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1、Period2Reading1&GrammarFocus课前预习1极小的_ 2.哭_3.田野_ 4拥抱_ 5.举起_ 6.严重地_7讨厌的_ 8.感到遗憾_ 9.诗 _ 10社区_ tiny field lift awfulpoem cry hug badly regret community 11.机会_ 12.教育_13完成(困难的事)_ 14.社会_ 15.回嘴_16远离_ 17.自己做决定_ chance manage talk back educate society keep.away from make ones own decision 18.呆在某人身旁_19拥抱某人_ 20

2、.抱起某人_ 21.做恶梦_22回想_ 23.后悔做过某事_ 24.遗憾去做某事_stay by ones sidelift sb.upthink back give sb.a hug give sb.awful dreams regret doing sth.regret to do sth.典例精讲典例典例1 When I was two running through the field, she made sure I was safe and kept me from danger.(1)make sure弄确实,核实,查证(+of sth./(that)宾从,常用于祈使句)Did

3、you close the window?你关窗了吗?I think so, but I will go to make sure.我想我关了,但我得再去确认一下。Make sure of his coming before you set off.你出发之前确认下他的到来。I want to make sure(that)he will come.我确认他会来的。(2)keep.(away)from.使远离/脱离We should keep ourselves(away)from fire.我们应该远离火。典例精讲【拓展】 keep from短语的用法:keep(away)from(doin

4、g)sth.忍不住做某事,避开或防止(做)某事I couldnt keep from laughing.我忍不住地笑。He kept from talking about it.他对那件事避而不谈keep sb.(away)from doing sth.使某人不做某事We must keep them from getting to know our plans.我们一定要防止他们得知我们的计划。典例精讲典例典例2 Now Im an adult, thinking back to those times.thinking back 是现在分词短语作伴随状语。think back to sth

5、.回想起某事,追忆某事。I think back to the day I first met Susan.我想起来第一次见苏珊时的情景。My grandpa often thinks back to his youth.我爷爷经常回忆起他年轻时候的事。典例精讲典例典例3 I regret talking back, not listening to Mom.(1)regret:( v. )遗憾,后悔,懊恼。I regret telling her that secret.我很后悔告诉她那个秘密。 【拓展】 regret vt. 遗憾,后悔常见搭配:regret doing sth.对做过的事

6、感到后悔regret to do sth.懊恼要去做某事regret that.对感到遗憾、后悔regret+名词/代词 为而遗憾、后悔典例精讲He regrets not working hard at school.我很后悔在学校没好好学习。I regret to have to do this, but I have no choice.我很遗憾要这么做,但我没有选择。I regret that I didnt go swimming with you.我很后悔,没跟你去游泳。She immediately regretted her decision.她很快就后悔了自己的决定。典例精讲

7、典例典例4 Parents should give teenagers chances to make their own decisions.(1)chance:( n. )机会;可能性(=opportunity);+to do sth./of doing sth./that从句。There will be many chances for me to talk to her.我们将会有很多次跟她谈的机会。 It is a good chance to study English.=It is a good chance of studying English.这是一个学习的好机会。 The

8、re is no chance that he will change his mind.要想改变他的主意基本不可能。 典例精讲【拓展】常用短语:no chance不可能 by chance偶然地(=by accident) take a chance冒险give sb.a chance给某人一次机会 have a chance to do sth.有机会做某事典例精讲(2)make ones own decisions某人自己作决定(=make decisions for oneself)Teenagers should be allowed to make their own decisi

9、ons.=Teenagers should be allowed to make decisions for themselves.青少年应该被允许自己做决定。 【拓展】make a decision=make up ones mind=decide:决定(+to do sth.)语法解析含情态动词的被动语态 “should be+过去分词”是情态动词should的被动语态结构。除了should以外,其他的情态动词can,could,may,might,would,need,must等也有类似的被动语态结构,即“can/could/may/might/will/would/need/must+

10、be+done”。含有情态动词的被动语态的疑问句和否定句结构分别为: 一、一般疑问句:情态动词+主语+be+done? Should the letter be finished today?今天需要完成那封信吗?Can the books be taken out of the library?这些书能从图书馆带出去吗?语法解析二、特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+情态动词+主语+be+done? When should my computer be repaired?我的电脑什么时候可以修好?Who can be elected president of the university?谁会当选为校长

