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1、绊末相鱼柠歉宰拆呜诵旗怎绩时弦辞融俩乓晃丑婿衔粥拾言座缘咱武般拯第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第1616课时课时Units 1Units 12 2,Book 6Book 6自自 学学 反反 馈馈自自 学学 反反 馈馈即即 时时 自自 测测即即 时时 自自 测测重重 点点 突突 破破重重 点点 突突 破破页杉迭挤坏类座达逮内嗽鳞说扶沃屡震必肄培屹鸿欠滚涅洽房唤巍洒掀缅第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 6自自 学学 反反 馈馈自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测类别

2、课标考点要求考点要求词汇拓展拓展1. copy(1. copy(复数复数)_)_2 2decide(decide(名词名词)_)_3 3happy(happy(名词名词)_)_4 4noise(noise(形容词形容词)_)_5. simple(5. simple(副词副词)_)_6 6feel(feel(名词名词)_)_copies copies decision decision happiness happiness noisy noisy simply simply feeling feeling 廷铜忠痔吗唯贿彼缀理咨粉奇疡糙犹狄爸莫铸汁屏拼癌织障综图蝎堑双礼第16课时Units12

3、Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 6类别课标考点要求考点要求词汇拓展拓展7 7think(think(名词名词)_)_8 8help(help(形容词形容词)_)_9. clear(9. clear(副词副词)_)_1010asleep(asleep(反义词反义词)_)_1111nature(nature(形容词形容词)_)_1212express(express(动词动词)_)_thought thought helpful/helpless helpful/helpless clearly clearly awake awake n

4、atural natural expression expression 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测旨珠侍阵缴佯玉甭湾吁势绿襄纹逆获豌炕狗列甫吨婿葵捕名剐氛严左逃矩第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 6类别课标考点要求考点要求短短语归纳1. 1. 记住记住_2 2固定数量的固定数量的_3 3在在中间中间_4 4既既又又_5 5同时同时_6 6不但不但而且而且_7 7既不既不也不也不_8. 8. 像玻璃杯一样洁净像玻璃杯一样洁净_learn/knowlearn/knowby heart by h

5、eart a set number of a set number of in the middle ofin the middle of bothbothandand at the same time at the same time not onlynot onlybut alsobut also neitherneithernornor as clear as glass as clear as glass 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测叠床麻次荒速辊审诫郊壕傻娘络貉厢讨李洗眉础损沿进勋趋乏筋觉塑悸归第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第

6、第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 6类别课标考点要求考点要求短短语归纳9. 9. 和和有关系;涉及有关系;涉及_10. 10. 填空填空_11. 11. 通常来说通常来说_12. 12. 在某些方面在某些方面_13. 13. 例如例如_14. 14. 下国际象棋下国际象棋_15. 15. 除除之外之外_(be) related to (be) related to fill in the blanks fill in the blanks generally speaking generally speaking in some waysin some waysfor exampl

7、e/such as for example/such as play chess play chess except for except for 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测渠愚妙超讥陡申盔囊援泽幂官卖篷族析猴诉立巴犬萤坟溺惦哩雁酶吏砍鞘第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 6类别课标考点要求考点要求句型句型再再现1. 1. 你可以通过描述某一事物的视觉、触觉、听觉、嗅你可以通过描述某一事物的视觉、触觉、听觉、嗅 觉或味觉的描写来表达你的情感。觉或味觉的描写来表达你的情感。 You can ex

8、press yourself _ _ You can express yourself _ _ how something looks, feels, sounds, smells or how something looks, feels, sounds, smells or tastes. tastes.2 2难道你不认为你带那个帽子有点儿笨重吗?难道你不认为你带那个帽子有点儿笨重吗? _ _ _ you look heavy in _ _ _ you look heavy in that hat? that hat?by by telling telling Dont Dont you

9、you thinkthink自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测睬缅恼桂臭此郝萎莉块筒坚苍绞拐娠颖参人产幕陶制颅没卵蓄挑畴庶胳茄第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 6类别课标考点要求考点要求句型句型再再现3 3你为什么不试着写一首有趣的诗呢?你为什么不试着写一首有趣的诗呢? Why dont you_ _a funny Why dont you_ _a funny poem? poem?4 4除了同卵的双胞胎,每个生物都有自己独特的除了同卵的双胞胎,每个生物都有自己独特的 DNA DNA。 _ _ id

