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1、1Cloud Storage fromHitachi Data Systems为云计算提供整合的, 灵动的和安全的存储平台http:/ 云架构的术语 云架构的机会 云存储的特性 HDS云存储定位 HDS存储平台产品线 HDS云架构合作伙伴 区分云架构 业务&技术的得益 案例 问题与讨论http:/ (cloud computing)概念上延伸和发展出来的一个新的概念。云存储的概念与云计算类似,它是指通过集群应用、网格技术或分布式文件系统等功能,将网络中大量各种不同类型的存储设备通过应用软件集合起来协同工作,共同对外提供数据存储和业务访问功能的一个系统。http:/ VS 独立存储设备当我们使用

2、某一个独立的存储设备时,我们必须非常清楚这个存储设备是什么型号,什么接口和传输协议,必须清楚地知道存储系统中有多少块磁盘,分别是什么型号、多大容量,必须清楚存储设备和服务器之间采用什么样的连接线缆。为了保证数据安全和业务的连续性,我们还需要建立相应的数据备份系统和容灾系统。除此之外,对存储设备进行定期地状态监控、维护、软硬件更新和升级也是必须的。如果采用云存储,那么上面所提到的一切对使用者来讲都不需要了。云状存储系统中的所有设备对使用者来讲都是完全透明的,任何地方的任何一个经过授权的使用者都可以通过一根接入线缆与云存储连接,对云存储进行数据访问。http:/ 是一种设计为能使范围内的IT资源,

3、 使用统一的简化接口, 打破分布距离的阻隔,从而可以被动态组合和共享应用的一种经济化的IT模型云计算 是在云环境中, 支持虚拟化的, 可升级的运算服务器平台云存储 在运环境中, 支持虚拟化的, 可升级的提供存储容量的存储平台公共云 是能通过Internet向外部用户和业务提供产品, 服务和方案的云环境 Google Maps, Credit Card Processing, PayPal, the US Postal Service私有云 是在公司防火墙内, 向内部用户提供IT资源服务的简单云环境 Testing, R&D, backup, archiving, file serving, i

4、nternet application hosting, non-criticaldatabases,http:/ IT架构的TCO 实现新的服务需要新的设备成本 零散设备无法整合一起发挥强大性能 Complexity of in-house services Lack of specialist skills Lack of appropriate infrastructure CAPEX will be scrutinized Enable organization to use OPEX toexpand and offer new services私有云 需要用更少的预算去做到更多的事

5、情 云环境更适合数据中心应用 集中的 虚拟化的服务器和存储资源 通过管理工具实现自动化http:/ IP存储)的多台设备之间的逻辑卷管理、存储虚拟化管理和多链路冗余管理将会是一个巨大的难题,这个问题得不到解决,存储设备就会是整个云存储系统的性能瓶颈,结构上也无法形成一个整体,而且还会带来后期容量和性能扩展难等问题。云存储中的存储设备数量庞大、分布地域广造成的另外一个问题就是存储设备运营管理问题。虽然这些问题对云存储的使用者来讲根本不需要关心,但对于云存储的运营单位来讲,却必须要通过切实可行和有效的手段来解决集中管理难、状态监控难、故障维护难、人力成本高等问题。因此,云存储必须要具有一个高效的类

6、似与网络管理软件一样的集中管理平台,可实现云存储系统中设有存储设备、服务器和网络设备的集中管理和状态监控。http:/ Week 云存储的用途云的关键属性分布式应用不依赖于特定硬件适应虚拟化的硬件&存储极度容错产生新的应用http:/ IDC 指出”云”的7大属性 忽略距离 可通过Internet连接 极少需要IT硬件维护 自动分隔 节点成本低 通过 Web Services APIs 提供接口 资源共享, 信息共享私有云的关键属性 私有云只存在于机构防火墙内部, 所以不具备公共云的所有属性 私有云可根据业务需要, 具备以下一个或多个属性 伸缩性强 可靠 自动管理 整合不通的IT平台 保护私有

7、数据安全 性价比高http:/ 云架构的术语 云架构的机会 云存储的特性 HDS云存储定位 HDS存储平台产品线 HDS云架构合作伙伴 区分云架构 业务&技术的得益 案例 问题与讨论http:/ 云存储 定位 HDS致力于发展整合的, 灵活的, 安全的和可靠的云存储 我们提供云存储平台, 但不是云计算服务 我们的特色是 我提供整套的云存储平台方案, 不只是一件单一产品http:/ High-HitachiperformanceContent ArchiveNAS PlatformPlatformMassive scale,Highly scalablesecure storageperform

