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1、母亲节英语作文(精选母亲节英语作文(精选 1010 篇)篇)母亲节英语作文(精选 10 篇)导读:母亲节,是一个感谢母亲的节日,这个节日最早出现在古希腊;而现代的母亲节起源于美国,是每年5 月的第二个星期日。下面为大家带来 5 年级的母亲节英语,希望能帮助到大家。What a beautiful day for mothers day. On this day,people in all countries of the world offer their mothersthe most sincere blessing. This day is a holiday for allmother

2、s on earth. On this day, we bless our great mothertogether.Its a fleeting moment, and its more than a dozen yearsof life. In those years, there are always one pair who areno longer young but always silently watching your eyesbehind them.However, I sometimes do not understand my mother andleave her a

3、lone. In high school, I had to run three timesevery day in school and at home. The time for dinner everyafternoon seems to be very tight. Several times I hurriedhome, but the meal was not done well. When I wait for job,I keep mumbling, never thinking about my mothers feelings.So selfish all the time

4、, I never felt a trace of guilt.Until that Saturday, I saw my mothers hard work. Afterlunch, she was busy, her face was dripping with sweat, andshe had almost no time to sit on the bench. In theafternoon, she was in a hurry to cook. Her anxious eyesshowed concern and concern respectively. She was co

5、okingfor her daughter. For so many years, a fixed rope seemed tohave kept her at home. For decades, she has been guardingthis family and serving her loved ones.My heart is not shocked. How can I feel so sorry for mymother? That night, I could not sleep, and on the secondday, I made cards myself. All

6、 my regrets were expressed,and my hands were sent to my mother. After mother finishedreading, we embraced together for a long time.Thank God, we are not great, but we also have greatmothers. Today, we have a blessing for our mother.However, it is not only mothers day that this geniuswants to care fo

7、r the mother in particular, but on the365 day, it is mothers day every day.母亲节是多么美的日子。这一天,世界上所有国家的人们都为母亲献上最真挚的视福。这一天,是地球上所有母亲的节日。就在这一天,我们共同为伟大的母亲祝福。流年如瞬,不觉人生已过风雨十几载,在这些岁月里总有一双不再年轻却始终在背后默默注视着你的眼睛。然那么,我却会有时很不理解母亲,留她单独伤心。上了高中,我不得不每是日在学校与家中奔波三次。每天下午吃饭的时间似乎总是很紧。有好几次我匆匆忙忙地赶回家,饭却没有做好。等到端起饭碗我还要不断地小声嘟囔着,从来不去


9、母亲祝福。然而,不只有母亲节这天才要“特别”关心母亲,365 天,每天都是母亲节。Today is mothers day. It is an important festival and asacred holiday for all our mothers.I want to buy some gifts for my mother with my pocketmoney, after all, today is mother - mothers Day! Althoughsometimes we have different views and sometimes differences

10、with mother, mother is the source of our life and the bestguardians of the flock. We give us the spiritual, emotionaland material support. They teach us love and how to loveothers. So we should repay mom too.This morning, I went to the cake shop to book the cake,and a dragon shaped cake came into my

11、 eyes. I made areservation and asked them to write Happy Mothers Day andhappy every day. My mother is a dragon. I want to see mymother when she saw the cake. I bought a carnation for mymother. Every one I carefully choose to give my mother thebest gift, is my mother taught me how to behave, is mymot

12、her gave me youth. Im going to make a good report on mymother.Back home, I handed the gift to my mother. My mothersexcited tears came out. My father and I ed candles and sanghappy songs, and my mother sang along.Lets thank mom for treating her mother with a gratefulheart and municating with her moth

13、er with a sincere heart.When our mother came back from work one day, we served acup of hot tea. When mother was on her birthday, we handedin a card. They have brought us to this beautiful world,which is already great enough, and has nurtured us withoutpaying any reward, silently paying for us.Lets s

14、ay, sheep have kneeling milk, and crow has themeaning of feeding back. Every little bit of growth cannot be separated from our mothers help. Therefore, weshould know how to be grateful and how to thank our mothers.Be grateful, thank your mothers for giving us every littlebit.今天是母亲节。是一个重要的节日,是我们全体妈妈的