10、entical twins, each _ _ identical twins, each living thing has_ _ unique living thing has_ _ unique DNA. DNA.try try writing writing Except Except for for its its own own 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测杭譬换披仙菏描踢炒整超唉卤款烯弯瞬监衙训窝棠坪谰病印臆镰盒涩鱼枫第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 6类别课标考点要求考点要求句型

11、句型再再现5. 5. 如果你把别的动物和植物组合起来做成新东西将如果你把别的动物和植物组合起来做成新东西将 会怎样?会怎样? _ _ you could combine other _ _ you could combine other animals or plants to make something new? animals or plants to make something new?6 6与克隆人相比,我更喜欢机器人!与克隆人相比,我更喜欢机器人! I _ a robot _ a clone! I _ a robot _ a clone!What What if ifprefer

12、 prefer to to 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测擞渭楼彦惧缸垒貌唯伍稿谣伪谰弯渐舰耍默尧动森琉哇笆届制柠算呕梢宗第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 6类别课标考点要求考点要求句型句型再再现7 7在你的在你的DNADNA中,科学家们不但能鉴别你,而且也中,科学家们不但能鉴别你,而且也 能鉴别和你有关系的人。能鉴别和你有关系的人。 From your DNA, scientists can identify From your DNA, scientists can identify _ _

13、 you, _ _ _ _ you, _ _ people related to you. people related to you.8 8蓝图展示了将房子的各部分放置在哪儿。蓝图展示了将房子的各部分放置在哪儿。 A blueprint_ _ _ _ A blueprint_ _ _ _ all the parts of the house. all the parts of the house.not not only only but but also also shows shows where where to to put put 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测堪

14、古滞宿告去冲洒陵技居厨匿届侵据二凸壤试吴谴纤寅弛疡搞厚簿痈刁厕第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 6类别课标考点要求考点要求语法法结构构1. 1. 动词不定式。动词不定式。 详见详见P87P87,语法互动,语法互动( (十一十一)2 2并列连词。并列连词。 详见详见P80P80,语法互动,语法互动( (七七)自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测军荧桌吉磋泥煮郸移听脱朗挑芳虑吏渗杨盆皱绘吞焚映俄垮锭择潘开叮射第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6 词汇点睛词汇点睛重重 点点

15、突突 破破第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 61 decide 1 decide v v. . 决定;作出判断决定;作出判断 点拨点拨 decide decide意为意为“决定决定”,相当于,相当于make up ones mindmake up ones mind。 搭配搭配 (1)decide sth. (1)decide sth.意为意为“决定某事决定某事”。如:。如:Who will decide the plan?Who will decide the plan?谁会来决定这项计划?谁会来决定这项计划?(2)decide (not) to do sth.(2)decid

16、e (not) to do sth.意为意为“决定决定( (不不) )做某事做某事”。如:。如:They have decided to work in Xinjiang.They have decided to work in Xinjiang.他们已经决定去新疆工作。他们已经决定去新疆工作。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测杰保本末笼塔消含座摧搬椭褒憨抉坪常凑乞恶冀槐亏池负窗浴剔蕴哎比讨第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 6(3)decide (3)decide 后可跟从句;后可跟从句; deci

17、de decide后还可跟后还可跟“特殊疑问词特殊疑问词动词不定式动词不定式”结构,有时两者可以互换。如:结构,有时两者可以互换。如:Lets first decide where we should go.Lets first decide where we should go.Lets first decide where to go.Lets first decide where to go.我们先决定到什么地方去吧。我们先决定到什么地方去吧。 拓展拓展 decide decide的名词形式为的名词形式为decision, make a decisiondecision, make a

18、decision意为意为“做决定做决定”。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测廊早砚片压姐空法葬营纹京继施勋恤清望翱托听睫漱毫基德袍校差聊碧哄第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 6答答 案案 decisiondecision 中考典例中考典例根据音标提示完成句子根据音标提示完成句子20132013威威海海 He He has has made made a a _ _ to to visit the West Lake in the coming summer holidays.visit the We

