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1、大学英语六级复习题大学英语六级复习题 XXXXPart I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutesto write a position on the topic: Overseas Study at anEarly Age. You should write at least 150 words followingthe outline given below:1. 目前很多父母在子女高中毕业前就送他们出 guo 学习2. 形成这种趋势的原因3. 我对此的看法Overseas Stud

2、y at an Early AgePart II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes togo over the passage quickly and answer the questions onAnswer Sheet 1. For questions 1-4, markY (for YES) if the statement agrees with theinformation given in the pa

3、ssage;N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the informationgiven in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given inthe passage.For question 5-10, plete the sentences with theinformation given in the passage.The Next Disaster: Are We Ready?Are We Really Prepared?After the attacks

4、on September 11 and the hurricanesthat slammed the Gulf Coast last year, youd expect ourmajor cities to be ready with disaster plans that will savelives and property. Theres no doubt well be hitagainmaybe even harderbecause the list of possiblecalamities(灾难)is long: from a bird flu pandemic to amass

5、ive California earthquake, to more monster storms, toanother terrorist attack.But are we really prepared to protect people, as wellas their homes and businesses? Every major urban area hasreceived federal funding, much of it from the Department ofHomeland Security (DHS), in order to make their citie

6、s moresecure. But there are no set criteria for measuringpreparedness (the feds are working on that), and thequality of disaster plans varies widely throughout thecountry.So we decided to do an independent assessment of 10high-risk urban areas, focusing on key security indicators.We analyzed public

7、data, consulted with federal and localemergency workers, and contacted the mayors offices togauge(测量)the readiness of these cities to meet bothnatural and man-made disasters.Our criteria fell under three main categories:Emergency Readiness, Crisis Communications, and MedicalResponse.Emergency Readin

8、essAre there at least 1,000 first responders (such aspolice, fire and EMTs) per 100,000 residents? Theyre ourfirst line of protection in almost any disastersituationprofessionals who are trained to handle everythingfrom rescuing victims to providing first aid, to enforcingquarantines(封锁), to directi

9、ng traffic for evacuations(疏散).Are there federal search-and-rescue teams based within50 miles? Large cities often have specialized teams to dealwith such things as high-rise-building rescues or hazardouschemical spills. But these squads are sometimes small, ill-equipped, or run on a shoestring. This

10、 is not true offederal urban search-and-rescue task forces that the DHSsupports across the country. Each task force is made of 62members and 4 canines, as well as a prehensive cache ofequipment. DHS task forces are not automatically assigned;a city needs to apply and present its case.Has the city or

11、 state earned green status from theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention? Suppose that inthe midst of a flu pandemic or bio terror attack, your cityran low on critical medicines. The CDC stands ready to helpby distributing drugs and medical equipment from itsStrategic National Stockpile. But th

12、e agency wants to knowthat a city or state is able to quickly mobilize hundredsof health workers and volunteers trained to handle thelogistics, and has space set aside for storage andrefrigeration. Youre best off if your city has earned theCDCs green statuseven if the state itself has notbecauseit m

13、eans local health teams can handle the supplies ontheir own.Does the city website explain clearly what to do incase of evacuation? Who can forget the images of strandedNew Orleans residents, or the 5-mph crawl out of Houston?It turned out that New Orleanss evacuation plans were bothinadequate and po

14、orly municated. One way cities can avoid asimilar nightmare is to put clear and easy-to-findevacuation information on their websites. Some cities, suchas Boston and Washington, post the preferred street routes.Others, like Las Vegas, wont disclose details due tosecurity fears, but their websites may

15、 provide ways toquickly get evacuation details when you need them (such asnumbers to call or alert services you can sign up for).Among the more important things to address are peoplewithout vehicles of their own (a huge failing in NewOrleans) and instructions for pet owners.Does the website include

16、details for residents withspecial needs? In July 1995, a vicious heat wave killednearly 500 people in Chicago; a disproportionate number ofthem were older residents who lived alone. In any crisis,the elderly and disabled can be uniquely vulnerable. Thatswhy cities such as Houston are creating regist

17、ries ofresidents who would need special help. Such lists wouldindicate, for instance, that a certain person in a certainapartment building is wheel-chair-bound. Other cities areinstructing people with disabilities to call 911 forassistancethough this relies on phone systems that could beoverloaded o

18、r go dead. If a citys disaster planning showsno awareness of special-needs people, it isnt plete.Crisis CommunicationsCan first responderspolice, fire and medicaltalk to oneanother? On September 11, firefighters died inside theWorld Trade Center because they could not make contact withpolice helicop

19、ters trying to radio warnings. Inpatiblemunications is a country-wide problem, and converting orreplacing decades-old radio systems can be a long,expensive process. Cities have gotten a big boost iftheyve taken part in RapidCom, a DHS program providingtechnical assistance and training that speeds up

20、 thetransition.Has the city adopted E911? Many cities have upgradedtheir 911 call centers in recent years, but theyre evenbetter prepared if theyve incorporated E911 (orenhanced 911). This technology enables emergencyoperators to identify the precise location of cell-phonecallers through GPS systems

