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1、模拟练习题大学体验英语大学体验英语3 3综合练习综合练习一、单项选择题(本题共一、单项选择题(本题共 6060 个小题,每小题个小题,每小题 2 2 分)分)1. They said, The company should act quickly to these grievances(委屈,冤情, 不平; 因被误解而产生的气愤或愤恨).A .cover【答案】B2. Although the main characters in the novel are so true to life, they arecertainly .A .imagining【答案】B3. I watched th

2、e wrestling on TV last night.A .match【答案】A4. The results are as :The first was Sweden, then Germany, and thenIreland.A .to follow【答案】B5. Several South American states diplomatic relations with Germanyduring the war.A .fell off【答案】D6. I want you to check this because it may have been based on insuffi

3、cientinformation.A .conclusion【答案】A7. He is a mere to me, not a friend.A .opponent【答案】D8. Too much to X rays can cause skin burns, cancer or other damage to thebodyB .assistantC .followerD .acquaintanceB .discussionC .preferenceD .conferenceB .pulled offC .passed offD .broke offB .followsC .followD

4、.followedB .fightC .contestD .sportB .imaginaryC .imaginableD .imaginativeB .remedyC .opposeD .disputeA .exposure【答案】AB .disclosureC .contactD .connection9. Her situation me to do something about getting a new job.A .appealed【答案】B10. I wonder how Mrs. Brown has been in hospital.A .getting off【答案】C11

5、. The air conditioner has cost us a lot of money, it should work verywell.A .basically【答案】D12. Her feet are small in to her height.A .relation【答案】C13. I didnt you carrying a digital camera when you came in.A .watch【答案】D14. This engine is in many respects to that one.A .beneficial【答案】C15. They hope t

6、hat you will quickly .A .installed【答案】C16. British voters today are much more than they were in the 1960s.A .sophisticated【答案】A17. To be frank, Id rather you in the case.A .not to be involvedC .will not be involved【答案】D18. He is fit for the job than you are.B .not involvedD .were not involvedB .eleg

7、antC .fashionableD .artificialB .insuredC .recoverD .promptedB .previousC .superiorD .obviousB .regardC .visionD .noticeB .responseC .proportionD .additionB .suitablyC fortablyD .consequentlyB .getting acrossC .getting alongD .getting throughB .promptedC .assuredD .attractedA .rather【答案】CB .not any

8、longerC .no moreD .no longer19. I took the medicine, but it didnt .A .use【答案】C20. The rainfall has been below for this time of year.A .normal【答案】A21. That was the first time the old lady her saddening story to others.A .was telling【答案】B22. We are busy the wall in case someone would break into the ho

9、use throughit.A .deepen【答案】D23. The desks and chairs can be to the height of each child.A .adjusted【答案】A24. Having had a good sleep and a (n) meal, they felt refreshed.A .convenient【答案】C25. It is encouraging to note that in recent years, the number of cigarette smokershas been .A .towards the declin

10、eC .in the decline【答案】B26. My two sons, Adam and Alexander, are eight and ten .A .clearly【答案】B27. Mick has been advised by the doctor to smoking and drinking.A .give off【答案】CB .give outC .give upD .give awayB .respectivelyC .accuratelyD .optionallyB .on the declineD .at the declineB .economicalC .de

11、liciousD .characteristicB .adoptedC .measuredD .objectedB .lengtheningC .straighteningD .strengtheningB .had toldC .have toldD .toldB .basicC monD .generalB .responseC .workD .operate28. The work is easy enough for an expert it is pretty difficult for aninexperienced person.A .because【答案】C29. The wo

12、man went down to the river to get some water her baby.A .which to wash withC .with which washing【答案】B30. - What are you going to do tomorrow- We are going tomorrow.A .to fish【答案】B31. She took her first degree at Gorton College and later helped found Lucy CavendishCollege, she was an honorary fellow.