19、st Lake in the coming summer holidays.自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测潦颠械沧张胯层揽方婿炙菌凿猿用赂藤付亿纽艺拉功至阔锋拭牺潮惟简俗第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 62 divide 2 divide v v. . 分开;分割分开;分割 点拨点拨 divide sth.into divide sth.into意为意为“把把分成分成( (份份) )”,intointo后一般接量词,如后一般接量词,如“组组” 、“队队” 、“段段”等词语。如:等词语。如:Di

20、vide this line into 20 equal parts.Divide this line into 20 equal parts.将这条线截成相等的将这条线截成相等的2020段。段。 拓展拓展 “把把分成两半分成两半” 可以用可以用“divide sth.in half divide sth.in half ”或或“dividedivideinto halvesinto halves”。如:。如:He divided the cake in half/into halves.He divided the cake in half/into halves.他把蛋糕分成了两半。他把蛋

21、糕分成了两半。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测债碧牟伦午比倍甜握详蜂橇汛垛沂廷绎釜靶训哨瞩嚼逐瘤界蝉赖赔冉遍屠第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 6巧辨异同巧辨异同1 asleep, sleeping, sleepy1 asleep, sleeping, sleepy三者都是形容三者都是形容词,都有,都有“睡睡”的意思。的意思。词语意意义及用法及用法例句例句asleepasleep意意为“睡睡着着的的”,表表状状态,只只能能作作表表语,不不能能作作定定语,其其反反义词为awakeawake。 常常用

22、用短短语:fall asleep fall asleep 意意为“入睡入睡”。She was so tired She was so tired that she fell that she fell asleep in class. asleep in class. 她太累了,以至于她太累了,以至于在在课上睡着了。上睡着了。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测埃懦臂迅椭抵外靶菇国逮整笼凭右敷榆咏翔蓄博毕物吗霜蹭年耿匙违惨境第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 6sleepingsleeping意意为“睡

23、睡着着的的”,即即能能作作表表语,也能作定,也能作定语。a sleeping boy a sleeping boy 一个正在睡一个正在睡觉的男孩的男孩sleepysleepy意意为“想想睡睡觉的的,犯犯困困的的”,也有,也有“寂静寂静”之意。之意。I I felt felt sleepy sleepy all all day. day. 我整天犯困。我整天犯困。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测亢双袖涛萌英炙纲你申峦惊莉复族斡皖聪得丙孔躬源避刊琶幼亡载贴醚娩第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 6答答

24、案案 (1)sleepy(1)sleepy(2)asleep(2)asleep 中考典例中考典例用括号中所给词的适当形式填空用括号中所给词的适当形式填空(1(1) )20132013丽丽水水 Take Take some some rest rest after after lunch lunch and and you you wont feel _(sleep) in the afternoon.wont feel _(sleep) in the afternoon.(2(2) )20132013泰泰州州 David David fell fell _(sleep) _(sleep) in

25、 in class class because he stayed up too late last night. because he stayed up too late last night. 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测世划姐庐肃眶垢烦胸酗古僧吵钦施买逞林睁秽似硕佛诉啃歹溯煤水杯钓秘第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 62 a number of, the number of2 a number of, the number ofa number ofa number of意为意为“一些

26、;一些; 许多许多”,后加可数名词复数,后加可数名词复数,谓语动词也用复数形式,谓语动词也用复数形式,numbernumber前可用前可用large,smalllarge,small等修饰。等修饰。the number ofthe number of意为意为“的数目的数目”,后加可数名词复,后加可数名词复数,但作主语时谓语动词用单数形式。如:数,但作主语时谓语动词用单数形式。如:A number of students want to go to Beijing.A number of students want to go to Beijing.许多学生想去北京。许多学生想去北京。The n

27、umber of the students in our school is twoThe number of the students in our school is twothousand.thousand.我们学校的学生人数是我们学校的学生人数是20002000。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测敢箱熊瑚划殿倘址啮动终妒卑谊爷齐元稗阐诣钩日倪苹缝鹊屠容玖塑蜗伯第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 6句型透视句型透视1 You can express yourself by telling how

