November. _ 7. Mrs. Li and Kitty are in a big shop. _ 8. Kitty is wearing her new uniform. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 5 页第4页/ 共5页 _ 9. The boy under the tr

9、ee is hungry. _ 10. He goes to school every day. _ 11. I want to have a model car. _ 12. She wants a cup of coffee. _ 13 Mrs. Li and Kitty watch television at night. _ 14._ the student reading books? A.Does B.Is C.Are D.Do 15._ your brother do his homework at school? A.Does B.Is C.Are D.Do 16._ you

10、sitting on the chair? A.Does B.Is C.Are D.Do 17._ your mother a teacher? A.Does B.Is C.Are D.Do 18._ the girl dancing? A.Does B.Is C.Are D.Do 19._ children like to play ball? A.Does B.Is C.Are D.Do 20._ the bird flying? A.Does B.Is C.Are D.Do 21._ he want to drink water? No, he _ A.Is doesnt B.Does

11、doesn t C.Do don t D.Are ,are 22._ the man a driver? Yes, he_. A. Is is B.Does does C. Do, do C.Are ,are 23._ she watching TV now? Yes, she _ A,Does is B.Is is C.Are are D.Does does 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 5 页第5页/ 共5页学生反思学员签字:教师小记进度:正常提前延后 掌握:优良 可 差 表现:优良 可 差 备注:教师签字:家长反馈家长签字:审核精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 5 页



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