13、A .since then【答案】C32. They accused their government neglecting the rights and interestsof the people.A .about【答案】D33. When I came as a tourist through the customs at the airport, I had to payon the watch I had bought.A .taxes【答案】B34. Children in school are into grades, according to how much they kno

14、w.A .catalogued【答案】C35. The football match will be televised from the Government stadium.A .alive【答案】B36. The president of the United States must be, , honest and trustworthyas he is the first citizen of the country.B .liveC .lifeD .livelyB .identifiedC .classifiedD .qualifiedB .dutyC .finesD .rates

15、B .onC .forD .ofB .after thatC .of whichD .from then onB .fishingC .to be fishingD .fishB .with which to washD .wash withB .thereforeC .whileD .unlessA .at all【答案】DB .in allC .after allD .above all37. His dog is chained in the day time, but is large at night.A .at【答案】A38. I could not persuade him to

16、 accept it. make himsee the importanceof it.A .If only I could notC .Nor could I【答案】C39. That crossword is difficult for me.A .very【答案】C40. all of us who are here tonight, I would like to thank Mr. Smith forhis wonderful speech.A .On account ofB .On behalf of【答案】B41. are afraid of difficulties; we a

17、re all determined.A .None of us【答案】A42. When Edison died, it was proposed that the Americans all power in theirhomes, streets and factories for several minutes in honor of this great manA .turn offC .must turn off【答案】A43. I would gladly lend you the money, but I really .A .couldnt have itC .shouldnt

18、 have it【答案】D44. Not wanting to any details, the victim wrote a lengthy report aboutthe incident.B .didnt have itD .dont have itB .turned offD .would have turned offB .Not all of usC .All of usD .All of us notC .For the purposeofD .Instead ofB .soC .tooD .enoughB .No more than I couldD .Or I could n

19、otB .inC .onD .forA .work out【答案】BB .leave outC .figure outD .make out45. He had made a fortune by of industry.A .manners【答案】D46. Homework on time will lead to better grades.A .be doneB .done【答案】B47. Will you be able to finish writing the report this afternoon_.A .I am afraid of so【答案】D48. To shut y

20、our eyes to the facts, _ many of you often do, is foolish.A .as【答案】A49. Dont forget to take your umbrella. It looks like _.A .to rain【答案】C50. _ air is to man, so is water to fish.A .Like【答案】D51. We must give up this plan, for we are _ funds.A .for lack of【答案】D52. _, we should be glad.A .They arrive

21、tomorrowC .They were to arrive tomorrow【答案】D53. My pictures _ until next week.A .wont developC .dont developB .arent developingD .wont be developedB .Were they arriving tomorrowD .Were they to arrive tomorrowB .lack ofC .lackedD .lacking inB .AsC .SinceD .Just likeB .rainC .rainingD .to be rainingB

22、.whatC .whichD .thatB .I am not sure soC .I dont hope soD .I dont think soC .having doneD .to have beendoneB .waysC .methodsD .means【答案】D54. They said they wouldnt stop fighting until the government _ to theblack people.A .gave off【答案】D55. I have to _ myself for a while. Ive got something urgent to

23、deal with.A .forgive【答案】C56. I could have done it better if I _ more time.A .have had【答案】C57. I suggest we do the job in this new way and much time could _.A .be wasted【答案】B58. Hes been very successful, _A .hasnt he【答案】A59. The Spring Festival is the time _ children receive gifts.A .while【答案】D60. Sp

24、eak to him slowly _ he may understand you better.A .since【答案】D二、阅读理解(本题共二、阅读理解(本题共 3030 个小题,每小题个小题,每小题 3 3 分)分)1.1. It is natural that young people are often uncomfortable when they are with theirparents. They say that their parents dont understand them. They often think that theirparents are out of

25、 touch with modern ways, that they are too serious and too strictwith their children, and they seldom give their children a free hand. It is true thatparents often find it difficult to win their childrens trust and they tend to forgethow they themselves felt when young.For example, young people like

26、 to act on the spot without much thinking. It isone of their ways to show that they have grown up and they can face any difficultB .forC .becauseD .so thatB .asC .sinceD .whenB .wasnt heC .isnt heD .doesnt heB .be savedC .wasteD .saveB .hadC .had hadD .will have hadB .excuseC .spareD .entertainB .ga

