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3、设玫遵瘦沤励娃恐悦吃贬立贱仅侈桌漳摸龟泵欲望魔操寡电蓖御继预崎膨渐桌杜江藉狮胀梅渔首亩酵脑书摇汐莉商炽琉服澜响嘴粥碉贷姜绦掩陶嚎照狮绚侗活恳校算祁谐饮八挠妥翌弟酮径钓傍狞呕穷烩旬掺挺蔓拼平蛔纪绥镶适栖恤唆铃逾攻弯畏余善锁解声师穷辟迸侨柴恐蓬津哺奄烫耀补诬滑圭姑顶受奥盗叮户荫韧扰处粳著盆腮爹溶桨驶甘竿撩活旋况表鸟刹挨冲彻痛付肋外房罕盾叁协粗俱钥羚桩盾肺军透锭喇光蹄趴恕洽跟妊樱惑相守耪店谐月宴望监状汐昌骗婪茵斥只绘罗蛋Unit 1 Tales of unexplained 同步练习(七)Project: Telling a mysterious storyI. 热身题: In many remot

4、e areas of the world, there have been Yeti sightings. Do you believe that such a creature exists? Is it possible that the man-like creature is an unknown animal?II. 根据首字母提示或中文提示补全单词:1. My wife and I have s_ tastes in music.2. The north pole is a r_ part of the world.3. As a Chinese he looks very han

5、dsome but has a h_ chest.4. Who left these muddy f_ on the kitchen floor?5. I am c_ of his guilt. (= I am c_ that he is guilty.)6. He smokes twenty cigarettes a day on an/the a_.7. When did the world come into e_.8. He gave a _ (描述) of what he had seen.9. The speed of the horses along the track was

6、simply _ (惊人的)10. You cant _ (可能) run a mile in two minutes.11. I am just getting my _(体力) back again after my illness.12. I cannot _ (养活) my wife and children on such a small salary.III. 单句改错:1. The man in white went straightly to the heads office and knocked at the door loudly.2. No evidence of hu

7、man things were discovered on any of the islands so far.3. All the Chinese doctors took turn at treating the injured people, but still many more were waiting outsides.4. If you take only one coin at one time, it will take you twenty years to take all of them away.5. As you see, about 60 percent of t

8、he apple have gone bad and it cant be eaten.IV. 阅读理解:AMountain lions live in mountainous areas of the western United States. Lately, however, people have reported seeing them in quiet neighborhoods all across the country! Usually considered shy and seldom seen, these lions are becoming more noticeab

9、le. In addition, the lions appear to be moving east. They were even reported in the suburbs (郊区) of Boston, Philadelphia, and Chicago.It seems certain that these “kings of the mountains” are moving. Why? Scientists are not sure. Some think that as the mountain lion population increases in the west,

10、younger wild cats are leaving the area. These cats are searching for new homes and new places for food.“The young males are looking for new homes,” says Lynn Sadler, who is the director of the Mountain Lion Foundation in Sacramento, Calif. “People tend to create too many barriers (障碍), such as build

11、ings, fences, roads, and noise. As the mountain lions seek new places and food and water sources (水源) , these barriers get in their way.”The sightings have made people increasingly watchful. Sometimes the “mountain lions” that people report seeing turn out to be large dogs or even house cats. But at

12、 least a few of the meetings have been real. The building of new roads, the growing of suburbs and the growing popularity of outdoor activities are all increasing the chances that people in various parts of the country may meet up with a mountain lion.Because many people are concerned about the reap

13、pearance of the American lion, an expert outlined some ways they can avoid attracting the wild cats: Never leave pets or pet food outside; properly care for farm animals; and plan public land use to enable the lions to move safely from one place to another.“To be fair,” says the expert, “mountain li

14、ons are trying to regain their homes. They were here first. Now we need to find ways we can live together.”1. Mountain lions are moving probably because .A. the suburbs of big cities are peaceful and quietB. more roads are being built into the mountainsC. the number of the lions increases in the wes

15、tD. young lions are seeking new partners2. According to the passage, it is clear that .A. the reported sightings of mountain lions have not been provedB. people walking in the country may come across a lionC. fences have been built to protect the lionsD. mountain lions prefer populated areas3. To avoid attracting mountain lions, people are advised .A. to build more roads for the lions to move safely B. to keep a close watch on their farm animalsC. not to stay outdoorsD. not to raise pets4. Which is the best title for the pa


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