16、动的眼泪都流出来了,我和爸爸插上蜡烛,唱起了欢歌,妈妈也跟着唱起来了。让我们感谢妈妈,用一颗感恩的心去对待妈妈,用一颗真诚的心与妈妈交流。在妈妈工作一天回来时,我们端上一杯热茶,在妈妈过生日时,我们递上一张卡片。他们把我们带到这美丽的世界,已经是足够的伟大,并且将我们养育成人,不求回报,默默的为我们付出。让我们古语说:“羊有跪乳之恩,鸦有反哺之义。”我们一点一滴的成长都离不开妈妈的帮助,滴水之恩当涌泉相报。因此,我们更应该懂得感恩,懂得感谢妈妈。 感恩吧,感谢母亲们给予我们的一点一滴。Mothers Day is a celebration honoring mothers andcelebr

17、ating motherhood, maternal bonds and the influence ofmothers in society.母亲节是纪念母亲,赞扬母爱和母性情结,以及社会上母亲的影响的节日。Its a day to show thanks to mothers. This festivalfirst appeared in ancient Greece and modern Mothers Dayoriginated in the United States which usually falls on thesecond Sunday of May each year.这

18、是向母亲表达感谢的一天。这个节日最初出现于古希腊,现代母亲节源于美国,通常是在每年五月的第二个星期天。Mothers usually receive gifts on this day and carnationis regarded as the flower for mother.母亲们通常会在这一天收到礼物,康乃馨被看做是母亲之花。In China, the flower for mother is day lily, also knownas Nepenthe.在中国,给母亲的花通常是萱草花,也叫做忘忧草。In addition, cleaning up the room, doing

19、 housework anda big dinner are considered to be the best Mothers Daygifts.另外,清扫屋子,做家务,做一顿丰富的晚餐都被当做是给母亲最好的礼物My mother is very good at raising plants and flowers.Wehave plants and flowers indoors and outdoors all the yearround.Some of our plants were very small in the beginning,but now they are large

20、and very beautiful.On top of ourroof there is a big glassenclosed greenhouse.All our friends love to e to our house to see thebeautiful world my mother has made for us. Every morningand evening we see my mother taking care of her plants likelittle children.As her real children grow older and more in

21、dependent,my mother devotes more time to her garden.This is a verygood way to spend onefree time.母亲节英语作文 5Today is Mothers Day. I know some of my classmates aregoing to help their mothers with the housework, others aregoing to buy some flowers for their mothers. I want to sayto her that I love her v

22、ery much. But as a boy, it is a bitdifficult for me to show my heart. I think only girls cando that.My mother is very kind. She takes care of me day andnight.She spends little money, but buys anything for me thatI need.This time I must show my love. I am going to give her acard and write like this,

23、I love you, mother! I am goingto put it under her pillow.It was Mothers Day. Joozone thought he should dosomething for his mother. He decided to help his mother dosome housework. After school he went to a shop tobuy some food on his way home.When he got home, he did his best to cook some nicefood,th

24、ough he couldnt do the cooking well. Thenhecleaned the room. He felt very tired, but he was very happy.When his father and his mother came back and saw theclean rooms and dishes which werent so nice, they werevery happy.They had their supper together. His mothersaid, Thank you,my child!Maybe it was

25、so childish when I was young. Whenever Iwas blamed by my mother, I ran to my father and said, Dad,mom scolds me again. But Dad always touched my head withhis rough hand and said, child, can you understand themothers heart? I really wanted to know what the mothersheart was thinking.One afternoon, I w

26、ent to watch the play at home. Afterdinner, happy angrily to the mother said: cousin, yourgood son stole the so-called electronic pets in our home!When she heard it, she turned her head and stared at me andsaid, child, have you stolen it? As soon as I was nervous,I shook my head and said, no, no ah.

27、 Happy while eyesglared at me, said: besides you, who else in my house?When I heard it, I tried to justify it, but my mother had edown with the bamboo.In the evening, I hide in the quilt secretly cry. Asshe cried, he whispered, Mom and she is not a good mother,hum, its a unreasonable mother. I was c

28、rying and crying,and I fell asleep. In the middle of the night, I heard acry of the ear, I secretly opened his eyes, it was mymother is sitting next to me crying, she touched my head,while automatic speaking is like, said to me: my child,dont blame mom, mom know youre a good boy, was not stealother

29、peoples things. Mom is so confused! My throatchoked and tears flowed down my cheeks.Since then, I finally understand my mothers heart, sheis very concerned about me, is very loving me, love me.Hear adults say today is mothers day, I dont quiteunderstand, is just like childrens day, is a happy day,sh

30、ould belong to the mother.Remember the childrens day, mother gave me the mostbeautiful clothes, buy the most delicious food, took me tothe most fun place the day I find favor with most, thinkhow to play the woman, how naughty, anyway, mother willourtenant satisfy me.Today, mother did not wear the mo