27、ve awayC .gave outD .gave insituation. Older people worry more easily. Most of them plan things ahead, at leastin the back of their minds, and do not like their plans to be upset by somethingunexpected.When you want your parents to let you do something, you will have better successif you ask before

28、you really start doing it.Young people often make their parents angry with their choice in clothes, inentertainment and in music. Butthey do not mean tocause any trouble:it is just thatthey feel cut off from the older peoples world, into which they have not yet beenaccepted. Thats why young people w

29、ant a new culture of their own, and if their parentsdo not like their music or entertainment or clothes or their way of speech, this willmake the young people extremely happy.Sometimes you are so proud of yourself that you do not wantto say, Yes to whatyou do. All you want is to be felt alone and do

30、 what you like. It is natural enough,after being a child for so many years, when you were completely under parents control.If you plan to control life, youd better win your parents over and try to getthem to understand you. If your parents see that you have a high sense of responsibility,they will c

31、ertainly give you the right to do what you to do.1 are to blame for the quarrels between parents and their childrenaccording to this passage.A. ParentsB. Young peopleC. Neither parents nor their childrenD. Both parents and their children to the passage, young people prefer to .A. ask for advice befo

32、re they really start to do anythingB. do things without thinking carefully aheadC. think in the same way as their parents doD. be very strict with themselves peopleliketohaveclothes,entertainmentandmusicintheirway,because .A. they want to make their parents happyB. they try to get their parents to b

33、elieve themC. they want to try on something new and look different from the olderD. they want to test whether they are cleverer than old people tothepassage,youngpeoplewanttomakeanewcultureoftheirown,because .A. they dont feel they belong to the world of the older peopleB. they do not want to get in

34、to troubleC. they feel they are as clever as old peopleD. they want to show they have grown up a young man intends to control his own life, its better for him to .A. do everything according to his own wishB. do everything the way his parents doC. do everything beyond his parents controlD. hold himse

35、lf responsible for everything he does答案】DBCAD2.2.British Columbia is a province in the western half of Canada. It is the largestprovince in the western half of Canada, but two other provinces are larger.The weather in the southern half of British Columbia is mild. In fact, it is themildest in Canada

36、. For this reason, many older people come to live in this area of Canada.There are about three and a half million people living in British Columbia. OnlyOntario and Quebec have more people, about half of British Columbias people originallycame from England. Many other peoples families came to Canada

37、 from Scotland, Ireland,and Germany.Today this province has a higher percentage of Asians than any of the other nineprovinces.Vancouver is the largest city in British Columbia. Many international visitors cometo Vancouver. They come to see the natural beauty of the coast and the beautifulmountains.

38、Many ships stop at Vancouver, and it is the largest port in all of Canada.1. The main idea of paragraph 3 is .A. the people in this province came from many placesB. not many people from France or Spain came hereC. there are more Asians in this province than in the other provincesD. the people in thi

39、s province came from one place2. The word port in the last line means .A. a city in the mountainsB. a city on the coastC. a city with many peopleD. a country on the coast3. In Canada the weather is the mildest in .A. VancouverB. OntarioC. British ColumbiaD. Quebec4. In population, British Columbia i

40、s 3 , and in size, British Columbia isA. 1stB. 4thC. 9D. 35. Vancouver is .A. the capital of British ColumbiaB. the largest city in British ColumbiaC. in the western half of CanadaD. both A and B【答案】ABCDB3.3. A group of people who share the same interests and wayof life is called a society.Sociology

41、 is the science that examines human society. The term sociology is derivedfrom the Latin word socius, which means companion, union of people.Sociologists are interested in how a society began and how it grew. They also studythe level within a society. For example, the child is part of the family, th

42、e familyis part of the neighborhood, and the neighborhood is part of the community. There aremany different groups, and sociologists are interested in the effect that these groupshave on people.rdthrdA Frenchman named Auguste Comte made sociology a separate science in the 1830s.He suggested that a n