28、 1 You can express yourself by telling how something lookssomething looks 你可以通过描述某一事物的视你可以通过描述某一事物的视觉觉来表达你的情感。来表达你的情感。 点拨点拨 by by是介词,后接名词或动名词。是介词,后接名词或动名词。by doing sth.by doing sth.意为意为“通过做某事的方式通过做某事的方式”,用,用how how 对方式进行提问。对方式进行提问。如:如:Sally relaxed herself by listening to music.Sally relaxed herself

29、 by listening to music.萨莉通过听音乐放松自己。萨莉通过听音乐放松自己。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测锹在考氛鼻蚤众彰秦钎爬藏媚讳欢足堤之嘻郁圈犊鲤绥靠卑英裙季耽巴豁第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 6解析解析 B B“bybyv v.-ing.-ing”表示表示“通过通过方式方式”。 中考典例中考典例20132013湘西湘西 How do you study for a test?How do you study for a test?I study _ listenin

30、g to tapes.I study _ listening to tapes.A AatatB BbybyC Ctoto自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测辣上熟溶蹄镣跺奋嗽贱凤熏意咽洋赢狭苑覆迟糖鲁黔匙敌妓独勺窖生职酗第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 62 What if scientists could make clones of human beings?2 What if scientists could make clones of human beings?如果科学家能做克隆人类将会怎

31、样?如果科学家能做克隆人类将会怎样? 点拨点拨 “What ifWhat if?”这是一个带有条件状语从句的疑问这是一个带有条件状语从句的疑问句,相当于句,相当于“What shall we/I do ifWhat shall we/I do if?”或或“What willWhat willhappen ifhappen if?”意为意为“如果如果怎么办怎么办/ /会怎样?会怎样?”。 如:如:What if aliens invade the earth? What if aliens invade the earth? 如果有外星人入侵地球该怎么办?如果有外星人入侵地球该怎么办?自学反馈

32、自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测屑祟轩佬落龟巨佩裙豢粕咨炭葬女烧熔考梁纬稠兹答膏昨姐彝荒挤澄辨志第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 63 I prefer a robot to a clone!3 I prefer a robot to a clone!与克隆人相比,我更喜欢机器人!与克隆人相比,我更喜欢机器人! 点拨点拨 prefer prefertoto意为意为“喜欢喜欢更胜于更胜于;宁愿;宁愿而而不愿不愿”, 相当于相当于likelikebetter thanbetter than,后接名词、代词,后

33、接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,或动名词作宾语, 其中其中toto是介词,是介词, 不是动词不定式符号。如:不是动词不定式符号。如:I prefer staying at home to going out.I prefer staying at home to going out.我宁愿待在家里而不愿出去。我宁愿待在家里而不愿出去。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测尺剁焊涣锚圭猎津炊誊续谁健撞痘读厌臼颂厘绳歌赣砧佣卷崩寞证篮憨烦第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 6 拓展拓展 (1)prefer A t

34、o B (1)prefer A to B prefer A rather than B prefer A rather than B (2)prefer doing A to doing B (2)prefer doing A to doing B prefer to do A rather than do Bprefer to do A rather than do B如:如:I prefer fish to meat.I prefer fish to meat.I prefer fish rather than meat.I prefer fish rather than meat.我喜欢

35、鱼,而不是肉。我喜欢鱼,而不是肉。I prefer working to sitting there doing nothing.I prefer working to sitting there doing nothing.I prefer to work rather than sit there doing nothing.I prefer to work rather than sit there doing nothing.我宁愿干活,也不愿坐在那里无所事事。我宁愿干活,也不愿坐在那里无所事事。 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测睁隅扶忿悬阻跳造捕践粤佳洞螺伯略校芯刹讫

36、变抓姐沥促袱戏回悄驱琳揉第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 6即即 时时 自自 测测.单项填空单项填空1 1The number of people invited _ fifty, but aThe number of people invited _ fifty, but a number of them _ absent for different reasons. number of them _ absent for different reasons. A Awere; waswere; wasB Bw

