高中英语 Unit11 lesson 1 World news课件2 北师大版必修4

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1、Unit 11 lesson1 World NewsWhat areas of the world are often in the news at the moment ? Why?Iraq problemOil priceRead the textTrue or False1. G8 stands for eight presidents of the worlds wealthiest nations.2.The Group of Eight will be reformed this year.3.G8 has decided to cancel the debt of Africa.

2、4.At 12:45 UK time today Londons name has been announced twice.Listening and readingListen to the cassette and read the articles and answer these questions1. What does “G8” stand for?The worlds wealthiest nations.2. Which nations are in the “G8”?Francethe United StatesBritainGermanyJapanItaly Canada

3、Russia3. Why is this years meeting unusual?Discuss in detail the topic of AfricaNo water!No crops!No food!This is the result of no water.4. What are some of the major problems in Africa?starvation5. How can the G8 nations help Africas poorest countries?Cancel the debt of the poorest countries.Medica

4、l team in Africa6. What important news were London people reacting to at lunchtime on July 6, 2005?The announcement of the name of the city to host the 2012 Olympic Games.Cheering people in London streets7. How were they reacting to this news?8. Why did this news have historical importance?It is Lon

5、don that host the event three times.Language Points1. detail 名词名词 “详情详情” “ 全部细节全部细节” This issue will be discussed in more detail in the next chapter.这个问题将在下一章这个问题将在下一章详细详细讨论。讨论。They didnt give any detail about the game.他们没有提供这场比赛的他们没有提供这场比赛的具体情况具体情况。detaildetailThe brochure details all the hotels in

6、 the area and their facilities.这本小册子这本小册子详细介绍详细介绍了当地所有了当地所有旅馆及其设施。旅馆及其设施。2. look forward to +n. 高兴地)盼望,期待高兴地)盼望,期待Im looking forward to the weekend.我正我正盼望盼望着周末。着周末。动词动词 “详细介绍详细介绍” detailslooking forward toLook forward to + vingWe are looking forward to seeing you again.我们我们期待着期待着再次与你见面。再次与你见面。3. com

7、e down to sth 可归结为,可归纳为可归结为,可归纳为What it comes down to is, either I get more money, or I leave.归结起来归结起来就是:不给我加薪我就辞职。就是:不给我加薪我就辞职。looking forward to seeingcomes down toGrammarComplete the sentences in the table with these wordshave been, was , is , will be , was being, can be, is being, had been, is g

8、oing to beThe Group of Eight, or G8, (2)_ formed by eight of the worlds wealthiest nations in 1998.Past SimpleThe news (3)_ celebrated by crowds in the streets.wasis beingPresent continuousAt 12: 45 UK time today, the name of the host city for(4)_announced by IOC in SingaporeReforms (5) _demanded by

9、 people from all over the world.Londons name (6)_announced twice before., as the topic of Africa (7) _ discussed in detail.Past continuousPresent perfectPast perfectwas beingHave beenhad beenwill beThey want the leaders to so that the problems there (8)_ prevented from getting any worse.It (9) _ rem

10、embered as a historical meeting this year,can beis going to beRead these sentences from the text. Find the phrase that says who the “doer” of the action is in each sentence. Is the “doer” important?The group of Eight, or G8, was formed by eight of the worlds wealthiest nations in 1998.The doer is ei

11、ght of the worlds wealthiest nations. They are important because they discuss major problems that concern the whole world. the name of the host city for the 2012 Olympic Games was being announced by the International Olympics Committee (IOC) The doer is the international Olympic Committee, which is

12、important because it decides which city will host the Olympic Games.Put the verbs in brackets into the Passive. Use an appropriate tense.1. He _ just _ (offer) a job with a good salary.2. The ceremony _ (report) in the news last night.hasbeen offeredwas reported3. I think cinema _(replace) by TV and

13、 computers in the next century.4. This programme became very popular after it _ (award) the best TV Show of the Year.will graduallybe replacedwas award5. Her latest series of articles _ (publish) in a nations newspaper at the moment.is being publishedHomeworkInternational organization has provide a one-week camp for some African children with AIDS. Write a short 100-word news report for a local newspaper. Try to use the Passive



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