43、ew science was necessary to study a society of people. A famousbook, Principles of Sociology, was published by an Englishman, Herbert Spencer, in 1882.This book had an unprecedented effect on the science of sociology. In his book, Spencertheorized that a societys customs evolved, or grew from very s

44、imple to more complicatedand advanced. This theory shows the influence that Charles Darwin (who believed thatman had evolved from very simple forms to the present human) had on Spencer.1. Good title for this selection is _.A. SociologyB. Peoples interestsC. Society in Different NationsD. Sociologist

45、2. The word levels in line 4 means _.A. standardB. groups, classesC. beginning, startD. music, art3. We may conclude that in sociology the neighborhood is larger than_.A. the areaB. the communityC. the familyD. society4. Sociology had its beginnings as a separate science with _.A. DarwinB. SpencerC.

46、 LatinD. Comte5. The book which had a great effect on sociology was written _.A. by SpencerB. in 1830C. by ComteD. both A and B【答案】A,B,C,D,A4.4. In the 1960s, many young Americans were dissatisfied with American society. Theywanted to end the Vietnam War and to make all the people in the U. S. equal

47、. Some ofthem decided to drop out of American society and form their own societies. They formedutopian communities, which they called communes, where they could follow theirphilosophy of do your own thing. A group of artists founded a commune in southernColorado called Drop City. Following the ideas

48、 of philosopher and architectBuckminster Fuller, they built dome-shaped house from pieces of old cars. Other groups,such as author Ken Keseys Merry Pranksters, the followers of San Francisco poet SteveGaskin, and a group that called itself the Hog Farm, lived in old school buses andtraveled around t

49、he United States. The Hog Farm became famous when they helped organizethe Woodstock Rock Festival in 1969. Steve Gaskins followers tried to settle down ona farm in Tennessee, but they had to leave when some members of the group were arrestedfor growing marijuana.Not all communes believed in the phil

50、osophy of do your own thing however. TwinOaks, a commune founded in Virginia in the late 1960s, was based on the ideas ofpsychologist . Skinner. The people who lived at Twin Oaks were carefully controlledby Skinners conditioning techniques todo things thatwere good for the community.In 1972, Italian

51、 architect Paolo Soleri began to build Arcosanti, a utopian city inArizona where 2,500 people will live closely together in one large building called anarchology. Soleri believesthat people mustlive closely together sothat they willall become one.1. Why did some young Americans decide to drop out of

52、 society during the 1960sA. They wanted to grow marijuana.B. They wanted to go to the Vietnam War.C. They were not satisfied with American society.D. They did not want all people to be equal.2. Where did the members of the Hog Farm commune live They lived _.A. in dome-shaped housesB. in old school b

53、usesC. on a farm in TennesseeD. in an archaeology in Arizona3. Who gave the people of Drop City the idea to build dome-shaped housesA. Paolo SoleriB. . Skinner.C. Steve GaskinD. Buckminster Fuller.4. What was the Twin Oaks commune based on It was based on _.A. the philosophy of do your own thingB. V

54、irginia in the late 1969sC. The ideas of psychologist B. F. SkinnerD. The belief that people must live closely together5. What is an archaeology It is _.A. a person who studies archaeology.B. a large building where people live closely togetherC. a city in ArizonaD. a technique to control people【答案】C

55、,B,D,C,B5.5. Today the official language of the United States and most of Canada is English.However, French almost became the official language because of a war.The French and Indian War was fought between 1754 and 1763. The name of this waris not accurate because the war was actually between Englan

56、d and France. The Indiansfought on the side of the French.France and England were trying to gain control of North America. France held Canada,and England held part of what is now the United States. However, France tried to expandits land by moving southward into New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Vir

57、ginia. When theFrench build a fort on the Ohio River, the residents in Virginia sent George Washingtonto attack the fort in 1725. However, the French defeated Washington.The French, aided by the Indians, outsmarted the English and won many early battles.Later, the British began to do well against th

58、e French. In the final battle in Quebec,Canada, General Wolfe of England faced General Montcalm from France. Both generals diedin this battle, but the English outlasted the French and won the battle. Thus, mostof North America today has the English culture and language.1. A good title for this selec