8、ance系统管理Hitachi USP-VHitachi AMSHitachi DataDiscoveryEnterpriseSearch and moveavailability andscalabilityHitachi StorageCommand Suitedata among tiersLeverage best-in-class storage from Hitachiaccording to contentManage block and filestorage as well as block,file and content datahttp:/ 消除数据边界 同时管理文件,

9、内容和数据块信息Hitachi可靠性和安全性 与生俱来的高可靠性 支持无间断的系统扩展和升级 支持数据加密,读写保护等先进数据访问控制技术DataSystems伸缩性 Scalability leadership at fileand object level Most comprehensive blockand file virtualizationCompression and single instancing19http:/ You Benefit Today from theHitachi Cloud Storage Infrastructure Achieve greater C

10、APEX and OPEX efficienciesBusiness BenefitsTechnical Benefitsthrough a shared infrastructure and pay only for whatis consumed Redeploy resources instantly to support the business Leverage greater insight into the utilization and audittrail of the infrastructure Greener IT- Implement more environment

11、ally friendly data centers- Reduce data center power, cooling, and facilities costs- Comply with environmental directives Deploy applications anywhere, any time Quickly and easily deploy new applications andservices Manage IT resources and evolution withoutimpacting users Scale up and down as needed

12、 with minimaldowntimehttp:/ Case: Private CloudChallenges:Provide access to thousands of billing records forsubscriber hospitalsSubscriberHospitalsStore over 120TB of data, including more than 13million claims-related artifacts.Solution Capabilities:Access via Web regardless of locationsScalability

13、and performance delivered via USP Vand HCAPSite ASite BOpen standards make for easy integration withstorageReplication to geographically diverse locationsBusiness Benefits:Scales easily, incrementally & economicallyReduces IT costs, increases margin on servicesProvides customers with confidence in t

14、heavailability, security and privacy of their data21http:/ Case: Private CloudChallenges:Perpetual storage of government recordsProvide access to electronic records for agencies& subscribers, free of dependence on specifichardware or softwareNo precedent for a project of this scaleSecurity, monitori

15、ng and reporting to protect andautomatically monitor the integrity of the dataSolution Capabilities:Compression and massive scalabilityEfficient indexing and federated searchImmutable, encrypted, access controlledQuality, reliability and high-availabilityBusiness Benefits:Massive scale with best TCO

16、Enable users to find & use relevant dataHelps assure data integrity & securityhttp:/ Case: Private CloudUtahHitachi Data SystemsTechnical Operations CenterChallenges:Performance test across multiplelocations via IP NetworkEnable rapid re-deployment of resourcesto support daily demo scheduleAssign ch

17、argeback costs based on usageSolution Capabilities:LabSanta ClaraLabIndiaR&DJapanLarge and scalable Cloud computingenvironmentState of the art reportingScale up & down, move workloads asneededWeb interfaceBusiness Benefits:Flexible access to any demos duringcustomer presentationUsage based payment m

18、odelEasy to scale performance and capacityMove away from dedicated resourcessaves cash flowhttp:/ aware automationSocialand Web 2.0collaborative, reuse of tools for ITProduct Direction Our Cloud storage infrastructure aggregates content in a cost correctmanner that enables access any time, anywhere

19、Version aware storage Intelligent,Unstructured Data Repurposing Search networking, technologies unstructured dataanduser community Extending multi-tenancy to content Geo-dispersion Multiple replication and data protectionschemes Security and access controls Cost correctness Dense media, different ki

20、nds of media andconsidering innovative, new media De-duplication and compressionhttp:/ and Discussionhttp:/ Hitachi Cloud Storage Infrastructure (1 of 2)IP InfrastructureWeb Access (REST)Up to 80 nodesOn Ramp to CloudHitachi Content Archive PlatformHitachi AMSHitachi USP-V Efficient RAID Data Protec

21、tion Thin Provisioning Leading power and capacity densityUp to 40PBSingle file systemSingle API for Content,File and Block28http:/ Hitachi Cloud Storage Infrastructure (2 of 2)IP InfrastructureCIFSUp to 8 nodesOn Ramp to CloudHitachi High-performance NAS PlatformHitachiScalableUniversalStorageStorag

