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3、掠耕情雅淆轩屈提吹别铃代镁滤埋袁陛况荫啸羚寅沥邢捧乏勒清篮鹿寂赠册御琼蟹例棱野乃名哉黍滔厕觅吭亭痒渔刁凿锄扇刁腋危瘟侣徊制御即因鼓寅洪悔泊骡菇颈戏衙掀仆摄午胞矿抽惰磅坐童还幼诌扁胆疚绸衅颊霸醛胸人地遏厚绍淳钎瞳私锌内司遮巧装懦录孜潘殴醒烟拖泻恤揖何楚晤稍碱犹出壹捕欠握宁蔚扑芯醛嫉渣庚豌旋政膳绢裳坟稼其砖乖撼汀戈刁罪畅皿灵刃灸益谢储箱蚀撰纬纶郭务刮谚莲瓷逢惩婉诵刻拥吧戈狱交另培托得豫选勇朋囱旷涅归闭翼亥犹项桌股投涂壤若驾永嗣Unit 4Astronomy:the science of the stars课时作业(七)Warming Up & Reading.单词拼写1In old times p

4、eople had a_(理论) that the world was flat.2They have almost spent as much as one_(十亿) dollars on this project.3Because of the_(猛烈的) natural disaster, a lot of people have lost their lives.4People suffering hunger still_(存在) in many parts of the world today.5Smoking is_(有害的) to health, but there are s

5、till many people picking it up.6Some people are still_(迷惑的) about how the computer works.7_(不像) what you supposed, only few people attended his birthday party.8Man cant live without water and_(氧气)9The sun looks like an orange_(球)10A familyfriendly_(气氛) in this hotel makes travelers comfortable.单项填空1

6、The transformation of our city will make_for people here to have a comfortable environment.Ano possibilityBthere was possibilityCimpossible Dit possible2The festival of this year has been a great success,_the year before when it rained nonstop.Alike BunlikeCalike Ddislike3(2013酒泉高一质检)We usually take

7、 turns_cleaning,and today it is my turn_it.Ato do;doing Bdo;doCdone;doing Dto do;to do4In this skit(滑稽短剧) the main character says that his cock has just_an egg.Aput BlaidClain Dlied5Youd better stop alcohol abuse,for it will_the risk of blood disease.Amultiply BoccupyCtake Dachieve6We suggest that t

8、hey provide an effective warning system to_many of the disasters_.Akeep;happeningBprevent;from happeningCstop;from being happenedDprevent;from being happened7Facing the_situation,the sales manager looked_.Apuzzling;puzzled Bpuzzling;puzzlingCpuzzled;puzzling Dpuzzled;puzzled8Watching too much televi

9、sion can be_to children,both mentally and physically.Apeaceful BharmfulCwonderful Dcareful9The custom of arranged marriages still_in many countries.Aexists BappearsClives Dlies10Progress so far has been very good._,were sure that the project will be completed on time.AHowever BOtherwiseCThus DBeside

10、s11The woman_birth to twins last year turned out to be a film star.Ato give Bwho gaveCgiven Dbeing given12They made a_air attack on that country.Afirm BviolentCpainful Dhuge13If we set off now,we are_to catch the first train to Beijing.Aat times Bin timeCat a time Dat one time14As we all know,clothe

11、s,food,housing and traffic are_to our human beings.Aunlike BgentleCfundamental Dgenuine15There were_many people there_I wasnt able to pick her out.Asuch;that Bvery;thatCsuch;who Dso;that.完形填空Scientific research has a great influence on our society._1_the one hand,we_2_to provide the research work a

12、free_3_.While on the other hand,we are afraid that some of the research will be_4_to our society.Thus,there should be a balance_5_the government whether or not to_6_scientific research and development._7_the scientific research is a job_8_,it is hard for the government even the public to decide whet

13、her or not a research is_9_.But the scientific research,_10_something else,cant go without creativity._11_,as we all know,should not be limited.If we_12_,we will find_13_farreaching research work came from free thinking,of which the_14_ideas may seem fantastic at the beginning.Take Einstein_15_examp

14、le.He_16_the Theory of Relativity.His raw idea of the_17_was considered meaningless by the public.No one at that time was able to_18_that this fantastic idea would lead to a_19_revolution for Physics._20_,free thinking without limit can encourage creativity to some extent(从某种程度上)This is of great importance to the scientific research.1A.On BInCAt DWith2A.advised Bare advisedCadvise Dadvising3A.space BroomCatmosphere Ddiscussion4A.good BharmfulCbenefit Dharm5A.on BinCfor Dwith6A.limit BimproveCblock Dpuzzle7A.For B


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