11、? 三、否定句:主语+情态动词+not+be+done。 The word couldnt be used in this way.这个单词不应该这么用。Little children shouldnt be left by themselves at home.小孩子不应该被单独留在家中。These books mustnt be taken out of the reading room.这些书不允许带出阅览室。These clothes neednt be washed.这些衣服不用洗。语法解析 【结论】 A.含有情态动词的被动语态的结构为:情态动词+be+done。B.含有情态动词的主

12、动语态变为被动语态时,要把主动语态的宾语变成被动语态的主语。C.变为否定句时只需要在情态动词后加not。D.变为一般疑问句时只需把情态动词提到句首。课后巩固一、根据中文提示或给出的词完成句子1Look, the children are flying kites in the_(田野)2Keep on studying hard, then youll have a _(机会)to achieve your dream.3I got the_(驾照)through the driving test.4When he met his old friend, he gave him a warm_

13、(拥抱)5Last night he had a(n)_(可怕的)dream, and he couldnt sleep well all the night.fieldchancelicensehugawful6Im excited about_(visit)the old museum.7When our teacher came into the classroom, we stopped_(talk)8He regrets_(fight)with his good friend,and plans to make up with him.9When they grow up, they

14、 should manage their own_(life)10They look so happy.They seem_(win)the game.visitingtalkingfightinglives/lifeto win二、根据课本Section A 3a填空When I was a_1_ baby crying all night, my mom sang to me and _2_by my side.When I was tired and _3_, she gave me food and let me _4_in her warm arms.When I fell and

15、hurt myself, she gave me a _5_ and _6_me up.When I was a teen, I often _7_ back to her, but she still cared _8_ me.Now, I grow up and I can _9_ what mom did for me.Mom is the _10_ person that loves me so much.1_2._3._ 4._5._6_7._8._9._10._ tiny/little stayed hungry sleep hug lifted shouted/talked ab

16、out/for understand best三、翻译句子1妈妈总是让我远离危险。 _2我们再见时彼此拥抱。 _3你和妈妈顶过嘴吗? _4我很后悔伤害了我们的友谊。 _5我经常回想起以前的快乐时光。 _Mom always keeps me away from danger.We hugged each other when we met again.Have you ever shouted/talked back to your mother?I really regretted hurting our friendship.I often think back to those old

17、happy times.四、单项选择()1.I regret _ that we have no news for you.Ato say BsayingCto have said Dhaving saidA()2.When he came up with his idea, nobody agreed _ him.Ain Bfor Cwith DatC()3.My sister is busy.She has to have her car _Awash BwashedCwashing Dto washB()4.He_ his homework before watching TV.Anee

18、d to finish Bneed finishingCneeds to finish Dneeds finishC()5.Its difficult to get to the other side of the river.I think a bridge _ over the river.Ashould be built Bshould buildCwill build Dhas builtA()6.People who drink wine _ to drive after May Day.(广东省卷)Adont allow Bisnt allowedCmustnt allow Dmu

19、stnt be allowedD()7.I dont think sixteen-year-olds _ to drive.I agree.They arent serious enough at that age.(梅州中考)Acan allow Bneed be allowedCshould allow Dshould be allowedD()8.In order to make Dandong more beautiful, more trees and flowers _ every year.(丹东中考)Awill plant Bshould plantCshould be pla

20、nted Dmust plantC()9.Food safety is very important.So some rules _ to stop people from polluting food.(咸宁中考)Amust make Bmust be madeCmust made Dbe madeB()10.Our math teacher is ill, so our math test _(杭州中考)Amust put up Bmust be put offCput off Dmust be put upB五、短文填空1.everything考查不定代词,根据句意可知。2care考查短语,take care of 照顾。3in考查介词,hold sb./sth. in ones arms,意为“抱着”。4ill/sick考查形容词,be后接形容词,根据句意应填ill/sick。5meals考查名词,根据句意可知。6put考查短语,put on 穿上。7without考查代词,意为:不吃早餐匆匆上学。8spends考查谓语动词的并列,另外,spend.doing是固定搭配。9grades考查短语,make grades取得成绩。10love考查名词,根据上下文可知。



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