九年级英语下册 Unit 3 Robot Study skills课件 (新版)牛津版

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1、Unit 3 RobotsStudy skillsAninvitationDearHobo and Eddie:Wesincerelyinviteyoutoourrobotshow.Bythen,therewillbemanyrobotsfromdifferentcountries.Somearespeciallydesignedtomakedeliciousfood,andotherrobotsaredesignedtohelpstudentswiththeirhomework.Weexpectyoutocome.Place:TimesSquare,NewYork,theUSADate:15

2、-16May2015Robot Show CentreSomeproblems!the1stfloorthe2ndfloorthe3rdfloorHoboandEddie:Excuseme,whereis_?AnAmerican:Itsonthe_floor.HoboandEddie:Whereistherestaurant?Theres_onthefirstfloor.Onthe1stdaythegroundfloorthe1stfloorthe2ndfloorahealthcentrethedinningroomfirst ChineseBrE AmE秋天秋天autumn饼干饼干biscu


4、g?VowelAVowelOConsonantRask half class lastlstskh:f klsd:nslst:skhf klsdnsdance VowelAbksbksbox hththot klkklkclockpsb()lpsblpossibleBritishEnglishAmericanEnglishVowelOk:carkarConsonantRhaircard door party Onthe3rddayspellingmistakescentretheatretheatercolourcolorhumourjeweller (珠宝商) jeweler travell

5、er kilogramme kilogram programme favoritecenterhumortravelerprogram favouritemetremeter dialogue dialog Onthe4thday Snoopy:Whatdoyouthinkoftherobotshow?Hobo:Wonderful!Snoopy:Didyoubuyarobotyet?Eddie:Didyou?SnoopyEnglish?Snoopy:No.ItsAmericanEnglish!Eddie:Oh!Isee.Eachofushasalreadyboughtarobot.Have y

6、ou got ?Myfriendhasjustarrived.in the teamattheweekendIllseeyouonMonday.Writetomesoon.Do you have ?My friend just arrived.ontheteamon the weekendIllseeyouMonday.Writemesoon.Afterthetrip Several days ago, Eddie and I went to the USA for a robot show. We saw robots from different countries. Eddie alre

7、ady_ (买买) a robot. This new robot comes in his _ (最喜欢的颜色最喜欢的颜色) red, blue and white. The robot can help a lot in the _ (花花园园). When he goes _ (旅行旅行), the robot can help look after me. Its a pity that the robot never goes to see a _ (电影电影) with him.boughtyardtravelingmoviefavoritecolorsAfterthetrip D

8、uring this trip to the USA, Eddie and I also achieved a lot about the differences between British and American English. They are mainly different in _, _, _ and _. We think the world is so wonderful that we should go out as often as possible. We should always remember that we are never too old to learn.vocabularygrammarpronunciationspelling1.RevisethedifferencesbetweenBritishEnglishandAmericanEnglish.2.FindmoredifferencesbetweenBritishEnglishandAmericanEnglishontheInternet.



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