21、. If you wind up stranded infloodwaters, E911 could save your life.Does the city provide 24-hour emergency alerts? What ifan evacuation order goes out, but its 3 a.m. and youresound asleep? Not a problem if your city has a way ofalerting you at any time of day. Some rely on streetsirens(警报器)to do th

22、e trick. Others have used theirwebsites to invite residents to sign up for e-mailnotifications or automated phone calls in an emergency.Medical ResponseAre there at least 500 hospital beds for every 100,000residents? Getting to victims quickly is a critical firststep. But youd better have a place to

23、 take them fortreatment. A reasonable standard, aording to preparednessexperts, is 500 hospital beds for every 100,000 peoplearatio that would likely mean a city could find enough sparebeds in an emergency. Of course, beds alone wont s help amassive number of burn victims or people suffering fromche

24、mical exposure unless the hospital is prepared to treatthem. But all the cities in our survey have specialty unitsin their hospitals that can handle such cases.Are local teams trained to respond quickly and worktogether? If and urban area was targeted by weapons of massdestruction, city health offic

25、ials couldnt just wait forfederal help to arrive. First responders and hospital wouldneed to react right away. They could also need medicalvolunteerssay, to help vainate people or distributemedicines and supplies. How to ensure that all theseprofessionals and volunteers work together as seamlessly a

26、spossible? If a city is part of DHSs Metropolitan MedicalResponse System, it has obtained federal assistance indeveloping plans, and has received critical training andequipment.Are there labs nearby that specialize in biological andchemical threats? The CDC is on the cutting edge with itsLaboratory

27、Response Networkintegrated labs nationwide thathave the equipment and expertise to quickly identifypathogens and toxic chemicals. An LRN lab in Florida wasthe first to detect anthrax(炭疽热)in terrorist mailings inxx. Laboratories can be members only if they have highlytrained staff and exceptional fac

28、ilities, as well as trackrecord of testing auracy. A handful of LRN labs qualify asLevel 1, meaning they can test for chemical poisons suchas mustard and nerve agents.1. A bird flu, a massive earthquake, a monster stormand a terrorist attack are all threats to major cities inthe U.S.2. The author do

29、es an assessment of all high-risk urbanareas in the U.S.3. Policemen, firemen and emergency doctors all can becalled first responders.4. Each federal urban search-and-rescue task force ismade up of at least 60 members.5. If a city has earned the CDCs green status greenstatus, it means that its local

30、 health teams can on theirown.6. You can get evacuation details through the waysprovided by the website of Las Vegas though it doesntdisclose the details due to .7. Inpatible munications is a country-wide problem inthe U.S. because of the which should be converted orreplaced.8. Emergency operators c

31、an identify the preciselocation of cell-phone callers through GPS systems with theuse of .9. Aording to preparedness experts, if a city has atleast 500 hospital beds for every 100,000 residents, itcould find in an emergency.10. As a part of DHSs Metropolitan Medical ResponseSystem, a city can obtain

32、 in developing plansPart IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a short passagewith 5 questions or inplete statements. Read the passagecarefully. Then answer the questions or plete statements inthe fewest possible words. Please write you

33、r answers onAnswer Sheet 2.By the mind-nieenth century, the term icebox hadentered the American language, but ice was still onlybeginning to affect the diet of ordinary citizens in theUnited States. The ice trade grew with the growth of cities.Ice was used in hotels, taverns(酒馆), and hospitals, andb

34、y some forward-looking city dealers in fresh meat, freshfish, and butter. After the Civil War (1861-1865), as icewas used to refrigerate freight cars, it also came intohousehold use. Even before 1880, half of the ice sold inNew York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, and one-third ofthat sold in Boston a

35、nd Chicago, went to families for theirown use. This had bee possible because a new householdconvenience, the icebox, a precursor of the modern fridge,had been invented.Making an efficient icebox as not as easy as we mightnow suppose. In the early nieenth century, the knowledge ofthe physics of heat,

36、 which was essential to a science ofrefrigeration, was rudimentary(未开展的). The monsensenotion that the best icebox was one that prevented the icefrom melting was of course mistaken, for it was the meltingof the ice that performed the cooling. Nevertheless, earlyefforts to economize ice included wrapp

37、ing up the ice inblankets, which kept the ice from doing its job. Not untilnear the end of the nieenth century did inventors achievethe delicate balance of insulation and circulation neededfor an efficient icebox.But as early as 1803, and ingenious Maryland farmer,Thomas Moore, had been on the right

38、 track. He owned a farmabout twenty miles outside the city of Washington, forwhich the village of Georgetown was the market center. Whenhe used an icebox of his own design to transport his butterto market, he found that customers would pass up therapidly melting stuff in the tubs of his petitors to

39、pay apremium price for his butter, still fresh and hard in neat,one-pound bricks. One advantage of his icebox, Mooreexplained, was that farmers would no longer have to travelto market at night in order to keep their produce cool.47. What is the topic of the passage?48. Where was ice used after the Civil War?49. What was essential to a science of refrigerationaording to the passage?50. It can be inferred from the passage that thetheoretical foundation of ice box should be that .51. Without an ice box, farmers had to go to the marketat night because .



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