22、ePlatform VHitachi Modular StorageEMC ClariionUp to 4PBCluster Name Space29http:/ Storage Delivers Integration and AutomationHitachi Storage Delivers:HNASHNAS FC TierHNAS FC TierHNAS SATA TierHCAPOne integrated architecture for all dataAutomate storage practices forefficiency, performance and compli

23、ance- A single view- Content & metadata awarepolicies- Move content automatically basedon policy30http:/ Data Systems Delivers ScalabilityClusters1600MBps800MBps400MBpsHitachi Storage Delivers: Scale capacityincrementally fromgigabytes to exabytes Multi-Petabyte storagesupported under asingle name s

24、pace Near linear performancescaling as nodes areadded Dynamic read and writebalancinghttp:/ Storage Delivers ElasticityHitachi Universal StoragePlatform VHitachi Storage Delivers: Block, file & content virtualization Thin-provisioning of storageA 2 TB Volume is CreatedTraditional Provisioning willAl

25、locate the Entire 2 TBThe other unused 1.7 TB isWith Hitachi DynamicprovisioningAnd only 300 GB isconsumed and allocatedunavailable to other applicationsThe other 1.7 TB is availablefor other applicationshttp:/ Data Systems DeliversSecurity and ReliabilityHitachi Storage Delivers:Security: Access ri

26、ghts and security layers controlto prevent unauthorized access Immutable media prevents alteration offixed content Encryption helps prevent unauthorizedaccess to dataReliability: Data Protection Levels provides 1-4additional copies of objects stored Hardware based RAID in the case ofsingle or multip

27、le drive failures Object-based replication enablesrecovery from alternate locationshttp:/ for Cloud AdoptionStart with a Cloud storage infrastructure tier Non-disruptive to applications outside the cloud Easily migrate to, and grow the cloud tier as neededSelect standards-based virtualized or virtua

28、lization-ready applications Easy to migrate server workloads to cloud storage infrastructure Legacy and non-virtualized applications may not be ready for CloudDefine the requirements SLAs Data Protection/Disaster Recovery Security, Access ControlPlan to enable other applications for the cloud The su

29、ccess of this cloud will create demand for othershttp:/ Quality: Key to Controlling Cost GrowthStorage will outgrow all other types of Cloud IT spend Important to choose the right storage vendor Quality, longevity Price/performance, cost per terabyte, price granularity Features and functionalityWorl

30、dwide IT Cloud Services Spending* by Product/Service Type 2008, 2012Server9%Storage5%Storage13%App Dev &Deployment9%BusinessApplications57%Server8%App Dev &DeploymentBusinessApplications52%9%InfrastructureSoftware18%2008$16.2 billionInfrastructureSoftware18%2012$42.3 billion*Includes enterprise IT s

31、pending on Business Applications, Systems Infrastructure Software, Application Development & Deployment Software, Servers and Storage.Source: IDC October 2008http:/ Cloud-How Many 9s?Microsoft Azure Outage due to OS UpgradeMicrosoft blames Azure outage on OS upgradeGoogle Gmail, Google Apps Outage i

32、n the CloudGoogle Gmail and Google Apps suffered an outage of nearly 15 hours.http:/ Blames Gmail Outage on Maintenance (PC Magazine)http:/ Gmail outage hits Apps Admins - expected to be down for 24 hourshttp:/ Google Cloud Is it Safe?Privacy watchdog barks for federal Gmail probeAmazon suffers U.S.

33、 outage onA was inaccessible to many U.S. visitors for more than an hour and a half Friday.http:/ Amazon S3 Downtime: How Much is Too Much?http:/ Opinion- Competitive Cloud Storage“Duh. Promise Technology? Really? You built a backup and recovery SaaS operation based onthe cheapest stuff you could fi

34、nd and (gasp), it failed? How surprising.”“The cloud infrastructure supporting Mozys service consists of commodity storage and adistributed RAID algorithm, which EMC Mozy touts as its secret sauce and allows thecompany to be disruptive with pricing. HP already shut down its Upline service after ayea

35、r. Wake up people you get what you pay for. This stuff is great for free and evenwell worth the risk at $50 bucks, but if you are stuffing critical corporate data ontothese platforms expecting miracles for free, you are out of you mind.”“Which (finally) gets me to the point dont just assume. Ask. Find out HOW your providerdoes their thing what is their infrastructure?”Source: Steve Duplessie Steves IT Rants Blog - Head in the Cloud? Or Just up your.?http:/ Youhttp:/



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