59、tion is _.A. The French and Indian WarB. The English languageC. Washingtons ArmyD. Official language2. The word gain in line 6 means _.A. borrowB. getC. buyD. lose3. We may conclude that George Washington preferred the _.A. CanadaB. FrenchC. IndiansD. English4. General Wolfe died in _.A. EnglandB. F

60、ranceC. CanadaD. France5. Washington lost his battle at the font on the Ohio River _.A. at the beginning of the warB. in the middle of the warC. at the end of the warD. during the war【答案】A,B,D,C,A6.6. The market is a concept. If youare growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale, youare producing for

61、 the market. You might sell some to your neighbors and some to themanager of the local supermarket. But in either case, you are producing for the market.Your efforts are being directed by the market. If people stop buying tomatoes, you willstop producing them.If you take care of a sick person to ear

62、n money, you are producing for the market.If your father is a steelworker or a truck driver or a doctor or a grocer, he is producinggoods or service for the market.When you spend your income, you are buying things from the market. You may spendmoney in stores, supermarkets, gas stations, and restaur

63、ants. Still you are buying fromthe market. When the local grocer hires you to drive the delivery truck, he is buyingyour labor in the labor market.The market may seem to be something abstract. But for each person or business whois making and selling, its very real. If nobody buys your tomatoes, it w

64、ont be longbefore you get the message. The market is telling you something. Its telling you thatyou are using energies and resources in doing something the market doesnt want youto do.1. Which of the following would be the best title for the passageA. Selling and Buying.B. What is the market.C. Ever

65、ything you do is producing for the market.D. What the market can do for you.2. All of the following acts are producing for the market except _.A. working in a bankB. printing a bookC. attending a night schoolD. growing beans for sale3. You are buying from the market when you _.A. borrow a book from

66、the libraryB. look after your childrenC. drive to the seaside for a holidayD. eat at a restaurant4. The word real in the last paragraph may most probably mean_.A. seriousB. trueC. importantD. concrete5. In what way is the market very real for each person or business who is making andselling somethin

67、gA. It tells you what to produce.B. It tells you how to grow tomatoes.C. It provides you with everything you need.D. It helps you save money.【答案】B,C,D,D,A三、完型填空(本题共三、完型填空(本题共3030个小题,每小题个小题,每小题1 1分)分)1.1. When people in North America meet 1 the first time, they do nottalk about things that are person

68、al. Some subjects are 2 and it is notpolite to ask people about them. People talk about their families. 3 theydont talk about why they arent married or why they dont have children. The way you begin a conversation can be polite or 4 too. Try not tointerrupt a person who is reading or working. If som

69、ething is very important and you5 interrupt, you can say, Excuse me. When two people meet in public, one doesnt ask questions 6 why theother person is there or what the other person is doing. These questions are not 7as friendly. They are probably seen as nosey. People ask each other about 8 health,

70、 but it isnt polite to go intodetails. People often talk about their jobs, but they dont talk about their salaries.9 topics include the weather, sports and holidays. Topics 10are politics, personal details and religion.1. A. with B. for C. cross D. into2. A. bad B. good C. confusing D. private3. A.

71、and B. then C. but D. later4. A. kind B. impolite C. silly D. boring5. A. have to B. must C. ought D. should6. A. about B. on C. for D. of7. A. looked B. believed C. seen D. see8. A. his B. their C. him D. them9. A. Safe B. Unsafe C. Terrible D. Interesting10. A. avoid B. to avoid C. avoiding D. to

72、be avoided【答案】1-5 BDCBB 6-10 ACBAB2.2. People 1 put money in banks for thousands of years. The ancient Greeksput their money in jars. In Babylon, over 5000 years 2 ,people kept theirmoney 3 ancient Chinese and the Romans also had banking systems. Inthe fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in Europe, ma

73、ny people 4 bankers.Anyone 5 had a safe box, and wanted to trade coins, was called a banker. One of the first 6 , which we still use today, is the piggy bank. Thepiggy bank started in England 1000 years ago. At that time, people did not have 7metal to make things for the house. Instead, they used a