31、st beautiful clothesgo out to play, although is busy on a Sunday, a few daysago have something delayed some work in the home, want to eback; Still have to take time to change clothes, make mealfor me to guide me to learn and so on.Mama ah, I dont have the ability to send you a gift. Idecided: tonigh

32、t, I quietly climbed up after you fallasleep, and finishing off his shoes and clothing for you,also for your LiLi sheet, grinding bed s, tone fan, thehair then you sleep smooth your outfit to work tomorrow,ready for you in the end, I take picture for you to putyour pillow, let you sleep very sweet v

33、ery sweet.听大人们说今天是母亲节,我不大懂,是不是跟儿童节差不多,是个快乐的日子,应该属于妈妈的。记得儿童节那天,妈妈给我穿最好看的衣服,买最好吃的食物,带我到最好玩的地方那天我最得宠,想怎样撒娇,怎样顽皮,不管怎样,妈妈都会笑吟吟的满足我。今天妈妈没有穿最漂亮的衣服出去玩,虽说是星期日也忙,前几天家里有事耽误了些工作,要赶回来;还得抽空为我弄饭换洗衣服,指导我学习等等。妈妈呀,我没能力送您礼物。我决定:今晚,你睡着后我悄悄爬起来,也为你脱下的鞋和衣物,也为你理理床单、轧轧蚊帐、调调风扇,捋捋你睡乱了的头发,然后,为你准备好明天上班的行装,最后,把我为你画的花放你枕边,让您睡得很香很

34、香。Of all the festival in western countries, I thinkMothers Day which is always on the second Sunday in Mayevery year is better than any other festival。在西方国家,所有的节日,我想母亲节总是在五月的第二个星期日每年比其它任何节日。Not only in the foreign countries but also in China,Mothers Day has bee more and more popular in recentyears。

35、Its a special holiday to show our love tomothers。 Many children will do some special things fortheir mom on that day, such as buying a gift of love,helping to do the housework and so on。 Sending a pink orred carnation is always the best choice to their mom。不仅在国外,而且在中国,母亲节已成为近年来越来越受欢迎。给我们的爱的母亲,这是一个特殊

36、的节日。许多孩子会做他们的妈妈一些特别的东西在那一天,如购置一份爱的礼物,帮助做家务等。发送一个粉红色或红色的康乃馨一直是他们的妈妈的最正确选择。In my opinion, its time to take actions to dosomething to let moms enjoy the whole day and feel ourlove。在我看来,它的时间采取行动做些事让妈妈享受一整天,感受到我们的爱。In the early morning, my sister went out and broughthome a bunch of pretty flowers.Right a

37、fter my mother got up out of bed,we said Happy Mothers Day! to her and gave her theflowers.My mother was very happy; she smiled and said,How wonderful the flowers look! Thank you! Also,we told her we were going to do all the housework forour beloved mother,and she could take a rest for a day. In the

38、 beginning,we were excited about all the work we can do at home.Before long, we found that the housework seemed to beendless,There was cooking and washing, and cleaning to do, andthere was shopping to do, too .During the dinner hour, the kitchen seemed so busy. Myfather was making a salad, my sister

39、 was baking a pie fordessert, and I was washing rice and vegetables,and there were many other things to do.Finally, the dinner was ready; it was two hours behindthe usual schedule.The food was not as delicious as my mothers.Nevertheless,my mother and father enjoyed it,and felt very proud of their da

40、ughter and son.Mothers Day is ing, and I even want to say, “My mumis the most beautiful woman in the world.”母亲节就要到来了,我想说,“我的妈妈是世界上最美丽的女人。”I still remember the day I bought a bunch of carnationfor my mum. I will never forget the smile when she aeptedthe flowers. That Mothers Day was wonderful. We had

41、 asmall cake, a warm talk.我还记得那一天我买了一束康乃馨给我妈妈。我永远都不会忘记她接过花时的微笑。母亲节是非常美好的。我们一起吃了一个小小的蛋糕,温馨地谈话。I consider mum as the most important person in a family.My mum is a great, great mum. I love her. I wish her happynot only on the Mothers Day. More importantly, I wish heralways happy and healthy.我觉得妈妈是家庭中最重要的人。我的妈妈是很伟大的。我爱她。我希望她快乐,不仅仅只是在母亲节。更重要的是,我希望她永远安康快乐。Mothers Day is ing. I decide to do something specialfor my mum. Thanks all mothers in the world. HappyMothers Day.母亲节就要来临了。我想为我妈妈做一些特别的事。谢谢世界上所有的母亲。祝您母亲节快乐。



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