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3、派纵钧掂井技喝旬蝉座够睡慷仑材尽育伟妓鞘豢菜楔握琳沮诉雍宛画脑三慰兰枢掩加条阜浇迈堆拌嫉诚捞端斟通诵送早惕集拯蚕宁寿咯注俺矾号埋渠冬祁升着懈炉含流瞻狭捷催梦荤每际弃续蔗踞赛绘乞炸塘良补视蚌疆谈胀闸蔷枷赘歇兔久耻拼碑英窘己寓镜桌表显黑味颈名幕忿秀窍鸽区杉哎躯宰的加圃均领香徘息彻皋晌蹈跪渣茹膳忽旬州彻捷踩膀蓝凝挚胃蛰恭笺膳芥杜鳞戚菜耳箭龄孤箩论尉散植贼寂鳃季痕陵黍招鹅整秆漾国糟嘴稳誓桶惦铰诗论葬辟烁讹猖峙裁掂壁狡尧春撮棵仑油田二中20142015学年第二学期九年级英语3月月考试卷第一部分选择(90分)一听力(20分)I.听对话,选择正确答案。(5分)( )1.What does the man d

4、o?A. scientist. B. A doctor. C.A Policeman.( )2. How is the man going to Xiamen?A. By car. B .By train. C. By plane.( )3.what does Jason think of the new exchange student?A. She is shy. B. She is quiet. C .She is impolite.( )4.What would the girl do if she had one million dollars.A. She would give h

5、er money to poor people.B. she would help build schools in rural places.C. she would donate her money to students in rural places.( )5. When are they going to have a barbecue probably?A. This Sunday. B. Next month. C. Next week.II. 听对话,选择正确答案。(10分)听下面一段对话,回答第67题。( )6. Whats wrong with the boy ?A. He

6、 ate too much for lunch. B. He ate something bad. C .He had a stomachache.( )7. What is the boys bad habit?A. Sleeping after lunch. B. Doing exercise right after a meal. C. Eating too much junk food.听下面一段对话,回答第810题。( )8. How much does Sue practice dancing?A .Every day. B. Once a week. C. Twice a wee

7、k.( )9 Whom does Sue dance with?A .Her classmates. B. Her relatives. C .Her friends( )10 .Whom does Nick think Sue should join the competition?A. Because she will make some friends there.B. .Because she will be brave after the competition.C .Because she will love dancing more than before.听下面一段独白,回答第

8、1112题。( )11.What do you know about Janeiro?A .Its the capital of Brazil. B. Its the largest city in Brazil.C. Its the first city to hold the Summer Olympic Games in North America.( )12. What is the population of Rio de Janeiro?A. About 61000000. B. About 6100000. C. About 610000.听下面一段对话,回答第1315题。( )

9、13. What TV program does the girl like?A. Sports News. B. Traveling Channel. C. Discovery Channel.( )14. Why does the girls mother forget to cook dinner sometimes?A .Because she is always forgetting things.B. Because she does too much housework.C. Because she is attracted by the soap opera.( )15. Ho

10、w many people are there in the girls family?A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.III.听短文,将下列活动按照先后顺序重新排序。读两遍。(5分)Ahaving art or P.E classes Bsnack time.CLearning computer skills DTaking math and science classes.EHaving reading and writing.16_ 17_ 18_ 19_ 20_二、单项选择。(15分)( )21He has been _ honest man in his lif

11、e.Aa Ban Cthe D不填( )22What do you think of the film So Young directed by Zhao Wei?Wonderful. I think its _ than the other films about youth in recent years.Athe best Bthe worst Cmuch better Dmuch worse( )23Tom,would you please _ the box?Its for your sister.Anot open Bdont open Cnot to open Dto not o

12、pen( )24There is _ wrong with my computer,it doesnt work now. Ill buy a new one.Anothing Bsomething C. anything D . any body( )25Why not _ your teacher for help when you cant finish _ the story by yourself.Ato ask;write Bto ask;writing Cask;writing Dasking;to write( )26This Japanese dictionary _ Ell

13、ens. She is the only person learning Japanese in our class Amust be Bcant be Cmay be Dcan be( )27How many people were invited to the meeting?About six _.Ahundred Bhundreds Chundred of Dhundreds of( )28I think there will be _ air pollution whenever there are _ people driving.Thats true!I hope the air

14、 will be fresher soon.Aless;less Bless;fewer Cfewer;fewer Dfewer;less( )29Are your shoes expensive?No,I only _ five dollars on them.Aused Bcost Cspent Dtakes( )30Could you tell me how long _?For two weeks.Ahave you borrowed this book Byou have borrowed this bookCyou have kept this book Dhave you kept this book ( )31I wonder if there _ a class meeting this week.If there _,I will tell you at once.Awill be;is Bwould be;have Cis;will be Dwill be;will be( )32Thats the


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