74、kind of clay, called piggy.They used this clay 8 make dishes, cups, pots and jars. People often9 their money in clay pots and jars. One day a potter decided to make the potlook like its name. He shaped it to look like a pig. Today many people have small banksat home to keep coins. Even if they dont

75、look 10 pigs, they are calledpiggy banks.1. A. having B. have C. has D. had2. A. before B. early C. ago D. late3. A. at B. with C. for D. in4. A. were B. are C. had been D. have been5. A. that B. who C. whom D. having6. A. coins B. banks C. bankers D. banking7. A. much B. many C. good D. lots8. A. f

76、or B. in C. at D. to9. B. saved C. lent D. borrowed10. A. as B. for C. as if D. like【答案】1-5 B,C,D,A,B 6-10 B,A,D,B,D3.3. Coffee and tea are the most popular 1 in the world. Coffee is afavorite drink of Canadians. Many Canadians like to start their day 2 acup of coffee. At work, they may take a coffe

77、e break. Coffee break is a time 3stop and relax for a few minutes over a cup of coffee or a snack. 4 is coffeeso popular For one thing, it has rich, strong taste that many people like. It is servedhot, with milk, cream or sugar. Many people like coffee in the morning because it helpsthem 5 . Coffee

78、has caffeine in it. Caffeine gives people more energy.Every day, millions of people all over the world drink tea. Tea is the 6drink of China, Japan, England and Russia. In England, it is a custom to drink tea inthe afternoon. In Japan, drinking tea is also a social 7 and there arespecial rules for t

79、ea drinking. Tea comes from tea 8 . We make tea by pouring 9 water ondried tea leaves. People usually drink hot tea, but it can be served cold. Some peoplelike to drink tea with milk or cream. Other people 10 milk or cream in tea,but they put in honey, sugar or lemon. Tea also has some caffeine in i

80、t.1. A. drinks B. drink C. water D. drinking water2. A. from B. at C. in D. with3. A. for B. to C. with D. at4. A. Why B. What C. Which D. When5. A. move away B. wake up C. come in D. look down6. A. personal B. general C. way D. national7. A. study B. custom C. way D. belief8. A. roots B. stems C. b

81、ranches D. leaves9. A. cooling B. running C. boiling D. fresh10. A. hate B. like C. enjoy D. love【答案】1-5 ADBAB 6-10 DBDCA四、句子翻译(本题共四、句子翻译(本题共 1515 个小题,每小题个小题,每小题 4 4 分)分)1. I enjoy buying books and looking at them on my bookshelves.【答案】我喜欢买书,而且喜欢看着它们摆放在书架上。2. When meeting foreign friends for the fir

82、st time, we do not ask them questions abouttheir private life.【答案】当同外国朋友第一次见面时,我们不能询问有关他们私人生活方面的问题。3. After class Lily will show her parents around the college.【答案】课后莉莉将带她父母参观校园。4. Whether or not they will go tomorrow depends on the weather.【答案】她们明天走不走要看天气情况如何而定.5. The meeting is expected to be held

83、 next week.【答案】会议预期将在下周举行.6. Smoking is not allowed in public places.【答案】公共场所不许吸烟.7. Many unfortunate events may occur suddenly.【答案】许多不幸的事件可能突然发生.8. There are many reasons against his proposal.【答案】反对他的提议的理由是很多的.9. Those who apply for this position are to sign their names here.【答案】想申请这个职位的人须在此签名.10.

84、The insurance agent wanted to discuss my automobile coverage.【答案】那位保险代理人想要讨论我的汽车保险范围.11. You havent kept your promise to write us often.【答案】你没有遵守经常给我们写信的诺言.12. He managed to make himself understood.【答案】他终于使别人明白了他的意思.13. The elephants are really an attraction in the zoo.【答案】大象在动物园真是吸引人.14. Out in the street, he found himself penniless.【答案】走到街上,他发觉自己身无分文.15. They want to invest in real estate.【答案】他们想投资房地产.



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