37、as; was was; was C Cwas; were Dwas; were Dwere; werewere; were2 2I suggest buying her a Teddy Bear for her birthday.I suggest buying her a Teddy Bear for her birthday. _ someone else brings the same present?_ someone else brings the same present? A AIfIf B BWhatWhat C CWhat if DWhat if DHow aboutHow

38、 aboutC C C C 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测乃纵促厄士源竟诽紊乃杖巫投坦蓉盼纯朋惕找晾刻建估番浮悲桐饲阵遇骇第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 63 3_ the students _ the teacher is_ the students _ the teacher is proud of the man. They are all moved by what he proud of the man. They are all moved by what he has done.

39、 has done. A ABoth; and BBoth; and BEither; orEither; or C CNeither; nor DNeither; nor DNot only; but alsoNot only; but also4 4I have learned the word_ heart.I have learned the word_ heart. A. on B A. on Bin in C Cby Dby Dwith with D D C C 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测紊常探威宁百苯哼茁蚕居龙鞘肪啸裳簿琐状若慷氓淡才痘有验潭篆梁瓷诽第16课

40、时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 65 5_ some spelling mistakes, your composition_ some spelling mistakes, your composition is good. is good. A AExcept for BExcept for BExcept Except C. With D C. With DBesides Besides 6 6Never_ electrical appliances in the shower.Never_ electrical

41、 appliances in the shower. A. use B. used A. use B. used C. using D. uses C. using D. usesA A A A 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测拘配攘书伪喘逼刑快队淡式忍择下晰菠塑壤响痊瓦手坟箭泳狠嫉训疮令啄第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 67 7I need some paper_I need some paper_ A Ato write Bto write Bto write in to write in

42、C Cwriting Dwriting Dto write on to write on 8 8Miss Wang speaks aloud so that all the studentsMiss Wang speaks aloud so that all the students can hear her_ can hear her_ A Asoftly Bsoftly Bsimplysimply C Cslowly Dslowly DclearlyclearlyD D D D 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测腊场滩谣奥裕俊圣嚎澎滤巳掏夏管侩盗合帽迎达荐碳酗匹营徊怔眠坏客信

43、第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 69 9What bad weather it was! We decided_What bad weather it was! We decided_ A Ato go out Bto go out Bnot to go outnot to go out C Cto not go out Dto not go out Dnot going outnot going out1010The children_ themselves _ twoThe children_ themse

44、lves _ two groups and had a competition. groups and had a competition. A Adivided; into Bdivided; into Bdivided; todivided; to C Cconnected; to Dconnected; to Dsorted; intosorted; intoB B A A 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测赚鹰桶譬燎塑蛾松墅胁秃您澜邦舆娃镑载狸城秒鼠慕锈烛迫受摄萨墒舵烽第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12,

45、 Book 6.根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子1 1我不能决定去哪里。我不能决定去哪里。 I cant _ _ _where to go. I cant _ _ _where to go.2 2每个足球队都有固定数量的队员。每个足球队都有固定数量的队员。 Each football team has_ _ _ Each football team has_ _ _ _ players. _ players.make make a a decision decision a a set set number number of of 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测剩确

46、耀绑悠塌熔联媒遥尘酌坏治缔虹酋肝讨疡砚殴蔗逮糜震颖柿钡州涤投第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6第第16课时课时 Units 12, Book 63 3昨晚熬夜太晚了,我现在非常困。昨晚熬夜太晚了,我现在非常困。 I stayed up too late last night I stayed up too late last night,so I am _so I am _ _ now. _ now.4 4与数学相比,我更喜欢英语。与数学相比,我更喜欢英语。 I _ English _Math. I _ English _Math.5 5她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。 She likes _ butter _ cheese. She likes _ butter _ cheese.very very sleepy sleepy prefer prefer to to neither neither nor nor 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测爹俱历盔漫非五仑贷字糖由跪廖却叹挚逮狡怯耽矿赘蔷蚊疟怒腻谗掠啮几第16课时Units12Book6第16课时Units12Book6



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